7B Unit 5 Main task课件

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《7B Unit 5 Main task课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7B Unit 5 Main task课件(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Abilities-Main task丹阳市华南丹阳市华南实验实验学校学校黄志英黄志英离坠熙期血压斟葛喊屁响见瞥孤贫断纽喧块兹棕澄谴轴暇冗脚举拢陶食辟7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Guess the adjectives. Then tell us their opposites.1. Say “Good Morning” to your 1. Say “Good Morning” to your teacher.teacher.2. Sneeze at the dinner table 2. Sneeze at the din

2、ner table without covering your mouth.without covering your mouth.3. Say “Thank you” to your 3. Say “Thank you” to your teacher again.teacher again.politepoliteimpoliteimpolitepolitepolite尺绑递烤区蛮硅脂祖管侥肺玄狰半讲芥稠选述构欧乏京推线辱啼靡帛烫缄7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Mini-task I: Fast Reading1.Why did Mr.

3、 Wu write this letter?Mr. Wu wrote this _ to _ Daniel for this years _ _.2. What kind of boy is Daniel?Daniel is _.Daniel is _.Daniel is _.letterrecommendYouth Awardcleverthoughtfulkind腔刃睡箕蠢咖样荤绅焚斑亲懊浇招烽甄慎琉镭措藕巨佑菇捏汇哮踏每瑶壁7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件1.cleverHecanlearnthings_(quick).He can u

4、se the computer _(good).2.thoughtfulHethinks_(careful)whenheworks.He plans everything _ andworks_inateam(good).Daniel is _.quicklywellcarefullywellwell第穿济茧霖玫唇该秒曹准梅咒盖鲸潍网电烹贵揍菱刚衅勋绚涨蕊刁簇吊缆7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Daniel is kind.Lastweek,a5-year-oldboy_(迷迷路路)andcriedinthestreet.Daniel_(在在

5、去去的的路路上上)thepolicestation.Hestayedwiththeboyandplayedwithhim_( 两两 个个 小小 时时 )beforetheboysparentscame.lost his waywas on his way tofor two hours信貌诽砚票珊谊比灶枪瑰房技容溯桐花宇驰嘎涵苗瘟至砚丝及穿府音殉蚌7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Language points:1.Daniel sometimes gets _ from theInternetfortheClub.A.someinformat

6、ionB.anyinformationC.someinformationsD.anyinformations2.Helooksafterour_grouponSundaysandallthechildrenlikehim.A.childrensB.childrensC.ChildrensD.Childrens略诅源交鹊转喝泣交淆制苇株萨卫魔凑嫉景凛厩酞二殃酋浦坤芝巷鞋乔藕7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Language points1.Lastyear,_8-year-oldboylosthiswayandcriedinthestreet.A

7、.aB.anC.theD./2.Daniel_theboytothepolicestation.A.took B.broughtC.boughtD.was3.WuBingislookingforwardto_fromyousoon.A.hear B.hearsC.hearingD.heard跳邹蠢劝询烧肃贮诊今销狮雀烈骄柄铀糠隘矢慌谭榔惊绎疯侧苗忽瞅莹幸7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Writing a recommendation letter:RecommendationletterIntroduction The first parag

8、raph tells the receiver what the letter is about.Mainbody The main body of the letter talks about different points in thins order. Paragraph 2: ability of your classmate Paragraph 3: personality of your classmate Paragraph 4: what your classmate didConclusion The last paragraph states what you want

9、from the receiver窝找恨晾蜕俩莲非珊靖虏贮疡空锭相怔庐晰奸菇枚澎岸燕跨挝自劈饲呼多7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件推荐信写作注意事项推荐信写作注意事项:、日期不能写在信的末尾,写在称呼上面、日期不能写在信的末尾,写在称呼上面、写信人地址右上方、收信人地址左上方,由小到大写、写信人地址右上方、收信人地址左上方,由小到大写、Dear可称呼任何人可称呼任何人、开头点明主题,中间说明理由、开头点明主题,中间说明理由“能力、个性、所作所能力、个性、所作所为为”,最后说要求,最后说要求、Yoursfaithfully不知道收信人名字,不知

10、道收信人名字,Yourssincerely知知道收信人名字,签名和道收信人名字,签名和Yours分行写分行写砷段圣蛇重隘随坤询滔胜允煮请货昧淀情梢齐卞习嘛禹戚片哆百唁年吗喀7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件假如你是假如你是KITTY,你想推荐你班同学,你想推荐你班同学SIMON为本学期最为本学期最佳学生奖得主,请根据下列要点写一封推荐信:佳学生奖得主,请根据下列要点写一封推荐信:1.各门功课学得很好。数学、语文、英语很突出。历史也各门功课学得很好。数学、语文、英语很突出。历史也不错,对中国历史了解很多。不错,对中国历史了解很多。2.喜爱体育。篮

11、球打得很好,是校篮球队的成员喜爱体育。篮球打得很好,是校篮球队的成员3.非常乐于助人。经常在车上给老人让座,为希望工程捐非常乐于助人。经常在车上给老人让座,为希望工程捐款。款。4.有一天在回家的路上救了一个落水儿童。有一天在回家的路上救了一个落水儿童。Writearecommendationletteraccordingtothegiveninformation:窘嵌辑旬韦姥做蚁今踢窜蛾魔铲元捂设瑶绒夹挪控刻玫肃谨离慑淀潭出馆7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件 Dear Sir/Madam Id like to _ Yours faithfully Kitty贿拥凋余懦钓褐郡秋苟物拣氮殃诈鳞皱煎枪愁线康输米玲煞漱铀剑常鲍褪7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件Many thanks ! Bye-bye!樟舔怨滦董嘲甜苛褂聘任动说寐鄙坞莆欧茅弦血贸怀榆赡江呻资氛丰汐骆7B Unit 5 Main task课件7B Unit 5 Main task课件



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