牛津译林版英语七下Unit 5 Abilities课件之六

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1、 7B Unit 5 Grammar 1Do you know these sports?I could not row a boat at five. Now I can .row a boat ride a bike.could not . now .can.play badminton.could not . now .can. swim/ have a swim.could not . now .can.fly a kite/ kites.could not . now .can.A.Using “can”/ “could” to talk about abilityB.we use

2、“can” to say that we are able to do something now.C.we use “could” to say that we were able to do something in the past.e.g. I can (cannot /cant /can not ) swim. What about you? He could (couldnt /could not) dance in the past. What about you ? What can they do ?/ What could they not do?SandySimonMil

3、lie Daniel&PeterAmylast yearthis yearLast year, Sandy _.Now she _. . Simon.SandySimonMillie Daniel&PeterAmylast yearthis yearAsk and answer the questionsCan Sandy row a boat now? Yes, she canCould Sandy row a boat last year? No, she couldnt. 2 can could possiblityWhen we want to express something is

4、 possible, we use can/couldcan/could - present (the possibility: cancould)2 can could - possibility注意注意当委婉表达 “请求” “要求”时,用could。 而回答时,肯定用can.否定语气一般要婉转,有时可说明不能的原因。如:-Could you send this letter for me?-Yes, I can./sorry, Im busy now.Exercises: Fill in them withcould/could not can/ can not. 1 It is snow

5、ing in Canada. We _go skiing there.2 The swimming pool does not open today. We _ go swimming.3 We _ fly kites yesterday because it rained.4 We _ play badminton last Friday because we had our badminton rackets.5 We _ play football because Simon forget to bring a football.cancan notcould not couldcan

6、notTake turns to ask and answer questions using “can” or “could”.Try to make dialogues in pairs.1._ you speak Japanese ?2._ you play the piano last year?3._ you cook?4._ you use a computer when you were 3?5._ you ride a bicycle when you were very younger?6._ you understand English TV programmes in 2000?CanCouldCanCouldCouldCouldHomework:1 Recite new phrases.2 Learn to use can/could to show ability/ possibility.3 Pay attention to the sentence change.



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