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1、 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Sunday 星期日星期日(单元综合运用单元综合运用)基础复现天天练:读写综合基础复现天天练:读写综合A. 信息归纳信息归纳阅读下列关于一名老师的伟大事迹的文章,并完成信息卡。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用) (单元综合运用单元综合运用) People make choices every day. For a 29-year-old middle school teacher,the choice was between life and deathfor her students and for herself. On the

2、evening of May 8,2012,Zhang Lili of No.19 Middle School in the city of Jiamus,Heilongjiang Province, (单元综合运用单元综合运用)was crossing the road outside the school gate with several students. A school bus came rushing toward them. Zhang pushed two students out of the way. They were saved,but Zhang was hit.

3、Five students suffered minor(轻度的)injuries. Zhang was seriously injured. (单元综合运用单元综合运用)She was sent to the local hospital and after she was examined,both her legs had to be amputated(截肢). Minister of Health Chen Zhu has called on doctors to save her “at all costs”. Micro blogs have been filled with c

4、oncern(关心)and admiration(钦佩)for Zhang. As news of her actions spread, (单元综合运用单元综合运用)people began to call her “the most beautiful teacher in China”. The Ministry of Education has also named her “National Outstanding Teacher”. Jia Hongjie,the father of one of Zhangs students,told China Daily reporters

5、 that (单元综合运用单元综合运用)Zhang was very focused on her work and had a good fame among students and parents for her dedication(奉献). A China Daily reporter visited the hospital in Harbin,where Zhang was transferred(转移)on May 13. He said Zhang had crowds of visitors,and many of them were strangers, (单元综合运用单

6、元综合运用)who wanted to pay their respects. Teachers and students at Daqing Normal University,where Zhang studied,lit candles on the night of May 13 to pray for her health. “Zhang was so kind-hearted at the university,and its natural for her to act so bravely,” said Li Feng,a professor and Zhangs former

7、 teacher. Information Card (单元综合运用单元综合运用)The time when the accident happened 1. The age of Zhang Lili that year2.The address(称 呼 )people called Zhang Lili according to her action 3.on the evening of May 8,201229the most Beautiful teacher in ChinaInformation Card (单元综合运用单元综合运用)The city which Zhang Li

8、li was transferred to for better medical treatment 4.The purpose(目 的 )for which teachers and students at Daqing Normal University lit candles5.Harbinto pray for her health (单元综合运用单元综合运用)难点释疑难点释疑the choice was between life and deathfor her students and for herself. 这个选择对于她以及她的学生来说事关生死。Minister of Hea

9、lth Chen Zhu has called on doctors to save her “at all costs”. 卫生部部长陈竺呼吁医生要不惜一切代价挽救她。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用)As news of her actions spread,people began to call her “the most beautiful teacher in China”. 随着她的事迹逐渐为人们所知,人们开始称呼她为“中国最美教师”。B. 书面表达书面表达师恩难忘!张丽莉老师的事迹感动着每一个人。请你写一篇题为 “The Greatest Teacher in My Mind”的作

10、文。词数80左右。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用)内容包括:内容包括:1. 从张丽莉老师身上你看到了什么品质?2. 你认为一名优秀的老师身上具备的哪些品质让你感动(至少两点)。3. 请简述发生在你身边某位老师的故事,能够体现你所述的某种品质。4. 请向这位老师送上最真挚的祝福。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用)【写作思路点拨写作思路点拨】第一步:从张丽莉老师身上你看到了什么品质?参考句型:She is such a_(brave,kind)teacher. 第二步:你认为一名优秀的老师身上具备的哪些品质让你感动(至少两点)。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用)参考句型:1. First,an excell

11、ent teacher is someone who is _. 2. Second,the teacher should _. 第三步:简述发生在你身边某位老师的故事,能够体现你所述的某种品质。 (单元综合运用单元综合运用)参考句型:1. One day,Miss Li_. 2. She really lights up my world. I think she is the greatest teacher in my mind. (单元综合运用单元综合运用)第四步:请向这位老师送上最真挚的祝福。参考句型:Best wishes to_. 第五步:检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的四个内容都

12、写到了吗?2. 是否有语法错误?) (单元综合运用单元综合运用)The Greatest Teacher in My Mind The story of Miss Zhang Lili makes everyone moved. _ (单元综合运用单元综合运用)The Greatest Teacher in My Mind The story of Miss Zhang Lili makes everyone moved. While reading her story, I couldnt help shedding tears. In my mind, she is also one of

13、 the greatest teachers. This is because we find in her such noble qualities of Chinese teachers as (单元综合运用单元综合运用)the responsibilities for teaching and most of all, the true respect to students, and the deep love for studentsthe equal life. In my opinion, an excellent teacher should possess the follo

14、wing qualities. First of all, he/she must be just, honest, selfless, devoted and loving. (单元综合运用单元综合运用)Next, he should also be expert at knowledge, skilled in communication and creative in thinking. Last but not least, he/she must be highly responsible for the teaching course. A teacher with these q

15、ualities will always impress me even in all my life. (单元综合运用单元综合运用) Such excellent teachers as Zhang Lili can often be seen in our life. One of my teachers, Mr. Li, headteacher of Class Two, once sent his student to the hospital and looked after her until her parents went back from far away. This is often the case for most teachers, (单元综合运用单元综合运用)for they see this as what they should do. Here, Id like to give Miss Zhang and all such teachers my best wishes! (单元综合运用单元综合运用)谢谢观看!同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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