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1、Unit3Unit3预习案反馈Task I :A/An _ is finding out something already existing in nature but not yet known.A/An _ is something that created by human beings_ often lead to inventions. _are often based on discoveriesTask V. Task VI para stage 1Do researchThink of creative solutions 4,5,6Apply for a patentBec

2、ause Snakes are Because Snakes are cold-bloodedcold-blooded animals animals which do not have a way of keeping warm in which do not have a way of keeping warm in their bodies. They get warmth from the sun their bodies. They get warmth from the sun and become more active at this time. and become more

3、 active at this time. When the sun goes down at night they When the sun goes down at night they cool down and become less active. cool down and become less active. So So extra cooling to the snake would make extra cooling to the snake would make them even less active and easier to catch.them even le

4、ss active and easier to catch.Find a problem23Test the solutions7, 8discoveryinventiondiscoveriesinventions教学目标教学目标知识目标:学习知识目标:学习unit3 warming up&reading能力目标:通过阅读课文使学生掌握阅读理能力目标:通过阅读课文使学生掌握阅读理 解中细节题,作者意图题的解题方法解中细节题,作者意图题的解题方法情感目标:培养学生对发明创造的兴趣爱好情感目标:培养学生对发明创造的兴趣爱好 思考成为一名发明家应该具备的思考成为一名发明家应该具备的 性格品质性格品质

5、Guess what the invention is or who the inventor is. Warming upThisinventionlookslikeabird.Itsmadeofmetal.Itmakesitpossibleforpeopletoflytodifferentplacesintheworld.Itispoweredbyanengineandisflownbyapilot.30102040What is it?What is it?AirplaneAirplaneThisinventioncanhelppeopleinthestreet.Itlookslikea

6、treestandingbesidethestreet.Itdirectscarsandtrucks.Itusescoloredlights.Redmeansstopping,greenmeansgoing.TrafficlightsTrafficlights30102040What is it?What is it?Itsmadeofplasticsandmetal.Itlookslikeasmallboxwithascreenandbuttonsonit.Withtheinventionyoucancontactsomeonewhileyouarewalking.402030What is

7、 it?What is it?MobilephoneMobilephoneTheinventorisfromAmerica.Heisoneofthefatherofinventions.Theinventorinventedthebulb.402030Who is he?Who is he?EdisonEdisonHewasaworld-famousinventorfromSweden.Hereisoneofhisphotos.Heinventeddynamite(炸药炸药).Afamousprizewas namedafterhim.Who is he?Who is he?40203050A

8、lfredNobelAlfredNobelthe steps every inventor must go throughApplying for a patentFinding a problemDoing researchTesting the solutionThinking of a creative solutionDeciding on the invention1._2._3._4._5._6._Pre-readingWhat do you use to catch snakes?Reading The problem of the snakesSkimming to get g

9、eneral ideasWhats the main idea of the text? The text is mainly about the authors experience in helping her mother get rid of the _and applying for the _ for her invention.snakespatentScanningfindoutwhichparagraphorparagraphsdealwitheachinventingstepsandfillintheblanksSkimming:Findoutwhichparagrapho


11、tthesolutionseveraltimesMake_attemptsandfinallythe_oneissuccessful.ApplyforapatentThismeansthesolutionis_4,5,67,8threerecognizedthirdChoice:The purpose of the text is _.A. to show us how to trap the snakes but not to kill themB. to tell people how to apply for a patent of the writers new ideaC. to i

12、ntroduce the writers new idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patentD. to tell the readers how to get a new idea and make it a patentCareful reading1.Whatwasthemotherupsetabout?2.Whywasthewriterhappytohelphermother?Stage one: find a problemThemotherwasupsetbecausesomesnakeshadmadeth

13、eirhomeintheircourtyard.Thewriterwashappybecauseitgaveherachancetodistinguishherselfbyinventingsomethingmercifulthatwouldcatchthesnakesbutnotharmthem.To do sth so well that people notice and admire herStage two Do research Why didnt the author use powders to get rid of the snakes?Because they are de

14、signed to kill snakes.So a new _ was clearly needed.approach researchStage 3 Think of a creative solutionList the three possible approaches: Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Thirdly,_.Finally, the author choose the_one. removing their habitat;attracting them into a trapcooling them so that they would using male

15、 or female perfume or foodbecome sleepy and could be easily caughtlastStage 4:Test the solutionsThefirstattempt:1.Early_theauthorputa(n)_bowloverthesnakeshabitatandsomeice-cubes_thebowl.2.Shecoveredthewholethingwithalarge_.3._later,thoughthesnakeswereless_,theystillescapedquickly.the next morningfro

16、zenon top of bucketTwo hoursactiveThis attempt is a failureThe second attempt:1.The author froze the bowl and the ice cubes again but placed them over the snakes habitat _.2.The author covered the whole thing and left everything _.3.Early the next morning the snakes look very _, but when she picked

17、them up, they try to _ her.The third attempt:The next morning the author repeated the _ procedure and carried a small _ to collect the passive snakes and _ them back into the wild.secondin the eveningovernightsleepybitenetreleaseda failurea successStage 5 Apply for a patent1.An inventor can easily g

18、et the patent for the invention.2.If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model, you can get a patent(专利专利).3.If your inventions pass the test, your application for a patent will be published 17 months from the date you apply.FFFdifficultlyCant18According to the text, which subject do you th

19、ink can be given a patent?A. A new star discovered by a scientist.B. A new novel written by Yao Ming.C. A new way to make dirty water clean.D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.Fill in blanks My mother was very annoyed because there were some snakes in our court

20、yard and she asked me for help.I would like to help since this was a great _ to distinguish myself.To find the easiest way to trap them,I set about _ the habits of the snakes. Finally I figured out _ approaches, of which I decided to use the last one: cool them and make them sleepy so that they woul

21、d be easily caught. chanceresearchingthree _,I failed in the first two attempts. For the third attempt, with help of a small fishing net, I collected the passive snakes and released them into the wild. Persuaded by my friends and relations, I decided to _ the chance to _ for a patent for my inventio

22、n. So I have filled in the form and_ my patent application with the Patent Office. Wish me luck! HoweverseizeapplyfiledThinkingWhat good qualities should an inventor have?creative curious patient imaginative hard-working adventurous challengeableDiscusswithyourpartnerwhatadvantagesarethereifyouhaveapatent.1.Youareabletoprovethatyouarethefirstpersontomaketheinvention;2.Youarerecognizedasarealinventor;3.Youcanmakemoneyifyousellyourinventiontoothers.4.Homework:writingLookatthefollowingproblems.Chooseoneandusethescientificstagestodesignanewinventiontosolveit



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