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1、L/O/G/O上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应应用用型型大大学学英英语语系系列列教教材材Book 4Application-oriented College English Course上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit FourTable of Contents Language SkillsDevelopmentBackNext2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Focus1 contentStarterText: The legend of Sleepy Hollo

2、w Working with words and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 focus1highlightsHighlightsS: Aquiz:lovetriangleL: LucyslettersR: ThelegendofSleepyHollowW

3、: Patternsoforganization(2):logicaldivisionInternet work: Searching for skills of askingsomeoneoutonadatePart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA. A love triangle is a romantic relationship involving three people. Do the following quiz and figure

4、 out what kind of person you are when in love.For Reference AnswerClick HereAssumeyouandyourbestfriendfallinlovewiththesameperson.Whatwouldyoudoinsuchasituation?A)Sacrificefriendshipforlove.B)Directlytellyourfriendaboutyourfeelingsandpersuadehim/hertostandaside.C)Forthesakeoffriendship,withdrawandlo

5、okfornewlove.D)Askthepersonyoulovetochoose.5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. Starterfocus1starterA) You are probably desperate for love, that is, you may pursue love at the expense of anything else. The problem is that you are perhaps a sore loser in love; in other words, you cant take it when you lose

6、 love.B) You are surely a rational, confident, open, and above-board person to pursue your love and you deserve your rivals respect. But the question is, what if your friend refuses to stand aside?C) You are perhaps a so-called “friend in need”, putting friendship above anything else. On the other h

7、and, however, you may be a coward in love because you are not confident and courageous enough to fight for or deserve true love. Remember: nothing ventured, nothing gained. D) You are wise, cool-headed, and reserved or selfish enough to avoid any possible conflict with others. By doing so you may ha

8、rm neither your friend nor yourself directly, but you may belittle yourself or lose your value in the girls or boys eyes since you are avoiding the test or competition of love.6B. Listen to a story and fill in the blanks with appropriate words.focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextMind M

9、aptinker / vi. 小修补,小修理meticulous / a. 细心的;一丝不苟的sprawling / a. 蔓生的;不规则地伸展的hardwood / a. 硬木的;硬木制成的unmistakable / a. 确定无疑的 7focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextLucys LettersInthehouseontheleftofourslivedanoldwomannamedLucy.Sheandmyparents(1) .Herhusbandhad died about two years before, and

10、 she had no family (2) _.Lucyandherhusbandhadboughttheirhouseandpropertyinthe1940s.Herhusbandlovedtotinkeraroundthehouseandyard,buttheyardwas(3) .Hegaveitmeticulouscareallyearlong,whileshewould(4) todistantrelativesabouttheprogressbeingmade.To be continuedgotalongsplendidlyclosebyhisrealpassiontypel

11、etters8focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextLucyshusbandbroughttheyardtoabeautifulstate.Everybody(5) _ onitscondition.Whenhedied,Lucythoughtitbefittingto(6) inthebackyard,theplacewherehehadspentcountlesshours.ButaftersometimeLucy(7) thatherhusbandhadcomebacktohisyard.Shewasespeciallyfri

12、ghtenedofthesprawlingbackyardwherehehadspent many daylight hours. Lucy would tell us of hearing the (8) _ coming across the grass or of someone orsomethingtappingher(9) .ThenextseveralyearswerelonelytimesforLucy. Weoftenhadheratourhousefor(10) ,butitdidntquitemakeupforlosingalovedone.Shespentthemajo

13、rityofhertimetypinglettersonanoldtypewriterto(11) . To be continuedadmiredandremarkedscatterhisasheswasconvincedsoundoffootstepsontheshoulderfamilygatheringsfamilyandfriends9focus1starter上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterWhenLucydied,thehouse(12) foralongtime.Beforethenewownersweretotakeover,myfatherdid(

14、13) inside.Heoftensaidheheardfootstepsontheoldhardwoodfloors.Butweallknew(14) whenweheardtheunmistakablestrikingoftypewriterkeys.Lucyhadcomebacktotypeherghostletters.IguessyoucouldsaythatneitherLucynorherhusbandwasgoingtogiveupthethingsthey(15) !BackNextremainedvacantsomerepairworksomethingwashappen

15、inglovedthemost10focus1text上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization(Paras. 1-7): The beginning of the story. (Paras. 8-19) The development of the story. (Paras. 20-25) The ending of the story.(Para. 1)The background of the story.(Paras. 8-12)The big party at Katrinas house.(Paras. 20-22)Ichabods

16、 disappearance from the village after that party.11focus1text上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Text Organization(Paras. 2-4)The introduction of Ichabod and Katrina.(Paras. 13-15)Ichabods coming across a headless horseman on the way back from the party.(Para. 23)The villagers being convinced of Ichabods being taken

17、 away by the headless horseman.(Para. 5)The introduction of Ichabods rival in love, Brom. (Paras.16-19)Ichabods race with the headless horseman.(Para. 24)A farmers claim to have seen Ichabod in New York City.BackNext12focus1text上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization(Para. 6)Ichabods plan for t

18、he love contest.(Para. 25)Broms mysterious smile at the mere mention of Ichabods name at Katrina and his wedding.(Para. 7)Ichabods apparent victory of Katrina.13focus1text2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 1ThevalleyknownasSleepyHollow hides from the world inthehighhillsofNewYorkstate.There are ma

19、ny stories toldabout the quiet valley. But thestorythatpeoplebelievemostisabouttheapparitionofaheadless horseman. The storysays the man died many yearsagoduringtheAmericanRevolutionary War and he hadhis head shot off. He is everseenhurryingalonginthegloomofnight,lookingforhislosthead.Translation沉睡谷传

20、奇 1 有个山谷名叫沉睡谷,深藏于纽约州的崇山峻岭之间。关于这个沉静的山谷流传着很多故事,不过人们最相信的莫过于无头骑士鬼魂的故事了。故事说,很久以前,这个人在美国独立战争中牺牲,据说他的头被炸掉了。人们看见他在幽暗的夜色中匆匆前行,寻找他失去的头颅。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNexthollow: n. C山谷,洞,窟窿e.g. Lets have a picnic down in the hollow. Note that hollow is often used as an adjective, meaning “having an empty space insid

