外研版高中英语module 2课件

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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂Period 1Module 2 Traffic JamIntroduction Reading & VocabularyIntroduction-1 Brainstorm(4ms) Say which means of transport you can use to get around your town.meansoftransportIntroduction-2. Vocabulary (2ms) Find out the words with their definitions.1.Itsabususedforlongdistance.2.Itsgo

2、ttwowheelsanditsfast.3.Thisbusisconnectedtoelectricwires.4.Youmustpaytousethiscar.5.Thisisasuburbanrailway.Itsusuallyunderthecity.6.Itsslow,cheapandhastwowheels.coachmotorbiketrolleybustaxiundergroundbikeIntroduction-3. Discussion (4m)Whatkindofwordscouldcomeintoyourmind?_trafficjam rushhour1.Haveyo

3、ueverstuckinatrafficjam?2.Wherewereyougoing?3.Howlongwereyouinthejam?4.Whatdidyoudothen?5.Ifyouhaventmetatrafficjam,canyou6.imaginewhatwillhappeninit?Reading -1. Scanning (4m) Read the passage quickly and fill in the blank.Means of transport in BeijingadvantagesadvantagesdisadvantagesdisadvantagesTa

4、xisTaxisBuses&Buses& trolleybusestrolleybusesMinibusesMinibusesUndergroundUndergroundPedicabsPedicabsMeans of transport in Beijing24hoursonthe24hoursonthestreet/easytogetstreet/easytogetexpensiveexpensivecheapcheapcrowdedcrowdedalwaysgetaseatalwaysgetaseatonlyinsomeonlyinsomeareasareasfast&convenien

5、tfast&convenientterribleinrushterribleinrushhourshoursworthusingwhentoworthusingwhentoexplorethenarrowexplorethenarrowalleysalleysexpensiveexpensiveTaxisBuses & trolleybusesMinibusesUndergroundPedicabsadvantagesadvantagesdisadvantagesdisadvantagesReading - 2. Skimming (4m) Read the passage and finis

6、h Activity 2, on Page 13.Answers: Raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. Theyre red. Theyre often very crowded. The 103 bus. 12 people. Its fast and convenient. It closes at 11:00 pm. The narrow alleys of old Beijing.Post-reading-3. Discussion (4m) Suppose you are traveling in Beijing, disc

7、uss in groups, decide which means of transport you will choose and tell why. e.g. I would like to take a pedicab. Because I am interested in the narrow alleys of old Beijing.Post-reading-4. Vocabulary quiz (4m) Discuss the following things with your partner.by railby bus / coachby airby seastationai

8、rportporttrainbusaircraftcatch / get onget on / boardembark(上船)get offget off/ disembarkdisembarkdepart / leavedepart / leavesail journeyflightvoyagebusterminalbusterminalship/ferryship/ferrycatch/getoncatch/geton/board/boardgetoffgetofftakeofftakeoffjourneyjourneyHomework Try to find some informati

9、on about the traffic jam on Internet.Then show it to the classmates tomorrow. Period 2Module 2 Traffic JamListening and Speaking Listening & Speaking-1.Speaking (5ms) Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? If not, can you imagine what will happen in it?Listening & Speaking -2.Pre-listening (4m)

10、Before you listen, tick the topics you think they will talk about.Then listen and check them.trafficjamstheOlympicGamesroadworksbaddriversListening & Speaking -3. Ordering(5m) Listen to the tape,and finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 14.Answers:a)speaker2b)speaker5c)speaker4d)speaker1e)speaker3

11、Listening & Speaking -4.Prediction(6m) Listen to the tape,and finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page 14.Answers:1)B2)C3)C4)A5)CListening & Speaking -5.Answering(3m) listen to the tape again ,the answer the following questions.1.Whatproblemdidspeaker1haveaftertheteaparty?2.Whatdidspeaker2tellthetaxi



14、g & Speaking -7.Extra-listening (3m) Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks. Speaker 1On my way _ a few days ago, I got _ again in the traffic. While I was waiting, I saw a group of _ drivers in front of me getting out of their cars. They seemed to know each other. They had _ and one of them ca

15、rried a thermos flask and poured out some hot water to _. It was quite _! But even after the tea party was over, the traffic was still _ and we still couldnt move.homestucktaxicoffeecupsmaketeafunnyjammedSpeaker 2A few weeks ago I had to _ a plane to Sichuan Province. The plane _ at 5:30 pm so I _ _

16、 at 2:30 pm to allow plenty of time to get to the airport. But it wasnt _ time. At 5 pm I was still only at the _ ring road. It was just _! There was _ I was going to catch the plane, so I told the taxi driver to _ _ and go home.tookoffcatchsetoffthirdridiculousenoughnowayturnbackSpeaker 3Its only _

17、 kilometres from my home to my place of work. But every day, it is almost _ there will be a traffic jam as I get near the _ fourth ring road. _ It takes _ 15 to 20 minutes to get through it. I think the traffic jams are usually caused by people _ traffic rules. To get to the front of the line, they

