2012高考考点突破英语人教版选修6:《Global warming》考点突破

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1、Unit 4Global warming 1quantity n量;数量量;数量 Note down the sizes,colours,and quantities that you require.记下你要求的尺寸、颜色和数量。 上一页上一页in quantityin large amount 大量地a large/small quantity of 大(少)量地quantities of 许多 There are only a small quantity of flowers left in the garden.花园里只剩下少量的花了。Quantities of food were

2、spread out on the table.许多食品被摊放在桌子上。 上一页上一页a (large) quantity (of),(large) quantities (of)作主语或其修饰的名词作主语,其谓语动词应根据quantity的单复数形式而定。quantity为单数时,后面的谓语动词应用单数形式;quantity为复数(quantities)时,谓语动词用复数形式。 上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water_.Ahave polluted Bis b

3、eing pollutedChas been polluted Dhave been polluted上一页上一页上一页上一页【解析解析】句意:这片湖里的水怎么这么难闻?因为大量的水已经被污染了。water与pollute之间为被动关系,故用被动语态;B项表示正被污染,故排除;large quantities of 后跟名词作主语时,谓语动词的数应与quantities保持一致。故答案为D。【答案答案】D2. oppose vt.反对;反对; 反抗;与反抗;与(某人某人)较量较量 The old man cant bear anyone in the family to oppose him.

4、这位老人决不能容忍家里有人违抗他。 上一页上一页oppose sth./doing sth./sb.doing sth.反对某事/做某事/某人做某事oppose sth.to/against sth. 使某事物与另一事物对照/对抗 We opposed the proposal but to no avail.我们反对这个提议,但没用。The husband strongly opposed his wife going there alone.丈夫极力反对妻子单独去那个地方。 上一页上一页上一页上一页(1)oppose 为常用词,指对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对,强调动作,尤指反对一种观念、

5、思想、计划等。是及物动词。He is opposed by two other candidates.另外两名候选人反对他。(2)object 常指用言论或论据等表示反对,强调个人嫌厌和由于与个人有关,因此提出反对意见。是不及物动词,与to连用。I will not wear this dress if you object to it.如果你不喜欢这件衣服,那我就不再穿它了。(3)resist指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵、诱惑或影响等。At that time the government was unwilling to resist the foreign invasion.那时的

6、政府对外国的入侵不愿进行抵抗。oppose/object/resist 上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)The President _giving military aid to this country.(2010安庆模拟)Ais opposed BobjectsCopposes Dagainst【解析解析】句意:总统反对对该国实行军事援助。oppose (doing) sth.be opposed to (doing) sth.“反对”,符合句意。 【答案答案】C 上一页上一页3. range n种类;范围种类;范围 The cost is thought to be in the

7、 range of $15 million a day.人们认为每日费用为100万至500万美元。The cat stayed out of range of the children.这只猫离孩子们远远的。上一页上一页(1) beyond the range of. 超越的范围in/within range 在范围内out of ones range 某人达不到的a wide range of 一系列(2)range vt.& vi.(在一定幅度或范围内)变动;变化range oneself 安定下来range from.to. 在范围内变动range between.and. 在和范围内变

8、动 上一页上一页The area offers a wide range of activities for the tourists.该地区为游客提供各种各样的活动。Several cars are available within this price range. 在这个价格范围内,有好几种汽车可供选购。 上一页上一页What is the price of your shirts here,sir?It depends on which fashion you want to buy, and the prices_from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.Ain

9、crease BrangeCreach Ddifferent学以致用学以致用(单项填空)上一页上一页【解析解析】句意:你这里衬衫的价格是多少?这要看你想买哪种款式,价格在100到500美元之间不等。range from.to.“在范围内变动”,符合句意。 【答案答案】B上一页上一页4. glance vi.看一下;扫视看一下;扫视n.一瞥一瞥 I glanced through your personal file last night.昨晚我粗略地看了一下你的人事档案。Ginny glanced at her watch.吉妮瞥了一眼自己的手表。 上一页上一页at a glance立刻;一眼

10、;(只)看一眼at first glance 咋一看;咋看之下take/show/throw/have a glance at/over sb.一瞥;看一眼He took a glance over the notes.他匆匆地看了一下笔记 上一页上一页上一页上一页(1)glance指很快地看某人或某物一眼。His father threw a disapproving glance at him.他父亲不满地瞥了他一眼。(2)glare 怒目而视, 强调怀有敌意或在气愤的情绪下看。They stood there,glaring at each other.他们站在那儿,互相怒视着对方。(3

