七年级英语下册 Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 2 Meet You in Beijing教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、学练优英语教学课件学练优英语教学课件JJ七年级(下)Unit1ATriptotheSilkRoadLesson2MeetYouinBeijingHaveyoueverbeentoBeijing?WhatdoyouknowabouttheTerraCottaWarriors?DoyouwanttotakeatriptoBeijing?WHATDOYOUKNOWABOUTBEIJING? theGreatWall BirdsNestthePalaceMuseum WaterCube PEKINGROASTDUCKCross TalkWordsandexpressionsexciting adj.使

2、人激使人激动动的的along prep. 沿着沿着kilometre n.千米,公里千米,公里special adj. 特殊的;特特殊的;特别别的的Wordsandexpressionsculture n. 文化文化arrive v. 到达;抵达到达;抵达Terra Cotta Warrior 兵马俑兵马俑leave v. 动身;出发;离开动身;出发;离开1. Its 10 _(公里公里) from here to Beijing. kilometresExercises2. Youd better_(离开离开) early tomorrow morning. leave 3. Its 24

3、_(公里公里) from here to there. kilometres 4. Walk_(沿着沿着) the street and turn left. along5. How much do you know about the history and _(文化文化) of China? culture HowfarisBeijing?HowfarisitfromheretoBeijing?Itsaboutonethousandsixhundredkilometres.Talkingaboutdistance(距离距离):CanadaisfarfromChina.Language po

4、ints1. How far is it from Beijing to Xian? 从北京到西安多远?从北京到西安多远? How far 意为意为“多远多远”,用来询问距离,用来询问距离或路程的远近,或路程的远近,常用句型为:常用句型为: How far is it from A to B? 或或 How far is B from A? 答语为:答语为: Its meter(s)/kilometer(s). 2. Its about 1,114 kilometers.大概有大概有1114公里。公里。 how far (距离)多远,(空间)距离)多远,(空间)How far is it fr

5、om Lanzhou to Dunhuang? Its about 1, 100 kilometres. how long 多长多长 (空间(空间); 多长(时间多长(时间)How long is the Silk Road? Its 6, 500 kilometres (long). How long will you stay in China? I will stay in China for 10 days.1) _ is the Yellow River?2) _ is it from Handan to Beijing?3) _ is your winter holiday?4)

6、_ away is your home?Howlong Howfar HowlongHowfarLets do it 基数词基数词用来表示数目,意为用来表示数目,意为“几几”。注意注意A、十位数和个位数之间加、十位数和个位数之间加“-”; B、百位数和十位数(如十位数为、百位数和十位数(如十位数为零,则在百位数和个位数间)用零,则在百位数和个位数间)用and.千位数与百位数间千位数与百位数间and可有可无。可有可无。 Grammar points102 读作:读作:one hundred and two 230 读作:读作:two hundred and thirty 789 读作:读作:se

7、ven hundred and eighty-nine 1234读作:读作:one thousand two hundred and thirty-four 2008读作:读作:two thousand and eight 3. ARRIVE IN BEIJING3. ARRIVE IN BEIJING 到达某地到达某地arrive in(大地点大地点)/at(小地小地点点) = get to = reach 到家到家 arrive home = get home 到那到那 arrive there = get there 注意注意:如果没有提到:如果没有提到“地点地点”,必须,必须用用arr

8、ive. Eg. When will you arrive? 4. Come back to Beijing and leave Beijing. 注意注意:leave和和forget的区分。的区分。当表示当表示“把某物忘在把某物忘在某地某地”时,用时,用leave sth sp. Eg. He forgot his book. / He left(leave的过去式的过去式) his book at home. 离开某地离开某地 leave sp. Eg. He wants to leave Shanghai tomorrow. 他明天想离开上海。他明天想离开上海。 前往,离开去某地前往,离

9、开去某地 leave for sp. Eg. He wants to leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 他明天要去上他明天要去上海。海。(相当于相当于 He wants to go to Shanghai tomorrow) 短语汇总短语汇总1.见某人见某人 meet sb. 2. 第一站第一站 the first stop 3. 多远多远 how far4. 从从到到 fromto 5. 特别的东西特别的东西 something special 6. 5公里长公里长 five kilometers long 7. 有足够的时间做有足够的时间做 have enough

10、time to do 8. 的一部分的一部分 part of. 9. 中国的历史和文化中国的历史和文化 the history and culture of China 10. 到达某地到达某地 arrive in/at = get to = reach 11. 到家到家 arrive home = get home 12. 离开某地离开某地 leave sp. 13. 离开去离开去;前往;前往 leave for 14. 忘记某物忘记某物 forget sth. 15. 把某物忘在某地把某物忘在某地 leave sth. sp. 16. 足够快足够快 fast enough I、词汇运用、词

11、汇运用 1.Did your father buy you _(特别的东西特别的东西)? something special Exercises2.They_(前往前往) Beijing Next Sunday. will leave for 3.Danny was the first to _(到到) yesterday. 4.I felt so_ after hearing the news. (兴奋兴奋) arrive excited exciting 5.Danny_(有足够的钱有足够的钱) buy the new car. has enough money to II、单项选择、单项

12、选择( )1.Can you tell me _it is from home to school? Sure. Its about 3 km. A. how much B. how long C. how far D. how soonC ( )2.My son can count_1_100. A. from; to B. about; to C. from; and D. between; and ( )3.When do you _Australia? A. leave from B. leave in C. leave for D. leave at A C ( )4.Well ma

13、ke a plan_our trip. A. in B. at C. for D. on ( )5.Sorry, I _my homework at home. Dont _it next time. A. forgot; forget B. left(leave过去时过去时); leave C. forgot; leave D. left; forget C D III、按要求做题、按要求做题1. Its 5 kilometers from school to my home. (提问提问) _ _ _ _from school to your home?How far is it 2. Can you say this number in English? Yes, it is_. A. five thousand seven hundred B. five thousand seven hundreds C. five thousands seven hundred D. five thousands seven hundreds A JennyandDannywanttogoonatriptoBeijing.Canyoumakeaplanforthem?HomeworkThankyou!



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