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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂类别课程目程目标要求掌握的要求掌握的项目目话题 The Worlds Cultural Heritage词汇preserve, invest, divert, remains, primitive, existence, relation, sharpen, exposure, contribute, maintain, recommand, awareness, assistance, estimate, bid, delegate, inhabitant, discrimination, enlarge, advocate, compromise, unde

2、rtake, absence, thorough, ignore, honourof vital importance, apart from, go through, remind sb. of(sth.), at the mercy of, in return, be honored for功功能能Expressing place, condition and concession with adverbial clauses:As long as youve got a raincoat, youll be OK.Even though its the middle of July, w

3、e recommend that you take warm and waterproof clothing with you.No matter what happens, youre going to have a marvellous time.语法法1.Subjunctive:They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.We have requested that the government get involved.2.Adverbial clauses of place, condition and con

4、cession:Wherever you look, you can see part of our cultural heritage.1preserve v.1)保护;维护保护;维护Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.维护和平的努力失败了。维护和平的努力失败了。In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority from extinction.虽虽然然我我们们不不能能拯拯救救濒濒临临危危险险的的每每一一个个物物种种,但但我我们们可

5、可以以保护大多数物种免于灭绝。保护大多数物种免于灭绝。2)保存;保留;保存;保留;维护的原状的原状I think these traditional customs should be preserved.我我认为应该保留保留这些些传统习俗。俗。You can preserve fruit by making it into jam.你可以把水果制成果你可以把水果制成果酱保存。保存。知识拓展知识拓展1)preservable adj. 可保存可保存(保护保护/保管保管)的;可储藏的的;可储藏的preserver n. 保保护护者者;保保存存者者;防防护护物物;防防腐腐物物;鸟鸟兽兽保保护者;罐

6、头护者;罐头(蜜饯蜜饯)制造人制造人preservation n. 保护;维护;储藏;保存保护;维护;储藏;保存/管管/留留2)“保护保护/阻止阻止免受免受”其他表达形式:其他表达形式:stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing 阻止某人干某事阻止某人干某事save sb. from sth. 救助某人于救助某人于中中free sb. from sth. 使某人免受使某人免受defend sb. from sth. 保卫某人免受保卫某人免受protect sb. from/against sth. 保护某人免受保护某人免受safeguard sb. from sth. 保

7、护某人免受保护某人免受词语辨析词语辨析defend, guard, protect, shield, preserve1)defend指指“保保卫卫”;“防防御御”;应应用用范范围围很很广广,对对象象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。defend oneself against enemy防御敌人防御敌人2)guard指指“注注意意观观察察、戒戒备备,以以免免受受可可能能的的攻攻击击或或伤伤害害”。guard a coastline 守卫海岸线守卫海岸线3)protect指指“保护保护以免遭受危险或伤害等以免遭受危险或伤害等”。protect the children

8、 from harm 保护儿童免受伤害保护儿童免受伤害4)shield指指“保保护、保、保卫免受免受惩罚或或伤害等害等”。shield ones eyes against the glare of the sun 保保护眼眼睛睛不不受受强强烈的阳光烈的阳光伤害害5)preserve指指“防防护、保存、保存免被分解或腐免被分解或腐烂”。Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐能防止食物腐烂。高考链接高考链接At minus 130, a living cell can be_for a thousand years.AsparedBprotectedCpres

9、erved Ddeveloped答案:答案:C2agreement n. C协协定定;协协议议;U同同意意;一一致致;感感情情融洽融洽I dont know the exact terms of the agreement.我不知道该协议的确切条款。我不知道该协议的确切条款。Im quite in agreement with your decision.我完全赞同你的决定。我完全赞同你的决定。Complete agreement between theory and practice is a rare case.理论与实践完全一致的例子是少有的。理论与实践完全一致的例子是少有的。知识拓展知

10、识拓展1)reach/come to/arrive at an agreement 达成协定达成协定make/conclude an agreement 签订协定签订协定/协约协约in agreement with 同意;与同意;与一致一致by agreement 同意;依约同意;依约2)记忆记忆agree一族一族动词动词名词名词形容词形容词agree agreement agreeabledisagree disagreement disagreeable高考链接高考链接I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on

