英语必修一unit1 writing 一封建议信(谷风讲课)

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《英语必修一unit1 writing 一封建议信(谷风讲课)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语必修一unit1 writing 一封建议信(谷风讲课)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Friendship WritingA letter of advice建议信建议信1沐风教资vRead Xiao Dongs letter on page 7 and answer: What is Xiao Dongs problem?vRead the instructions at the top of page 7 and find out what you are required to do.Hes not good at communicating with people. He finds it hard to make friends with his cla

2、ssmates.I Lead in2沐风教资 ask people their likes and dislikesjoin in discussionsshow interest in others ideasshare his feelings with othersII BrainstormingYour advice for Xiao Dong3沐风教资generoushelpfulkind warm-heartedgood-temperedtrustworthyII Brainstorming4沐风教资How to writea letter of advice (建议信(建议信 )

3、StepWhat should be writtenPart IPart IIPart IIIPresenting the problem(问题)(问题)Proposing the solution and explain the reasons (建议与理由建议与理由) Conclusion(希望与祝福)(希望与祝福) III Outlining5沐风教资Dear Xiaodong, Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take m

4、y advice. Here are some tips to help you: First, why not?If you do this, Secondly, you should/canThen/ That way, Thirdly, it would be a good idea ifBy doing this, I hope you will find these ideas useful. Yours, Miss WangOutlining6沐风教资vDear Xiaodong,v I am sorry you are having trouble in making frien

5、ds. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you. First, why not go and talk to people standing on their own? I agree that this is difficult but that person may be lonely too. If you do this Im sure you will soon have a new friend. Second, you can be

6、gin the conversation by asking about their likes and dislikes. That way you will soon find people with the same interests. I think that is a good way to find new friends.Sample 17沐风教资v Finally, it would be a good idea if you join in a discussion. You may not feel that this is right, but by doing thi

7、s you are letting people know how friendly you are. So there should be no problem. It should certainly provide you with some new friends. I hope you find these ideas useful and good luck!v Yours v Miss Wang 8沐风教资vDear Xiaodong, v Some people like talking with others, but some people are shyIf you fa

8、ll into the second group, it can be hard to make friendsBut you can change the situation v What are you interested in? If you like basketball, for example, you could talk with some of your classmates who like basketballThe easiest way to start talking to people is to find something you have in commo

9、nSample 29沐风教资v If you are standing beside a group of your classmates, join in their discussion if you know something about the subject they are discussingBut if you dont, you shouldnt feel afraid to say, for example, “That sounds interesting, what is it about?” Once you start talking to one person,

10、 it will get easier to talk to others v Find one person you have something in common with, and once you become friends with him, his friends will start talking to you too v Good luck!v Yours v Miss Wang 10沐风教资Now start to write!When you finish your writing, please swap your letter with your partner

11、and check for mistakes . IV Writing and editing11沐风教资V AssessmentvContent:Are your ideas stated clearly?Do you provide good reasons or supporting details for your ideas?vOrganization:Are your ideas related to the topic?Is your reasoning logical?Have you used linking words properly?Have you used any

12、sentence patterns provided in the text?vAccuracy:Are there any spelling mistakes?Are there any grammatical mistakes?Have you employed high-level words and expressions?vOthers:Is your handwriting neat and easy to read?12沐风教资建议信建议信1.建议信是向收信人对某事提出写信人的建议和忠告。建议信是向收信人对某事提出写信人的建议和忠告。2.建议信有可能是写给个人建议信有可能是写给个

13、人,就其遇到的某个问题提出就其遇到的某个问题提出自己的看法和观点自己的看法和观点; 也可能是写给某个组织和机构也可能是写给某个组织和机构,就改进其服务提出建议或忠告。就改进其服务提出建议或忠告。3.建议信要写出写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议建议信要写出写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议的理由。提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌的理由。提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌当先。因此建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具当先。因此建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。有合理性和说服力。注意事项:全文要语言要委婉、礼貌注意事项:全文要语言要委婉、礼貌 顾及对方感受。顾及对方感受。13沐风

14、教资常用套语常用套语-开头常用句式开头常用句式A (照应材料照应材料,表明写作意图表明写作意图)1. After I read your letter in the newspaper, I am sorryto know that 2. I am very glad to hear that you want to3. I know you have trouble inafter reading your letter4. I am writing to you for the purpose of -5. You have asked me for my advice with rega

15、rd toandIll try to make some conductive suggestions.14沐风教资常用套语常用套语-表达建议常用句式表达建议常用句式B. body1. first firstly secondly then after that in the end finally Meanwhile whats more2 .I think it would be more beneficial if you could 3. I would like to suggest/recommend that4. If I were you, I would5. In my op

16、inion, it would be wise to take the following action.6. When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest that you can15沐风教资常用套语常用套语-结尾常用句式结尾常用句式C.1. I believe you will take my advice into account/consideration.2. I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions practical/useful/helpful.3. I will be more than happy to see improvements in this regard.4. I feel that it would be beneficial if you stick to it.5. In the end, I will be glad if you find my suggestions useful.16沐风教资



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