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1、20212021年高一英语公开年高一英语公开课教案课教案精品实用文档精品实用文档Boutique Practical Document120212021 年高一英语公开课教案年高一英语公开课教案普通高中环节的英文,不论是在文史类或是理工科都占据着关键的影响力。因而做为高三英语老师,务必尽量的确保高三英语的教学水平,融合班里学员的具体情况,目的性的制订英语课程教学设计。今日我在这里给大伙儿梳理了一些2021 年高一英语公开课教案,我们一起来瞧瞧吧!2021 年高一英语公开课教案 1课堂教学提前准备课程目标To learn to talk about kinds of musicTo learn

2、to read about bandsTo study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by which/ whom)To learn to write an e-mail教学重难点To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by which/ whom)To learn to write an e-mail学习工具教学课件教学环节I. Warming upWarming up by describingGood morning, class. Today we are going to talk

3、 about an interestingtopic- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinationsofsounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively andhappyatmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reducethetiredness. Listening to music also makes pe

4、ople feel happy and nice. Howmany doyou know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turntopage 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the differentkinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture.Warming up by discussingHi, everyon

5、e. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Canyou2tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look atthepictures. Lets listen to some music. Let s see if you can guess whichmusicmatches with which picture.Classical music Country music Rock n RollRap Orchestra Folk m

6、usicYes, you are right. I m sure you will really enjoy yourselves afterlistening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you likebetter,Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel?Whydo you like to listen to music? Let s discuss these questions in smallgrou

7、ps.Try to share your opinions with one another.II. Pre-reading1.Thinking and sayingHave you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List someif youcan.For reference: Ive heard about “The Beatles”, “Back Street Boys”,“TheEagles”, “West life” and “Pink Floyd”.2.Listening, talking and sharing

8、Lets listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work ingroupsof four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the groupleader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class.For reference: I am from Group 1. Our group likes “The Beatles” best.Welike their style of

9、performances. Listening to their performances, we willfeelrelaxed, amused, and their performances make us think a lot about life.Do you know anything about “The Monkees”?For reference: “The Monkees” is a band that was first popular in the1960sin America. Unlike most bandsof the time, the Monkees wer

10、e not formed byitsmembers but rather by TV producers. They were a fictional band in the TVshow ofthe same name. The band was composed of Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, DavyJones,and Peter Tork. All the members had some musical experience. Lets cometo the3reading - The Band That Wasnt and find more abo

11、ut them.III. Reading1.Reading aloud to the recordingNow please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text THE BANDTHATWASNT. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauseswithineach sentence. I will playthe tape twice and you shallread aloud twice,too.2.Reading and underlinin

12、gNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions orcollocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class ashomework.Collocations from THE BAND THAT WASNTdream of doing , at a concert , with sb. clapping and enjoying , singkaraoke , be honest with oneself, get to form a ba

13、nd, high school students,practice ones music, play to passers-by, in the subway, earn some extramoney,begin as a TV show, play jokes on, be based loosely on, the TV organizers,make good music, put an advertisement in a newspaper, look for rockmusicians,pretend to do sth., the attractive performances

14、, be copied by, supportthemfiercely, become more serious about, play their own instruments, produceonesown records, start touring, break up, in the mid-1980s, a celebration ofonestime as a real band3.Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraphSkim the text and identify the topic sentenc

15、e of each paragraph. Youmayfind it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph.1st paragraph: How do people get to form a band?2nd paragraph: Most musicians meet and form a band.3rd paragraph: One band started as a TV show.4th paragraph: “The Monkees” became even more popular tha

16、n “TheBeatles”.3.Reading and transferring informationRead the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formedaband and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a realband.How do people get to form a band?Members High school students4Reasons They like to write and pl

17、ay music.Places They practice their music in someones home.Forms They may play to passers-by in the street or subway.Results They can earn some extra money. They may also have a chancetodream of becoming famous.How was The Monkees formed and became a real band?The Monkees in 1968 (left to right): Mi

18、cky Dolenz, Peter Tork, MikeNesmith& Davy Jonesbeginning of the band It began as a TV show.style of the performance They played jokes on each other as well asplayedmusic.first music and jokes Most of them were based loosely on the band called“The Beatles”.development of the band They became more ser

19、ious about their work andstarted to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a realband. They produced their own records and started touring and playing theirownmusic.changes of the band The band broke up in about 1970, but reunited inthemid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996

20、, which was a celebration oftheirtime as a real band.4. Reading and understanding difficult sentencesAs you have read the text times, you can surely tell which sentencesaredifficult to understand. Now put your questions concerning the difficultpointsto me.IV. Closing downClosing down by doing exerci

