《Unit 4 Sharing(1)-warming and reading》课件二十三(52张PPT)(人教版选修7)

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1、Unit4SharingThink about the things you do to help other people. Interview your partner about this.What do you do to help your parents? your other relatives? your friends? your teachers? people in your community? people outside your community?What do you do to helpName:Name:Name:1.your parents?2.othe

2、r relatives?3.your friends?4. people in your community?5.people outside your community?Cleanthefloor WashdishesPreparesupperLendmybooksandCDstothemTakecareofmycousinwhilehisparentsareawayComfortthemwhentheyaresadRepairtheircomputersHelpthemwiththelessonsAccompanythemtodoshoppingBeacoachofthefootball

3、loversSinganddancefortheoldHelpmyneighbourscarrythingshomePlant treesHelppeoplewithdisabilitiesReturnthewallettotheownerWhatisavolunteer?fight against the flood and rescue the old and the sickplant trees and protect our environment help the disabledclean the communityteach the kids in the mountainou

4、s areas Lily often helps her mother do some housework; Jim sometimes lends his books to his relatives; Mary always helps her friends with the lessons. Do you think they are volunteers?NoWhatdoestheword“volunteer”mean?Anyexamples?People who help others in their community or outside their community wo

5、uld be called volunteers. However , they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends.NormanBethune徐本禹徐本禹濮存昕濮存昕田家炳田家炳丛飞丛飞Haveyoueverworkedasavolunteer?Whyshouldpeoplevolunteer?an exchange of culture social contact learn new skills and language develop and gai

6、n practical experience develop leadership and teamwork skillsWhat voluntary work have you done? If not, what will you volunteer to do in the future?Which countries do you think need help most? Why?In which country do you want to do voluntary work? In China or abroad? Why?Discuss the following in gro

7、ups:What do you know about Papua New Guinea?Therearemanyvolunteersworkingindifferentmountainousareasordevelopingcountries,amongwhichPapuaNewGuinea(PNG)isone.IndependentStateofPapuaNewGuinea巴布亚新几内亚独立国巴布亚新几内亚独立国巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽巴布亚新几内亚国旗和国徽(极乐鸟极乐鸟)巴布亚在马来语中意为巴布亚在马来语中意为“卷发人卷发人”。16世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来到该岛时,见当地世纪中叶,葡萄牙人来

8、到该岛时,见当地居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之居民和自然景观很像非洲的几内亚,故称之为新几内亚为新几内亚.LocationPopulationLanguageEconomyEducationsituated to the north of Australiaabout 5.7 millionEnglish as the official language. Pidgin English as the language for communicationa poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depend

9、ing on subsistence farming to make a livingAbout 85% of children start school but only about 60% of these reach Year 5Pre-reading Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1. What was Jos job in PNG? 2. What kind of students were in her class? 3. What were the classrooms like? A teacher in PNG.Bo

10、ys who were as young as we are.The classrooms are very poor, made of bamboo and grass.4. What can you say about the 4. What can you say about the village?village?5. What can you say about life in the 5. What can you say about life in the village?village? The village was a place full of natural beaut

11、ies. There were more trees and bamboos.People in the village lived a simple life.ReadingA Letter HomeA Letter HomeCompletethesentenceswiththecharactersmentionedintheletter:1. _ is a young Australian woman.2. _ was dying to hear all about Jos life in Papua New Guinea.3. _ walked a long way to get to

12、the school .4. _ didnt have any textbooks.5. _became a lot more imaginative when teaching.JoRosemaryThe boysThe boys and JoJoTask 16. _ started jumping out of the windows during a chemistry experiment. 7. _ visited a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe.8. _ started crying “ieee ieee”

13、 to welcome them.9. _ led us to a low bamboo hut.10. _ was going to share the platform with Jenny and Jo.11. _ softly talked to each other in their language Jo didnt understand.Jenny and JoKiakMukapKiakTombes familyThe boys1. What is the passage mainly about?2. Why does Jo call the high school a “bu

14、sh school”?3. How long does it take the students to go to school?Becauseitismadeofbambooandgrass.JosteachinglifeinPNG.Uptotwohours.Task 2Scanning and answer the following questions: 4.Why was Science the most challenging subject for Jo?5.Were the boys and villagers friendly to Jo?Yes. 1) There are l

