Unit 1《Getting along with others》-Project课件1(34张PPT)(牛津译林版必修5)

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1、gkxx精品课件Unit 1 Getting along with othersProjectgkxx精品课件Project Giving an oral reportTeenagers friendshipsCampus lifegkxx精品课件Structure of an oral report 1.The leading para: put forward the topic of the report.2.The body: state the details of a discussion or a debate. For instance, 30% of the students

2、, 50% of the students,the rest of the students3. The ending para(s): voice the writers opinions or present the writers summary. gkxx精品课件gkxx精品课件In what ways do you think boys and girls are different?gkxx精品课件Questions:What is the passage mainly discussing?Fast readingFriendship plays an important rol

3、e in our lives. However, girls and boys have different types of friendships and different attitudes towards friendship.gkxx精品课件Read the school magazine article carefully and try to answer the following questions.1. What puzzles Robert?1. What puzzles Robert?2. Whats the difference between boys 2. Wh

4、ats the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards and girls in their attitudes towards friendship? friendship?3. What are boys and girls friendships 3. What are boys and girls friendships each based on? each based on?gkxx精品课件Some things about Amanda and her friends. For example, h

5、e cant understand what girls can talk about for so long.gkxx精品课件What did Amanda reply whenasked what she and her friend talked about?They talked about everything: film stars, pop songs, horoscopes, everything.gkxx精品课件Whats the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?

6、Girls always seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends. They seem to have more friendships than boys. Boys cant name a single best friend.gkxx精品课件Why cant boys name a single best friend?Because they are busy with homework and have so many friends that it is hard for them to choose.gkx

7、x精品课件Girls friendships are based on shared feelings and support while boys friendships are based on shared activities and interests.gkxx精品课件1.Both boys and girls have a lot to talk about with their best friends.2.Girls have more friends than boys, according to studies.3.Boys can easily name a best f

8、riend when asked.4.If a boy is said to have a best friend, it seems that they share little about their feelings.5.A girls best friend might be the first to tell her about something good or bad that has happened in her life.FTFTTgkxx精品课件Actually you are reading an oral report about the differences be

9、tween the teenage boys and teenage girls. What is presented in the first paragraph? And what is discussed in the body of the passage? Also what is included in the concluding paragraph?gkxx精品课件Para 1: The boys puzzle about the friendship between girls.Para 2-7: Differences in friendships between boys

10、 and girls.1) Different attitudes to friendship: girls have a lot to talk about with friends, while boys dont.2) Girls have more friendships than boys.3) Boys cant name a best friend, while girls can.4) Boys share activities, while girls share feelings.Para 8: Regardless of the differences, friendsh

11、ips are needed in our lives.put forward the topic put forward the topic of the report.of the report.state the detailsstate the detailsvoice the writers voice the writers opinions/ summaryopinions/ summarygkxx精品课件Theyre still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation! (Line, 6)这个小孩正全神贯注地在看这个小孩正全神

12、贯注地在看图画图画书书.This little baby is absorbed in (reading) a picture book.absorbed adj.: “全神贯全神贯注注”,可与介词,可与介词in 搭配,构搭配,构成成be absorbed in 结构。结构。作家全神贯注地进行写作作家全神贯注地进行写作,以至于忘了外面的一切。以至于忘了外面的一切。The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot everything outside.gkxx精品课件be lost in全神贯注于全神贯注于, 沉湎于沉湎于He sa

13、t there and was lost in thought.concentrate on集中集中, 全神贯注于全神贯注于Please concentrate on your work!focus ones mind on集中精力于集中精力于You must try to focus your mind on work and study.fix ones mind on把心思把心思集中于集中于He fixed his mind on painting.bury oneself in/be buried in埋头于埋头于,专心于专心于He buried himself in his expe

