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1、济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语Lesson 2.2 Level MeasurementsTopics discussed in this unit are as follows:The formulas used in level measurementsThe difference between direct and indirect level measuring devicesThe difference between continuous and single-point measurementsThe various types of instruments avail

2、able for level measurements1 1济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语1. IntroductionThis unit discusses the measurement of the level of liquids and free flowing (自由流动) solids in containers (容器). The detector is normally sensing the interface (界面) between a liquid and a gas, a solid and a liquid, or possibly the interf

3、ace between two liquids. Sensing liquid levels fall into two categories; firstly, single-point sensing (单 点 检 测 ) and secondly, continuous level monitoring (监测). 2这一单元讨论容器内液体和自由流动固体的液面测量这一单元讨论容器内液体和自由流动固体的液面测量. 探测器通常检测液体和气体,固体和液体,或者两种液体之探测器通常检测液体和气体,固体和液体,或者两种液体之间的界面间的界面. 检测液体液面可分为两类:一类是单点检测,第二类是对连检

4、测液体液面可分为两类:一类是单点检测,第二类是对连续液面进行监测续液面进行监测.2济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语1. IntroductionIn the case of single-point sensing the actual level of the material is detected when it reaches a predetermined (预定,预置) level, so that the appropriate action can be taken to prevent overflowing (溢出) or to refill (再充填) the c

5、ontainer.3在单点检测的情况下,当物质的实际液面被检测出达到预定在单点检测的情况下,当物质的实际液面被检测出达到预定液面时,(控制器)采用适当的动作来防止溢出或再次填充液面时,(控制器)采用适当的动作来防止溢出或再次填充容器容器.3济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语1. IntroductionContinuous level monitoring measures the level of the liquid on an uninterrupted (不间断的,连续的) basis. In this case the level of the material will be

6、 constantly monitored and hence, the volume can be calculated if the cross-sectional (横截面) area of the container is known.Level measurements can be direct or indirect; examples of these are using a float technique or measuring pressure and calculating the liquid level. Free flowing solids are dry po

7、wders (粉末), crystals (晶体), rice, grain and so forth.4连续液面监测不断的检测液体液面连续液面监测不断的检测液体液面. 在这种情况下,物质在这种情况下,物质液面被连续监控,因此,如果已知容器的横截面面积,液面被连续监控,因此,如果已知容器的横截面面积,就可以计算出液体的体积就可以计算出液体的体积.液面测量可以是直接或间接的;比如采用浮动方法或者液面测量可以是直接或间接的;比如采用浮动方法或者通过测量压力来计算液体液面通过测量压力来计算液体液面. 自由浮动固体有粉末,自由浮动固体有粉末,晶体,稻米,谷类等等晶体,稻米,谷类等等.4济南大学控制科学

8、与工程学院自动化专业英语2. Level FormulasPressure is often used as an indirect method of measuring liquid levels. Pressure increases as the depth increases in a fluid. The pressure is given byp=hwhere p=change in pressure=specific weight (比重)h=depthNote the units must be consistent (一致的), i.e., pounds and feet,

9、 or Newtons and meters.5 5济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语2. Level FormulasBuoyancy (浮力) is an indirect method used to measure liquid levels. The level is determined using the buoyancy of an objet partially immersed (浸没,沉入) in a liquid. The buoyancy B or upward force on a body in a liquid can be calculated from

10、 the equationB=areadWhere area is the cross-sectional area of the object and d is the immersed depth of the object.6浮力是测量液面的一种间接方法浮力是测量液面的一种间接方法. 液位通过一个部分沉浸在液位通过一个部分沉浸在液体中的物体的浮力而确定得出液体中的物体的浮力而确定得出. 浮力或液体中物体受到的浮力或液体中物体受到的向上的力向上的力B可以用以下方程计算可以用以下方程计算其中面积是指物体的横截面积,其中面积是指物体的横截面积,d指物体浸没的深度指物体浸没的深度. 6济南大学控