21、e (中空的,空心的)”.e.g. This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.14focus1text2 Near Sleepy Hollow is avillage called Tarry Town. ThevillagehadasmallschoolandtheschoolteacherwasnamedIchabod Crane. Ichabod Cranewas a good name for him,becausehewastallandthin,justlikeacrane.Hisshoulde

22、rsweresmall, joined to long arms. Hisheadwassmall,too,andflatontop.Hehadbigears,largeglassygreeneyes,andalongnose.Translation2 沉睡谷附近有个村庄叫达里镇。村里有所小学,学校里有位老师叫伊卡博德鹤。伊卡博德鹤这个名字很适合他,因为他又高又瘦,就像一只鹤,瘦小的肩膀上连着两只长长的手臂。他的头也小小的,头顶平平的,还有一对大耳朵,两只大而无神的绿眼睛和一个长长的鼻子。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextglassy: a. 1) 目光呆滞的,没有神采的e

23、.g. He gazed at the street with dull, glassy eyes. 2) 光亮透明的;玻璃状的e.g. The building is reflected on the glassy surface of the lake.2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 15focus1text3Ichaboddidnotmakemuchmoneyasateacher.Andalthoughhewastallandthin,heate like a fat man. To help himpayforhisfoodheearnedex

24、tramoneyteachingyoungpeopletosing.Translation3 作为一个老师,伊卡博德收入十分有限。他虽长得瘦高,吃起饭来可不含糊,饭量跟一个大胖子不相上下。为了能多赚点钱填饱肚子,他又兼职教年轻人唱歌。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestions about Paras. 2-32. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 16focus1text1. Why was Ichabod Cranes name suitable for him? Because he was tall and thin, ju

25、st like a crane.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. How did Ichabod make his living? Ichabod made his living as a teacher and earned extra money teaching young people to sing.2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 17focus1text4 Among the ladies Ichabodtaught was one Katrina VanTassel.Shewastheonlydaughterof

26、arichDutchfarmer.She was a blooming lass offresh eighteen; plump as apartridge; ripe and melting androsy-cheeked as one of herfatherspeaches.Ichabodhadasoftandfoolishheartforladies,andsoonfoundhimselfinterestedinMissVanTassel.Translation4 伊卡博德教的女孩子当中有个叫卡特里娜 范塔苏的。她是一位荷兰富农的独生女,正值十八岁的花季,像鹌鹑一样丰满,成熟而柔美,脸

27、色红润,就像她父亲种的桃子一样。伊卡博德对女人总是有一颗柔软而痴傻的心,很快,他便意识到自己对范塔苏小姐的爱慕之情。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextNote the following expressions containing heart:heart-broken 伤心的,绝望的hard-hearted 无情的a heart of stone 狠心,铁石心肠a heart of gold一颗金子般的心(心地善良)lose ones heart to someone 爱上某人,钟情于某人cry/sob ones heart out 哭得死去活来pour out ones

28、 heart 倾诉衷肠have a heart! 发发慈悲吧have no heart 冷酷无情2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 18focus1text5 But there were many hurdlesblockingtheroadtoKatrinasheart.One was a strong young mannamedBromVanBrunt,aherotoallthe young ladies. He was broad-shoulderedanddouble-jointed,withshortcurlyblackhair,andabl

29、uffbutnot unpleasant countenance. HealwayswonthehorseracesinTarryTownandearnedmanyprizes.Bromwas never seen without a horse.SuchwastheenemyIchabodhadtodefeatforKatrinasheart.Translation5 但是要走进卡特里娜的心里有重重障碍。其中有一个叫布罗姆范布伦特的年轻人,他身强体壮,是所有年轻女孩心中的英雄。他肩膀宽阔,身体柔韧,一头卷曲的黑色短发,配着一张粗犷但并不让人讨厌的脸庞。村里的赛马比赛他总是赢家,赢得了许多奖项

30、。而且,布罗姆总是骑着马。伊卡博德要赢得卡特里娜的心,必须打败这样一个敌人。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 5Note how the name Brunt suggests that the strong man was Ichabod Cranes worst rival as the word “brunt” means “the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow”. 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 19focus1text3

31、. Who was Brom and what did he look like? Brom was Ichabods rival for Katrinas heart. He was broad-shouldered and double-jointed, with short curly black hair, and a bluff but not unpleasant countenance.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 20focus1text6Strongerandwisermenwo

32、uldnothavetried.ButIchabodhadaplan. He could not fight hisenemyintheopen.Sohediditsilently and secretly. He mademanyvisitstoKatrinasfarmandmade her think he was helpinghertosingbetter.7 Time passed, and the townpeoplethoughtIchabodwaswinning.Bromshorsewasneverseen at Katrinas house onSundaynightsany

33、more.Translation6 稍微强壮、聪明的男人都会知难而退,但是伊卡博德有自己的计划。他无法公开和敌人决斗,所以他悄悄地、秘密地进行。他经常拜访卡特里娜家的农庄,使她认为他是在帮助她提高唱歌水平。 7 时间流逝,村里的人都认为伊卡博德将赢得这场竞争。星期天晚上再也看不到布罗姆的马出现在卡特里娜家。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 7Note that “was winning” here means the same as “was going to win” or “would win”. e.g. Everyone c

34、ould see that he was dying. He said that he was flying to Detroit next Monday.2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 21focus1text4. Why did the town people think Ichabod was winning? Because Broms horse was never seen at Katrinas house on Sunday nights any more.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The

35、Legend of Sleepy Hollow 22focus1text8OnedayinautumnIchabodwas asked to come to a bigparty at the Van Tassel home.Hedressedinhisbestclothes.A farmer loaned him an oldhorse for the long trip to theparty.9BromVanBruntrodetothepartyonhisfastesthorse,calledDaredevil. All the young ladiessmiled happily wh

36、en they sawhim.Translation8 到了秋天,一天伊卡博德受邀到范塔苏家参加一个盛大的派对。他穿上他最好的衣服。因为去参加派对要走很远的路,一位农夫借给他一匹老马。 9 布罗姆范布伦特骑着他那匹跑得最快的名为“鬼见愁”的马来到派对。所有的年轻女孩看到他,都向他露出了欢快的笑脸。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 23focus1text10IchabodwashappydancingwithKatrina,theladyofhisheart,whileBrom,sorelysmitt