15、ots of “good mornings” for Jo from the boys. There was no equipment.2) When Jo and Jenny arrived at the village, Tombes mother started crying” ieee ieee”. Jo and Jenny shook hands with all the villagers.6.Whydidtheboysstartjumpingoutofthewindows?7.WhyshouldittakeJoandJennytwoandhalfhourstogettothevi

16、llage?8.WhatsthecharacteristicsofamanshouseinTombesvillage?The boys never came across anything like the bubbling mixture.Theyhadtoclimbupamountaintoaridgefirstandthendownasteepslopetothevalleybelow.The grass sticks out of the roof. There were no windows and the doorway was just big enough to get thr


18、.activeandenthusiasticB.quietandcoldC.shyandsuperstitious(迷信迷信)D.kindandfriendly Read the passage carefully to complete the tables below!Task 3ConditionsOur schoolThe school described in the letterClassrooms (Equipped or not)Students futureElectricity and water (Y/N)Textbook (Y/N)Chemistry experimen

19、ts (Many/few)Go to college or workReturn to the villagesYesYesNoNoManyFewEquippedNot equippedTable 1Table2(aboutthelifeinthevillage)Type of houses DietFamily relationshipsPossessionsCooking methodsAgricultureSleeping arrangementBeliefsTypeofhousesFamilyrelationshipsCookingmethodslowbamboohutgrasssti

20、ckingoutoftheroofwindowsdoorwayfreshgrassrelativeHotstonesoildrumvegetablesbananaleavessteamedMenshutisa_with_.No_,small_.Floorwascoveredwith_.Everyoneseemedtobea_ofTombes.(largeextendedfamily)_areplacedinan_,then_areplacedinthedrum,coveredwith_and_.ownhutplatformSleeping arrangementsDietPossessions


22、thecanisthen_ofthehut.Task 4Guess the reasons for the facts according to the reading passage.factsreason1. The boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson.2.Jo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys.3. Tombes mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw Jo.Because they were frightened; th

23、ey had never seen anything like this before.Because most of them would live all their lives as farmers.It was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyones attention to their arrival.factsreason4. There were no windows in Mukaps hut.5. The tin can was standing upside down on the

24、grill.Because it was a mans house.The tin can was used to dry out the leftover food, which might attract evil spirits, so the tin can was thrown out of the hut.What do you think are the positive and negative things about living in a village in Papua New Guinea. Give your reasons. The first one is do

25、ne for you.Positives aspectsNegative aspects1.Boys value education.1.No running water or electricity.2.Everyone would know each other.3.The village does not have to rely on outside sources for food.4.People can live without many possessions.2.The village might be cut off from the outside world and m

26、ight not have roads to and from it.3.the village might not have a school so students might have to walk a long way to the closest school.4.There might not be any medical services close by.DiscussionNow we have two topics to discuss:1. Why do you think Jo become a volunteer in PNG? Give as many possi

27、ble reasons as you can. 2. Would you like to work as a volunteer in a poor area? Give reasons.A sample of the discussions:A: I think, first of all, Jo was a kind-hearted woman, who is willing to help others. Second, she knew enough about the poor conditions in PNG and thought that she could help tea

28、ch in the schools. If I am given the chance, I will do whatever I can to help. B: In my opinion, Jo must have worked as a teacher in Australia, and she applied to become a volunteer abroad, and then she was sent to PNG as a volunteer. C: Maybe she thinks that education is the key to solving all the

29、problems in PNG, so she, as a teacher, goes to PNG to help.D: Perhaps she likes traveling abroad, helping the poor wherever she goes. E: I dont agree with you. You know, she stayed there for two years. A traveler once did that. She was willing to help the poor children in PNG to be educated. She was

30、 doing her bit to change the poors state of living and education. If everyone in the rich countries should do like her, all the problems stemming from poverty could be solved easily. F: I would like to say something about the second topic. I think I will be a volunteer in a poor area. Whenever Idoyo

31、ubit干分内的事干分内的事saw the poor living state of the poor in the western areas and mountainous areas, I was eager to do something for them. All are created equal. But they cant get what we can enjoy. What a pity! If possible, I will try to help.首首都都:莫尔兹比港莫尔兹比港PortMoresby面面积积:46.2万平方公里万平方公里人人口口:430万人万人语语言言:英语英语民民族族:美拉尼西亚族美拉尼西亚族宗宗教教:基督教新教、拜物教基督教新教、拜物教货货币币:基那基那国庆节国庆节:9月月16日日时时差差:比北京时间早比北京时间早2小时小时气气候候:热带雨林气候热带雨林气候同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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