江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校七年级英语Lesson 3 A nice school课件2 牛津译林预备版

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江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校七年级英语Lesson 3 A nice school课件2 牛津译林预备版_第1页
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江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校七年级英语Lesson 3 A nice school课件2 牛津译林预备版_第2页
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江苏省盐城市亭湖新区实验学校七年级英语Lesson 3 A nice school课件2 牛津译林预备版_第3页
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1、My classroom短语翻译短语翻译1.在班级里在班级里2.起立起立3.坐下坐下4.翻到第翻到第8页页5.在图在图1里里6.再听一遍磁带再听一遍磁带7.看黑板看黑板8.跟我读跟我读in the classstand upsit downturn to Page 8in Picutre 1listen to the tape againlook at the blackboardread after me9.打开你们的书打开你们的书10.一本练习本一本练习本11.在练习本上写下你们的答案在练习本上写下你们的答案12.问题的答案问题的答案open your booksan exercise b

2、ookwrite down your answers in your exercise booksthe answer to the question单项选择单项选择( )1.-Dont write _your book,Lily.-OK. A.on B.for C.in D.with( )2.-_the classroom,Tom -OK,I will. A.Open B.Close C.Clean D.CleansCC( )3.-There is a computer _ you on the desk. -Great! A.to B.in C.for D.on( )4._the wind

3、ows ,please. Its very cold in the room. A.Open B.Turn to C. Clean D. CloseCD( )5.Its time_. A.for school B.go to school C.to go to school D.A and C( )6._sad,Sally. A.Dont B.Dont be C.Dont do D.Be notDBWords:1.欢迎欢迎2.教室教室3.门门4.窗户窗户5.清洁的;干净的清洁的;干净的6.地面,地板地面,地板;(楼楼)层层7.书桌,写字台书桌,写字台welcomeclassroomdoorwi

4、ndowcleanfloordesk8.椅子椅子9.我们我们(宾格宾格)10.也,而且也,而且11.地图地图12.中国中国13.风扇风扇14.任何数量;任一任何数量;任一15.电视机,电视电视机,电视16.计算机,电脑计算机,电脑chairusalsomapChinafananyTVcomputer17.房间房间18.阅览室阅览室19.艺术,美术(课)艺术,美术(课)20.音乐,乐曲音乐,乐曲21.许多许多22.多少多少roomreading roomartmusicmanyhow many词汇练习词汇练习1._(欢迎欢迎)to our school.2.There are six _(窗户窗

5、户)and two_(门门)in the wall.3._(打扫打扫)the classroom,the classroom is _(干净的干净的).4.There is a pen on the _ (地面地面).WelcomewindowsdoorsCleancleanfloor5.There are three _(楼层楼层) in this building.6.The desks are for _(我们我们).7.Look! Its a map of _(中国中国).8.There are some _(风扇风扇)in the classroom.9.Are there_(一些一

6、些) boys on the playground? Yes ,there are.floorsusChinafansanyHello,Im Sally.Sallys classroomListen and answer:1.Are all the doors and windows clean?2.How many students are there in Sallys class?3.Are there any TVs in the classroom?Yes,they are.There are thirty.No,there arent.判断正误判断正误:(正确的:(正确的“T”,错

7、误的,错误的“F”)1.Only the floor is clean. ( )2.There are thirty students in Sallys class. ( )3.There are fifteen chairs and thirty desks in Sallys school. ( )4.The big desk is for the teachers.( )FTTFRead the text together and try to finish Part B2.1.There_thirty students in Sallys class.2.There_fifteen

8、desks and thirty chairs for the students.3.There_a big desk for the teachers.4.There _a map of China in the classroom.areareisis5.There _some fans ,too.6.There _ _any TVs, but there _ a computer.小结:小结:there be 句型表示句型表示”某地有某地有某物某物”,be 动词取决于靠近它的动词取决于靠近它的名词的数量,有名词的数量,有“就近原则就近原则”。复。复数句中,如果是否定句,就要把数句中,如果

9、是否定句,就要把some 改成改成any. 例:例:There _a pen and two pencils in the pencil case. There arent_(一些一些) desks in the room.areare notisisanyIs there in your school?Yes ,there is/No,there isnt.Are there any in your school?Yes,there are/No,there arent.Is there in your school?Yes,there is./No ,there isnt.How many

10、 are there in your school?There is/are.Read Part A3,and then act out the dialogue.A.There be 句型句型There is/are + 单数单数/复数名词复数名词+地点状语。地点状语。There be 句型的一般疑问句构句型的一般疑问句构成规则是:将成规则是:将be动词提前放在句动词提前放在句首,首,some 改成改成any,句号改为问句号改为问号,肯定回答为号,肯定回答为:Yes,there is/are. 否定回答为否定回答为:No,there isnt/arent.There be 句型的否定形式是直

11、接句型的否定形式是直接在在be动词后面加动词后面加 not,如果句中有如果句中有some的,要改为的,要改为any.当当there be 后接两个或两个以上后接两个或两个以上的名词时,的名词时,be的单复数形式与紧的单复数形式与紧接它之后的名词的单复数保持一接它之后的名词的单复数保持一致。致。通常通常some 用于肯定句,用于肯定句,any用于用于否定和疑问句中。否定和疑问句中。1.There are_books on my desk.somesome2,There arent_ books on my desk.anyany3.-Are there_ books on your desk?-

12、Yes, there are _.anyanysomesome Some Some Some Some VSVSVSVS Any Any Any AnyB.How many的用法的用法 How many用来提问某地某物的数量,用来提问某地某物的数量,回答常用回答常用There is /are 结构为:结构为: How many +名词名词复数复数+are there+ 地点状语?地点状语?例:例:-How many boys are there in the classroom?- There are twenty.Some 还是还是 any ? 1.There are_ boys in th

13、e garden. 2.Are there _ reading rooms on the ground floor? 3.Are there _boys on the playground? Yes, there are _ boys on it. But there arent_ girls.someanyany someany 4.I have _ Chinese friends. But I dont have _American friends. 5.Do you know _ doctors?Yes, I know _. someanyanysome二、句子改写:二、句子改写:1.T

14、here is a swimming pool in the school. (否定句否定句) _ _ a swimming pool in the school.2.There are some boys in the classroom. (一般疑问句,肯定回答一般疑问句,肯定回答) _ _ _ boys in the classroom? Yes, _ _.3.There is a picture in the bag.(复数句复数句) There _ _ _ in the bag.There isntAre there any there areare some pictures 4.

15、There are two toilets on the first floor. (划线部分提问划线部分提问)_ _ _ are there on the first floor?5.There are five libraries in the city.(单数句单数句) There _ _ _ in the city.6.There is a hall in the building.(提问提问)_ _ _ _there in the building? 7.There are some offices in the building. (提问提问)_ in the building?How many toilets is a library How many halls are Whats Homework:1、能够、能够复述课文复述课文。2、复习、复习there be句型和句型和How many结构的用法,学会举一反三。结构的用法,学会举一反三。3、预习、预习Part C1,要求背诵要求背诵P16的单的单词,并熟读课文。词,并熟读课文。



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