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1、Unit 1Oxford EnglishModule 3 Amazing thingsEncyclopaediasPeriod1ReadingName: _Painter: _Warming up:Lets enjoy some famous paintings in the world. While you are watching, think about how much you know.Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers文森特文森特威廉威廉梵高梵高Warming up:Lets enjoy some famous paintings in the world. W

2、hile you are watching, think about how much you know.Name: _Painter: _Da Vinci, Leonardo The Last Supper列奥纳多列奥纳多达达芬奇芬奇Leonarda da Vinci was an Italian painter, inventor, musician,engineer and scientist.The Mona Lisa is perhaps the most famous painting in the world.Warming up:Lets enjoy some famous p

3、aintings in the world. While you are watching, think about how much you know.Name: _Painter: _Claude Monet Impression, Sunrise克劳德克劳德莫奈莫奈If you want to know more about the paintings and artists, you can useencyclopaediaLets read the articles from an encyclopaedia to get more information.Da Vinci, Leo

4、nardoLeonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. As he grew older, he learnt to do many different things. His paintings are very famous, an

5、d one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions. For example, his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines. (See Art)D ComprehensionD1 Below are some notes about the encyclopaedia articles on page 3, but some of the facts are

6、wrong. Read the articles and correct the notes if necessary.1.Da Vinci, Leodardo2.a. He lived from 1425 to 1519. 3.b. He was born in the city.4.c. He showed great artistic ability from an early age. 5. d. He is famous for his paintings and books.countrysideinventions1452DinosaursDinosaurs lived on E

7、arth more than 60 million years before human beings. They lived everywhere on Earth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even fly.Many dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 mill

8、ion years. Then suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils. (See Earth history)D ComprehensionD1 Below are some notes about the encyclopaedia articles on page 3, but some of the facts are wrong. Read the articles and correct the notes if necess

9、ary.2.Dinosaurs3.a. They lived on Earth more than 60 thousand years before human beings.4.b. Some were small; others were huge.5.c. All of them ate meat.6.d. Some died out suddenly.millionSomeAllCVocabularyC1 The words in italics are from the two articles on page 3. Circle the correct answers to com

10、plete these sentences.1.When somebody is born, he/she _.2. a. comes out of his/her mothers body3. b. goes to see a doctor c. leaves his/her parents4.2. Bennys grandparents live in the countryside. They live _ the city.5.a. insideb. outsidec. in the centre of 6.3. Birds have a musical ability. They _

11、 sing.7.a. canb. cannotc. are happy to8.4. The book includes some beautiful photos. These photos are _ the book.9.a. part ofb. at the end ofc. connected to10.5. A human being is a(n) _.11.a. animalb. machine c. personC2 Complete the article below with the works from the box. Change their forms if ne

12、cessary.even however invention notebook perhaps scientistWhen I was young, I used to keep a _. I wrote many poems and drew many pictures of different _ in it. They were not very good, but they helped me think and dream. Now I am a famous _ and I do many important things. _, my journey began when I w

13、as at school, with my studies, and my poems and pictures. I was a student just like you. _ you will do something important or _ become famous one day. Just remember to think and to dream.notebookinventionsscientistHoweverPerhapsevenD 2 Read the articles again and complete the answers to the question

14、s below.1.Who was Leonardo da Vinci?2.He was _.2.What is his most famous painting?It is _.3.What did dinosaurs eat?4.Many of them ate _. Some liked to eat _.4.How long did dinosaurs live on Earth before they disappeared?5.They lived on Earth for _.5.How can we learn about dinosaurs today?6.We can le

15、arn about them _.an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist.the Mona Lisaplantsmeatmore than 150 million yearsfrom their fossilsD ComprehensionD3 Discuss and answer the questions below with your classmates.1.What else do you know about Leonardo da Vinci?2.2. Why did the dinosaurs

