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1、Lesson 38Everything except the weather1沐风教资2沐风教资3沐风教资4沐风教资5沐风教资6沐风教资7沐风教资8沐风教资9沐风教资10沐风教资11沐风教资12沐风教资How is the weather today?13沐风教资MoscowBeijingTorontoBostonShanghai14沐风教资15沐风教资16沐风教资snowing/snowy17沐风教资18沐风教资19沐风教资DIFFERENT CITIES,DIFFERENT WEATHERHarbinShanghaiHangzhouBeijingKunmingLatitude(纬度纬度)W

2、hat causes the different weather in different places?20沐风教资How is the weather in London?Where is London?Lets talk!21沐风教资How is the weather in England? The Southern HemisphereChinaAustraliaEnglandUSAThe Northern Hemisphere22沐风教资WhatistheweatherlikeinEngland?Inspring:Mild(温和的),dryandsunny.Rainy,cloudy



5、高,夏天则相反).西风西风常常吹过英国大陆,致使常年有雨常常吹过英国大陆,致使常年有雨. 24沐风教资1.Where had Harrison spent many years before he returned to England?2.What did he complain about after he bought a house?3.What did he do in England?25沐风教资New words and expressions:except prep 除了 bitterly ad. 刺骨的 sunshine n. 阳光Mediterranean n. 地中海co

6、mplain v. 抱怨continually ad. 不断的26沐风教资单词解析:1.except prep 除了 except、except for和apart from的使用区别。在句首时,我们常用except for和apart from。 第14课 except 表示“除外,(其余都)”指同一类事物的总体中除去一部分。如:He gets up early everyday except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天早起。except for: 它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。例如:The room was very cold and, except for Jack, enti

7、rely empty.这个房间很阴冷,而且除了杰克,完全是空荡荡的。apart from 在同类或不同类都能用 Apart from this letter, I know nothing. 27沐风教资单词解析:2.Mediterranean n. 地中海the-3. Complain plain to sb.向某人抱怨Dont complain to anyone when you make mistakes. complain of/about sth to sb 向某人抱怨某事Complain about和complain of:Complain about多用于对你不满意的事情“抱怨

8、”,而complain of多用于“由于生病或是身体某一部分不适、疼痛”的抱怨。比如:She often complains about not feeling appreciated at work.她常抱怨工作上不受赏识。 Hes been complaining of headaches recently.他最近一直在抱怨头疼的厉害。28沐风教资单词解析:4. 【continual (ly) & continuous (ly)】 a) continuously 指“连续不断的”,中间没有停顿或间歇:The river flows under this bridge continuousl

9、y. 河水在这座桥下滔滔不绝地流着。 The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要连续不断的供血。b) continually 表示“反复的”、“常常的”,中间有短暂的间歇,常用来修饰不好的或令人讨厌的事情: It rained continually. 天老下雨。 Continual interruption 接二连三的打搅。 29沐风教资单词解析:5. bitterly adv bitter adj a. 生气、沮丧 They are very bitter about losing the jobs. 对于失去工作他们感到非常的生气

10、。 b. 苦的The medicine tasted bitter. 那药尝起来是苦的。 c. 表示“令人不舒服的冷、刺骨的冷”。课文中bitterly cold是“副词形容词”的用法,同样是表示“非常冷、令人不舒服的冷、刺骨的冷”的意思。 bitterly disappointed 彻底的失望30沐风教资单词解析:6. sunshine n.a drop of sunshine一缕阳光 Shes always like a drop of sunshine.31沐风教资1.Myoldfriend,Harrison,hadlivedintheMediterraneanformanyyearsb

11、eforehereturnedtoEngland. theMediterranean:地中海在14课的语法中,我们给大家介绍了和“过去完成时”连用的一些介词,比如:after,as soon as,notuntil,而我们这课的语法重点也是“过去完成时”。在这个句子中,我们使用了before来和“过去完成时”连用,表达“过去的过去”概念。 “he returned to England”已经是“过去”了,那么before这个“过去”的话,就是“过去的过去”了。Language points32沐风教资2. He had often dreamed of retiring in England

12、and had planned to settle down in the country. Dream of是使用dream做动词时常用的固定搭配,表示“梦想、幻想、向往”。 He has always dreamed of becoming a poem.他一直梦想着成为一名诗人。 Settle down是个固定短语,表示“定居”、“安顿”。 比如:They settled down in Australia in 1988.他们1988年在澳大利亚定居了。 【country & countryside】 a) country用作可数名词时,表示“国家”;country用作不可数名词时,表

13、示“城镇四周的土地”,即“乡间、乡下”,经常用于in the country的短语中: China is a large country. He had planned to settle down in the country .b) 在表示“乡村,乡下”的意思时,countryside与country相同,但countryside强调景色;另外,如果没有明确的上下文,选用 countryside更稳妥: The countryside around Vienna is very beautiful.I sat in the front of the bus to get a good vi

14、ew 33沐风教资 3. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there. 这句话中,我们要学习一个非常重要的和“过去完成时”连用的结构 “no soonerthan”。“no soonerthan”和我们以前讲过的“as soon as”是一样的,都是表示“一就”。还有下面我们要讲的“hardlywhen”结构,都是和“过去完成时”连用的。具体的使用我们在下面和 “hardlywhen”一起讲。这句话的意思是“他刚一回到英国便买下了一幢房子住了进去。34沐风教资4. Almost immediat

