任凤慧外贸函电课件 8 payment

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《任凤慧外贸函电课件 8 payment》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《任凤慧外贸函电课件 8 payment(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 payment Points for attention:Letters regarding payment often fall into the following types: discussing mode of payment, urging establishment of L/C, amending L/C or asking for extension of L/C.Letter 11.We have received your statement for the quarter ended September 30 and found that it agree

2、s with our books.2.Credit: 贷记3.The unpaid balance:未付余额东南大学远程教育外贸函电第第 二十五二十五 讲讲主讲教师:任凤慧主讲教师:任凤慧WritingWrite a letter to your customer , acknowledging receipt of his order, but regret being unable to accept it at the prices quoted previously . Quote your current prices and ask for your customers opini

3、on.Dear sirs, We thank you for your order No. 6235 for delivery in February/March We regret, however, that we cannot book the order at the prices we quoted six weeks ago. As you know , freight and the cost of materials have risen substantially in the meantime, and we were compelled to adjust our pri

4、ces in order to cover at least part of this increase. The lowest prices we can quote today are as follows: “Jasmine” Shampoo at USD per dozen. “Jasmine” Toilet Soap at USD per dozen. The above prices are understood on CIF Singapore basis. Please inform us by return whether we may book your order at

5、these revised prices; we shall then be able to give you delivery in February/March as required Yours faithfullyLetter 21.Urge establishment of L/C: 催促尽早开立信用证2.With reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our Sales Confirmation No.TE151Letter 31.Draw a draft/bill on sb. : 开立以某人为付款人的汇票Letter 41.Amen

6、d L/C : 修改信用证2.Partial shipment: 分批装运3.Transshipment: 转运4.Open/establish/issue an L/C: 开立信用证5. We have received your L/C NO. 1236 issued by the Mercantile Bank, New York for the amount of US$25,300 covering 30,000 dozen Stretch Nylon Socks.6. Direct steamers: 直达船7. Few and far between: 稀少东南大学远程教育外贸函

7、电第第 二十六二十六 讲讲主讲教师:任凤慧主讲教师:任凤慧Letter 51. Under the circumstances, we regret to have to ask you to extend the above L/C to August 31 and September 15 for shipment and negotiation respectively, with the amendment to reach us by 15,Letter 61.In view of : 鉴于2.Exceptional case: 特例3.We hope the above payme

8、nt terms will be acceptable to you and expect to receive your trial order in due course.Word studyPayAmendFavourcredit东南大学远程教育外贸函电第第 二十七二十七 讲讲主讲教师:任凤慧主讲教师:任凤慧Exercises II. 1.In compliance with: 与一致2.See to it that: 务必3.Weight memo: 重量单15. Fall due: 到期Translate the following sentences1. 我们的付款方式,一般是以保

9、兑的,不可撤销的,以我公司为收益人的,按发票金额见票即付的信用证支付。该信用证应通过我们认可的银行开出。Our usual mode of payment is by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight for the full amount of the invoice value to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to us.东南大学远程教育外贸函电第第 二十八二十八 讲讲主讲教师:任凤慧主讲教师:任凤慧2.

10、 为了你方在你市场推销我方产品铺平道路,我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,以示特别照顾, In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we will accept the payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation.3. 第268号合约项下的800辆自行车备妥待运已久,但至今我们尚未收到你们的有关信用证。请速开来,以便装运。The 800 bicycles under Contract 268 have been re

11、ady for shipment for quite some time, but we have not yet received your covering L/C to date. Please open the L/C as soon as possible so that we may effect shipment.4. 现通知,你方通过利物浦麦加利银行开出的有关我方第187号售货确认书的信用证第H-15号刚刚收到。 经审阅其中条款,我们遗憾地发现某些地方与合同规定的条款不符,其不符之处如下: 1)佣金应是3,不是6 2)货物应于10月11月之间装运,不是10月30日或30日之前装

12、运 3)货物按发票价值的110投保保险,不是150。We are pleased to inform you that L/C No. H-15 issued by the Chartered Bank of Liverpool for our S/C No. 187 has just been received. However , on examining the clauses contained therein, we regretfully find that certain points are not in conformity with the terms stipulated

13、 in the contract. The discrepancies are as follows: 1) Commission is 3%, not 6%. 2) Shipment is to be made during Oct./Nov. instead of “on or before 30th October”. 3) Goods should be insured for 110% of the invoice value, not 150% 5. 收到你方789号信用证,谢谢。 经核对条款,我们遗憾地发现你方信用证要求2000年10月装运,但我方合约规定11月份装运。因此,务请

14、把装运期和议付期分别展至2000年11月30日和12月15日。 请即办理展证事宜,并尽早电复。We thank you for your L/C No.789, but on checking its clauses we find with regret that your L/C calls for shipment in October,2000, whereas our contract stipulate for November shipment. Therefore, it is imperative for your to extend the shipment date to

15、 November 30, and negotiation date to December 15,2000 respectively. Please act promptly and let us have your cable reply the soonest possible.东南大学远程教育外贸函电第第 二十九二十九 讲讲主讲教师:任凤慧主讲教师:任凤慧Writing Write a reply to the letter 5 in Unit 8, tell the exporter that due to the complicated formalities of applyin

16、g for licence and the validity of it, you cannot extend the relevant L/C. Dear sirs, L/C NSW6180 We have received your letter of June 30th requesting us to extend the above L/C to the 31st of August and the 15th of September for shipment and negotiation respectively. We are quite aware of the condit

17、ions set forth in S/C 89STX-5491 that the goods ordered could be shipped in July if the covering L/C reached you on the 15th of June at the latest, However, as we had to go through the necessary formalities of applying for the relevant import licence , we could not open the L/C earlier. The import l

18、icence was granted on June 17 and is valid only up to the 31st of July. We are willing to do whatever we can to cooperate with you, but as the present import regulations do not allow any extension of licence, we regret having to say that is beyond our ability to meet your request to extend the above L/C. Please do your best to ship the goods in time and we thank you for your cooperation. Yours faithfully



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