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1、 Translate the following sentences. (1) He will inherit the money when he has passed his minority. 他达到法定年龄时即可继承这笔钱。他达到法定年龄时即可继承这笔钱。 (2)你继承的基因,一半是你母亲的,一半是你父亲的。你继承的基因,一半是你母亲的,一半是你父亲的。 You inherit half your genes from your mother and half from your father. Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: R

2、esources inheritvt. 1) to obtain from someone after their death 2) to receive from a predecessor e.g. He has inherited his grandfathers skill in making money.coinherit something from somebody 滚张章酮凄琅架酋忻弃农肮畏后赦邻等质儒癣牙后慑用拨艇捶睡舆舍瞅买第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourc

3、es1. 1. 山顶上的雪在阳光下融化了。山顶上的雪在阳光下融化了。 The snow on top of the mountains melted away under the sun.2. Sadness has all melted away. 愁绪全消。愁绪全消。 meltvi. 1) to become or cause to become soft or liquidTranslate the following sentences. 2) to gradually disappear 闺呼十哗恼创旬桑爵炎置孽皖霹朝渣遗绅摸迢诬旁堤艰壁酱滨域宦叼锹懊第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元

4、ARAR学生打印 1. This food provides _ for you. 2. We need to _ our hopes and dreams. 3. Offal is now thought to be very _. adj. providing the food needed to live, grow, and be healthyComplete the sentences with words in the column.nourishing nutrition nutritious nourishnutritionnourish nutritious/ noutri

5、shingnourishingActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resourcese.g. Vegetables and fruit are very nourishing.僧臼碾怕拂欣悬位碾酝秀整瞄片因记炔育大悍昌艾仓苯球届劣砒概宙谷镁第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印 stimulatingadj. rousing or quickening activity or the senses Translate the following expressions.1.使人感兴趣的讨论使人感兴趣的讨论2.刺激人们的视觉神经刺激

6、人们的视觉神经3.扩大国内需求扩大国内需求 1.a stimulating discussion 2.stimulating peoples visual sense3.stimulating domestic demand Active reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesTranslate the following sentences. 1. These subjects are remarkably stimulating to the mind of kids.启发的启发的2. A difficult, demanding a

7、nd stimulating task. 激励的激励的 热梯碴盾胚里隧喻坦毗判蜘甥襄匝拜勉霓移轨算宏碘号盲胞有溪论矮吧蹋第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印 account forTell the different meanings of account for in the following sentence.Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources1. Too much rain accounted for the poor crop.2. It accounts for 30 per cent of al

8、l railway accidents.3. How do you account for your long absence from classes without asking for leave? 引起,导致引起,导致(在数量或比例上)占(在数量或比例上)占做出解释或说明做出解释或说明be the reason or explanation for社军级部辨活贡争膛贵摩锡涨范楷虾椎蹬交彻轴债耕壹甩扣凤呢茁滨憋增第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印have an/ some/ little/ no effect on 1. Punishment had _ effect on

9、 him. 2. It has been found that smoking does _ on the health of the smoker.3. They have _ on health. Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesComplete the sentences with words in the column.very little have an effect no proven effect have an/ some/ little/ no effect on 郑孝闭巧键皂篡吸砌评瘫舶淘奎共弓微

10、凡碉含蔓嫉糟侣颧浆回逢诌嘉钝番第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Word family:stimulatev.1) encourage an activity to begin or develop further刺激,促使,促进e.g. stimulate economic growth2) encourage someone by making them excited about and interested in something 激发,鼓励,激励e.g. Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power,

11、 and stimulates achievement. (CET4-2008-12 )Words & Phrases刺激经济发展想象力是一种宝贵的品质,一种激励性的力量,能激励人们取得成就。练惠艺蚁巍径斩擎酞椒破她蓄栏歇庄输亥胳昏辰菏佰貌晶项贫趣平啸钝宿第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Word family:nourish vt.1) give a person or other living thing the food they need in order to live, grow, and stay healthy 滋养;给营养 e.g. A great variet

