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1、Repetition&Parallelism在这里脸是甜甜的,心是甜甜的,梦是甜在这里脸是甜甜的,心是甜甜的,梦是甜甜的。甜的。 (甜甜牌席梦思床垫广告语)这里是三个判断句的并列使用,语句铿锵,气势不凡。而三个“甜甜的”巧妙反复,更是烘托出一种浪漫而又温馨的气氛,极富感染力;使人觉得如果买了甜甜牌席梦思床垫后,生活会变得幸福而甜蜜;这样的话,谁又不愿意去买呢?We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air. (W. S. Churchill) 我们将在陆地上与他作战;我们将

2、在海上与他作战;我们将在天空中与他作战。Parallelism 与repetition 合二为一,交织运用, 以增强修辞效果。We shall fight him反复,而by hand, by sea和in air又互为平行结构。Repetition involves repeating the same word, the root words in different derivatives. is a powerful rhetorical device which creates good rhythm and parallelism to make the language musi

3、cal, emphatic, attractive and memorable and also to emphasize an idea.反复是为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情特意重复某个词语或句子。The oppressed are oppressed because oppression is to the oppressors interests, and because the oppressed lack the physical, political, economic, and psychological means to resist and throw them off. T

4、he oppressed never free themselves-they dont have necessary strengths. They become free only when their oppressors lose the strength or the will to oppress them. (Clare Boothe Luce)Here the 8 repetitions of the word “oppression” and its variants “oppress”,“oppressor”, “oppressed” in a short selectio

5、n strongly underscore the writersCentral thesis, setting the stage for Mrs.Luces pessimistic conclusion that There is little improvement at present for the USAs women and that the Freedom and equality for them is still only a distant hope.A parallelism is a figure of speech that uses similar structu

6、res in separate sentences to express related ideas and with which the sentence is emphatic and forceful. In parallel structure it is necessary to balance word for word, phrase for phrase, clause for clause and sentence for sentence. (平行结构就是把结构相同、意义并重、语气一致的词组或句子排列成串,形成一个整体。其特点是:结构上整齐匀称,读起来铿锵有力。)C.杀死了

7、人,又不敢承认,还要诬蔑人,说什么“桃色事件”,说什么共产党杀共产党,无耻啊!无耻啊! D.我们祖国的英雄儿女,将要学习你的榜样,像你一样的伟大坚强,像你一样的伟大坚强。C句中,“无耻啊!无耻啊!”是反复的修辞方法,突出了闻一多先生对反动派杀害李公朴先生的满腔愤怒,使反动派的丑恶嘴脸跃然纸上,一览无遗。D句子同样是反复,它主要歌颂了中华儿女在抗击侵略者中的伟大精神。A.沙丘的移动虽然慢,可是所到之处,森林全被摧毁,田地全被埋葬,城郭变成丘墟。B.开我东阁门,坐我西阁床,脱我战时袍,著我旧时裳。A是排比句,它用了三个结构相同的主谓短语把风沙的危害写得极其具体,其语势如泻堤之水,不可阻挡。B也是排

8、比句,“开我”、“坐我”、“脱我”、“著我”四个内容前后相承、语气一致、结构相同的句子排列在一起,对这些生活细节的描写,从内心深处表现了木兰对和平生活的热爱,渲染了归来时的喜悦之情。排比和反复的区别在于:首先首先排比是为了加强语势,反复是为了突出强调某种感情。其次其次,排比是把三句或三句以上的结构相同的句子连在一起,反复是把某个词语或句子重复二次以上。再次再次是排比中有部分提示词语相同,而反复则是词语或句子完全相同。 RepetitionImmediate repetition连续反复Intermittent repetition间隔反复Anaphora 首语重复首语重复Epiphora 尾语

9、重复尾语重复Symploce 首尾语重复首尾语重复Anadiplosis 蝉联蝉联Immediate repetition连续反复Immediate repetition refers to the way words, phrases or sentences are repeated without intervals. Immediate repetition is very common in our daily talk, such as “very, very big”, “many, many people”, “far, far away”, etc. immediate re

10、petition is very common in prose, poetry, conversation, etc.1. Happy, happy pair 幸福,幸福的一对。 None but the brave 唯有英雄, None but the brave 唯有英雄, None but the brave deserves the fair唯有英雄与美人匹配。2.Scroope went to bed again, and thought, and thought, and thought it over and over again.Scroope又上床了,他想来想去,左思右想,

11、想了又想Immediate repetition is mainly used for emphasis, but it is also used toExpress various emotions.1 .A:let me in. let me in. B: who is there? A: open! Open! For Gods sake. Let me in!2. Would you please please please please please please please stop talking。务必请你,千万请你别说了吧!1.To indicate fright and t

12、ension2.To indicate obstruction说话人为了阻止对方继说话人为了阻止对方继续说下去,竟连续使用了续说下去,竟连续使用了7个个please,可见要求之,可见要求之迫切,呼吁之强烈。迫切,呼吁之强烈。Intermittent repetition间隔反复Intermittent repetition refers to the way the repeated words, phrases or sentences are separated by some other words, phrases or sentences. It is the most widely

