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1、语法点集中攻坚语法点集中攻坚单元要点大本营单元要点大本营单元一法练写作单元一法练写作 Stories and Poems Unit 4 过去进行时过去进行时考点考点 1 构成构成 过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段正在过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或过去某一阶段正在进行的动作。进行的动作。考向考向过去进行时由过去进行时由“be动词的过去式动词的过去式was/ were现在分词现在分词”构成。构成。语法点集中攻坚You were working. Were you working? You were not working.He/She/It was working.Was he/she/it

2、 working? He/She/It was not working. 肯定式 疑问式 否定式 I was working. Were you working? I was not working. 考点考点 2【重点重点】用法用法过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一阶段正过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行或持续进行的动作,一般要与表示过去在进行或持续进行的动作,一般要与表示过去的时间状语连用,如的时间状语连用,如at this time yesterday,at that time,at 5 yesterday afternoon等。等。eg:I was doing my hom

3、ework at this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。考向一考向一典例典例My uncle _ books in the room at this time yesterday. (黑龙江绥化)Awas seeingBis readingCwas readingC【点拨点拨】考查句子时态。采用考查句子时态。采用寻找题眼法寻找题眼法。句意:我的叔。句意:我的叔叔昨天这个时候正在房间里看书。表达过去某一时刻正发叔昨天这个时候正在房间里看书。表达过去某一时刻正发生的动作,用过去进行时。由时间状语生的动作,用过去进行时。由时间状语at this time yesterd

4、ay可知选择答案可知选择答案C。 用于由用于由when和和while引导的状语从句中。引导的状语从句中。在在when和和while引导的状语从句中,强调某个动引导的状语从句中,强调某个动作正在进行中,要用进行时态,作正在进行中,要用进行时态,while表示一段表示一段时间,因此它引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常时间,因此它引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态。用进行时态。 eg:He was drawing while I was cooking. 我做饭的时候他正在画画。考向二考向二【难点难点】典例典例 Jenny _ in the kitchen when you called her at

5、 5 oclock this afternoon. Ais cooking Bwas cooking Ccooks DcookedB【点拨点拨】when引导的时间状语从句用的是一般过去时,又引导的时间状语从句用的是一般过去时,又由由at 5 oclock this afternoon 可知主句用过去进行时。故此可知主句用过去进行时。故此题应选题应选B。一般过去时和过去进行时的区别:拓展拓展一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与之连用的时间状语有:just now,a moment ago,yesterday,last week,the day before yesterday

6、等。 I went to the park yesterday.昨天我去公园了。 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有:at that time,at this time yesterday/ last night,at点钟yesterday/ last night等。 What were you doing at seven last night?昨天晚上七点钟你正在干什么?考点考点 1表示表示“必须必须”。must引导的一般疑问句的肯定引导的一般疑问句的肯定回答用回答用must,否定回答用,否定回答用neednt或或dont have to表示表示

7、“不必,用不着不必,用不着”。must的否定式的否定式mustnt表示表示“禁止禁止”。eg:Must I finish the homework before seven oclock? 七点之前我必须完成家庭作业吗? No,you neednt./Yes,you must. 不,你不必。/是的,你必须。情态动词情态动词must 典例典例Must I return before dinner,Mum?No,you_You can come back later. (黑龙江齐齐哈尔)Amustnt Bneednt Cmay notB【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。考查情态动词的用法。must开

8、头的一般疑问句,开头的一般疑问句,否定回答要用否定回答要用neednt,故选,故选B项。项。考点考点 2must表示推测,暗含很大的可能性,意为表示推测,暗含很大的可能性,意为“一定一定”,只用于肯定句中。否定句中用只用于肯定句中。否定句中用can来代替。来代替。eg:He must be ill. He doesnt come to school. 他一定是生病了。他没来上学。典例典例Difficulties always go with me! Cheer up! If God closes a door in front of you, there _ be a window opene