14、riment.He was buried in his experiment.gkxx精品课件1.吸收(水分吸收(水分,热量等)热量等)树木吸收足够的水分以便能够很好地生长树木吸收足够的水分以便能够很好地生长.Trees absorb enough water in order to grow well.Dark surfaces absorb more heat from the sun. 深色的物体表面能从太阳吸收更多的热量。深色的物体表面能从太阳吸收更多的热量。2.吸取(知识);占有吸取(知识);占有这件工作占有了我的全部时间。这件工作占有了我的全部时间。 This job absorb

15、s all of my time.很难一下接受这么多的信息。很难一下接受这么多的信息。 Its hard to absorb so much information.那个聪明的男孩吸收了老师教给他的所有知识。那个聪明的男孩吸收了老师教给他的所有知识。The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher gave him.gkxx精品课件What in the world do they have to talk about? (Line, 6)到底到底,究竟究竟 (用于加强语气用于加强语气)on earth, everWhat in the

16、 world are you doing?gkxx精品课件1.你到底什么时候才能回来你到底什么时候才能回来? When in the world will you come back?2.他们到底到哪里去了他们到底到哪里去了? Where on earth have they gone?3.你到底想对我说什么啊你到底想对我说什么啊? What ever do you want to say to me?gkxx精品课件hesitate v. 犹豫;踌躇犹豫;踌躇He hesitated before he answered because he didnt know what to say.他

17、在回答之前犹豫了一下,因为他不知道说什么。他在回答之前犹豫了一下,因为他不知道说什么。We do not hesitate to give our lives for our country, let alone suffer some hardships.我们不惜为国献身我们不惜为国献身,更不必说吃点苦了。更不必说吃点苦了。I hesitate to ask you, but will you lend me your car for a few days?我真不好意思向你开口我真不好意思向你开口,你能把汽车借给我用几天吗你能把汽车借给我用几天吗?hesitation n.He jumped

18、 into the water to save the drowning girl without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地跳下水去营救溺水的女孩。他毫不犹豫地跳下水去营救溺水的女孩。gkxx精品课件On the other hand在另一方面,从另一方面来说在另一方面,从另一方面来说一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿意搬一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿意搬家。家。On the one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving.gkxx精品

19、课件regardless of不管,不顾不管,不顾他不顾家人的意见,接受了工作。他不顾家人的意见,接受了工作。 Regardless of the opinions from his family, he accepted his job.他想到什么就说什么,毫不考虑别人的感受。他想到什么就说什么,毫不考虑别人的感受。He says what he thinks, regardless of other peoples feelings.他不顾天在下雨他不顾天在下雨,就跑出去了就跑出去了.He ran out, regardless of the heavy rain.in spite of,

20、 despitegkxx精品课件Projectgkxx精品课件B. Giving an oral reportPlanningWork in small groups. You want to survey people to determine how attitudes between boys and girls differ on a certain topic. favourite food hobbies the future family school subjects music My own topic _gkxx精品课件Preparingdiscuss and agree

21、on an each of the following questions:What is the primary purpose of our survey?How many questions will we ask?Who will take our survey?decide which group members will be responsible for each task. gkxx精品课件Preparingdiscuss the tasks listed below and decide Which group members will be responsible for

22、 each task . write the names beside the work each member is going to do Write survey questions _ design the survey _ conduct the survey _ calculate the results _ write the report _ present the oral report _gkxx精品课件Producingwrite multiple-choice questions that can be answered quickly and are easy to

23、total when the survey is complete.Conduct the survey and calculate the results. Add up the total number for each response and then calculate the differences between answers given by boys and girls gkxx精品课件ProducingStudents writing the report need to briefly discuss the conclusions the group has draw

24、n, based on the survey results. This should Include the different answers given by boys and girls as well as similar answers .gkxx精品课件PresentingAfter the report is written ,it is time to present your findings to the class in an oral report.Discuss the conclusions the group has come to regarding diff

25、erences between the attitudes of teenage boys and girls.gkxx精品课件PresentingAnswer any questions your classmates have about your survey or results . Post a copy of your survey and results on the display wall of your classroom gkxx精品课件Homework1.Finish the exercises on.2.Finish the group work-An oral report 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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