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1、首字母填空首字母填空1】 Six-year-old Harry w(1) to buy a l(2) Christmas present for his sister. But he hadonly five cents in his p(3) . He went a(4) the shops and came back with a s(5).What is your present ? His mother asked him.I got h(6) one ice just now. he said.Well, you know ,Harry, said mother , Christma

2、s is i(7) two w(8) time.I suddenly r(9) that after I bought it, Mom. answered Harry,and so I a(10) it.2】There are many living things in the air. They can be bad f(1) our food. Somethings,such as insects昆虫, can be s(2) by us.O(3), like bacteria 细菌, canbe seen only with microscope显微镜.All living things

3、 n(4) water. We can k(5) some of our food by d(6) it. Livingthings can g(7) only at certain temperatures.We can also keep our feed by heating 加热orc(8) it.We can keep some living things away f(9) our food by wrapping 包装it.3 】Mostpeoplegotoschoolforane(1).Theylearnlanguages,historys,physics,chemistry

4、and maths.O(2) go to school to learn a s(3)so that they can make a living l(4) on. School learning is very important and u(5).But no one can learn e(6) from school. A teachers j(7) is to show his studentshow to t(8). So the students t(9) must learn much more o(10)school.4】When the Americans w(1) get

5、ting ready to send their f(2) men to themoon,an old Irishman w(3) watching them on television in the bar of a hotel.There w(4) an Englishman in the bar too,and he s(5) to the Irishman,TheAmericans are very clever,arent they?Theyre g(6) to send some men to the moon,Its avery long way from our w(7).Oh

6、,thats n(8),the Irishman a(9) quickly.The Irish are going to s(10)some men to the sun in a few months time.Thats much f(11) away than the moon,youknow.The Englishman w(12) very surprised when he h(13) this.Oh,yes,it is,he said,butthe suns too h(14) for people to go t(15).The Irishman l(16) and a(17)

7、,Well,the Irish arent s(18),you know.Wew(19) go to the sun during the day,of course.Well go there during the n(20).5】Every year many people from different countries come to America to l(1)English.Most of t(2) are young. They learn the language a(3) school. Why do they want to learnEnglish? Because E

8、nglish is a very u(4) language.Many books,n(5) and magazinesare published in English.If they k(6)English,they can read them a(7)learn more thingsin t(8) world. And why do they want to come to America to learn this language? They think if1they are in that English-speaking c(9) , they can learn good E

9、nglish q(10).6】Once there was an old Indian.He came to a farmers house and asked for some d(1).The farmer told him to come in and sit down to dinner.There were a German and Frenchman too.The farmer said,Well,you are the l(2) man to come.You shall serve the chicken.TheI(3) agreed and a whore chicken

10、was brought in.He c(4) off the head and gave it to thef(5), and said You are the head man here.You shall have head. He gave the neck to thefarmers wife and said, You are n(6) of head so you shall have the neck. Each of thefarmers daughters was given a w(7). You will soon fly away from home andyou ea

11、chhave a wing. He said to the Frenchman and the German, You two p_8) fellows have along way to go to get h(9). and gave each of them a foot.Then he said, I am just a poor old Indian beggar. Ill eat what l(10).7】Dear, Mary. We had a good time this summer holiday. You know I went to Nanjing to v(1) ou

12、r relatives with my parents. The w(2) in Nanjing is hotter than that in Shanghai.Myfathers parents l(3) there.They are both over sixty years old,but they look very well.Mygrandmother c(4) nice food for us. My uncle has a son. My aunt is in Nanjing, too. Shehas a d(5). My father likes his niece very

13、much.When I was in Nanjing, I played withmy two c(7).On the last day there,all of u(8) went to the park and dinner t(9).Look at this photograph.We all have smiling f(10). Guess how many of us! Eleven.8】All a(1) the world, people d(2) tea.But tea doesnt mean the s(3) thing toeveryone. In d(4) countri

14、es people have very different ideas a(5) drinking tea.In China, for example, tea is a(6) served when people get together. The C(7)drank it at any t(8) of the day at homes or in teahouses. They p(9) their tea plain, withn(10) else in it.Tea is also i(11) in Japan. The Japanese have a s(12) way of ser

15、ving tea called a teaceremony.It is very o(13) and full of meaning. Everything m(14) be done in a specialway in the ceremony.There is e(15) a special room for it in Japanese homes.A(16) tea-drinking country is England.In England, the late afternoon is teatime.Almost e(17) has a cup of tea then. The

16、English usually m(18) tea in a teapot anddrink it w(19 milk and sugar.They also eat cakes, cookies and little s(20)at teatime.In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or a(21) meals. Americans usuallyu(22) tea sags to their tea. Tea bags are faster and e(23) than making tea in teap

17、ots. Insummer,many Americans drink c(24) tea-iced tea.Sometimes they drink iced tea fromcans, like soda.9】Mrs Smith had a small son. His name was Billy. Mrs Smith loved her son very much. As hewas not a strong c(1) and she was always afraid that he might get ill, she took him to thebest d(2) in the

18、town four times a year to be examined.During one of these v(3), the doctor gave Billy various(各种各样的tests and then said to2him,Have you had any t(4) with your nose or ears recently?Billy t(5) for a moment and then answered Yes, I have.Mrs Smith was very w(6),But Im sure youve never told me that, Bill

19、y! she saidanxiously.10】Kate: Hi, Mike! w(1) did you come back from Germany?Mike: Two days ago.Kate: How was your t(2)?Mike: It was wonderful. I had a good time.Kate: Oh, I like your s(3). Is it new?Mike: Yes. I g(4) it in Germany.Kate: I really like the colour. It l(5) good on you.Mike: Thank you.K