9、d for you. (湖北宜昌)Awould Bmust Ccould Dcan B【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。采用考查情态动词的用法。采用逻辑推理法逻辑推理法。must在在表示推测时,意为表示推测时,意为“一定一定”,表示可能性很大的推测。根,表示可能性很大的推测。根据句意据句意“困难总是伴随我左右!困难总是伴随我左右!振作起来吧!如振作起来吧!如果上帝在你面前关上一扇门,肯定有一扇窗户为你开着。果上帝在你面前关上一扇门,肯定有一扇窗户为你开着。”可以判断用可以判断用must。所以选择。所以选择B。一、用所给动词的适当形式填空一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1(贵阳)While I _ (

10、wait) for the bus at the bus station,it began to rain.2I was writing an email while Li Ming_ (read) the poem.3(中考常州) Why didnt you say anything? Sorry,I _(reply) to my bosss message.was waitingwas readingwas replying4They_ (work) from morning to night yesterday.5(无锡) Why didnt you answer my call? I

11、_ (take) a shower. But I called you back as soon as I got out.were working was taking二、单项选择二、单项选择6(中考安顺)Must I do my homework now? No,you_You may have a rest. Amustnt Bneednt Ccant DwouldntB【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。句意为考查情态动词的用法。句意为“我必须现在我必须现在做作业吗?做作业吗?不,你不必。你可以休息一会。不,你不必。你可以休息一会。”情态动情态动词词“不必不必”用用neednt。故选。故选

12、B。7. (中考扬州) Excuse me,may I keep the book a little longer? Sorry. You _return it today. Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dcant【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。句意为考查情态动词的用法。句意为“请问这本书请问这本书我可以再借更长一点时间吗?我可以再借更长一点时间吗?对不起。你今天必须归对不起。你今天必须归还。还。”must“必须必须”;mustnt“禁止禁止”;can“能,可以能,可以”;cant“不能不能”。根据句意可知:用。根据句意可知:用must“必须必须”表示。故表示。故选选A。A【点拨点拨

13、】考查情态动词的用法。句意为考查情态动词的用法。句意为“如果你必须吸如果你必须吸 烟,请到外面去吸。烟,请到外面去吸。”can“能、可能能、可能”;may“可以可以”must “必须必须”;might“可能可能”。故答案选。故答案选C。 8(中考杭州)If you _smoke,please go outside. Acan Bmay Cmust DmightC9(苏州) You _ park here! Look at the sign! It says “No parking” Sorry, I didnt notice that sign just now. A. wont B. nee

14、dnt C. mustnt D. couldntC【点拨点拨】由由Look at the sign; it says “No parking”可知应可知应用用mustnt。故选。故选C。10(中考烟台) Whose book is this? It _our geography teachers. You see, his name is on it. Acant be Bcan be Cmustnt be Dmust beD【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。句意为:考查情态动词的用法。句意为:这是谁的书这是谁的书?它它_我们的地理老师的。你看,他的名字在我们的地理老师的。你看,他的名字在上面。

15、上面。cant be“不可能是不可能是”;must be“一定是一定是”。故选。故选D。【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。运用考查情态动词的用法。运用逻辑推理逻辑推理法。法。must 用用在肯定句中,表示猜测。句意:如果上帝为你关上了一扇在肯定句中,表示猜测。句意:如果上帝为你关上了一扇门,一定为你打开一扇窗。故选门,一定为你打开一扇窗。故选B。11(中考宜昌) Difficulties always go with me! Cheer up!If God closes a door in front of you, there _be a window opened for you. Awou

16、ld Bmust Ccould DcanB12(中考苏州) May I take this magazine out of the reading room? No,you_You read it in here. Amightnt Bwont Cneednt DmustntD【点拨点拨】考查情态动词的用法。考查情态动词的用法。A项不用于答句;项不用于答句;B项:项:将不;将不;C项:不必;项:不必;D项:千万不能,表示禁止干某事。项:千万不能,表示禁止干某事。根据句意根据句意“我可以把这本杂志带出阅览室吗?我可以把这本杂志带出阅览室吗?不,不,不行,你就在这里看。不行,你就在这里看。”可知表