18、often _ the bicycle lane. Its _ pede-strians and cyclists. They dont wait for the _ light to pass.sevencertainwestItssoannoying!atleastdisobeyingtakethesamewithgreenSpeaker 4Beijing traffic seems to have got noticeably _ recently. The causes seem to be _ as the city prepares for the _ , and a huge _

19、 in new car owners and new drivers. Whatever the cause, its enough to _! Why not _ the number of cars, build more _ lines or follow Shanghai and build roads in the _? These days I only _ in my car at night after 9 pm. That way I avoid the _ of the traffic.worseroad-worksOlympicsincreasedriveyoumadli

20、mitundergroundskyworstgooutHomework Write a short story that happen to you when you are stuck in a traffic jam.Period 3Module 2 Traffic JamGrammarFunction Speaking Speaking - 1. Exercises (5ms) Finish the exercises on Activity 1 & 2 , on page 17.1. Why not use / take underground?2. Why not use minib

21、us?3. Why not travel at a different time?4. Why not build new ones?5. Why not employ more traffic policemen?6. Why not build underground car parks?Theyaregivingadvice. Function -1.Observation(5m) What do they have in common?You should check the cab has a business permit.Make sure you ask for a recei

22、pt.Its a good idea to have your destination written in Chinese.Findmoreexamplesofthephrasesinthepassage.Function 2 . Practice (3ms) Do you know how to give advice?Youd better (not) Why (not) ?How / What about ?Make sure that .Please dont .You should always / never .You have to .Shall we / I ?Lets .I

23、ts a good idea to .Grammar-1. Look & Say (5ms) Look at the signs and say what they do. Turnright. Dontgofasterthan90kph.Dontturnleft./Noleftturn.Dontstop./Noparking.Dontwalk./Nopedestrians.adviceinstructionspermissioninformationinstructionsGrammar-2. Observation (3m) Whats the feature of imperatives

24、?Listen to me carefully.Come in and sit down, please.Dont close the window its hot.Be quiet! Lets try our best to improve our environment.ListenComesitDontBeLetsGrammar-3. Conclusion (5m) Do 型 (以行为动词开头)Stand up!Dont stand up! / Never stand up!Be 型 (以be动词开头)Be careful.Dont be late./ Never be late.Let

25、型 (以let开头)Let him in.Dont let him in.Grammar-4.Conclusion (5ms)Do be patient!Do sit down.Do write back when you receive his letter.Tom, you clean the room.Dont you be late again next time!加强祈使句语气的方式加强祈使句语气的方式: : 在谓语前在谓语前+ do / you+ do / youGrammar-5. Observation (5ms) Do you know how to make imperat

26、ives more polite? Open the window, please.Will you go fishing with me this afternoon?Would you do me a favor?Could you show me how to get to the railway station?Hand the dictionary to me, will you?Lets go out for a walk, shall we?Why dont you get something to drink?I suggest we (should) take the tra

27、in.Grammar-6. Summary(3ms) uWill you / Would you / Could you + 动词原形?u句末, + please?u句末, + will you / shall we?uWhy not do something?uWhy dont you do something?uYoud better do something.uSuppose / Supposing .uI suggest .Grammar-6. Practice (3ms) 1.-Englishhasalargevocabulary,hasntit?-Yes._morewordsand

28、expressionsandyouwillfinditeasiertoreadandcommunicate.A.KnowB.KnowingC.ToknowD.Known2Standoverthere_youllbeabletoseeitbetter.A.orB.whileC.butD.and3.-Iveneverseenanyonerunsofast.-_Davidgo.A.justwatchB.justtowatchC.justwatchingD.justhavingwatchedADAGrammar-6. Practice (3ms) 4.-Dontforgettomybirthdaypa

29、rtytomorrow.-_.A.Yes,IwontB.No,IwontC.No,IwillD.Yes,Iwill5.Besuretowritetous,_?A.willyouB.arentyouC.canyouD.mustntyou6.Onemoreweek,_wewillaccomplishthetask.A.orB.sothatC.andD.ifBACGrammar-6. Practice 7._bloodifyoucanandmanyliveswillbesaved.A.GivingB.GiveC.GivenD.Togive8._thisbookandtellmewhatyouthin

30、kofit.A.LookthroughB.LookonC.LookintoD.Lookup9._itwithmeandIllseewhatIcandoA.WhenleftB.LeavingC.IfyouleaveD.LeaveBADHomework 1.FinishtherelatedexercisesonWB.2.Reviewthethegrammarofthisperiod.Period 4Module 2 Traffic JamWritingCulture corner Culture corner 1. Answering (5ms) Read the passage,then ans

31、wer the following question.1.What was the traffic problem in London?2.What is the solution of the problem?3.What is a congestion charge?4.What do the Londoners think of the idea?5.Would a congestion charge be a good idea in your town?1. What was the traffic problem in London? City centre traffic jam

32、s have been part of daily life for a long time. In central London, drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues.2. What is the solution of the problem? In February 2003 the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced a “congestion charge”.3. What is a congestion charge? A congestion charge i