21、sesTo end the lessonyou are todo the comprehending exercises No. 1, 2,3 and4.Closing down by having a discussionDo you think the TV organizers were right to call“The Monkees” aband whenthey did not sing or write their own songs? Why?For reference: I dont think the TV organizers were right to call “T

22、heMonkees” a band when they did not sing or write their own songs becausesinging5and writing its own songs was the basis of a band.Do you agree that the jokes were more important than the music for thisband? Give a reason.For reference: Yes. I think it is the jokes that really attract morefans.No. I

23、 think the purpose of forming a band is getting people to enjoythespirit of music. Its more important than playing jokes just to make peoplelaugh.Closing down by retelling the form of the band The Monkees.I shall write somekey words andexpressions on theboard. You are toretell the form of the band a

24、ccording to these words.课后练习总结学了这堂课你有什么样的获得?课后习题进行课后习题一、二。板书设计Unit 5 Music2021 年高一英语公开课教案 2Teaching aims and demands:a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic offriendsand friendship;b. Learn to express likes and dislikes and make apologies:c. Vocabulary in this unit:the words

25、 and expressions listed on the teachers bookd. Grammar:Direct and indirect speechLesson 1Step 1 Presentation and discussion (warm-up)Put some new words on the blackboard and tell them something about afriend.Kind honest brave loyal happy wise strongbeautiful handsome rich smart funnyThen ask some qu

26、estions around the class and discuss with them.What should a good friend be like?What qualities should a good friend have?Should they be funny, smart and strong?Step 2 ReadingAsk the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING. Ask somequestions:1.What doesnt John like?2.What does Joe think o

27、f music and skiing?And then fill in the form on page 3.6Then ask the students to express their ideas freely. Encourage thestudentsto say more about friends.Step 3ListeningAsk the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in thelistening part.Step 4 Talking/PracticeAsk the students to pag

28、e 85. Make a similar dialogue as in exercise2.Some useful expressions :Why did you? Why didnt you? You said that you wouldPlease forgive me. You promised to I m very sorry It won t happenagain.I forgot.Step 5 HomeworkFinish Exercise 3 in the workbook.Lesson2Step1 RevisionAsk several students to pres

29、ent a speech about friends as a revision.Step 2 Pre-readingPresent the students a picture to illustrate the situation on a lonelyisland. Ask them to list three items in the box and ask them to give thereasonsusing the sentences listed on page3.Step 3 ReadingBefore asking the students to read the tex

30、t, first give the studentsabrief introduction about Tom Hanks, his films and the film Cast Away.Then students read the text, and answer the following questions.1.How does Chuck Noland come to a deserted island?2. In order to survive on the island alone, what does he need to learn?3. What does he und

31、erstand at last?4. For us, what lesson we can learn from Chuck?At the same time explain the language points if necessary.Step 4 Post-readingDiscuss the following questions in the Part POST-READING.Step 5 HomeworkPrepare a talk about Tom Hanks or something about one of his film.Lesson3Step 1 Revision

32、Get the students to give a talk about Tom Hanks or something about oneofhis films.7Step 2 Language StudyAsk the students fill in the blanks with proper words.Step 3 GrammarIllustrate to the students the use of Direct and Indirect Speech.Then ask the students to do the exercise in the Part Grammar on

33、 P5.Step 4 PracticeAsk the students to act the exercise2 in the part Grammar out.Step 5 HomeworkAsk the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbook.Lesson4Step 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 PresentationPresent simples of e-mail to get the students a general idea of e-mail.Step 3 Explana

34、tionTell the students some tips of writing an e-mail by learn the abovee-mailsimple.Step 4 WritingAsk the students to write an e-mail message.Step 5 HomeworkAsk the students to try to write an e-mail to their e-pal.2021 年高一英语公开课教案 3课堂教学提前准备课程目标1. 根据学员共享自身的度假旅游历经,用英文开展沟通交流与表述。2. 根据粗读与找读,使学员获得文章内容关键信息

35、内容,训练阅读方法。3. 根据分组讨论为度假旅游提前准备的物件, 使学生用英语简易的语言表达社会实践活动。教学重难点课堂教学关键:运用阅读方法,获得文章内容疏忽及关键点课堂教学难题:用英语聊天并开展简易社会实践活动度假旅游必须提前准备的物件教学环节I、Warming Up:1. Id like to share my travelling experience with you, and would youliketo share your travelling experience?2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to th