37、enwithloveandjealousy,satbroodingbyhimselfinonecorner. When the musicstopped,theyoungpeoplesattogether to tell stories abouttheRevolutionaryWar.Translation10 伊卡博德很开心地和心上人卡特里娜跳着舞,而布罗姆却经受着爱火与妒火的双重煎熬,独自坐在角落里沉思。音乐结束后,年轻人坐在一起讲有关独立战争的故事。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMeaning: Ichabod was enjoying dancing with

38、 Katrina, his beloved girl. Brom, in contrast, was sitting alone in a corner, suffering from the bitterness of his love and jealousy in silence. the lady / girl of ones heart: 意中人e.g. He dreamed to marry Linda, the girl of his heart. brood: vi./vt. 1) 沉思,默想e.g. Its no use brooding over ones past mis

39、takes. She brooded over the problem for two hours. 2) 孵蛋e.g. Many birds often come here to brood.2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 24focus1text11 Soon stories about SleepyHollowweretold.Themostfearedstory was about the rider lookingforhislosthead.Onefarmertoldhowheracedtheheadlessmanonahorse.Thef

40、armerranhishorsefasterandfaster.Untiltheheadlesshorsemansuddenlystopped.Gonewere his clothes and his skin. Allthatwasleftwasamanwithwhitebonesshininginthemoonlight.Translation11 不一会儿,人们讲起了沉睡谷的故事。最恐怖的莫过于无头骑士寻找他丢失的头颅的故事。一个农夫讲他是如何与无头骑士赛跑的。农夫策马飞奔,直到无头骑士突然停下来。他的衣服和皮肤倏然脱落,仅剩一堆白骨,在月光下闪闪发亮。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版

41、社 BackNext Note that the verb “run” is used as a transitive verb meaning “to cause (an animal) to move rapidly (使奔跑)”.e.g. He never walks his dog; he runs it. “Gone” is a past participle used as a predicative adjective. Examples of adjectival use of the past participle as a predicative or an attribu

42、tive:One more question and Im done. The apple is seen as a forbidden fruit in the Bible. 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 25focus1text12 The stories ended andtime came to leave the party.Ichabod seemed very happyuntil he said goodnight toKatrina. Was she ending theirromance? He left feeling very

43、sad. Had Katrina been seeingIchabodjusttomakeBromVanBrunt jealous so he wouldmarryher?Translation12 故事讲完了,派对也该结束了。伊卡博德看起来一直都非常开心,直到他向卡特里娜道晚安。他们的爱情要结束了吗?他离开时感到非常难过。卡特里娜一直和伊卡博德会面,是只为了让布罗姆范布伦特嫉妒,好让布罗姆娶她吗?上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 122. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 26focus1text

44、5. How did Ichabod feel at the party? Ichabod seemed very happy until he said goodnight to Katrina. At this point, he started to feel very sad because he thought that Katrina had been seeing him just to make Brom Van Brunt jealous so he would marry her.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend

45、of Sleepy Hollow 27focus1text13Well,Ichabodbeganhislongridehome.14Hethoughthesawsomethingwhitemoveinthetree.Butno,itwas only the moonlight shiningandmovingonthetree.Thenheheard a noise. His body shook.He kicked his horse faster. Thehorseranfastandthensuddenlystopped,almostthrowingIchabodforwardtothe

46、ground.Translation13 13 不管怎么说,伊卡博德开始了他回家的漫长旅程。 14 14 他好像看到树林中有白色的东西在移动。哦,不,那不过是明亮的月光在树上移动。突然,他听到一个声音。他的身体颤抖起来。他踢了一下马,让它跑快些。马飞快地跑起来,突然又停了下来,差点将伊卡博德甩到前面的地上。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 28focus1text15There,inthedarkwoodsonthesideoftheriverwherethebushesgrewlow,stoodan

47、uglything.Bigandblack.Itdidnotmove,butseemedgatheredupinthegloom,likesome gigantic monster readytospringuponthetraveler.Translation15 他看到,河边漆黑的树林中,在低矮的灌木丛里,站着一个丑陋的东西。那东西又大又黑,并未移动,但昏暗中它看起来像个巨大的怪物,已做好了准备,要随时扑向他。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextnote the use of adjectives, especially in pairs, as an adverbial

48、.e.g. Tall and strong, the man threw the robber on the ground in no time. 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 29focus1text16Ichabodshairstoodstraightup.Whatwastobedone?Toturnandfly was now too late. Summoningup,therefore,ashowofcourage,hedemanded in stammering accents,“Who are you?” He received nor

49、eply.Ichabodsoldhorsebeganto move forward. The black thingbegan to move along the side ofIchabodshorseinthedark.Ichabodmadehishorserunfaster.Theblackthingmovedwiththem.Sidebysidetheymoved,slowlyatfirst.Translation16 伊卡博德汗毛直立。怎么办?转身逃跑已经太晚了。于是他鼓起勇气,结结巴巴地问道:“你是谁?”没有回应。伊卡博德的马开始往前移动。那个黑东西也靠着伊卡博德的马在黑暗中移动。

50、伊卡博德让马跑得更快,那黑东西也紧跟着跑。就这样,它们并排跑着,一开始跑得并不快。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMeaning: Ichabod, terrified by what he saw, was at a loss what to do. As it was too late for him to turn his horse and run away, he had to brace himself to ask in a broken voice who the horseman was, but he got no response. 2. Text:

51、 The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 30focus1text17Ichabodfelthisheartsink.ForamomentthemoonshonedownandtoIchabods horror, he saw it was ahorse. And it had a rider. But theriders head was not on his body. Itwasinfrontoftherider,restingonthehorse. He rained a shower of kicksandblowsuponhishorse,hopingbya sud