15、ely he began to complain about the weather, for even though it was still summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. Complain about和complain of: Complain about多用于对你不满意的事情“抱怨”,而complain of多用于“由于生病或是身体某一部分不适、疼痛”的抱怨。 For在这里为连词,意思是“因为”。它与because不同,不能用于句首 even though引导的是让步状语从句,表示“即使”、“虽

16、然”。也可以写为“though”,不过even though语气要强多了。 continual ly表示“反复的”、“常常的”,中间有短暂的间歇,常用来修饰不好的或令人讨厌的事情:35沐风教资5. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. Get a shock:感到“惊奇、震惊”。 在阳光下生活了那么多年的Harrison对此感到惊奇。36沐风教资6.He acted as if he had never lived in England before. As if表示“象一样”。常用来引导表示方式的状语从句。As if也可

17、以用as though代替,意思是一样的。在用法上,as if/as though后面句子的时态有两种,一种是陈述式。一种是虚拟式(一般是在陈述式基础上将助动词变成过去式形式。) As if/as though后面的句子如果是陈述式的话,表示从某种迹象看,所表达的事情是真实的,或是可能发生的。比如: It looks as if its going to rain.看上去天好象要下雨。 As if/as though后面的句子如果是虚拟式的话,所表达的事情是不真实的或与已知事实相反的。比如: She acted as if she were mad.(她并没有真正的疯) 37沐风教资由此,我们

18、来比较这么两个句子: Hewalksasifheisdrunk.(表示从他的走路姿势来判断,他是醉了。)Hewalksasifheweredrunk.(表示他根本没有喝酒,这里只是一个假设)所以,课文中“as if he had never lived in England before”用的就是虚拟式,所以使用了“have never lived”的过去式“had never lived”。表示Harrison其实以前是住在英国的。 38沐风教资8. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left t

19、he country. 句中使用了“hardlywhen”结构。这里我们结合“no soonerthan”一起来讲: 【no soonerthan & hardlywhen】的用法: 1) 这两个句型意思相同,都表示“一就”“刚就”,经常同过去完成时态连用: He had no sooner returned than he bought a house. He had hardly returned when he bought a house. 39沐风教资2) 它们可以引导倒装,把助动词提到主语前: Hardly had I started my supper when I heard

20、a knock on the door. No sooner Had I started my supper than I heard a knock on the door. 3) as soon as 可与一般现在时连用,而hardlywhen 与 no soonerthan则通常与过去完成连用,几乎不与一般现在时连用: Assoonashehadreturned,heboughtahouse.Assoonashereturns,hellbuyahouse.40沐风教资Notes on the text1.dream of 2.settle down3.no sooner -than4.e

21、ven though5.as if 6.more than41沐风教资1.return = come back / turn back/ give back2. dream of doing sth. / make a dream3. settle down in the country / in the countryside4. no soonerthan / hardly when5. complain to sb. about sth.6. for, because, since, as, so7. even though, though, but, although8. act, a

22、ctor, actress, action, activity9. as if10.In the end = at last = finally11. bear = stand12. think of / think about / think over13. except, except for, besides, but14. 过去完成时过去完成时 had + done42沐风教资1.Which foreign country would you like to live in? Why?2. Have you ever looked forward to doing something

23、and then been disappointed?3. What effect can weather have on the character of a people and their customs?Discussion43沐风教资 人的情绪与天气有着密切的关系。当天气晴朗,风和日丽,人就精神抖擞,而当天气阴云密布,就会忧郁烦闷。气温对人的影响也很大,酷热使人心情烦躁,潮湿的雨天易使人的心情忧郁和情绪低落。情绪又和人的健康、长寿息息相关,如果一个人终日闷闷不乐,垂头丧气会引起上腹不适,泛酸、食欲减退,体重下降。医学研究证明,人的大脑中有一种“褪黑激素”,可使人消沉抑郁。连续几天下雨

24、,光照减少,褪黑激素相对增多,情绪容易低沉消极。这种气候状况下,抑郁情绪就会乘虚而入。同时对人的内分泌产生影响,容易造成情感障碍,产生抑郁症、焦虑症。医学界人士指出,尽管天气无常,人们应该学会合理控制情绪,合理宣泄情绪。不要过度压抑自己,或把恶劣的心境传递给别人。应该用一种理智的方式来解决问题,如找亲朋谈心,跑步、健身、逛街等疏解情绪,找专业心理工作人员进行情绪疏导等。 44沐风教资 生活在热带地区的人,为了躲避酷暑,在室外活动的时间比较多。气温高,使生活在那里的人性情易暴躁和发怒。 居住在寒冷地带的人,因为室外活动不多,大部分时间在一个不太大的空间里与别人朝夕相处,养了能控制自己的情绪,具有较强的耐心和忍耐力的性格。比如生活在北极圈内的因纽特人,被人们称为世界上“永不发怒的人”。 居住在温暖宜人水乡的人们,因为气候湿润,风景秀丽,人们对周围事物敏感,且多情善感,机智敏捷。 山区居民,因为山高地广,人烟稀少,开门见山,长久生活在这种环境中,便养成了说话声音宏亮,性格诚实直爽。 住在广阔的草原上的牧民,因为草原茫茫,交通不便,气候恶劣,风沙很大,所以,他们常常骑马奔驰,尽情地舒展自己,性格变得豪放直爽,热情好客。45沐风教资



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