33、s a tax for cars entering the centre of the city.4. What do the Londoners think of the idea? Most Londoners are not happy with the idea. They think the congestion charge is expensive, and limits their freedom. But rich businessmen who work in the city centre and can easily afford it. They think the

34、charge should be higher.5. Would a congestion charge be a good idea in your town?Writing-1.Answering (6m) Finish the questions at Activity 1.page 18.1.How many problems does the writer talk about?2.What are the causes of the problems?3.How many solutions does the writer find?4.Who are they in They s

35、hould close the city centre?5.Why does the writer divide the passage into two parts?Thefirstparttalksaboutproblems,thesecondaboutsolutions.FourThetownisold,thestreetsarenarrow.Thelocalgovernment/citycouncil.Two Writing 2.Writing(10ms) 随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人拥有私家车。请你从下面表格中所给的两个题目中任选一个题目,用英语写一篇议论文,简述你的观点。T

36、he Car - A Useful Tool!Stop Using Cars!convenient,comfortable,convenient,comfortable,quick,getaround,freely,quick,getaround,freely,savetimesavetimeexpensive,hardtofindaparkingplace,expensive,hardtofindaparkingplace,needrepairing,slowinrushhours,needrepairing,slowinrushhours,causepollutionandaccident

37、scausepollutionandaccidentsAsthestandardoflivingisgettinghigher,moreandmorepeoplearebuyingcars._.Writing- 3. Peer checking and rewriting (5m) Read your writing to your partner. Check and rewrite your writing according to the following. Then share it with the whole class.Areyouclearwhathappen(4WandH)

38、?Doyouknowthewritersattitudeandemotion?Arethereanygoodconnectingwordsorphrases?Arethereanygoodphrasesorsentences?Arethereanyspellingmistakes? Homework Go to the library or surf the Internet to collect more information about your home town. Then complete a poster giving advice to visitors to your hom

39、etown. Play attention to the questions like these:1. Which is the best way to see your hometown ?2. When is the best time to use public transport?3. Do public transport services operate at night? etc.Language Date BankLanguagepointsforReading Language Date Bank1.Simplyraiseyourhand,andataxiappearsin

40、2.notime.= If you simply raise your hand, a taxi appears in no time. in no time = at once, suddenly 立刻,马上 孩子们很快就要离开家了。 The kids will be leaving home in no time. in time: 及时 Will we be in time for the six oclock train? on time: 按时 We should go to school on time.Language Date Bank2.Publictransportprov

41、idesacheapwaytogetaroundinBeijing._ provide 向某人供应某物;供给,提供supplysthtosbsupplysbwithsthprovidesthforsbprovidesbwithsth Thegovernmentprovides/suppliestheseorphanswithfoodandclothes.Ourparentsprovidefoodforus.Ourparentssupplyfoodtous.Language Date Bank It is + a (an) + n. + to do sth. it:形式主语 to do sth.

42、:真正的主语 处理这件事是我们的责任。 Its our duty to deal with this matter. 否定了这个计划是个错误。 Its a mistake to have rejected the plan. 下面该轮到你背课文了。 Its your turn to recite the text.3.Itsagoodideatoavoidpublictransportduringtherushhour.Language Date Bank We must set a limit to the expense of the trip. 我们必须对这次旅行的费用定一个限度。 li

43、mit: 界限,限度 n. 限制,限定,作为的界限 v. 我愿意有限度地帮助你。 Im willing to help you_. 我会无限度地帮助你。 Ill help you_.4.Busesnumbered1to100arelimitedtotravelwithinthecitycentre.withinlimitswithoutlimitsLanguage Date Bank have a view of: 看到 have a good view of: 对有很好的看法 能很好地看见 have a bird view of: 鸟瞰,俯视 我看不清舞台。 I dont _ the sta

44、ge. 从山顶看,你可以很好地俯视整个城市。 Seeing from the top of the mountain, you can _ the whole city.5.Youllhaveagoodviewoftherapidlychangingcity.haveagoodviewofhaveabirdviewofLanguage Date Bank under construction: 正在建设当中 under 一词后常跟名词,表示主语所处的状态 The road is under repair. These are the problems under discussion. Im

45、a bit under the weather. Dont worry - everything is under control!6.TherearefourundergroundlinesinBeijing,andseverallinesareunderconstruction.Language Date Bank be worth doing sth:值得干(主动表被动) 他说这本书很值得一读。 He said this book was well worth reading. 她说人生若没有友情就不值得活下去了。 She says life wouldnt be worth livin

46、g without friendship. sth be worthy of doing sth. sth be worthy to be done7.Tricyclesareworthusingifyouwanttoexplorethenarrowalleys(hutong)ofoldBeijing.Fillintheblanks.Fillintheblanks.1.只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。2.Simplyraiseyourhand,andataxiappears_.3.2.你要做的,就是确认司机有营运照,并且你要做的,就是确认司机有营运照,并且索要发





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