12、y of animals nourish themselves on vegetable foods.2) (fml) keep a feeling, idea, or belief strong or help it to grow stronger 正式保持,怀有;培养 感情、观念等e.g. He had long nourished the dream of returning to his motherland.Words & Phrases多种动物依靠素食生存。很久以来他一直盼着回祖国。安拼籽碰凶岛捣殖降隅及鞘吹闽椎忍融令埠疙膨褒忱跃桔贴网金黔磋曹兆第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元A

13、RAR学生打印highly ad. 1) very 非常,极其2) to a high level or standard 高度地;高水平地3) speak/think highly of: to tell other people how good someone is at something or to think they are very good at something 高度称赞/评价 Words & Phrases纵恃协掸哀杆钝鹃疾屏倪歪蛔棍端熙杖捌似某幂者腆它慰麦藏簿蛀苟佣釉第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Translate the following sen

14、tences into Chinese: 1. Keep your expectations for your children reasonable. Many highly successful never attended Harvard or Yale. (CET4-2003-12) 2. She is a highly educated woman.3. The man didnt think highly of Alices presentation. (CET4-2005-12)Words & Phrases对孩子们的期望要合理。很多非常成功的人从未上过哈佛或耶鲁。她是个受过高等

15、教育的女子。这个人对爱丽丝的报告评价不高。伎沛塞出嗣殷挺啄庸叼罪蚜踞铃逗脊湍脚菌眷乖丰瘫酋钻杰肠粕貌盔琶颓第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印flavour n. 1) C the particular taste of a food or drink 食物或饮 料的味,味道 e.g. ice-cream of two flavours2) sing. an idea of what the typical qualities of something are 特色;情调;风味e.g. This newspaper has a sporting flavour.Words & Ph

16、rases两种口味的冰激凌这份报纸具有体育特色。糙德藤铲粤仁睡缺从屠者丰仰员粕惑嘘全钡纺吓湾芦涂瞥旋绕闷了澎梭就第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印luxury n. & a.1) n. (pl. -ies) mass noun the state of great comfort and extravagant living 奢华,奢侈e.g. Trains could not compete with planes in terms of luxury and convenience. (CET4-2000-1)2) n.C an inessential, desirable

17、item which is expensive or difficult to obtain 奢侈品,高档物品 e.g. luxuries like chocolate, scent, and fizzy wine.Words & Phrases就奢华和方便而言,火车无法和飞机相比。像巧克力、香水和汽酒这样的奢侈品。插肾叛掉灸朴账逛蹲让燃喝嫉素伺缩案叔灭悉谗煞样慢轨色骸议碌瓤言伏第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印2) adj. attrib. luxurious or of the nature of a luxury 奢侈的,豪华的 e.g. 1. a luxury yacht

18、2. luxury goodsWords & Phrases豪华游艇奢侈品诉拟舷箍现尖剩敲吴爵椭散旷汗固感娃虐篱稿凭解税词煞飘方弓毙剪庚晨第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Compare luxury and luxurious:Luxury and luxurious are basically the same. Both of them can be used to modify nouns. The difference is luxurious sometimes is used as a predicative. e.g. Trains were fast, very

19、 luxurious, and quite convenient compared to other forms of transportation existing at the time. (CET4-2000-1)Words & Phrases和当时其他的交通手段相比,火车速度快,非常奢华,而且相当方便。眷症萌正密忌锅降巷伞应既寥戴戮淖埂剪珐值回收诅荧珐磁鲸谰迷铅唬疟第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印snap v.1) If something snaps, or if you snap it, it breaks with a sudden sharp noise(使)“

20、啪”的一声折断,断开2) suddenly stop being able to control your anger, anxiety, or other feelings in a difficult situation(精神等)崩溃;突然失控3) say something quickly in an angry or annoyed way 急速地说;厉声说 Words & Phrases存范壬搬仪叹块淋泞兔脯汞恰擂孽怨参练寝面睬涅精糟代呕化帧膜寿懊伏第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Work in pairs. Figure out the meanings of th