52、den movement to give hiscompanion the slip; but the spectrestartedfulljumpwithhim.Away,then,they dashed through thick and thin;stones flying and sparks flashing ateverybound.Translation17 伊卡博德的心沉了下去。有那么一瞬间, 月光直射而下,伊卡博德惊恐地看到,那是一匹马,上面坐着一个骑士,但骑士的头不在他的身体上,而是在骑士的前面,搁在马背上。他对马一阵拳打脚踢,希望能快速甩掉这个跟踪者,但那个幽灵却全速跟着

53、他跑了起来。然后,他们不顾一切往前飞跑,飞沙走石,火星四溅。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Paras. 15-17Meaning: He kicked and hit his horse many times in a brief space of time, trying to run away from his chaser, but the ghost rode fast enough to go side by side with him and they both rushed recklessly, with flying st

54、ones and flashing sparks around the jumping feet of their horses. give sb. the slip: 甩掉某人;避开某人e.g. The little girl managed to give the chaser the slip. through thick and thin: 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下e.g. He remained loyal to me through thick and thin. The warden didnt hesitate to quit as a protest against the

55、 firing of his partner, who had followed him through thick and thin. 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 31focus1text6. What did Ichabod think he met on the way back, and what did it look like?He thought he met the headless horseman. The horseman head was not on its body, but rested on the horse in

56、 front of the rider.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 32focus1text18 Up ahead was the oldchurchbridgewheretheheadlesshorseman stops and returns tohisburialplace.19“IfonlyIcangettherefirst,Iamsafe,”thoughtIchabod.Ichabodlookedbacktoseeiftheheadless man had stopped. Hesaw

57、 the man pick up his headandthrowitwithapowerfulforce.TheheadhitIchabodinthefaceandknockedhimoffhishorsetothedirtbelow.Translation18 传说中的无头骑士总是在前边教堂边的老桥头停下来,然后回到墓地。19 伊卡博德心想:“只要我能先到那儿,我就安全了。” 伊卡博德转身去看无头骑士是否停了下来。他看到那个人提起他的头,用力扔了过来。头砸到伊卡博德的脸上,把他从马背撞到地上。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextNote that “Up ahead wa

58、s the old church bridge” is one more case of inversion for the obvious reason that the subject “the old church bridge”, which is modified by an attributive clause, would be too heavy if placed before the predicate.Note that “if only” here is followed by a sentence with the modal verb “can” in the pr

59、esent tense, which suggests a likely happening, event, or state (in the future) rather than a hypothetical one which would require the subjunctive mood.e.g. If only he arrives on time! If only (=I wish) he had talked to her sooner! 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 33focus1text20TheyfoundIchabods

60、horsethe next day peacefully eatinggrass. They could not findIchabod.21Theywalkedallacrossthevalley.Theysawthefootmarksof Ichabods horse as it hadraced through the valley. TheyevenfoundIchabodsoldhatinthe dust near the bridge. Butthey did not find Ichabod. TheonlyotherthingtheyfoundwaslyingnearIchab

61、odshat.Translation20 第二天,人们发现伊卡博德的马平静地吃着草,但没有发现伊卡博德。 21 人们满山谷寻找,但只看到伊卡博德的马穿越山谷时留下的蹄印。人们甚至在桥边的尘土中发现了伊卡博德的旧帽子,但还是没有找到伊卡博德。他们唯一发现的另一样东西位于伊卡博德的帽子旁边。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 34 22 那是一只橙色圆南瓜的碎片。 23 一连好多个星期,村里的人都在谈论这件事。最后,他们开始相信是无头骑士把伊卡博德带走了。focus1text22Itwasthebroken

62、piecesofaroundorangepumpkin.23 The town people talkedaboutIchabodformanyweeks,andfinallytheycameto believe that the headlesshorsemanhadcarriedIchabodaway.Translation上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Paras. 21-22 come to: to begin to; to learn e.g. I came to see that Tom was right all along.

63、2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 35focus1text7. What did the villagers find near the bridge after Ichabod disappeared? The villagers could only find an old dusty hat and broken pieces of a pumpkin.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 36focus1text24Muchlateranoldfarmerr

64、eturned from a visit to NewYork City. He said he wassure he had seen Ichabodthere. He thought Ichabodsilently left Sleepy HollowbecausehehadlostKatrina.Translation24 过了好久,一个老农夫去了一趟纽约,回来后说他确定他在那里看到了伊卡博德。他认为伊卡博德悄悄离开沉睡谷是因为他失去了卡特里娜。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 37focus1

65、text25AsforKatrina,hermotherand father gave her a bigweddingwhenshemarriedBromVan Brunt. Many people whowent to the wedding saw thatBromsmiledwheneverIchabodsname was spoken. And theywondered why he laughed outloud when anyone talked aboutthebrokenorangepumpkinfound lying near Ichabods olddustyhat.T

66、ranslation25 至于卡特里娜,她的父母为她和布罗姆范布伦特举行了盛大的婚礼。许多人参加了他们的婚礼,他们发现,每次只要一提到伊卡博德的名字,布罗姆就会微微一笑。他们还很困惑,为什么每当有人谈到在伊卡博德满是灰尘的旧帽子旁发现橙色破碎南瓜的事,布罗姆就会放声大笑。上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 25 2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 38focus1text8. Why do you think Brom would smile at the mere mention of Icha

67、bods name?I think that Brom smiled because his rival had been scared away. It is very likely that it had been him disguised as the headless horseman.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 39Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Find appropriate words in the

68、 text which fit the following phrases. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.hideintheh tree2.b overhisbadluck3.speakwithastronga_ 4.missherboyfriends_ 5.bes withgrief6.bej ofhisrichneighbor7.ag statue8.makeouttwodimshapesintheg_ ollowroodccentorelymittenealousiganticloom401.Heiskindandfriendlydespitehisrath

69、er manner.2.Hislefthandwas duringthewar.3.Thewolfrushedoutofthegrassand ayoungdeer.4.LochNessisworld-famousforthe thatmaynotevenexist.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Find appropriate words or phrases in the text which fit the following sentences.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextblu

70、ffshotoffspranguponmonster415.Shewouldsmilehappilywhenevershe thosedayswithhim.6.Theshysoldierwould whenreportingtohisofficer.7.Thelittleblackboywithhis hairisquiteeye-catchingamongthewhitekids.8.Hewasshockedwhenastrangeanimal throughhislegs.Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases 上海交通大