36、ese rivers?设计意图: 绝大多数学员都喜爱度假旅游, 教师谈一谈自身度假旅游的历经,了解学员的度假旅游历经。例举全世界的河流图片,让学员来赏析了解幸福的江河。能合理地激发学员的学习培训主动性。河流图片的展现,学员猜想江河的名称,勾起学员的自学能力及其对自然界的喜爱。II. Pre-reading8Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong Riverflow through?设计意图:展现沿澜沧江湄公河的地形图,造成学员的兴趣爱好,让学员观查地形图,讲出澜沧江湄公河流过的我国,为接着的阅读文章搞好

37、了內容和语汇上的埋下伏笔。III. Reading1. SkimmingSkim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraphPara 1: DreamPara 2: A stubborn sisterPara 3: Preparation设计意图: 粗读:学员迅速访问 课文内容,找寻基本信息并配搭文章段落疏忽。点拔阅读方法:留意每段开始及末尾。2. Scanning1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information:Who and WhatWhere and HowW

38、hy and When设计意图:1.找寻 who,what,where,how,why and when 等重要信息内容,让学员掌握这类记述文的阅读文章关键点。2.依据数据图表转述,训练学员语言表达融合与连贯性的工作能力。2). Please use at least three adjectives to describe Wang Wei accordingtoPara2, and give your reasons.设计意图:细读课文内容第二段,思索最少 3 个修饰词来描绘刘蕾,并运用文章内容讲出根据,目地是让学员细读,并发掘适用自身见解的信息内容。3). Read 3 and answ

39、er: what can they see along the Mekong River?Suppose you are a tourist guide, please introduce the Mekong Riverbrieflyto your audience.设计意图:先让学员从中寻找表明地形地貌的自然地理专业术语,运用品牌形象栩栩如生的 ppt,为学员铲除单词及发音阻碍,随后让学员饰演导游员的人物角色,融合平面图向游人详细介绍澜沧江湄公河,进而做到转述的目地。IV. Group workImagine that you are preparing for your own trip

40、 down the Mekong. Inyourgroups of four: choose 5 things that you think are the most useful, andgiveyour reasons why you choose them.设计理念:读后探讨,学员想像去澜沧江湄公河前必不可少的 5 物品,并表明挑选的原因。为学员提前准备地形图,录音机,毛毯,杯子,救生衣,折叠伞,火柴棍,手机上,数码相机,药品,防晒乳等,学员分组讨论,并且用英文表述本人观点与见解。V. Summary9What have we learned in this class?设计理念:正确引

41、导学员思考这节课具体内容及重点难点。课后习题Homework1. Read the passage as fluently as possible after class.2. Preview Learning about Language.板书设计板书设计:Unit 3 Travel JournalPart 1 The dream and the plancareless waterfalldetermined entireexcited viewcrazystubbornrisk-taking2021 年高一英语公开课教案 4. Teaching Basis (课堂教学根据) : 普通高中

42、英语新课程标准. The Type of the Text (课型) :Revision (备考课). Teaching Methods(教学策略): Question-based method(提出问题式),Group discussionmethod(分组讨论法), Cooperative learning(协作研究), Practicing(训练). Teaching Aids (教学方式) :Multimedia computer(多媒体电脑),Learningpaper(导学案),Blackboard(教室黑板). Teaching Aims(课程目标) : Knowledge ai

43、ms(专业知识总体目标):words: achievement, specialist, organization, hard-working,confident.phrases: put to death, mean doing, eitheror, the bond between,structure:only ., It is/was . that. grammar: Subject-verb agreement.Ability aims(工作能力总体目标): Develop the students ability touse the importantlanguage points,

44、 enable students to describe peopleusing theadjectives.Emotional aims(感情总体目标): Encourage the students to think aboutwhat makesaperson great. Teaching focuses(课堂教学关键):Get the students to review andconsolidate whattheyhave learned in this unit. Teaching difficulties(课堂教学难题): Get the students to turn w

45、hatthey havelearned intotheir ability.Teaching procedure(教学环节): Step 1 备考教学设计状况意见反馈(110分钟)Step 2 lead-in :根据图片展示的方法,衔接到知识竞答节目一站到底 ,这节课也将效仿这类方式讲课。先后详细介绍这节课的竞答标准:本此主题活动分成五轮淘汰赛制,班里共八个工作组,每一个工作组强烈推荐一名参赛选手(做为本小组站神)开展参加:第一轮选用背单词的方法,开展车轱辘比赛,最后取代掉一个工作组,剩下七个工作组取得成功晋升第二轮,取得成功晋升的工作组将得到五分,添加到本小组的总产量化成绩中;例:1. n.