16、 die out suddenly?If you want to know more about him, this website is available. http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_VinciWordsand expressions:encyclopaediahumandinosaurItalianinventormusicianscientistborncountrysideintelligenceartisticability百科全书百科全书人的人的恐龙恐龙意大利人意大利人发明家发明家音乐家音乐家科学家科学家出生出生乡村;农村乡村

17、;农村才智;智慧才智;智慧有艺术天赋的有艺术天赋的才能;能力才能;能力Wordsand expressions:perhapsinventionnotebookincludeevenhoweversuddenlynobodyfossil可能;大概可能;大概发明发明笔记本笔记本包括;包含包括;包含甚至甚至然而然而突然;忽然突然;忽然没有人没有人化石化石Language pointsWordstudy:1.Italy意大利是指国家,意大利是指国家,2.Italian是指意大利的是指意大利的(adj.)或意大利人和意大或意大利人和意大利语利语(n.)3.2.paintvt.绘,画;绘,画;vi.绘画

18、绘画4.Hepaintswell.他画得很好!他画得很好!5.paintn.涂料;油漆涂料;油漆6.Wetpaint!油漆未干!油漆未干!7.Thepaintcomesoff.漆退色了。漆退色了。8.paintern.画家;绘画者画家;绘画者9.paintingn.绘画;绘画艺术;画绘画;绘画艺术;画Language points3.inventvt.发明发明Edisoninventedtheelectriclightlamp.inventionU发明发明theinventionofgunpowder火药的发明火药的发明C发明物:发明物:animportantinvention一项重大发明一项

19、重大发明inventorn.发明者,他创造者发明者,他创造者4.musicU音乐音乐folkmusic民间音乐民间音乐popmusic流行音乐流行音乐musicaladj.音乐的,配乐的音乐的,配乐的musicalinstrument乐器乐器musicianC音乐家,乐师音乐家,乐师Language points5.scienceU科学(广义,尤指自然科学)科学(广义,尤指自然科学)sciencefiction科幻小说科幻小说scientificadj.科学的科学的scientificmethod科学的方法科学的方法scientistC科学家科学家6.fromanearlyage从早期的年龄从

20、早期的年龄他很小就开始弹钢琴了。他很小就开始弹钢琴了。Hebegantoplaythepianofromanearlyage.7.showability显示出显示出方面的能力方面的能力他从小就有音乐方面的能力。他从小就有音乐方面的能力。Heshowedmusicalabilityfromanearlyage.Language points8.Forexample,hisnotebooksincludesomeinterestingdrawingsofflyingmachines.includevt.包括,包含包括,包含这个价钱包括房子和里面的家具。这个价钱包括房子和里面的家具。Theprice

21、includesbothhouseandfurniture.includedadj.用于名词或代词后用于名词或代词后包括在内包括在内每个人都笑了,包括我在内。每个人都笑了,包括我在内。Everyonelaughed,meincluded.includingprep.包括,包含在内包括,包含在内十个人出席了会议十个人出席了会议,包括我在内。包括我在内。Tenmemberswerepresentatthemeeting,includingme.morethanmorethan多于多于suchassuchas例如,通常举多个例子例如,通常举多个例子, ,不跟句子不跟句子 Sheisgoodatman

22、ystudies,suchasEnglishandSheisgoodatmanystudies,suchasEnglishandMathsMaths. .1)1)她是一个好女孩,比如说,她经常帮助妈妈做家务。她是一个好女孩,比如说,她经常帮助妈妈做家务。Sheisagoodgirl,forexample,shealwayshelpsherSheisagoodgirl,forexample,shealwayshelpshermothertodothehousework.mothertodothehousework.2)2)她擅长很多科目,例如英语和数学。她擅长很多科目,例如英语和数学。inclu

23、dev.includev.包括包括. .包含包含includingprep.includingprep.1 1)包括我,共有六人。)包括我,共有六人。 _me,therearesixpeople.2 2)他的笔记本包括)他的笔记本包括6 6个科目的笔记。个科目的笔记。Hisnotebook_thenotesof6subjects.IncludingIncludingincludesincludesLanguage points9.DinosaurslivedonEarthmorethan60millionyearsbeforehumanbeings.恐龙生活在地球上在人类前六千万多年。恐龙生活