71、上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextlookedbacktostammercurlydashed421.Areyousuperstitious?Why(not)?Focus1discussion 5. Discussion Discuss the following questions with a partner or in a small group of 4 to 6 students.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext No, I am not superstitious because any superstition is groundless and

72、nonsense, as it is always based on some made-up ghost story. No such stories have ever proved true, no matter how many people may claim to have seen ghosts. Although there are things that seem supernatural because they are beyond our understanding, it shouldnt lead to superstition because the truth

73、will be revealed someday in the future when we have a better knowledge of nature.Yes, I am. Because many strange things like ill omens before someones death can hardly be explained rationally or scientifically.43Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextBecause superstition is based

74、on peoples ignorance. In the past not many people were well educated and they tended to turn to witches, Taoist priests, etc. for help when unable to help themselves out of trouble. Even nowadays, in remote rural areas hardly covered by the sunshine of education and science, superstition still preva

75、ils.2. WhydoyouthinksuperstitionsweremorepopularinthepastandarestillpopularinsomepartsofthecountrysideinChina?44To some superstitious people, Chinese Lunar New Years Day is a day when people have to be careful to avoid doing something that seems common but can bring bad luck to the doer for the rest

76、 of the year. Here are some of their beliefs:1) Sweeping or dusting should not be done, for fear that good fortune will be swept away. 2) If you cry, you might be crying all the year round. 3) Dont wash your hair, or you will wash away good luck. 4) Do not use knives or scissors, as this may cut off

77、 fortune. 5) Never say the word “four”, which sounds like the word “death”; make no mention of death or you could be greeted by the Angel of Death. 6) Buying books is bad luck, as the Chinese for “book” is a homonym of the word “lose”. 7) A haircut would mean cutting away prosperity, because the Chi

78、nese for “hair” is a homophone of the word “prosperity”.Focus1discussion 5. Discussion 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext3. CanyoulistsomesuperstitioustaboosrelatedtoChineseLunarNewYearsDay?45Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Two villagers are talking about some strange things

79、that happened in Tarry Town. Interpret what they say into English with your partner. BackNext村民甲:你知道吗?我昨天在纽约见到了伊卡博德鹤。村民乙:不可能吧,他不是被无头骑士带走了吗?村民甲:谁知道呢。不过我记得他的模样,不会认错的。村民乙:是啊,他长得又高又瘦,跟他名字一样,就像只鹤。村民甲:他人虽长得瘦高,可饭量跟胖子一样,所以除了教书,还兼职去教年轻人唱歌。村民乙:他就是在教唱歌的时候认识了荷兰富农的独生女卡特里娜,并对她一见倾心。村民甲:但他的情敌,布罗姆范布伦特可是所有年轻女孩心中的英雄。伊

80、卡博德要赢得卡特里娜的心,必须打败这样一个敌人。To be continued46Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext村民乙:伊卡博德有办法。他以教唱歌为名频频拜访卡特里娜,似乎让布罗姆心灰意冷了。大家都以为伊卡博德将赢得她的芳心。村民甲:可不是吗?但奇怪的是那晚在卡特里娜家举行那场大派对之后,伊卡博德就失踪了。村民乙:我们第二天在山谷里发现了他的那匹马,一顶满是灰尘的旧帽子和一只南瓜的碎片。村民甲:你也跟大伙一样认为他是被无头骑士带走的吗?村民乙:难道不可能吗?村民甲:天知道。不过在布罗

81、姆和卡特里娜的婚礼上,只要一提到伊卡博德的名字和那个破碎的南瓜,布罗姆就会大笑,你不觉得奇怪吗?村民乙:难道布罗姆扮成无头骑士,吓跑了伊卡博德?村民甲:并非不可能。毕竟是情敌嘛。村民乙:可怜的伊卡博德。For Reference AnswerClick Here47Focus1interpreting6. Practice: interpreting 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext48伊卡博德要赢得卡特里娜的心,必须打败这样一个敌人。1.Heiseverseenhurryingalong in the gloom of night,lookingforhislosthe

82、ad.Focus1translation7. Practice: translation A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext人们看见他在幽暗的夜色中匆匆前行,寻找他失去的头颅。2.HealwayswonthehorseracesinTarryTownandearnedmanyprizes.Bromwas never seen withoutahorse.

83、达里镇的赛马比赛他总是赢家,赢得了许多奖项。而且,布罗姆总是骑着他的马。3. SuchwastheenemyIchabodhadtodefeatforKatrinasheart.49Focus1translation7. Practice: translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5. There, in the dark woods on the side of the river where thebushesgrewlow,stoodanuglything.河边漆黑的树林中,在低矮的灌木丛里,站着一个丑陋的东西。4. Gone were his cl

84、othes and his skin.Allthatwasleftwasamanwithwhitebonesshininginthemoonlight.他的衣服和皮肤倏然脱落,仅剩一堆白骨,在月光下闪闪发亮。6.Herained a shower ofkicksandblowsuponhishorse,hopingbya sudden movement to give his companion the slip; but thespectrestartedfulljumpwithhim.他对马一阵拳打脚踢,希望能快速甩掉这个跟踪者,但那个幽灵却全速跟着他跑了起来。501.Theoldlady

85、hadallthelightsonallnightlongbecauseshethoughtthiswastheonlyway (防止他人闯入她的房间).2. (房屋和树木不复存在).Allthatwasleftwasacompleteruin.Focus1translationB. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.nottohaveherhousebrokeninto上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation B

86、ackNextGonewerethebuildingsandthetrees513.(爆炸的力量如此之大)thatallthewindowswerebroken.4.Somethingblackandsharplookedlikeagigantic(随时准备扑向女孩的怪物).5.Thecarhittheridersohardthatit(把他从自行车上撞下来,落在了五米开外的草地上).Focus1translationSuchwastheforceoftheexplosion上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 7. Practice: translation BackNextmonsterr

87、eadytospringuponthegirlknockedhimoffhisbiketothegrassfivemetersaway52Focus1writing8. Practice: writing A. Write a summary of the text (max. 150 words), referring to the outline below.For Reference AnswerClick HereSummary outline:Summary outline: 1.Thebackgroundofthestory;2.Briefintroductiontothethre