46、造就,贡献 _ 7 .n. 巢,窝_2. n.褔利,社会福利 _ 8.n. 联络,关联,融合,桥梁_ 3. n,新项目,工程项目,整体规划_ 9. n. 观查,观察,遵循 _ 4. n.学好,学校,研究会 _10. n. 儿时,童年时期 _第二轮节选用记语句的方法,在取得成功晋升的七个工作组中开展车轱辘赛,最后取代掉 2 个工作组,剩下五个工作组取得成功晋升第三轮,取得成功晋升的工作组将得到的成绩为上一轮评分的二倍(即 5 乘于 2=10);例:1.过着的日常生活 _ 6 .离去,启航,考虑_ 2.涌上心头,涌进脑海中_ 7.蔑视,看不起 _ 3.查看,参照,提到_ 8. 恰巧,很巧_ 4.不

47、经意遇上,遇到 _ 9 再次,坚持不懈 _第三轮选用记诵语句的方法,在取得成功晋升的五个工作组中开展车轱辘赛,最后取代掉三个工作组,剩下 2 个工作组取得成功晋升第决赛,而且这两个工作组均得到一次免答权,这两个工作组将获的成绩为上一轮评分的二倍(即10 乘于 2=20);例:(1)她的一生统统献给了中国女性和少年儿童的诊疗工作。She (2)这代表着我们要回到前一天夜里大家离去时大猩猩一家入睡的树木旁。;back to the place we left the family sleeping in a tree(3)简事先提示大家,到中午的情况下大家便会又脏又累,她讲正确了。(4)她妈妈头好

48、多个月来帮过她的忙,这才使她得到逐渐自身的方案。begin her project.(5) 比如说,她的一个关键发觉是大猩猩捕食小动物。was that chimps hunt and eat meat.第四轮为复活赛,在前三轮车轮赛中淘汰的 6 个工作组,均可得到一次复生机遇,可是复活赛的规定十分严苛,每一个比赛的工作组务必可以恰当背出任意特定的 3 个语句,八个语句,10 个英语单词,如能取得成功通关,将立即晋升决赛,但不具有免答权;倘若沒有取得成功通关,全部成绩将清零。例:11(1)她的一生统统献给了中国女性和少年儿童的诊疗工作。speakers.A. go on B. carry on

49、 C. carry out D. work on3. The new equipment _ the disabled during the 2008 BeijingParalympics. A. was intended for B. was intended to C. intended for D.intendedto4. He was an _ poet at that time and his _ poems spreadthroughall the country. A. inspired;inspired B. inspiring;inspired C.inspired;insp

50、iring D. inspiring;inspiringShe (2)这代表着我们要回到前一天夜里大家离去时大猩猩一家入睡的树木旁。常见问题:(1)工作组大大加分不总计。(2)前三轮车轮赛中,每一次参赛选手务必拆换,从第四轮逐渐可随意分配,各工作组互相监管,若有违反规定撤销其比赛资质及个人所得成绩。(3)每场车轱辘赛正中间设 1-2 分钟提前准备時间。 (4)参赛者在提前准备時间内提取解题次序。设计意图:(1)提升学习培训的挑战性,提升学员的参与性,提升课堂教学高效率。 (2)塑造团结协作工作能力,提高市场竞争观念。(3)试着一种新的方式,更改英语教学的低沉现况。 Step 3 Summing

51、 up (汇总):Step 4 Homework :(1)创作专题讲座提升, 依据提醒用英文写一篇详细介绍宋庆龄的小短文。(2)Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 1. (3)Previewthenext unit.Step 5 Blackboard Design (板书设计):back to the place left the family sleeping in a tree(3)简事先提示大家,到中午的情况下大家便会又脏又累,她讲正确了。and she is right.1.与别人联络_ 2.测算出,得到_3.胆大的说,

52、坦率的说_ 4.急不可耐做某件事_5.得到博士研究生_ 6.为了更好地别人_7.为什么不呢_ 8.高校入学考(今年高考)_ 1 .vt&vi.行为,主要表现_ 2 .vt. 观查,观查_ 3.vt&n.z 尊重,重视,尊敬_ 4 . vt&vi.探讨,争论,争辩_ 5. vt.鼓励,激起,启发_126 .vi.提到,查看,参照_ 7. vt,方案,准备 _8.vt寄送,生,接产,发布_ 8.adj.坦言的,以诚相待的_10.adj.非常值得的,非常值得做的_.第五轮为决赛,全部进到的决赛的工作组,将任意抽中一个单项选择题目, 请在 20 秒的時间内得出回答, 并开展解释说明, 假如回应不正确将立即淘汰。直至剩下最后一个工作组,最后的机会者的工作组将得到“站神”的头衔,并将得到整场分 40 分。13



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