13、 used type of repetition. It is used for emphasis, for expressing strong emotions or for some special purposes. E.g.We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, supportany friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. (John Fitzgerald Kennedy) - expressing

14、strong determinationAnaphora 首语反复首语反复 (a,a)The word “anaphora” originates from Greek, meaning “carrying back”It is a popular figure of speech involving the repetition of the same Word at the beginning of successive clauses, sentences or verses, as In the proverb “light come, light go.” Anaphora is c

15、ommonly in conjunction with climax and parallelism.E.G. I want to know how long shes been there, I want to know what shes there at all for. Syntactically, the two clauses are parallel: they are both subject-predicatetype; but semantically, they are not equal in importance- the latter is more Emphati

16、c and more important than the former. Time is, time was, but time shall be no more!Lanny picked up his cases and walked along the sandy track. This was the road home. Soon now he would get there. Soon now he would hear the simple Afrikaans of the old folk. Soon now he would see Mabel. Yes, this was

17、the road home. He bit his lips and held his head high. He stepped onto the grass as the lorry went past. Something wet struck his check. He wiped the spittle away.E.g.1. Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that in

18、its way. (Malcolm X)革命是要流血的,革命是敌对的,革命没有折衷,革命要推翻和摧毁阻挡着它道路的一切。2.yesterday the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. (F. D. Roosevel

19、t)昨天,日本政府还发动了对马来西亚的进攻。昨夜, 日本军队进攻了香港。昨夜, 日本军队进攻了关岛。昨夜, 日本军队进攻了菲律宾群岛。罗斯福运用首语反复,强调说明了敌情严重,形势危急,令人震惊,催人警醒。罗斯福运用首语反复,强调说明了敌情严重,形势危急,令人震惊,催人警醒。Epiphora 尾语反复 (a,a)Epiphora (epistrophe) is the opposite of anaphora. It is the repetition of the same words or phrases at the end of successive lines, clauses or

20、sentences.1.In successive phrasesIt is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us: that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have die

21、d in vain; that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (Abraham Lincoln)2. In successive clausesReading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. Franc

22、is Bacon)读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨 3. In successive lines Sound the flute!把笛子吹起!把笛子吹起! Now its mute.现在它无声无息。现在它无声无息。 Birds delight.白天夜晚白天夜晚 Day and night;鸟儿们喜欢。鸟儿们喜欢。 Nightingale有一只夜莺有一只夜莺 In the dale,在山谷深深,在山谷深深, Lark in sky,天上的云雀,天上的云雀, Merrily,满心喜悦,满心喜悦, Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.欢天喜地,迎

23、接新年到。欢天喜地,迎接新年到。 Little boy,小小的男孩小小的男孩 Full of joy; 无比欢快。无比欢快。 Little girl,小小的女孩小小的女孩 Sweet and small;玲珑可爱。玲珑可爱。 Cock does crow,公鸡喔喔叫,公鸡喔喔叫, So do you;你也叫声高。你也叫声高。 Merrily voice,愉快的嗓音,愉快的嗓音, Infant noise,婴儿的闹声,婴儿的闹声, Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.欢天喜地,迎接新年到。欢天喜地,迎接新年到。 (William Blake)4. I

24、n successive sentencesIn 1931, ten years ago, Japan invaded Manchukuo without warning. In 1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia without warning. In 1938, Hitler occupiedAustria without warning. In 1939, Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia without warning. Later in 1939, Hitler invaded Poland without warning. And n

25、ow Japan has attacked Malaya and Thailand and the united states- without warning. (Franklin D. Roosevelt)Simploce 首尾语反复(ab ,ab)It involves the repetition of two sets of words or phrase, of whichOne set is repeated at the beginning of each clause, sentence or Verse line and the other set is repeated

26、at the end of each of them.It can be considered as a combination of anaphora and epiphora. The pattern is ab/a.b.1.Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. 2.This is the worlds f

27、ight. This is civilizations fight. This is the fight of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom.Let us let our own children know that we will stand against the forces of fear. When there is talk of hatred, let us stand up and talk against it. When there is talk of violence,

28、let us stand up and talk against it. If he wishes to float into fairyland, he reads a book; if he wishes to dash into the thick of battle, he reads a book; if he wishes to soar into heaven, he reads a book.Anadiplosis 蝉联(a, a)It is the repetition of the last part of a unit sentence at The beginning

29、of the next unit sentence, whose pattern is /a, a/. It is a device much favored in Elizabethan poetry.Anadiplosis can be generated in a series of sentences andideas either for the sake of aesthetic feeling or to give a sense of logical progression of ideas.E.g.The king was bad tempered because he wa

30、s often ill. He was often ill because he ate and drank too much.How has expectation darkened into anxiety-anxiety into dread-and dread into despair!Repetition in ads 1) 丰华丰华,笔中精华。丰华丰华,笔中精华。 (丰华圆珠笔广(丰华圆珠笔广告语)告语) 2) 禹王,禹王,防水之王。禹王,禹王,防水之王。 (禹王牌防水(禹王牌防水材料广告语)材料广告语)例(1 )中的“丰华”是商标名, “丰华丰华”连续反复,加强人们的印象;而“笔