11、 Sundays.Thats _I dont agree.You should have a more active life.Awhere BhowCwhenDwhat解解析析:句句意意:我我更更喜喜欢欢星星期期天天把把自自己己关关在在家家里里听听音音乐乐。这这就就是是我我不不同同意意你你的的地地方方,你你应应该该有有更更积积极极的的生生活活。此此处处用用where引引导导表表语语从从句句,where在在从从句句中中作作状状语语,且且句意表达通顺,故选句意表达通顺,故选A。答案:答案:A即学即用即学即用The manager has_to improve the working condit

12、ions in the company.AacceptedBallowedCpermittedDagreed答案:答案:D3invest v.1)投资;投资;(把资金把资金)投入到投入到上上We must invest in a new TV set.我们必须买一台新电视机。我们必须买一台新电视机。He invested all his savings in stocks.他把所有存款都投资于股票。他把所有存款都投资于股票。2)投入投入(时间、精力等时间、精力等)invest.in sth./doing sth. 把把(时时间间、精精力力等等)投投入入到到上上We invested a lot

13、 of time and effort in the development of the new machine.我我们投入了投入了许多多时间和精力开和精力开发那部新机器。那部新机器。He invested his spare time in learning English.他把他把业余余时间花在了学花在了学习英文上。英文上。3)授予;授予;给予予The new position invested her with a good deal of responsibility.新新职位位赋予她重大的予她重大的责任。任。Prince Charles was invested as Prince

14、 of Wales in 1969.查尔尔斯王子于斯王子于1969年受封年受封为威威尔尔士士亲王。王。知识拓展知识拓展investment n. 投资;投资额投资;投资额Those oil shares were a good investment.那些石油股票是有利可图的投资。那些石油股票是有利可图的投资。即学即用即学即用He has_a lot of time and effort in his cause, and he doesnt want it to fail.AinvitedBinventedCinvolved Dinvested答案:答案:D4divert v.1)使转向;使改

15、道使转向;使改道Farmers diverted the water from the river to the field.农民们把河流的水引进田里。农民们把河流的水引进田里。Because of the weather, they had to divert their ship from its course.由于天气的原因,他们不得不使船只转变航向。由于天气的原因,他们不得不使船只转变航向。2)使消遣;使解闷使消遣;使解闷We were diverted by his funny performance.我们被他的滑稽表演逗乐了。我们被他的滑稽表演逗乐了。3)挪用;改挪用;改变(金金钱

16、、时间等等)的用途的用途They diverted the funds to some other purpose.他他们把把资金挪作他用。金挪作他用。即学即用即学即用完成句子完成句子农民们非法引水来挽救庄稼。农民们非法引水来挽救庄稼。Farmers were illegally _ _ _ save their crops.答案:答案:diverting water tomore than1)more than数词,表示数词,表示“超过;多于超过;多于”。More than 10 persons came to his party yesterday.昨天有昨天有10多个人来参加他的派对。多

17、个人来参加他的派对。2)more than名词,表示名词,表示“不仅仅是;不只是不仅仅是;不只是”。Hibernation is more than sleep.冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。3)more than形形容容词词/副副词词,表表示示“非非常常;十十分分”,与与very同义。同义。In class, he is more than attentive.在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。4)more than之之后后接接含含有有can的的从从句句时,常常表表示示否否定定意意义。此此时,从从句句中中的的谓语动词必必须是是及及物物动词,并并且且与与句句子子的主的主

18、语为逻辑上的上的动宾关系。关系。The secret is more than we can let out.这个秘密我个秘密我们是不能泄露的。是不能泄露的。知识拓展知识拓展1)more.than.意意为为“与与其其不不如如;是是而而不不是是”,表示自身的比较。,表示自身的比较。He is more deligent than clever.与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。2)no more thanonly意意为为“只只有有;仅仅仅仅”;not more than常常用用于于数数词词之之前前,意意为为“至至多多;不不超超过过”,其其意意义义相当于相当于at(the )

19、most。The house is no more than ten minutes from the beach.那座房子离海滩仅仅有那座房子离海滩仅仅有10分钟的路程。分钟的路程。The insurance covers not more than five days in the hospital.这笔保笔保险金最多能支付金最多能支付5天的住院天的住院费。高考链接高考链接It took _ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses. It took brains, too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than解解析析:考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。根根据据后后句句“也也需需要要脑脑力力”可可知知要要建设节能房屋不仅仅建设节能房屋不仅仅(more than)需要建筑材料。需要建筑材料。答案:答案:B即学即用即学即用Tom is wise enough to achieve his success.But in my opinion, he is_than wise.Aluckier Bmore luckyCmuch luckier Drather lucky答案:答案:B



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