11、)stare 意为“盯;凝视”, 指出于好奇、惊讶、赞叹等原因而长时间地、直接地注视。Its rude to stare at a stranger up and down.对一个陌生人上下盯着看是不礼貌的。glance/glare/stare 上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)After a quick _at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.Aglance Bglimpse Cgaze Dstare【解析解析】句意:在看了病人一眼之后,医生打电话叫了救护车。glance“扫视;匆匆一看;一瞥”,符合句意。glimpse 与gl

12、ance的意思相近,但glimpse不与介词at搭配;gaze指长时间目不转睛地看;stare 意为“盯;凝视”, 指长时间地、直接地注视。故答案为A。 【答案答案】A上一页上一页5. circumstance n环境;情况环境;情况 Under the circumstances,he felt unable to accept the job.在这种情况下,他觉得无法接受这项任务。 上一页上一页上一页上一页in/under the circumstances 在这种情况下;情形既然如此 in/under no circumstances 在任何情况下绝不 Under no circumst

13、ances should you lend him any money. 你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。 上一页上一页circumstance一般用作复数,常与介词under连用。under no circumstances用在句首时,后面的句子用倒装语序。(1)circumstance意为“环境;情形;情况”,常用复数形式,表明与某件事或某人有关的情况、环境或境况等。(2)surrounding常用复数形式,指“环境;周围的事物”,词义较狭窄,仅指周围具体的、物质性的东西。 (3)environment意为“环境;周围状况;自然环境”,指一个生物体或一群生物体周围的整体状况,尤其指作用和影响这

14、群生物体的生长、发展和生存的外界物质条件的总和。 circumstance/surrounding/environment 上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用学以致用(单项填空)Under no circumstances,I was warned,_to give the password to someone else.Acould I BI could CI was Dwas I 【解析】under no circumstances用在句首时,后面的句子用倒装语序。could 不与to连用;be to do表示“打算/将要做某事”,符合句意。 【答案】D上一页上一页6come about发

15、生;造成发生;造成 I dont know how it came about but Ive got a dent in the rear of my car.我不知道是怎么回事,但我的汽车后部有了一个凹痕。Its hard to understand how the accident came about.很难理解事故是怎样发生的。 上一页上一页come into being产生;出现;形成 come into power 开始执政;当权 come into effect/force 开始生效;开始实行 come across 偶尔发现;想起;被理解 come on 上演;开始;赶快com

16、e out 出来;发芽;出版;泄露come up with 提出;想出 上一页上一页(1)come about“发生;产生”,指要求解释或说明事情发生的理由。常与 how 连用。(2)happen“发生;(偶然)发生”,属普通用词,较多地用来指某个事件的突然发生,强调其偶然性,主语往往是事件、事故等词。其后可接动词不定式,或用于“It happens that.”结构,表示“碰巧”。(3)take place“发生;举行”,常指有计划安排的事情的发生与进行,不含偶然性。 come about/happen/take place/occur/bring about 上一页上一页(4)occur

17、属较正式的用语。它可以指一件偶然事件的“发生”,也可以指在一定的时间“发生;出现”一定的事件;它还可以表示抽象事物,如思想的“产生”。其后接sb.时常作“想到;想起”讲。 (5)bring about“引起;使发生”,是及物动词,要带宾语或者使用被动语态。What has brought about their quarrel?什么事引起了他们之间的争吵。上一页上一页上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)How did it _that you made such a silly mistake?I myself havent figured it out yet.Abring about Bcom

18、e aboutCcome across Dcome on上一页上一页【解析】句意:你犯了这么愚蠢的一个错误,这到底是怎样发生的?到现在我自己也没有弄明白。come about“发生”,符合句意。bring about“导致;引起”;come across“偶然遇到”;come on“改进;加油”。 【答案】B7result in导致导致 The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house.争吵导致了他母亲离家出走。The flood resulted in a considerable reduction in production.这次水

19、灾造成相当大的减产。上一页上一页lead to 导致result from 由产生;as result 因此;结果as a result of 作为的结果;由于without result 无效地;毫无结果地 上一页上一页(1)result in表示“产生;导致”,主语指起因,宾语指结果。The accident resulted in two deaths.这场事故导致两人死亡。(2)result from表示“由引起或产生”,主语指结果,宾语指起因,from有表示原因的意思。The terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.那桩可怕的

