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1、psd壳层滴线核性质的壳模型研讨 -丰质子核的构造轻核的组态问题 (17Ne为例)唯象计算能够的微观研讨11Be, 14B, 17C, 19C etc.11Be, 14B, 17C, 19C etc.Exotic phenomena in psd shell nuclei6He, 11Li, 14Be, 17B etc.6He, 11Li, 14Be, 17B etc.Common features:Loosely Bounds or p wave valence nucleonsH. Simon et al, PRL 83, 496 (1999)11Li11LiProton halo?8B

2、(1p1/2, =keV) : probably not8B (1p1/2, =keV) : probably not17F* (2s1/2, =105keV ): yes17F* (2s1/2, =105keV ): yes17Ne(2p=940keV ) : unknown17Ne(2p=940keV ) : unknownconfiguration : unknownconfiguration : unknownM. Chromik et al, PRC66, 024313(2002)17Ne: dependent on the configuration of the valence

3、proton pairL.V. Grigorenko, PRC71, 051604(R) (2005) Shell model calculations may be helpfulShell-model description: Heff=PHP+PHQP : model space (psd shell)Q : excluded space (1s+fp+) : wave operatorRealistic HamiltonianMK, WBTMicroscopic HamiltonianCD-Bonn. +Unitary transformationProblems of the mic

4、roscopic approach:Model space with a core (with core polarization effect):numerically not feasible for non-degenerate systemsNo core shell model (no hole state):dependent on h and the space;convergence problemProblems of the realistic Hamiltonian:Problems of the realistic Hamiltonian:1)Constructed f

5、rom stable nucleistill valid for drip line nuclei?2)Truncations (0+1 h for MK)effect of intruder states becoming important at drip lineS. Shimoura et al, PLB 654, 87 (2007)IntruderH. Simon et al, PRL 83, 496 (1999)11Li11Li3) Sensitive to effective operators 4) Shell gap?5)Charge breaking effectIsosp

6、in symmetry (mirror symmetry)Breaking effect2s1/2one bodyTwo bodyImproved realistic Hamlitonian (WB*)WBT (for ppWBT (for ppp-sd) + USDB (for sd);p-sd) + USDB (for sd);Reduced shell gap to fit low-lying states of 13C-13N ;Reduced shell gap to fit low-lying states of 13C-13N ;Charge breaking effect;Ch

7、arge breaking effect;Coulomb + CSB strong force (from CD-Bonn) +Thomas-Ehrman shiftCoulomb + CSB strong force (from CD-Bonn) +Thomas-Ehrman shiftRenormalization effect of h -nonconserving interactionRenormalization effect of h -nonconserving interactione.g., pp-sde.g., pp-sdCOM correction (the metho

8、d of Lawson)COM correction (the method of Lawson)13CConstruction of the many-body Hamiltion;Lanczos diagonalization - Further applications? Calculation (1) WB* in 0-3h psd spaceWBT and MK in 0+1 h psd spaceParallel shell-model code + PKU clusterMK:WBT:Calculations (2)Improved performance for EM prop

9、ertiesCalculations (3)17Ne17Ne15OSpectral description not so good (effect of h -nonconserving interaction ?)ExperimentCalculations (4)Configurations of the valence proton pair in 17Ne: sensitive to the Thomas-Ehrman shift !3/2-g.s.g.s.beta-decay analysis : the state should have 50% more 1s1/2 compon

10、ent than that of 17N.D.J. Millener, PRC,55, R1633 (1997).Calculations (5)Further charge-breaking effect?UNDERSTOODUNDERSTOODK.I. Hahn et al, PRC54, 1999(1996)3+?3+WB*WB*Critical role played by the CSB effectTTS Kuo,PRL 78 (2708)1997K Ogawa, PLB 464(157)1999Origins?Summarypsd shell model calculations

11、 on 17Ne;The Thomas-Ehrman shift can enhance the 1s2 component of the valence proton pair;An example with strong Coulomb effect on the configuration;Microscopic origin of the Thomas-Ehrman shift and the CSB effect? TTS Kuo,PRL 78 (2708)1997K Ogawa, PLB 464(157)1999知其所以然?No-core shell model Lee-Suzuk

12、i transformation to the shell model basis (no hole state)T. Dytrych et al, PRL, 98, 162503 (2007)0h +2h correction2h Two step unitary transformation?Core nucleons+ valence nucleons + 2h corectionCore nucleons+ valence nucleons + 2h corection Core : no hole state + mean field potential for the single

13、 particle energy? Core : no hole state + mean field potential for the single particle energy? 0+2 2h : to heavier nuclei? 0+2 2h : to heavier nuclei?Step: 1) Unitary transformation in momentum space2) Lee-Suzuki transformation with P=core space +(0+2) h (2)Radial PropertiesShell model plus coupled-channel?Shell model plus coupled-channel?Thanks for your patience



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