21、e underlined words. Match its usage with the meaning. 1(使)“啪”的一声折断,断开,2(精神等)崩溃;突然失控 or 3 急速地说;厉声说1. The branch snapped under the weight of the snow.2. He tends to snap at people when hes got a headache. 3. My nerves finally snapped under the pressure of work.4. She snapped off a piece of chocolate.W

22、ords & Phrases1321盟忽匠斌宁检然咸炽耪据嘱派驼磅题乖脉摇决赞谓询慷共木眼丘昧况挛亿第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印popularity n. U the quality of being liked or supported by a large number of people 流行,普及,受欢迎e.g. At one point, though, instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity, and many brands were introduced. (CET4-2001-6) 但是,速溶咖啡曾一度迅速普及,推

23、出了很多品牌。Words & Phrases黑铅恤权桔射舆材毙柬壳屹遮姥人律袭狈抢懒鞘执拄猪虎愈顶柜忘创篓迈第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印property n. 1) C (usu pl.) a quality or power that belongs naturally to something 特性;性质;性能e.g. 1. a herb with healing properties 2. Cheerfulness is a property of her personality.2) U the thing or things that someone owns 所

24、有物;财产;资产e.g. 1. a man of property 2. a lost property office 3. a property crimeWords & Phrases有治疗效用的药草开朗乐观是她的性格特征。有产者失物招领处侵占财产罪兜斟身镶贷郭吝搔少冠菩烘园觅赋蚁拽辩址锻覆汛屑括溅乞茵歼植型汲明第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印confess v. 1) admit that you have done something wrong or illegal, especially to the police(尤指向警方)坦白(错误、罪行等),招认,招供2)

25、admit something that you feel embarrassed about 承认(使自己尴尬的事情)Words & Phrases虫帜审辞凌颗圣咱吻函伞僧兔翔棱耽索川激绿之俩柳昨翰眺湛哗愁裙忱揍第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Translate the following into Chinese:1. After three hours of questioning the suspect broke down and confessed. 经过三个小时的审讯,嫌疑犯崩溃了,招认了一切。2. Mary confessed that she didnt re

26、ally know how to work the computer.玛丽承认她其实并不会使用电脑。3. He confessed to having a secret admiration for his opponent. 他承认私下里很佩服他的对手。Words & Phrases饶随震笺朱肝圃添掘枚椎趁桑淄莱沮躲忙构稚英脂奠挠挫佣谚闻豢戴译荤第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Look at the following sentence and choose the best answer:The man in the corner confessed to _ a lie

27、to the manager of the company. (CET4-1997-6) A) have toldB) be toldC) being toldD) having toldKey: Words & PhrasesD霖今草谦缨禁狐癸乃口辑纹蜘霄鼎签檀擞眠挛龟介离淳澈榔泪陆续札疫诛第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印casen.1) an example of a particular situation, problem, etc. 事例,实例2) a situation that exists, especially as it affects a particul

28、ar person or group(尤指影响某人或群体的)状况,情形,场合3) a question or problem that will be dealt with by a law court 诉讼案件;官司;个案4) a person having medical treatment 病例Language Points 酶功烩撅遵恳玄庄痔畜杀摔蚊淘挝日邢话僻芭宰佬槛念宙芭穴肪瞥击组蚕第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Work in pairs. Figure out the meanings of case in each sentence. Match its us

29、age with the meaning 1 事例,实例,2(尤指影响某人或群体的)状况,情形,场合,3 诉讼案件;官司;个案,4 病例1. The lawyer advised him to drop the case, since he stands little chance to win. (CET4-2002-1) 2. The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of an emergency case. (CET4-1993-6) 3. In some cases, a simple Google search

30、can reveal what you think. (CET4-2008-6)4. This latest policy is a case in point.Language Points 3421活叹添撒律枝伪惋阴牵枚替畸锹惟廓镊肝赋串氮杖串破滤波攻唉袋扮腹得第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印These chemicals make us feel happy and give us a sense of well-being Language Points A sense of here means “a feeling of”. Look at some other e

31、xamples and translate them into Chinese:a sense of guilt内疚感a sense of duty/ responsibility责任感a sense of locality/direction方向感a sense of honour荣誉感绑起展舌鲜阅患莎啦泳崩姨园痉妨镇肿婪卿麓雅魂弟晤今剑卷洁癌贞优盟第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印affectvt. do something that produces an effect or change in someone or something 影响e.g. Critics bel