20、ate: Fathers Day is c(6). Its on the t(7) S(8) of J(9).I will send one just like y(10) to my father as a gift.Mike: Good.11】It was a few days before C(1), so when the office c(2) at half past five, mostof the young men and typists stayed and had a party. They a(3) and d(4),danced and s(5) songs, and

21、 nobody w(6) to go home.But Joe h(7)a wife at home ,and l(8) quite a long way from the city.Every few minutes he l(9) at his watch, and last, whenit was very late, he b(10) to leave.Joe! shouted his friends. Are you leaving? W(11) dont you stay and e(12)the party?I am not leaving,s(13) Joe.I am only

22、 going down to the station to m(14)the last train back home.I w(15) be back here in a few minutes.12】She h_ a yellow sweater. Its very n_. But its too small. She n_ a new one. So she goesto Hua xing Clothes Store with h_ mother on Sunday. There are lots o_ clothes and she l_ ablue sweater v _ much,

23、but its too b_. At last, they buy a green sweater at a good price. Itsonly ¥30!13】A lot of people think that animals in the zoo are happy, but m_ of them are sad. Do youknow why? Animals like tigers, lions, and bears usually live in f_ or mountains. They run,jump, piay with their children and catch

24、small animals f_ food. But now they have to stay inc_ or small rooms in the zoo. They do nothing but eat,walk and sleep every day.14】Thanksgiving Day is o( )the fourth Thursday of November. The fThanksgiving Daywas in t1621.On Thanksgiving Day, pin America get together with family andf.People efood

25、like turkey(火鸡)and pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼). On3Thanksgiving Day they s,dance and play games at the p.Many familes likew( )the Thanksgiving Day parade(游行 )on TV. They have a gtime on that day.15】We are at the Shanghai Museum , boys and girls .You k_, China is a great country with along history .From the e

26、xhibits in the museum ,Im s_ you will know m_ about ourcountry.We will s_ here for an hour and will leave at one thirty .The bus will be waiting for you infront of the museum .Please remember thebus number and be b_ on time .Dont forget toclose the windows before you l_ the bus.16】 A tourist saw a r

27、oad sign that says: N(through Way. Please Go Another Way. He lookeda() and saw nothing wrong at all. He decided to go on, thinking the sign was a k() ofjoke. After a while he saw a broken and h() to turn back. When he came to the sign on theroad, he s() these words its backside: Welcome to Come Back

28、. You Fool!17】 Mrs White works in a middle school. It is Sunday. She has no w().At ten in the morning,she c( )to shop. There she buys a nice dress f()herself.She puts it in her b()and t()buys some cakes for her children. At eleven fifteen sheg()home. She wants to put her new d(),but she cant f()her

29、bag. Shetelephones the shop assistant, Hello, Mrs Black. This is Mrs White speaking. Can youh()me to find my bag? Its in your s().”Of course, I can, Mrs White,” says the assistant. We find three bags h().Butw()one is yours?” Im coming s(),”Mrs White says. I cantell you which one ism()”18】There are f

30、our s() in a year. They a()spring, summer, autumn and winter.I()Beijing many people like winter though it is very c().In winter the days becomes()and the nights l(),It often snows, after snowing children always play gamesw()snow, Its very interesting, i()it? And its a good season f()people to gos().

31、19】Last Saturday, I w_ shopping with my mum. I s_ a beautiful skirt and mum l_ ittoo. But it was a little b_ for me,and they did not have a smaller one.20】There is a g _boy in Bens class. Miss White and the children are going to have a p_for him. They are going to sing some s_at the party. Ben plays

32、 the guitarvery w_ .Miss White wants Ben to p_ his guitar to the party. Miss White calls Ben. ButBen is not a_home .Bens mother answers the p _. She will tell Ben about the guitar.4答案:1】(1) went(2) little(3) pocket(4) around(5) stick(6) her(7) in(8) weeks(9)remembered(10) ate2】 (1) for(2) seen(3) Ot

33、hers(4) need(5) keep(6) drying(7) grow(8) cooling(9)from3】 (1) education(2) Others(3) skill(4) later(5) useful(6) everything(7) job(8) think(9) themselves(10) outside4】(1) were(2) first(3) was(4) was (5) said(6) going(7) world(8) nothing(9answered10) send(11) farther(12) was(13) heard(14) hotto(16)

34、laughed(17) answered(18) stupid(19) wont(20) night5】 (1) learn(2) them(3) at(4) useful(5) newspapers(6) know(7) and(8) the(9)country(10) quickly6】 (1) dinner(2) last(3Indian 4cut(5) farmer(6) next(7) wing(8) poor(9)home(10) left7】(1) visit(2) weather(3) live(4)cocked(5) daughter(6) cousins(7) happil

35、y(8) us(9) together(10) faces8】 1around(2) drink(3) same(4) different(5) about(6) always(7) Chinese(8)time(9) prefer(10) nothing(11) important(12) special(13)old(14) must(15) even(16) Another(17) everyone (18) make(19) with(20) snack(21) after(22) use(23)easier(24) cold9】 (1) child(2) doctor(3) visi

36、ts(4) trouble(5) thought(6) worried10】(1) when(2) trip(3) shirt(4) got(5) looks(6) coming(7) third(8) Sunday(9) June(10) yours11】 (1)Christmas(2)closed(3)ate(4)drank(5)sang(6)wanted(7)had(8)lived(9)looked(10)began(11)Why(12)enjoy(13)said(14)miss(15)will12】has nice needs her of likes very big13】most

37、forests for cages14】on firstthe people friends eat sing party watching great15】know sure more stay back leave16】around kind hurried saw17】work,comes,for,bag,then,goes,dress,find,help,shop,here,which,soon,mine18】season are In cold short long with isnt for skiing19】went saw liked big20】good party songs well play at photo5



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