17、示禁止这种行为,故选可知表示禁止这种行为,故选D。13(中考兰州) She _to an English program while her parents _TV. Awas listening;is watching Blistened;were watching Cwas listening;watched D. was listening; were watchingD【点拨点拨】考查动词时态。句意考查动词时态。句意“当她的父母在看电视时,当她的父母在看电视时,她在听一个英语节目。她在听一个英语节目。”根据根据while引导从句时,表示主句引导从句时,表示主句动作和从句动作同时进行的用

18、法,结合句意和选项,可知动作和从句动作同时进行的用法,结合句意和选项,可知选选D。14(中考潍坊)I didnt hear the phone because my father _ TV then. Ais watching Bwas watching Cwatched DwatchesB【点拨点拨】考查过去进行时。考查过去进行时。because引导原因状语从句,主引导原因状语从句,主句是过去时,从句要用过去的时态,故排除句是过去时,从句要用过去的时态,故排除A、D。句意:。句意:我没有听见电话响,因为那时我父亲正在看电视。故选我没有听见电话响,因为那时我父亲正在看电视。故选B。15Coul

19、d you tell me what she said just now? Im afraid I cant. I_ what to do with the problem. Athink about Bthought about Cwas thinking about Dhad thought aboutC返回单元要点大本营用括号中所给的汉语提示完成短文用括号中所给的汉语提示完成短文 Do you like writing a poem or a story?_1 (与相比) poems,stories usually have a lot of words. It takes _2 (太多

20、的)time _3 (写)a story. A poem has few words. But it has_4(固定数量的)words. Each _5 (行) of a poem follows a pattern. We must _6 (考虑)the format and the topic. We should _7 (想出) some right words. Compared with too much to write a set number ofline think about come up withThen we can _8(作出决定) and write a poe

21、m. Usually,poems _9 (表达) the writers thought or feeling._10 (虽然) stories have a lot of words,I think its easier to write a story.make a decision express Although 返回三步四要素法三步四要素法写议写议论文话题的作文论文话题的作文步骤一:首先明确要 写作的话题。步骤二:确定出论证部分的时态并作具体的阐述。步骤三:最后做出总结。四要素:论点、论据、论证过程和结论四部分。 俗话说:“予人玫瑰,手留余香。”在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到各种困难

22、。因此,我们会需要他人的帮助;但同时,我们也要学会帮助他人。其实,帮助他人就是在帮助自己。请你结合身边的事例,以 “帮助” 为话题,用英语写一篇短文。注意:无需写标题,开头已给出,但不计入总词数;文中要结合你帮助别人或别人帮助你的一件事例;文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息;词数不少于80。 As the saying goes,roses given,fragrance in hand. In our daily life,we will meet with a lot of trouble. _单元一法练写作 As the saying goes,roses given,fragranc

23、e in hand. In our daily life,we will meet with a lot of trouble. So it is necessary for us to help those who are in trouble. I still remember I helped one of my classmates with his English when we were in the first term of Junior Eight. Li Hua,one of my classmates,was not good at English while I did

24、 well. One day,he asked me to help him. So from then on,whenever he had problems,he would ask me,and I was patient to explain them to him. Slowly,his English improved with my help. At the same time,I found my English improved too. Actually,helping others is helping ourselves.范文范文: :本文是议论类的话题作文,它包含议论类话题作文的三步四要素。三个步骤:明确了话题(以“帮助”为话题);确定出论证部分的时态(一般过去时);并在最后做出总结。四个要素:论点(第一段第3句);论据和论证过程(第二段);结论(最后一段)四部分。 本文的添彩点: 恰当运用所学词语: still,at the same time,actually等。 “So it is necessary for us to help those who are in trouble.”和“.,helping others is helping ourselves.”用得很准确,得当。名师点评:名师点评:返回



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