88、echaractersinthisstory;3.Ichabodscomingacrossaheadlesshorsemanonthewaybackfromtheparty;4.Theendofthestory.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext53Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext54Focus1writing8. Practice: writing B. Basic writing techniques: patterns of organization (2)Exercise: R

89、ead the following essay, and then answer the followingquestions.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext55Focus1writing8. Practice: writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.Howmanydifferentrockandrollstylesarediscussedintheessay?Three.2.Howmanybodyparagraphsarethere?Whatisthetopicofeachone?Underlinethetopicsentences

90、.There are three body paragraphs and they discuss different styles of rock and roll, namely, rap, heavy metal, and reggae respectively.56Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet Gotohttp:/orhttp:/ BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick Here57Focus1internet9. Surfing the Internet 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5

91、8Focus2 contentDialogue: making a telephone appointment Pair work: Making an appointment Text: An introduction to making telephone sales and appointments Working with words Research project Listening-based writing HighlightsTable of ContentsPart 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext59focus2hi

92、ghlights HighlightsR&L: Dialogue:makingatelephoneappointment S: MakinganappointmentLanguageformakinganappointmentR:An introduction to making telephone sales andappointmentsResearch Project: PreparinganoralpresentationontipsforsuccessfultelemarketingL&W: WritingaletteraskingforanappointmentLanguagefo

93、rwritingaletteraskingforanappointment Part 2 Language in Use上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext60Assistant: Good morning. Odyssey Promotions. How may I help you?Nick: Hello, this is Nick Darwin from DJ Corporation. Could I speak to Helen Turner, please?Assistant: Just a moment, please. Ms. Turner? I have Ni

94、ck Darwin (1) _ for you.Helen: Thank you Hi, Nick. Nice to hear from you. Hows the weather in London?Nick: Its pretty good for this time of year. Whats it like in New York?Helen: Not good, Im afraid.Nick: Thats a pity because Im planning to (2) .Helen: Really? Well, youll come by to see us while you

95、re here, I hope?Nick: Thats (3) . Ive got a meeting in Boston next Tuesday. I was hoping we could arrange to meet up (4) .focus2dialogue 1. Dialogue:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.BackNexton the line come by next weekwhat Im phoning aboutTo be continuedmaking a tele

96、phone appointmenteither before or after61Helen: Great. That would give us a chance to show you the convention center, and we could also drop in at Caesars Restaurant, where we (5) .Nick: I appreciate that.Helen: When do you plan to leave Boston?Nick: Could be either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday mo

97、rning, but I would like to (6) back to London on Wednesday evening.Helen: OK. Well, it would be best for us if you could (7) . Ill pick you up at the airport. Well (8) any of the details that still havent been finalized.Nick: That sounds good. Helen: Please fax me once youve (9) . Then well get back

98、 to you (10) for the day thats Wednesday the 9th, right?Nick: Thats right. Ill do that and I look forward to seeing you next week. focus2dialogue上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNexthave arranged your receptionconfirmed your flight timescatch a flight fly in on Wednesday morning 1. Dialogue: with an itinerary

99、 run through making a telephone appointment62focus2 dialogue Notes to the Dialogue1. I have Nick Darwin on the line for you. 尼克达尔文来电找您。on the line: 在电话线上 e.g. Hes on another line. Stay on the line. 2. Hows the weather in London? 伦敦的天气怎么样? Note that this is typical small talk before getting down to b

100、usiness. 3. Thats a pity because Im planning to come by next week. 真糟糕,我计划下周过去。come by: 作短暂拜访e.g. Why dont you come by our house this evening? Why dont you come by some afternoon and have coffee with me? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: making a telephone appointment63focus2 dialogue 4. I wa

101、s hoping we could arrange to meet up either before or after. 希望我们能在此之前或之后安排一次会面。 The verb “hope” used in the past continuous tense sounds more polite or indirect than if used in the present simple tense. This is necessary when you are asking somebody for a favour. e.g. We are hoping you will get wel

102、l soon. I was hoping you could send me some books. 5. Well run through any of the details that havent been finalized. 我们将快速讨论一遍还没有最后敲定的细节。 run through: 匆匆讨论;浏览 e.g. Shall we run through these names again from the top of the list? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 1. Dialogue: making a telephone appointmen

103、t64Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 making an appointmentLanguage for making an appointmentMay I have an appointment with you?Im calling to make an appointment with you for next Monday. I wonder if it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow. Would it be convenient if I called in toni

104、ght? Could you arrange an appointment with Mr. Green for me? Id like to drop by tomorrow to talk over our plan. I look forward to seeing you at your office on July 18. Can you squeeze in some time for me next week?Learning Translate the Chinese in brackets into English and then role-play the dialogu

105、e with a partner.BackNextTo be continued65Focus2 pairwork 2. Pair work:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 making an appointmentI wonder if you could spare me a couple of hours this afternoon. Can you make it at 3:00 on Monday? Would 9:00 be alright / okay with you? How about / What do you think of 3:30? Lets say ab

106、out 9:00 tomorrow. Anytime before 6 p.m. Anytime except Monday will be fine / okay / all right with me. Im available from 9:00 to 3:00.Would you mind if we put off our meeting till tomorrow morning? About our appointment, Im afraid well have to reschedule it.I have something urgent, so Im afraid the

107、 appointment has to be canceled. Learning BackNext66A: Hello, Mr. Johnson, please. B: Mr. Johnson is busy at the moment. May I help you?A: . (我想和他预约见面。) B: And your name is.?A: My name is Fred Lee. . (我们要讨论今后的合作事宜。) B: One moment, please. Let me check his schedule. . (他明天上午有时间见您。) A: Thanks a lot. (

108、明天上午9点半前我能见他吗?) B: He wont be in till 10:45, so the earliest would be 11:00. A: (11点半可以吗?) B: OK. Yes. Ill make a note of it. A: So thats settled. Tomorrow, 11:30, (对吗?)B: Yes. Focus2 pairwork上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext 2. Pair work:Id like to make an appointment with himWell be discussing our futur