11、制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语2. Level FormulasThe liquid level is then calculated from the weight of a body in a liquid WL, which is equal to its weight in air (WA-B), from which we get The weight of a container can be used to calculate the level of the material in the container. In Figure 2.2.1(a) the volume V o

12、f the material in the container is given by V=areadepth=r2dWhere r is the radius of the container and d is the depth of the material.7因此,液体的液位可以通过物体在液体中的重量因此,液体的液位可以通过物体在液体中的重量WL计算得计算得出,其中出,其中WL等于物体在空气中的重量等于物体在空气中的重量(WA-B), 由该关系我们由该关系我们得出上式得出上式连续容器的重量可以被用来计算容器中材料的液位。在连续容器的重量可以被用来计算容器中材料的液位。在图形图形2.2.

13、1(a)中,容器中材料的体积中,容器中材料的体积V可以表示为可以表示为 V=areadepth=r2d其中其中r表示容器的半径,表示容器的半径,d表示材料的深度。表示材料的深度。7济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语2. Level FormulasThe weight of material W in a container is given by W=VCapacitive probes (电电 容容 电电 极极 ) can be used in nonconductive (非非导导电电的的) liquids and free flowing solids for level mes

14、urement. Many materials, when placed between the plates of a capacitor, increase the capacitance by a factor called the dielectric constant (介介电电常常数数) of the material. For instance, air has a dielectric constant of 1 and water 80. Figure 2.2.1(b) shows two capacitor plates partially immersed in a no

15、nconductive liquid. The capacitance (Cd) is given by 8电容电极可以用于非导电液体和自由流动固体的液面测量电容电极可以用于非导电液体和自由流动固体的液面测量. 许多材料被放置于电容板之间时,以因子许多材料被放置于电容板之间时,以因子来增加电容量,来增加电容量, 被称作该材料的介电常数被称作该材料的介电常数. 比如,空气的介电常数为比如,空气的介电常数为1,水,水的介电常数为的介电常数为80. 图图2.2.1(b)表示了部分浸入非导电液体的两表示了部分浸入非导电液体的两个电容板个电容板. 8济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语2. Leve

16、l FormulasWhere Ca=capacitance with no liquid =dielectric constants of the liquid between the plates r=height of the plates d=depth or level of the liquid between the platesThere are large variations in dielectric constant with temperature so that temperature correction may be needed. In Eq.(2.2.6)

17、the liquid level is given by 9其中,其中,Ca表示没有液体时的电容,表示没有液体时的电容, 表示电容板之间液体的表示电容板之间液体的介电常数,介电常数,r表示电容板的高度,表示电容板的高度,d表示电容板之间液体的液表示电容板之间液体的液面或深度。面或深度。介电常数会随着温度的变化而发生较大的改变,因此需要介电常数会随着温度的变化而发生较大的改变,因此需要进行温度校正。进行温度校正。9济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesThere are two categories of level sensing device

18、s. They are direct sensing, in which case the actual level is monitored, and indirect sensing where a property of the liquid such as pressure is sensed to determine the liquid level.10液面测量仪器可以分为两类液面测量仪器可以分为两类. 一类是直接测量,监测当前的一类是直接测量,监测当前的液面,液面,另一类是间接测量,通过测量液体的性质,比如压力,来计另一类是间接测量,通过测量液体的性质,比如压力,来计算出液体的液

19、面算出液体的液面.10济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesDirect Level SensingSight glass (open end/differential) or gauge is the simplest method for direct visual reading.As shown in Figure 2.2.2 the sight glass is normally mounted (安安置置) vertically adjacent (邻近的邻近的) to the container. The liquid level

20、 can then be observed directly in the sight glass. 11直接液面测量(法)直接液面测量(法)玻璃液面计或玻璃液面表是最为简单的方法,可以直接视觉玻璃液面计或玻璃液面表是最为简单的方法,可以直接视觉读取数据读取数据. 如图所示,通常玻璃液面计垂直放置在容器旁边如图所示,通常玻璃液面计垂直放置在容器旁边. 那么液体的液面可以通过玻璃液面计直接观察到那么液体的液面可以通过玻璃液面计直接观察到.11济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesThe container in Figure 2.2.2(a) i