24、在地球上在人类前六千万多年。humanbeing人人人类需要食物、衣服和住所。人类需要食物、衣服和住所。Humanbeingsneedfood,clothingandshelter.10.Theylived everywhereonEarth.它们生活在地球的每个角落。它们生活在地球的每个角落。everywhereadv.到到处,处处,无,无论什么地方;什么地方;我无我无论去哪儿他都跟着我。去哪儿他都跟着我。Hefollowsmeeverywhere.Language points11.Somedinosaurswereassmallaschickens.一些恐龙和鸡一样大。一些恐龙和鸡一样大

25、。as+adj. /adv.(原级原级)+as其基本意思为其基本意思为“与与一样一样”,其中的第一个其中的第一个as其后通常接其后通常接形容词或副词形容词或副词(用原级用原级),第二个第二个as后接名词或代词,或连词后接名词或代词,或连词(后接从句后接从句)。在否定句中,第一个在否定句中,第一个as经常换成经常换成so:他学习不如他弟弟努力。他学习不如他弟弟努力。Hedoesntstudysohardashisbrother.Language pointsSome dinosaurs ate plants.Others ate meat.Some dinosaurs could fly.Oth

26、ers could run fast.Some dinosaurs were big.Others were small.Some Others Some Others Others were as small as chickens.Some dinosaurs were as big as ten elephants.as as Some dinosaurs were big. Others were small.as as heavylightSome dinosaurs were as heavy as whales.Others were as light as chickens.S

27、ome dinosaurs wereas gentle as sheep.gentlefierceOthers were as fierce as tigers.12.however的用法的用法一般情况一般情况however都是和都是和but区区别使用的。使用的。辨析辨析however和和but二者都意二者都意为“可是,但是可是,但是”;but是并列是并列连词,连接两个并列分句,上下二句在接两个并列分句,上下二句在总的的意意义上构成了上构成了对比。比。Ireallydontlikecheese,butIwilltryjustalittlethistime.我我实在是不喜在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是吃

28、奶酪,但是这次我要次我要尝一点。一点。however不能直接不能直接连接两个分句,必接两个分句,必须另起新句,并另起新句,并用逗号隔开。用逗号隔开。Itwasraininghard.However,wewentouttolookfortheboy.雨下得很大,不雨下得很大,不过我我们还是出去是出去寻找那个孩子。找那个孩子。Language pointsLanguage points1.however比比but用的用的场合更正式合更正式,sohowever用用于于书面面语,而而but常用于口常用于口语.2.however后有后有,而而but没有没有3.另外另外,however的意思的意思还不只局


30、不会彻底消失。我想教爱尔兰语,这样它就不会彻底消失。IwanttoteachIrishsothatitwontdieout.Exercise:用所给词的适当形式填空:用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Mozart is neither a _(paint) nor an _ (invent), but a great _.(music)2.Da Vinci was born in the _. (country)3.The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous _ (paint) in the world.4.Some students do their homew

31、ork in the classroom. _(other) play ball games on the playground.5.I cant play the piano as _(good) as she.6.Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 _(million) years.painterinventormusiciancountrysidepaintingsOtherswellmillion一、根据句意和所给的首字母填空。一、根据句意和所给的首字母填空。1.Edisonisafamousi_.2.Nowadays,moreandm


33、下列句子。完成下列句子。1.以前在农村的生活相当艰苦。Thelife_isquitehardinthepast. inthecountrysideinthecountryside2.人类比动物要聪明得多。_aremuchclevererthananimals.3.警察总是要弄清事实的真相。Thepolicealways_thetruth.4.我们喜欢饭后出去散步。Weliketo_afterdinner.5.要灭绝蚊子是件不容易的事情。Itisnoteasytomakethemosquito(蚊子)_. HumanbeingsHumanbeingsfindoutfindoutgoforawalkgoforawalkdieoutdieout



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