外研版高中英语Module 6 Section Ⅲ Other Parts of the Module课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂.Read the passage in “Cultural Corner” and choose the best answers.1Why do people prefer to use text messages instead of talking on the phones?AThey want to keep secret.BThey want to save money.CThey want to make jokes.DThey want to play word games.2If you want to understand the emot

2、icon, youd better look _.Aupside downBin the faceCfrom the upside Dfrom the side3How can you shorten the words that you use?ATake out any letters that you use.BTake out unimportant letters, usually vowels.CUse punctuation like inverted commas.DUse words instead of numbers.4From the passage, we know

3、that _.Ait is easy to understand some short messages if you are a ChineseBit is hard to understand the emoticons if you dont know EnglishCthe short messages cannot be made by ChineseDshort messages sometimes make us puzzled5The passage is mainly about _.Ahow to make your phone call cheaperBtext mess

4、ages and emoticonsChow to read text messages and emoticonsDhow to shorten your text messages答案:答案:1.B2.D3.B4.D5.B.Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Nowadays many people send text messages 1. talking on a mobile phone, which is very cheap.Text messages are much cheaper than 2. on a mobile

5、phone and can be made even cheaper by 3. the words they use.We can shorten them by 4. “unimportant” 5. in the words and can also use 6. instead of words (2to)We can also shorten them by 7. using punctuation like inverted commas.instead oftalkingshorteningtaking outlettersnumbersavoiding Mobile phone

6、 users have 8. a series of 9. to show their feelings.The symbols are called emoticons.To read an emoticon, we should look at it sideways.For example, if we want to say a joke in a text message, we can follow it with a 10. face.developedsymbolssmiling根据词性及汉语释义写出单词根据词性及汉语释义写出单词1 adj.极好的;美妙的极好的;美妙的2 vt

7、.超过超过3 adj.平均的平均的4 n(复复)统计数字统计数字5 vi.集中集中(注意力、思想等注意力、思想等) n集中;专心集中;专心(注意力注意力)6 adj.明确的明确的 adv.明确地明确地fantasticpassaveragestatisticsconcentrateconcentrationdefinitedefinitely7 adj.独立的独立的 n独立;独立;自主;自立自主;自立8 n弊端;缺点弊端;缺点 n优点;优点;优势优势9 vt.缩短缩短 n短缺;缺少;不足短缺;缺少;不足10 adv.时常;经常时常;经常 adj.经常的;经常的;频繁的频繁的independen

8、tindependencedisadvantageadvantageshortenshortagefrequentlyfrequent1average adj. 平均的;普通的,一般的平均的;普通的,一般的 n.平均;平均数;平均;平均数;平均水平平均水平 vt.平均为,平均达到平均为,平均达到(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week.中国人平均花在网上的时间是每周中国人平均花在网上的时间是每周17个小时。个小时。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)I

9、was just an average sort of student.我只是一名普通的学生。我只是一名普通的学生。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year.那儿的年降雨量平均为那儿的年降雨量平均为300 mm。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点above/below average高于高于/低于平均数低于平均数on (the) average 平均起来;在一般情况下平均起来;在一般情况下Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year.温度高于温度高于/低于此

10、时的年平均温度。低于此时的年平均温度。We receive 20 calls a day .我们平均每天接到我们平均每天接到20个电话。个电话。on (the) average2concentrate vi.集中集中(注意力、思想等注意力、思想等)(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.关注因特网好的方面。关注因特网好的方面。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Youll solve the problem if you concentrate.如果你集中精力,你能解决这个问题。如果你集中精

11、力,你能解决这个问题。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点concentrate .on/upon .把把专注于专注于concentrate on/upon . 专注于专注于We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。我们必须致力于改进教育工作。Im so hungry that I cant my work.我饿得没法集中精力工作。我饿得没法集中精力工作。concentrate on3disadvantage nC弊端;缺点弊端;缺点(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)W

12、hat are the disadvantages?缺点是什么?缺点是什么?(鲜活例句鲜活例句)His poor eyesight was a disadvantage to him.视力不佳是他的弱点。视力不佳是他的弱点。 (二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点(1)put/place sb.at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位使某人处于不利地位be at a disadvantage ( have a disadvantage) 处于劣势处于劣势to sb.s disadvantage 对某人不利对某人不利(2)advantage nU,C 益处;优势益处;优势weig

