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1、fightIn the dining hallhallwaylisten to the musicmusic player uniformswear a hatsorryoutsidearrivekeep rulesbreak rulesschool rulesclass rulesfamily ruleslibrary rulesdining rules遵守规则遵守规则违反规则违反规则校规校规班规班规家规家规图书馆规则图书馆规则就餐规则就餐规则Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 无规矩不成方圆。无规矩不成方圆。we

2、have to we cantbe late for class = arrive late for class A: Can we be late for class?B: No, we cant. We cant be late for class.A: So, dont be late for class.What can we do at school?What cant we do at school?不准上课迟到。不准上课迟到。What can we do at school?What cant we do at school?A: Can we listen to music i

3、n class?B: No, we cant.We cant listen to music in class?A: Dont listen to music in class.What can we do at school?What cant we do at school?A: Can we fight with others ?B: No, we cant. We cant fight.A: So, Dont fight!不准打架。不准打架。What can we do at school?What cant we do at school?A: Can we eat in the c

4、lassrooms?B: No, we cant. We cant eat in the classrooms.Dont eat in the classrooms.B: We can eat outside.B: We can eat in the dining hall.run in the hallwaysA: Can we run in the hallways?B: No, we cant. We cant run in the hallways.B: Dont run in the hallways.Are they good students?What rules are the

5、se students breaking?What are the rules?Well, we cant arrive late for class. We must be on time.What are the other rules?Well, we cant run in the hallways.What are the rules?Well, we cant eat in the classroomWhat are the other rules?Well, We cant listen to music in the classrooms.What are the other

6、rules?Well, We cant fight.1. Dont arrive late for class. you must be on time2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classrooms. you must eat in the dinning hall4. Dont listen to music in class.5. Dont fight.What rules are Peter, Amy and Mike breaking?NamePeterAmyMikeRule2341a1b354121a Which r

7、ules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student.SCHOOL RULES1 1、上课不要、上课不要/ /准迟到准迟到 Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time2 2、不要、不要/ /准在走廊上跑准在走廊上跑 Dont run in the hallways.3 3、不要、不要/ /准在教室里吃东西准在教室里吃东西 Dont eat in the classrooms. You must eat in the dinning

8、hall4 4、不要、不要/ /准在教室听音乐准在教室听音乐 Dont listen to music in the classrooms5 5、不要、不要/ /准打架准打架 Dont fight. 1. Dont arrive late for class.2. Dont run in the hallways.3. Dont eat in the classrooms.4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Dont fight.A: What are the rules?B: We cant _.1cA:

9、Can we _?B: No,we cant.祈使句祈使句1.1.祈使句是表示请求、命令、邀请、祈使句是表示请求、命令、邀请、劝告、号召等的句子。劝告、号召等的句子。2.2.特点:特点:1 1)通常省略主语)通常省略主语 you. you. 2 2)句中谓语动词用)句中谓语动词用动词原形动词原形。3 3)祈使句有)祈使句有肯定肯定和和否定否定两种:两种: Dont eat in class. Come in, please! 请进!请进! Sit down, please. 请坐。请坐。 Dont play sports in the classroom.Dont fight .否定否定肯定肯

10、定Grammar祈使句Example: 肯定祈使句 否定祈使句1.Sit down.2.Come in.3.Eat at home.4.Listen to music outside.5. Do your homework at school.Dont sit down.Dont come in .Dont eat at home.Dont listen to music outside.Dont do your homework at school.Dont sleep in class.Dont wear hats in class.Dont dance in the classroom.

11、Dont run in thehallways.Activity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways can cant2._ listen to music in the music roomcan cant3._listen to music outside can cant4._ eat in the classroomcan cant5._ eat in the dinning hallcan cant6._ eat outside can cant7._ wear a hatcan cant8._ fightcan cant

12、Listen check () the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.Activity1._ listen to music in the classrooms or hallways can cant2._ listen to music in the music roomcan cant3._listen to music outside can cant4._ eat in the classroomcan cant5._ eat in the dinning hallcan cant6._ eat outside can cant7._ we

13、ar a hatcan cant8._ fightcan cantListen again. Can Alex and Christina do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” aboveWe cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.Student A is Alan. Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a. Can we listen to music, Cindy?.( ) Dont a

14、rrive late for class.( ) Dont eat in class.( ) Dont talk in class.( ) Dont run in the hallways.( ) Dont fight.( ) Dont draw on the wall.( ) Dont wear hats in school.( )Dont listen to music in class.Lets match the activities with the pictures(图文配对)图文配对).12345672137864851.不要在上课时听音乐。不要在上课时听音乐。 _2. 我们必须

15、准时。我们必须准时。 _3. 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗?我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗? _4.在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 _5.不要在楼道里跑不要在楼道里跑 。 _Dont listen to music in class.We must be on time.将下列句子将下列句子译成英成英语。Can we bring the music player to school?We must keep quiet in the library.Dont run in the hallways.1.Dont r_ in the hallways.un2.Dont a_ late for the meeting.rrive3. He likes singing and dancing.(否定句)(否定句)He doesnt like singing or dancing.4.在外面吃饭在外面吃饭5.学校规章制度学校规章制度6.上课迟到上课迟到7.在课上在课上8.和某人打架和某人打架eat outsideschool rulesbe / arrive late for class in classhave a fight with sb



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