31、中精华”则说丰华笔不同凡响。例(2)中的“禹王禹王”也是连续反复,其后词语“防水之王”则是说明禹王的功能。中意的生活,生活的中意,追求中意,请爱中意。湖南中意电器集团公司祝朋友们实施中意,并期待着为了让中意冰箱使您自己中意、妻子中意、孩子中意、全家中意,请您购买时挑剔中意,因为只有您中意,才有我中意。 (湖南人民广播电台)此广告把握了“中意” (看中)和“中意” (中国和意大利)的多音词的关系,反复运用了14 次,而且在每句或者每个短语的结尾都是中意,使广告听起来和谐悦耳,读起来上口好听。通过这些反复,突出了品牌,赋予了产品更为深广的意义,结尾一句更是显示了作者的精巧构思,让听众感到舒服,而且

32、让人产生好感,能收到较好的效果。因此此广告曾获得优秀广告一等奖。(齐民思广告语)一心一意是齐民思,好事成双还是齐民思,桃园结义是齐民思,四季发财是齐民思,五福同寿是齐民思。六六大顺是齐民思。嗨,齐民思!这则广告语成功地运用了反复,给受众留下了深刻的印象,抒发了对齐民思的赞叹,而且还引用了“一心一意” “好事成双”等大家很熟悉的词语,给人一种既熟悉又陌生的感受,自然人们愿意接受。When you are sipping Lipton, you are sipping something special.当你在品抿立顿果茶时,你是在品抿非凡的茶。这是 Lipton (立顿牌 )茶叶的广告标题。在标

33、题中, 广告撰写者重复使用 you are sipping一方而是向消费者介绍饮茶的方法, 要小口小口地饮,不能大口大口地喝;另一方面告知消费者只有小口品尝,才能品出 Lipton茶与众不同的独特芳香, 令你回味无穷, 醇香难忘。这样一次次sipping 在不知不觉中, 你就成了Lipton茶的忠实消费者。可见, 广告撰写者匠心独运,通过重复 you are sipping这一不起眼的结构, 引起消费者对饮茶方法的注意, 从而达到促销茶叶, 开拓市场的目的。Extra Taste. Not Extra Calories.滋味无穷,热量正好。 (食品)Childhood isn t childh

34、ood without it.没有它就没有童年。 (蜡笔)Extra 和 Childhood 就是一种重复。Extra 向消费者说明其食品好吃,而且不使人发胖。在如今讲究健康的时代里,此食品显然对大众具有吸引力。丰富多彩的 Childhood,是每一位孩子的渴望,尤其是对现在独生子女来说。这种重复具有一定的诱惑力,对于处于犹豫不决状态的消费者来说,无疑就像在其背后猛击一掌,促其下决心购买。Shop at CARSONS GROCERYLook what weve got!Weve got the best cakes in town. Weve got the cheapest prices

35、and Weve got the best quality goods. Sorry,Weve not got any stale bread,dry cakes or bad eggs!Try us. If you want the best value for your money,weve got it.请光临卡森食品店:请看我们有什么食品!我们有本城最好的蛋糕,我们的价格最便宜,我们的货物质量最好。对不起,我们店不卖不新鲜的面包、干硬的蛋糕或臭鸡蛋!尝尝我们的食品!您想买到最价有所值的食品,我们这里就有!这是一个商店招徕顾客的售货广告,语言简明幽默,通过重复运用 weve got, 的

36、语法结构,突出了该商店商品品种之丰富,商品质量之优越,使人不禁要去选购一番。Parallelism can be arranged through the following ways: By words(单词平行):A succession of startled substitutes had stood before them, ducked, winced and fled. 接连几个在他们面前受了惊吓的代课老师最终都躲避、退缩、逃走。An Englishman thinks seated; a Frenchman, standing; an American, pacing; an

37、Irishman, afterward. (O Malley) 英国人坐着想,法国人站着想,美国人走着想,爱尔兰人事后想。She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. 她是个智力贫乏、不学无术、喜怒无常的女人。The letter, short, cold, sharp-tongued, was unexpected. 这封简短、冷淡、挖苦的信,是出乎意外的。 By phrases(短语平行):You can go there on foot, by bus or by trai

38、n. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. (Francis Bacon: Of Studies) 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。We can gain knowledge, by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice. 求知门径很多,或阅读,或回忆,或观察,或实践。 By clauses(从句平行):I will wait until you call or until she comes.A father who spends time with his son and who thoughtfully answers his sons question will be respected and loved. 花时间陪儿子玩、认真回答儿子的问题的父亲必会受到尊敬和爱戴。 By sentences(句子平行): Rhetorical parallelism(排比)We will never parley. We will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. (W. S. Churchill) 我们决不谈判,我们决不与希特勒或者他的任何帮凶协商。



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