109、e cooperationIm afraid he cant meet you until tomorrow morningHow about 11:30? is that right? Could I meet him before 9:30 tomorrow morning? making an appointment67电话销售及预约入门介绍 1 很多人认为最好的销售方式应该是直接销售,如直接从商店购买或网购。因此,电话销售往往被忽视,但事实上,电话销售每年创造数百万的销售量。电话销售经过多年的质疑,现在正逐渐进入一个发展阶段,被各个大小商家采用。Focus2 textTranslati

110、on 3. Text:An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments Introduction1 Many peoplewould agree thatthe best way to make a sale isthroughadirectsale,say,fromyourshop,orontheInternet.Consequently,telemarketingiscommonly overlooked, but in facttelemarketing is responsible formillionsofsales

111、eachyear.Telemarketing is currently goingthroughagrowthphaseaftermanyyearsofdoubtandisbeingadoptedbyallbusinessessmalltolarge.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTelemarketing (known as telesales in the UK and Ireland) is a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson solicits prospective customers to b

112、uy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face-to-face or Web-conferencing appointment scheduled during the call.68Marketing refers to promotion and can also involve pricing, product placement, and distribution. Promotion can be limited to a specific target group, or it

113、can be aimed at the general public. Marketing strategies differ depending on the products, target markets, and budgets. Many marketing strategies for individuals, teams, charities, clubs, and even small businesses can revolve around free and low-cost advertising.2 对于对电话销售不熟悉的人来说,要成为电话销售专家可能需要时间(和做大多

114、数事情一样),但是一旦您掌握了这项技能,它将成为一个强有力的促销工具。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:2Forpeoplenewtotelemarketing,itmaytaketimeto become a sales expert onthephone(justlikeitdoesformosttasks),butonceyouhavemasteredthetechnique,itcanbecome a strong marketingtool.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statements about Par

115、as. 1-2 An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments69Focus2 text 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext()1.Salesthroughtelemarketingarelargeinproportiontothosethroughdirectsales.()2.Telemarketingisastrongmarketingtoolonceyouvemasteredit. F TAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and A

116、ppointments703 Telemarketing is not solelyusedtomakeaninstantsale,butalso to make appointments thatmayleadtoasale.4Theareaoftelemarketingisextremely wide, and we aim tointroduceyoutothebasicsofthesubject by pointing you in theright direction for a successfulcampaign.3 电话销售不仅直接用来做销售,还可以通过预约促成销售。4 电话销

117、售的领域非常广泛,我们的目的是向您介绍它的基本原理,为您指明走向成功的正确方向。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statement about Para. 3 ( ) 3. The sole aim oftelemarketingistomakeappointments that may lead to asale. FAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments71First Objective5 What are

118、you trying toachieve when you first makecontact with a customer bytelephone?Ameeting?Acommitmenttobuy?Asale?首要目的5 5 当您与一个客户初次电话联系时,您想要达到什么目的?是见一次面?一个购买的承诺?还是一次销售?Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments726 In most instances

119、you shouldonly try to fix a meeting. All toooften prospective customers arelostnotduetoyourproduct,butbytheattempttogetthecustomerstobuysomethingtheyhavenotseen,bysomeonetheydonotknow.Thepressureof tryingto selloverthetelephoneisalmostwithoutparallel. How much simpler thewholeprocesswouldbeifyoujust

120、concentratedongettingtheappointment!6 6 在多数情况下,您应只须争取会面机会。通常失去潜在客户并不是因为您的产品有问题,而是因为您试图让客户从一个他不认识的人手里购买见都没见过的东西。电话销售的压力几乎是无可比拟的。但如果您集中精力促成预约,整个过程就简单多了。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statements about Para. 6 prospective: a. 预期的;未来的;可能的e.g. Is she a prospective buy

121、er?without parallel: 无与伦比e.g. Grain output went up steadily and reached a level without parallel in history. An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments73Focus2 text 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext()4.Totrytogetthecustomertobuysomethingtheyhavenotseenbysomeonetheydonotknowisamista

122、kemadebymanytelemarketers.() 5.Acoldcallerissomeonewhomakesthreateningphonecalls. F TAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments747Byconcentratingontheappointment you can avoid thespecificsofproduct/serviceperformanceandinsteadconcentrateon:WehavesomethingherethatIknow will excite you

123、, and if youcan give me 30 minutes (behonestwiththetime)Iwouldlovetoshowyouhowitwillimmediatelyimproveyourprofitability.7 7 集中精力促成预约,可以避免谈到产品或服务的细节情况,您应该关注的是:我们这儿有些东西也许会引起您的兴趣,如果您能给我30分钟时间(时间上要 诚实),我会很高兴向您介绍它能怎样快速提高您的收益率。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextconcentrate on: 专心于,把

124、思想集中于e.g. Many firms are concentrating on expanding their markets overseas. specifics: n.(pl.)详情,细节e.g. We all agreed on our basic aims, but when we got down to specifics it became more complicated. An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments75We have a new product /service that has a

125、 number ofnew/advanced/interesting/cutting-edge/low-costadvantages and Im sure youwould want to be one of thefirsttoseethem. 我们有件新产品有项新服务,它有很多新的 / 先进的 / 有趣的 / 前沿的 / 低成本的优势,我确信您想第一个见识它。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments

126、76Cold Callers Beware8 Since 25 June 2004 it hasbeen an offence to telephone aBUSINESSthathasregistereditstelephone number(s) with theTelephone Preference Service(TPS),asnotwantingunsolicitedbusiness-to-businesstelephonecalls.打冷电话者须知 8 从2004年6月25日起,打商务电话给登记过电话选择服务(TPS)的企业是一种违法行为,因其电话号码已设定为不接听未经要求的商业

127、电话。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextunsolicited: 未经要求的e.g. Spam, or junk e-mails, are unsolicited messages. An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments779 The new regulations are inadditiontotheexistingregulationsthatcoverCONSUMERcoldcalling.Onceatelephonenumb