21、s closed. In this case the ends of the glass are connected to the top and bottom of the tank, as would be used with a pressurized (增增压压的的) container (带带压压容容器器,带带压压储储罐罐) (boiler,锅锅炉炉,蒸蒸发发器器) or a container with volatile (易易挥挥发发的的), flammable (易易燃燃的的), hazardous (危危险险的的) , or pure liquids. In cases wh

22、ere the tank contains inert (惰惰性性) liquids such as water and pressurization is not required, the tank and sight glass can both be open to the atmosphere as shown in Figure 2.2.2(b).12图图2.2.2(a)中的容器是封闭的中的容器是封闭的. 在这种情况下,玻璃液面计的在这种情况下,玻璃液面计的两端与容器的顶部和底部相连,用于加压储罐两端与容器的顶部和底部相连,用于加压储罐(比如锅炉比如锅炉),或者带有易挥发、易燃、危

23、险、或提纯液体的容器或者带有易挥发、易燃、危险、或提纯液体的容器. 当容器内装有惰性液体,比如水,并且不需要加压的当容器内装有惰性液体,比如水,并且不需要加压的情况下,容器和玻璃液面计都可以与空气相连,情况下,容器和玻璃液面计都可以与空气相连,如图如图2.2.2(b)所示所示.12济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesThe top of the sight glass must have the same pressure conditions as the top of the liquid or the liquid levels in

24、the tank and sight glass will be different. In cases where the sight glass is excessively long, a second inert liquid with higher density than the liquid in the container can be used in the sight glass (see Figure 2.2.2(c).13玻璃液面计的顶端必须与容器中液体顶端具有同样的压力条玻璃液面计的顶端必须与容器中液体顶端具有同样的压力条件,否则容器的液位和玻璃液面计的液位将不一致件

25、,否则容器的液位和玻璃液面计的液位将不一致. 当玻璃液面计过长时,可以在玻璃液面计内使用第二种惰性当玻璃液面计过长时,可以在玻璃液面计内使用第二种惰性液体,其密度比容器内液体密度更高液体,其密度比容器内液体密度更高(如图如图2.2.2(c)所示所示).13济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesFloats (浮浮体体,浮浮标标) (angular arm or pulley,角角臂臂或或滑滑轮轮) are shown in Figure 2.2.3. The figure shows two types of simple float sens

26、ors. The float material is less dense than the density of the liquid and floats up and down on top of the material being mesured. In Figure 2.2.3(a) a float with a pulley is used; this method can be used with either liquids or free flowing solids. With free flowing solids, agitation (搅搅拌拌) is someti

27、mes used to level the solids.14图所示为浮体图所示为浮体(浮力传感器浮力传感器)(角臂式或滑轮式角臂式或滑轮式). 该图给出了两该图给出了两种简单的浮力式传感器种简单的浮力式传感器. 浮体材料的密度小于液体密度,并且在被测材料顶部上下浮浮体材料的密度小于液体密度,并且在被测材料顶部上下浮动动. 2.2.3(a)使用滑轮式浮体,这种方法可以在液体或自由使用滑轮式浮体,这种方法可以在液体或自由流动固体中使用流动固体中使用. 当测量自由流动固体时当测量自由流动固体时, 有时需要搅拌有时需要搅拌,使固体面保持水平使固体面保持水平.14济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英

28、语3. Level Sensing DevicesAn advantage of the float sensor is that it is almost independent of the density of the liquid or solid being monitored. If the surface of the material being monitored is turbulent (扰动的,湍流) , causing the float reading to vary excessively, some means of damping might be used

29、in the system. 15浮力式传感器的一个优点是它几乎不受监测液体或固体密度浮力式传感器的一个优点是它几乎不受监测液体或固体密度的影响的影响. 如果被测物质的表面是扰动的,使得浮标读数变化过大,那如果被测物质的表面是扰动的,使得浮标读数变化过大,那么在系统中要采取一些阻尼方法么在系统中要采取一些阻尼方法.15济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesIn Figure 2.2.3(b) a ball float is attached to an arm; the angle of the arm is measured to indic