13、h advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊权衡利弊take (full) advantage of . (充分充分)利用利用Anyone who cant use a computer is at a disadvantage.不会使用计算机的人处于不利的地位。不会使用计算机的人处于不利的地位。He always the mistakes made by his rivals.他总是充分利用他的对手所犯的错误。他总是充分利用他的对手所犯的错误。Were just weighing up the advantages and disadvantages.我们正在仔细考

14、虑各种有利和不利条件。我们正在仔细考虑各种有利和不利条件。takes full advantage of4shorten vt.缩短缩短(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句).and you can make it even cheaper by shortening the words that you use.你可以通过简化用词使短信息更便宜。你可以通过简化用词使短信息更便宜。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Lively companionship shortens the mile.欢乐同路人,行程不觉长。欢乐同路人,行程不觉长。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点shor

15、ten是由是由“shorten”构成的,其中后缀构成的,其中后缀en表示表示“使变得使变得 ,变得,变得”。widewiden(使使)变宽变宽deepdeepen 加深加深lengthlengthen (使使)变长变长strengthstrengthen 增强增强Time cannot be lengthened by mans subjective will, but it can be shortened by his wasting it.时间不因人的主观意志而延长,却可以因其浪费而缩短。时间不因人的主观意志而延长,却可以因其浪费而缩短。1concentrate 聚精会神,集中思想聚精会

16、神,集中思想2as .as /one can 尽可能地尽可能地3agree 同意同意; (气候、食物等气候、食物等)适合适合4point 指出,指明指出,指明5compared 与与相比相比6a series 一连串,一系列一连串,一系列7communicate 与与交流交流8instead 代替,而不是代替,而不是onpossiblewithwithofoutwithof1compared with/to与与相比相比(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)Two percent of the total population of China have access to

17、 the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan.与美国人口的与美国人口的45%和日本人口的和日本人口的15%相比,中国整个人口中相比,中国整个人口中只有只有2%的人使用因特网。的人使用因特网。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Compared with/to others, I have a long way to go.和其他人相比,我还有很多不足。和其他人相比,我还有很多不足。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点compare .with . 把把和和比较比较compare .to . 把把比作比作

18、 ;把;把和和比较比较Compare this one with that one, and youll know which is better.把这个和那个比较一下,你就知道哪个更好些。把这个和那个比较一下,你就知道哪个更好些。Shakespeare the world a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作一个舞台。莎士比亚把世界比作一个舞台。comparedto2agree with同意,赞成;与一致;同意,赞成;与一致;(气候、食物等气候、食物等)适合适合(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)I agree with this idea, especially on

19、 the subject of learning English.我同意这个想法,尤其是在学英语这门课程上。我同意这个想法,尤其是在学英语这门课程上。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)His words dont agree with his action.他言行不一致。他言行不一致。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)The climate here doesnt agree with him.他不适应这里的气候。他不适应这里的气候。(二二)明辨易混失误防范明辨易混失误防范比较比较agree with, agree to, agree on用用agree with, agree to和和agree on填空填空My fa

20、ther buy a new pen for me.We the building of a new car factory last month.We what he said at the meeting.They have our plan.agreed toagreed onagreed withagreed to3point out指出指出(一一)背诵佳句培养语感背诵佳句培养语感(教材原句教材原句)Ask them to point out your mistakes.让他们指出你的错误。让他们指出你的错误。(鲜活例句鲜活例句)Id like to point out a few s

21、pelling mistakes in the sentence.我想指出句子中的几个拼写错误。我想指出句子中的几个拼写错误。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点归纳拓展全析考点(1) point to 指向指向 point at 指着指着(2)on the point of 接近,靠近;即接近,靠近;即将将 off the point 离题的离题的 to the point 中肯的中肯的As he left, the hour hand of the clock pointed to twelve.他离开时,时针刚好指向他离开时,时针刚好指向12点。点。It is rude to point your

22、finger at people.用手指指人是不礼貌的。用手指指人是不礼貌的。Your business letters should be short and .你们的商业信件应当简短扼要。你们的商业信件应当简短扼要。to the point1句型展示句型展示Our English teacher is excellent, but she help in the class in 50 minutes.我们的英语老师很优秀,但她不能在我们的英语老师很优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班分钟内帮助班里的每个人。里的每个人。典例背诵典例背诵Not everyone is fit for the j