128、erhasbeenregisteredwiththeTPS,ittakes28daystobecomeanoffenceifyoucoldcallit.10Ifyouhaveanexistinglistofpastclients,youWOULDhaveto“clean”thelistthroughTPSifyouhadnoideaiftheywouldwanttohearfromyouagain.9 新规则是对现有法规的补充,包括给消费者打冷电话。一旦一个电话号码登记了TPS服务,28天后给它打冷电话即属违法行为。10 如果您有个旧客户名单,但不知道他们是否还愿意接到您的电话,您必须通过TP

129、S来“清理”这个名单。Focus2 textTranslation 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextTrue-false statements about Paras. 8-9 in addition to: 除之外(还)e.g. Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet. An Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments78Focus2 text 3. Text:上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Bac

130、kNext() 6. The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is acentralregisterwherebusinessescanregistertheirnumberssoasnottoreceivesalesandmarketingtelephonecalls.() 7.OnceatelephonenumberhasbeenregisteredwiththeTPS,ittakes28daystouseit. F TAn Introduction to Making Telephone Sales and Appointments79Focus2

131、working with words4. Working with words Read the following conversation and work out the missing words with their first letter given. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext80Focus2 working with words4. Working with words 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.Pleasedont c meagain.Imnotinterestedinyourservice.2.Sorry,but

132、IthinkIllp onthefreegymmembership.3.At calledmelastnightandinterruptedourdinner.4.Themanonthephoneo meafreeone-monthsubscription.1.5.ItoldthewomanIdidntneedas toafitness2.magazine.allasselemarketerfferedubscription81Focus2researchproject 5. Research project For Reference AnswerClick Here上海交通大上海交通大学学

133、出版社出版社 Issue/Event/Context: Telemarketing is big business, which providesendlessopportunitiestoincreaseandimproveyourbusiness.Butitcanbealsoannoyingtothosewhoreceivethecalls.Now,theclasswillbedividedintotwopartiesprospectivecustomersandtelemarketers.Thetelemarketersaretryingtodobusinesswiththeprospe

134、ctivecustomersandfinallymakethedeal.Research Goal: Todocoldcalling.Research Method & Route: SearchviatheInternetforinformationonskillsortipsonsuccessfulcoldcalling.Result: Prepareapresentationontipsforsuccessfultelemarketing.BackNext82Focus2researchproject 5. Research project 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Back

135、NextTips for Successful telemarketingGetthepersonsnameright.Askafewqualifyingquestionsbeforelaunchingintoa(probablyirrelevant)salespitch.Dontrambleon.Dontintroduceirrelevantinformation.Dontpretendtohavetheknowledgeyoudonthave.Dontsoundtooeageritllmakeyousoundamateurishordesperate.Dontoffertoomanyalt

136、ernativetimesanddatesforanappointmentitconfuses.Confirmappointmentsinwriting.83Situation:LiLeiisscheduledtovisittheUSonbusinessattheendofthismonth,andwishestocallonMr.Smithathisoffice.HedliketomakeanappointmentwithMr.Smith.To:Mr.SmithFrom:LiLeiDate: August10,2009Subject:RequestforanappointmentFocus2

137、L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Listen to a dialogue twice and write a letter for Li Lei according to what you have heard. You may refer to the following situation.BackNext84Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextMind Mapschedule / vt. 安排,预定put down 记下 alt

138、ernative / a. 可供替代的,可供选择的 85Focus2 L&W 6. Listening-based writing 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextLanguage for writing a letter asking for an appointmentIt would be very much appreciated if you would kindly arrange to meet me onIf neither is (suitable), could you please suggest an alternative date?Please

139、 give me a ring if this time does not suit Would you like to go with me to. if you are free?If you have no other plans tomorrow, will you go to. with me?Shall we meet at . I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Learning86Focus2 L&W Tapescript上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNextFo

140、r Reference AnswerClick Here87Focus2 L&W上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 6. Listening-based writing BackNextReference Answer DearMr.Smith,IamscheduledtovisittheUSonbusinessattheendofthismonth,andwishtocallonyouatyouroffice.IwillbearrivinginWashingtononoraroundAugust20andstayingthereforaboutaweek.Itwouldbeverymuch

141、appreciatedifyouwouldkindlyarrange tomeetmeeitheronAugust22or23,whicheverisconvenient for you. If neither is, could you please suggest analternativedate?IamlookingforwardtoseeingyouinWashingtonsoon!Sincerely,LiLeiM&HTradingCompany88Focus3content Translation Skills Pleasant Surprises in LanguageTable

142、 of ContentsPart 3 Enhancement of Language Abilities上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext89Put the following sentences into Chinese.Focus3translationskills 1. Translation Skills 1.Iceisnotasdenseaswateranditthereforefloats.2.Metalsdonotmeltuntilheatedtoadefinitetemperature.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮于水面。金属要加热到一定温度才会熔化。上海交通大

143、上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext3.Wehadnosoonergothomethanitbegantorain.我们刚到家就开始下雨了。90Focus3translationskills 1. Translation Skills 4.Catchmedoingthatagain.5. Professor White said he still hoped to be the first tocompletethefirsthumanheadtransplant,butconcededhisagewasworkingagainsthim.我决不会再干那种事了。上海交通大上海交通大学学

144、出版社出版社 怀特教授说他希望自己能完成首例人类头颅移植手术,但同时他也承认,自己毕竟已入暮年,未免力不从心。BackNext91Focus3PleasantSurprisesinLanguage 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language Put the following sentences into Chinese.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1.Whenyouhaveagoodidea,trytocaptureitimmediatelyinwords.2.Hehasawealthofideas.当你有好的想法时,要试着马上把它记下来。他

145、有很多主意。他没了主意。3.Heranoutofideas.那个观点没人会买账。4.Thatideajustwontsell.92Focus3PleasantSurprisesinLanguage 2. Pleasant Surprises in Language 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5.Thereisalwaysamarketforgoodideas.1.6.Ihaveabandonedtheideaofconsistency.2.7.Itsaroughidea;itneedstoberefined.3.8. Your ideas dont have a chance in the intellectualmarketplace.好主意总是有市场的。我已放弃了必须前后一致的想法。这个观点很粗糙,需要改善。你的观点在学术界里是没有机会的。93L/O/G/OThank You!上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语综合教程应用型大学英语综合教程Application-oriented College English Course



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