20、意外事件因他的疏忽大意而引起。result in/result from上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)Any damage _ignorance must be paid for by the borrower.Aresulting from Bresulting inCresulted from Dresult in上一页上一页【解析】句意:由于疏忽所引起的任何损失均由借用者负责赔偿。根据句子结构可排除C、D两项。result in“导致”;result from“由造成”,故选A。 【答案】A上一页上一页8put up with忍受;容忍忍受;容忍 Im too tired to put

21、 up with any nonsense.我太累了,再也听不进任何废话。I cant put up with her another dayshe never stops complaining.她整天抱怨,我一天也不能忍受了。We have to put up with her bad temper.我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。Noise is coming to the point where we cant put up with it.噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。上一页上一页keep up with与保持一致catch up with 赶上come up with 想出;提出 上一页上一

22、页学以致用(单项填空)Have you_some new ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later.Acome about Bcome intoCcome up with Dcome out with上一页上一页【解析】句意:你想出一些新主意了吗?是的。我一会告诉你。come up with“想出/提出(主意、方案、计划等)”;come about“发生”;come into“进入;取得”;come out with“说出;出版”。 【答案】C上一页上一页9There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that

23、 it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. 毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和,而且全球变暖是人为的,毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和,而且全球变暖是人为的,而不是随意的自然现象。而不是随意的自然现象。 (在There is (have) no doubt后常跟that引导的从句,that从句是同位语从句,说明doubt的内容。用法与There is a chance that.是一样的。上一页上一页(1)doubt作为名词,若用在否定句或疑问

24、句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句;若用在肯定句中,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。注意此时不可以用if替换whether。There is no doubt that they will agree with you on this matter.毫无疑问,他们在这件事上会同意你的。There is some doubt whether he is fit for the job.他是否胜任这项工作有点疑问。上一页上一页(2)doubt作为动词,若用于否定句和疑问句中,后面接that引导的宾语从句;若用于肯定句中,后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。Do you doubt

25、 that he will come soon? 对于他很快就到这件事你怀疑吗?I doubt if theres something wrong with her account.我怀疑是不是她的帐户有问题。 上一页上一页There is no/some room for doubt.没有怀疑余地/有可疑处There is no need. 没有必要There is no question. 没有问题There is no reason. 没有理由There is no possibility that. 是没有可能的It is no/small wonder that/No wonder

26、(that).难怪 It is a wonder that. 令人惊奇的是 上一页上一页学以致用(单项填空)I told you that he would come to see you.Actually I had little doubt _it was true.Awhether Bthat Csince Dif上一页上一页【解析】句意:我告诉过你他会来看你的。实际上我不怀疑这是真的。little为否定形容词,故doubt后的从句应由that引导,而不能用whether/if。 【答案】B上一页上一页10It is OK to leave an electrical appliance

27、 on so long as you are using itif not,turn in off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,如果不用就只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,如果不用就要把它关掉!要把它关掉! (1)so long asas long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句。You may borrow the book so long as/as long as you keep it clean.只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。I dont care about the price so long as the car is in good condition.我不

28、计较价钱,只要车况良好就行了。上一页上一页as long as只能用于肯定句,而so long as既可用于肯定句又能用于否定句。as long as还可意为“与一样长;长达”。 上一页上一页(2)if not在本句中是if you are not using it的省略形式。 if so如果这样if any 若有if necessary 如果有必要上一页上一页上一页上一页I think the train leaves at midday. Youd better take a taxi. If not,maybe youll miss it.我想火车是正午开,你最好打的去,否则可能会误车的

29、。Point out errors,if any.若有错误,请指正。Have you got a free evening next week?If so,lets have dinner together.下周你哪个晚上有空?如果有空,我们一起吃个饭吧。Take this camera with you,if necessary.如果有必要,带上照相机去吧!学以致用(单项填空)You may use the room as you like_you clean it up afterwards.(2009北京高考)Aso far as Bso long asCin case Deven if上一页上一页【解析】句意:你可以任意使用这个房间,只要你之后打扫干净。so far as“就而言”;so long asas long as表示唯一条件“只要”;in case“以防;万一”;even if“即使;尽管”。故选B。【答案】B上一页上一页同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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