30、ate the level of the material (an example of the use of this type of sensor is the monitoring of the fuel level in the tank of an automobile). Although very simple and cheap to manufacture, the disadvantage of this type of float is its nonlinearity as shown by the line of sight scale in Figure 2.2.4

31、(a). The scale can be replaced with a potentiometer (电位计) to obtain an electrical signal that can be linearized for industrial use.16在图在图2.2.3(b)中,浮球连接到一个臂上,通过测量臂的角度中,浮球连接到一个臂上,通过测量臂的角度来指示物质液面来指示物质液面(使用这种传感器的一个例子,是测量汽车油使用这种传感器的一个例子,是测量汽车油箱里的燃料液面箱里的燃料液面). 尽管这种浮力式传感器制造起来既简单又便宜,但它的缺点尽管这种浮力式传感器制造起来既简单又便

32、宜,但它的缺点在于其非线性特性,如图在于其非线性特性,如图2.2.4(a)中的视觉刻度线所示中的视觉刻度线所示. 这种刻度可以采用电位计来代替,用以得到在工业使用中可这种刻度可以采用电位计来代替,用以得到在工业使用中可以线性化的电信号。以线性化的电信号。16济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesFigure 2.2.4(b) shows an alternative method of using pulleys to obtain a direct visual scale that can be replaced by a potentio

33、meter to obtain a linear electrical output with level.Probes (探针,探测器) for measuring liquid levels fall into three categories, i.e., conductive (传导的,导电的), capacitive (电容的), and ultrasonic (超声波).17图图2.2.4(b)是另一种滑轮式方法(浮力传感器),可直接获是另一种滑轮式方法(浮力传感器),可直接获得视觉刻度,该刻度可采用电位计来代替,以获得液面的线得视觉刻度,该刻度可采用电位计来代替,以获得液面的线性

34、电信号输出性电信号输出.检测液面的探针可以分为三类,导电式,电容式,和超声波检测液面的探针可以分为三类,导电式,电容式,和超声波式式.17济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesConductive probes are used for single-point measurements in liquids that are conductive and nonvolatile as a spark (火花) can occur. Conductive probes are shown in Figure 2.2.5(a). Two or m

35、ore probes as shown can be used to indicate set levels. If the liquid is in a metal container, the container can be used as the common probe.18导电电极导电电极(传感器传感器) 用于单点液位测量,液体是导电的并且不用于单点液位测量,液体是导电的并且不可挥发,以防止电火花的产生可挥发,以防止电火花的产生. 导电电极如图导电电极如图2.2.5(a)所示所示. 两个或更多的电极可用于显示液位两个或更多的电极可用于显示液位. 如果液体在一个金属容如果液体在一个金

36、属容器中,那么该容器可以用作普通电极器中,那么该容器可以用作普通电极.18济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesWhen the liquid is in contact with two probes the voltage between the probes causes a current to flow indicating that a set level has been reached. Thus, probes can be used to indicate when the liquid level is low and t

37、o operate a pump to fill the container. Another or a third probe can be used to indicate when the tank is full and to turn off (关闭) the filling pump.19当液体与两个电极均有接触时,两个电极之间的电压产生电当液体与两个电极均有接触时,两个电极之间的电压产生电流,说明液面已经达到了设定值流,说明液面已经达到了设定值. 因此,电极可用于测试液位较低的情形,驱动泵的运行来填因此,电极可用于测试液位较低的情形,驱动泵的运行来填充容器充容器. 另外或第三个电

38、极可以用于显示容器填充满的时候,以关闭另外或第三个电极可以用于显示容器填充满的时候,以关闭泵的运行泵的运行.19济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesCapacitive probes are used in liquids that are nonconductive and have a high and can be used for continuous level monitoring. The capacitive probe shown in Figure 2.2.5(b) consists of an inner rod (连杆

