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1、The Guideline of Filling FI Form填制财务付款凭证的说明填制财务付款凭证的说明填制财务付款凭证的说明FI Forms 财务表格nAdvance Payment 预支单nPayment Voucher 付款凭证填制财务付款凭证的说明Affair disposal 事务处理nMake a prepayment while not getting the original invoice or Apply for cash advance申请人尚未取得正式发票需要预支款项 Prepayment/Advance request 预支单nMake a payment aft

2、er getting the invoice or Ask for reimbursement申请人取得有关发票或相关单据(如差旅费报销单等)需要支付款项或报销 Payment voucher 付款单填制财务付款凭证的说明填制财务付款凭证的说明Fill in the Prepayment/Advance Request Form 预支单的填制nApplicant fill in the advance request according to the relevant contract, purchase order or payment notice and get the approval

3、 according to the authority management申请人需要支付款项,但尚未取得正式发票,可根据有关合同订单或付款通知单填写预付/借款申请单,并将相关文件附后。nThe applicant needs to select: payment method, currency, amount, payee details, payment explanation, vendor no. etc.申请人必须在申请单上方正确选择付款方式、币种,并正确填写申请单中有关具体内容,如大小写金额、收款人明细、用途、供应商编号等。nIf you need the bank slip a

4、fter payment, please choose Y/N in the blank, we will provide the copy for your reference. 付款后申请人若需索取银行回执,请在随后栏内选择Y/N,财务将在付款后及时通知,以备索取。n After being signed by the applicant and approved by the authority management, this prepayment voucher can be passed to the finance department together with the rel

5、evant supporting documents申请人在申请单上签字后根据相应授权经理签字核准,附上相关凭证(合同订单或付款通知单)交至财务部。填制财务付款凭证的说明Advance request is triplicate预支单一式三联nCopy1 refers to payment using by finance department only. 第一联 仅作财务付款用。nCopy2 refers to the receipt for loan, which will be hold by finance department, till the applicant clear th

6、e account of the prepayment/advance, then will be return to the applicant.第二联 作为收据,付款时由财务部保管,申请人报销结清帐务时返还申请人。nCopy3 After payment , first be kept by applicant but return to finance department when settlement, you should calculate the actual amount of pay or receive. 第三联付款后由申请人先行保管,当款项帐务结清时,持此联至财务部报销

7、,并填妥实际应退或补付金额进行结算。填制财务付款凭证的说明nOther wise please click here填制财务付款凭证的说明填制财务付款凭证的说明Fill in the Payment Voucher付款凭证的填制 nThe applicant needs to select: the payment method, vendor no., payment term, payee details, payment explanation, amount, invoice no., invoice due date, etc., 申请人必须在凭证上方正确选择付款方式,并正确填写凭证

8、中有关具体内容,如供应商编号、付款要求、收款人明细、用途、大小写金额、发票号码、发票到期日等等。 nIf you had prepayment record, please choose Y/N in the blank of “prepayment” and fill with the actual payment amount, attached with the relevant Prepayment/Advanced Request Form copy 3. 如有预支款纪录,请在凭证右方“预支款”栏内打勾确认Y/N, 并准确填写实付金额,随附相应的预付/借款申请单第三联。 nIf yo

9、u need the bank slip after payment, please choose Y/N in the blank, we will provide the copy for your reference. 付款后申请人若需索取银行回执,请在随后栏内选择Y/N,财务将在付款后及时通知,以备索取。 nAfter being signed by the applicant and approved by the authority management, this payment voucher can be passed to the finance department to

10、gether with the original invoice or receipts and any other supporting documents.申请人在付款凭证上签字后根据相应授权经理签字核准,附上相关的发票及报销单交至财务部。填制财务付款凭证的说明Payment voucher is triplicate付款单一式三联nCopy 1 For account use only, attached with original invoice, purchase order, goods received note, weight record.第一联 应付账款联,仅作财务部用,发

11、票、定单、收货单、秤重计量单附后。nCopy 2 For account use only, account payment against with bank receipt. 第二联 财务付款联,仅作财务付款时用。 nCopy 3 Applicant keep only, account dept. accept the payment application then return to applicant.第三联 申请人留存,财务受理付款申请后返回该联。填制财务付款凭证的说明nShould you have any question or suggestion, please feel free too contact the Financial Department.不明之处,欢迎致电财务部咨询。nThank you谢谢填制财务付款凭证的说明



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