Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件2(13张PPT)(外研版选修6)

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《Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件2(13张PPT)(外研版选修6)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 5《Cloning》introduction,reading and voca课件2(13张PPT)(外研版选修6)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 NSE(6)CloningPeriods dividingPeriod 1 Introduction (Vocabulary and reading,speaking )Period 2 Reading and vocabulary Speaking , Period 3 Function and Grammar Subjunctive Mood ( 1 )Period 4 Listening and vocabulary, Everyday EnglishPeriod 5 Cultural Corner and Reading (WB) and TaskPeriod 6 S

2、peaking and WritingPeriod 1 Introduction,(Vocabulary and Reading)Step 1 Lead-in Activity 1 :Answer the following questions:1) . Do you like to see films? What kind of films do you like to see?2) Have you ever seen a science fiction film? If so, please give the names of the film?3) How much do you kn

3、ow about the film”Frankenstein”Walking in Spacein 20012001年漫游太空年漫游太空 星际战争(TheWaroftheWorlds) 侏罗纪公园Jurassic Park内容:两位生物学家第一次来到侏罗纪公园,他们乘坐的吉普车来到原野上,其中的一位被眼前的情景惊呆了,而他的伙伴还在埋头翻着公园地图,他用手将伙伴的头扳过来,这下轮到伙伴瞪大眼睛了:只见在树丛中一只巨大的雷龙正在悠闲的散步,它还不时动作优雅地去啃食树叶,它的脚步落下时使大地都为之颤动。 ET内容:电影的主人公一大群孩子骑着自行车带着外星植物学家ET四处逃避大人的追捕,那些大人要把

4、ET当成研究品。在路口,警察们已经严阵以待,一辆辆警车将公路堵得水泄不通,就在孩子们一筹莫展之际,ET发出异能使所有的孩子和他们的车子在路障和目瞪口呆的大人们面前腾空而起,逃出包围圈。月光中孩子们奋力蹬车,御风而行。Step 2 Learn vocabulary Activity 1) Look at the pictures from the film “Frankenstein”and answer the questions.1. When was the film made? 2. Try to describe it with the following words in the b

5、ox.The film was made in 1931.huge , human being, lip , monster, terrifying, uglyFrom Frankenstein 1931Activity 2) Read the passage on Page 41 Ex 2 and find out the sentences which describe the monster in the passage.Activity 3 ) A. Match the meaning of the words, then fill in the blanks with them.1.

6、 create2. frightening3. horror4. resemble5. terrify6. wrinkledThe monster is very big and very strong, looks very ugly, with wrinkled skin, yellow eyes and black lip.a. feeling of extreme fear or dislikeb. fill with fearc. cause something to existd. small fold or line in the skine. fill with fright

7、or terrorf. be similar to be likeB. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1. I saw a _ film yesterday. It was really _.2. The monster was huge, with ugly, _ skin. It _ me.3. The creature had wings and _ a bird.4. The writer _ a very exciting story. frighteninghorrorwri

8、nkledterrifiedresembled createdActivity 4) Complete the small article with the words you learned in the passage Last night I went to see Frankenstein, a _ film about a scientist who _ a _ that _ a huge human being in his laboratory. The creature was _ to look ugly. With _skin, yellow _and black_. It

9、 was big and and very strong . He_ everyone who_him. It was a very _ story; but it was also very sad. I couldnt believe the _of this poor creature could be so stupid why didnt he think that _he made a living being, it would have_just like any man? If I were a scientist, I would think about my experi

10、ments before I did them. If I didnt , the _could be as terrifying as they were in the film.horrorcreatedmosterresembledmadewinkledeyeslipsterrifiedsawfrighteningifcreatoremotionsresultsStep 3 Discussion1) What do you think of horrible films ?2) Can you tell why a film director directs some science f

11、iction films?What s their meaning for?2) If you are a film director, do you like to make some terrifying scene in a science fiction film? Why do you do like that? Tell the reasons.Step 4 Homework1.Preview the text “Frankensteins Monster”2.Try to search some science fiction films.Period 2 Reading + v

12、ocabulary+SpeakingStep I Pre-readingActivity 1 Look at the words in the box and try to match the meanings of them.1.making sth2.a woman who is going to marry soon3. kill someone4. noun of the word “beautiful”5. without life6. describes a part of the human body7.describing feelings8.Quickly follow sb

13、 in order to catch him/ herbeauty , bone, chase, creation, creator, disgust, emotion, fear, fiancee, lifeless, murder(V& n)creationFianceemurder(V)beauty lifelessboneemotionchaseActivity 2 Predict (Group work)If you see the title of “Frankenstein Monster”,What will you guess to write in the story?1.Frankenstein s creation emotion2.Monsters look3.Monsters emotion4.Monsters life in the human being5.The place Monster lives6.Monsters killing Frankenstein7.The terrifying of scene 8.Frankensteins death 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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