39、) with an outer shell (壳 ); the capacitance is measured between the two using a capacitance bridge. 20电容电极用于不导电并且具有很高的介电常数电容电极用于不导电并且具有很高的介电常数的液体,可的液体,可以用于连续液面监测以用于连续液面监测. 图图2.2.5(b)所示的电容电极包括一个内杆和一个外壳;两者所示的电容电极包括一个内杆和一个外壳;两者之间的电容值用电容电桥测量之间的电容值用电容电桥测量. 20济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesIn

40、 the portion out of the liquid, air serves as the dielectric between the rod and outer shell. In the immersed section, the dielectric is that of the liquid that causes a large capacitive change, if the tank is made of metal it can serve as the outer shell.21在液体以外的部分,空气作为内杆和外壳之间的电介质在液体以外的部分,空气作为内杆和外壳

41、之间的电介质. 浸入液体的部分,液体作为电介质并产生较大的电容变化,浸入液体的部分,液体作为电介质并产生较大的电容变化,如果容器是用金属做的,那么容器也可以作为外壳如果容器是用金属做的,那么容器也可以作为外壳.21济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesThe capacitance change is directly proportional to the level of the liquid. The dielectric constant of the liquid must be known for this type of meas

42、urement. The dielectric constant can vary with temperature so that temperature correction may be required.22电容变化与液位变化直接比例相关电容变化与液位变化直接比例相关. 在这种测量办法中,液在这种测量办法中,液体的介电常数必须已知体的介电常数必须已知. 在介电常数随温度变化,因此需要进行温度校正在介电常数随温度变化,因此需要进行温度校正.22济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesUltrasonics can be used for s

43、ingle point or continuous level measurement of a liquid or a solid. A single ultrasonic transmitter (发送器) and receiver (接收器) can be arranged with a gap (间隙,缺口) as shown in Figure 2.2.6(a) to give single-point measurement. As soon as liquid fills the gap, ultrasonic waves from the transmitter reach t

44、he receiver. 23超声波超声波(传感器传感器)可以用于液体或固体的单点液位测量或连续可以用于液体或固体的单点液位测量或连续液位测量液位测量. 一套超声波发送器和接收器,在安装时两者之间留有一定的一套超声波发送器和接收器,在安装时两者之间留有一定的间隙,来实现单点液位测量,如图间隙,来实现单点液位测量,如图2.2.6(a)所示。所示。当液体充满间隙时,超声波可以从发送器传送到接收器当液体充满间隙时,超声波可以从发送器传送到接收器. 23济南大学控制科学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesA setup for continuous measurem

45、ent is shown in Figure 2.2.6(b). Ultrosonic waves from the transmitter are reflected by the surface of the liquid to the receiver; the time for the waves to reach the receiver is measured. The time delay gives the distance from the transmitter and receiver to the surface of the liquid, from which th

46、e liquid level can be calculated knowing the velocity of ultrasonic waves. 24图图2.2.6(b)给出了连续给出了连续(液位液位)测量的装置测量的装置. 发送器发出的超声发送器发出的超声波被液体表面反射到接收器;测量超声波传递到接收器所用波被液体表面反射到接收器;测量超声波传递到接收器所用的时间的时间. 该时间延迟给出了从发送器和接收器到液体表面的距离,该时间延迟给出了从发送器和接收器到液体表面的距离, 从中通过已知超声波的速度,就可以计算出液体的液面从中通过已知超声波的速度,就可以计算出液体的液面.24济南大学控制科

47、学与工程学院自动化专业英语3. Level Sensing DevicesAs there is no contact with the liquid, this metod can be used for solids and (腐蚀的) and volatile liquids. In a liquid the transmitter and receiver can also be placed on the bottom of the container and the time measured for a signal to be reflected from the surface of the liquid to the receiver to measure the depth of the liquid.25由于该装置与液体没有接触,所以这个方法可以用于固体和由于该装置与液体没有接触,所以这个方法可以用于固体和腐蚀性和挥发性的液体腐蚀性和挥发性的液体. 在液体中,发送器和接收器也可以安置于容器底部,信号被在液体中,发送器和接收器也可以安置于容器底部,信号被液体表面反射到接收器的时间可以测量液体的深度液体表面反射到接收器的时间可以测量液体的深度.25



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