23、ob.并非每个人都适合此工作。并非每个人都适合此工作。canteveryone2句型展示句型展示 is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages.用手机打电话很贵,所以许多人就发短信。用手机打电话很贵,所以许多人就发短信。典例背诵典例背诵Taking exercise every day is a good habit.每天锻炼身体是个好习惯。每天锻炼身体是个好习惯。Talking on a mobile phone3句型展示句型展示It much better if we the time working on a computer.如

24、果我们把时间花在计算机上,情况会好很多。如果我们把时间花在计算机上,情况会好很多。典例背诵典例背诵If I knew his telephone number, I would call him.如果我知道他的电话号码,我就给他打电话了。如果我知道他的电话号码,我就给他打电话了。would bespent1Our English teacher is excellent, but she cant help everyone in the class in 50 minutes.我们的英语老师很优秀,但她不能在我们的英语老师很优秀,但她不能在50分钟内帮助班里分钟内帮助班里的每个人。的每个人。

25、该句中该句中not .everyone表示部分否定,意为表示部分否定,意为“并非每个人并非每个人都都”。Not everyone likes his class.并非每个人都喜欢他的课。并非每个人都喜欢他的课。(1)英语中的英语中的all, both, every, everybody, everything, complete, completely, always, whole, wholly, entirely, altogether等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,表示部分否定,意为连用,表示部分否定,意为“不都,并非都不都

26、,并非都” 。All hope was not lost.( Not all hope was lost.)并没有丧失所有的希望。并没有丧失所有的希望。Both of his parents teachers.他的父母并不都是老师。他的父母并不都是老师。are not(2)英语中的英语中的no, none, never, nobody, nothing, neither, no one, nowhere, no more, no longer等表示否定意义的词等表示否定意义的词(短语短语)与肯定式谓语一起使用表示全部否定。与肯定式谓语一起使用表示全部否定。None of us was allo

27、wed to go there.我们都不被允许去那里。我们都不被允许去那里。 she did pleased him.她做什么事,他都不满意。她做什么事,他都不满意。Nothing2It would_be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.如果我们把时间花在计算机上,情况会好很多。如果我们把时间花在计算机上,情况会好很多。1)本句为非真实条件句,谓语动词采用了虚拟语气。本句为非真实条件句,谓语动词采用了虚拟语气。因为所叙述的情况与现在事实相反,故条件从句中因为所叙述的情况与现在事实相反,故条件从句中谓语动词用过去式谓语

28、动词用过去式(be动词一般用动词一般用were),主句中动,主句中动词用词用“would/should/could/might动词原形动词原形”。It would be trouble if he didnt have enough money.要是他的钱不够就麻烦了。要是他的钱不够就麻烦了。If I were younger, I you in the expedition to the Antarctic.要是我再年轻点,我就和你们一起去南极考察了。要是我再年轻点,我就和你们一起去南极考察了。would join2)if虚拟条件句的其它两种用法:虚拟条件句的其它两种用法: (1)与过去事实

29、相反,条件从句的谓语动词为与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语动词为“had过去分过去分 词词”,主句的谓语动词为,主句的谓语动词为“would/should/could/mighthave 过去分词过去分词”。 If I had taken the teachers advice, I the exam. 如果我听从了老师的建议,就通过考试了。如果我听从了老师的建议,就通过考试了。 (2)与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语动词为与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语动词为“动词过去式动词过去式 /were不定式不定式/should动词原形动词原形”主句的谓语动词为主句的谓语动词为“ would/should/

30、could/might动词原形动词原形”。 If I should go to Beijing, I you. 如果我要去北京,我就会去拜访你。如果我要去北京,我就会去拜访你。would have passedwould visit点津点津 若若if虚拟条件句中含有虚拟条件句中含有were/should/had时,可将时,可将if省略,而将省略,而将were/should/had提到句首,形成倒装。提到句首,形成倒装。If I were ten years younger, I would choose another way of life.Were I ten years younger, I would choose another way of life.如果能年轻十岁,我会选择另外一种生活方式。如果能年轻十岁,我会选择另外一种生活方式。



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