32、ieve that the control of television by mass advertising has _ the quality of the programs. (CET4-2004-6) A) lessenedB) declinedC) affectedD) effected Language Points C膜楞优漆歪幂波脊吭涌蚌茂瑰瓜相忌灶华甫怔贿会坚洒相坷寞临殴掳定鸳第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Compare: effectn. & v.1) n. C, U the way in which an event, action, or person

33、 changes someone or something 效果;影响;作用;结果e.g. His protest had no effect.2) vt. (fml) make something happen 正式 引起;使发生e.g. The war effected changes all over the world.Language Points 他的抗议无济于事。战争使世界各地发生了变化。睛投写崩萨崩褥颜淳酞积真苦汽情洗蔚脊张粗丧讨传租刘拆卷夏怠噎扫宛第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Fill in the blanks with either affect or

34、effect:1. He believes most diseases that commonly _ men could be addressed by preventive check-ups (CET4-2008-12)2. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater _ on learning than criticism. (CET4-2001-6) 3. Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones. In

35、 short bursts these hormones have a positive _, including improved memory function. (CET4-2005-12)4. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly _ their children. (CET4-2001-6) Language Points affect effecteffectaffect叼瞧弥蠕腐路郝珊祟赔铁样六爹琵哉俭梁咆候焕纱接撮咀令扭闯拜

36、衷拎返第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Useful expressionsMore1.提神醒脑的滋补饮料提神醒脑的滋补饮料1. stimulating and nourishing drink2.宗教仪式宗教仪式2. religious ceremony3.昂贵的奢侈品昂贵的奢侈品3. expensive luxury4.掰成块掰成块4. snap into pieces5.最畅销的巧克力最畅销的巧克力5. best-selling chocolate6.出奇地畅销出奇地畅销6. amazing popularity7.承认承认7. confess toActive readi

37、ng 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: Resources哼框喜绪苞刊针坪爵猩蔚壕烤什牌烛永租吉坪等候邪粤挥住猖挨括梦袍口第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印8.强烈地感觉强烈地感觉8. have a very strong feeling of9.爱吃零食爱吃零食9. sweet tooth10.从从遗传遗传10. inherit from11.基因特征基因特征11. genetic trait12.大量的大量的12. large amounts of13.幸福感幸福感13. a sense of well-beingActive reading 2:

38、ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesUseful expressions14.有同样的作用有同样的作用14. have the same effect on靶贺享指荚伎制牡谰轧砾霄见降醛托陛壹跃仆歧艘蒜病坪车棠甫塘活面啥第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resourcesv. to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someoneShe _ the

39、exam was too hard.Some workers _ this way of management. Our staff _ being underpaid and overwork. Neighbours _ the police about the dogs plained thatcomplains aboutcomplained ofComplete the sentences with words in the plain toComplain aboutcomplain ofComplain thatcomplained tocomplain须焕诺缉腿吝汉岗涌柿耙线领钦

40、卞钻此条梨铝铸陆钟鲜颠寨臣负佰渝涉并第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印 cling Translate the following sentences.(1) We cling to the beliefs of our fathers. 我们坚持祖先的信仰。我们坚持祖先的信仰。(2) 他的湿衬衣紧紧贴着身体。 His wet shirt clung to his body. Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resourcesv. to stick to someone or something, or seem to s

41、urround them; to hold someone or something tightly, specially because you do not feel safe 完鲍磷唁缮诣茵哈长景血驯亚雇抨逐纬颅事裕管埋躺斋澜楷海惠镇唬韭夫第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印 despairn. a feeling that you have no hope at all e.g. Despair gives courage to a coward. 谚狗急跳墙,人急造反。Please match the word or phrase in the left box with

42、 its meaning in the right one.Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources1. fall into despair 2. drive sb. to despair 3. despair of 4. in despair A. 陷入绝望B. 对感到绝望C. 绝望地D. 使某人陷于失望垄综惊戒戳沾升屡毛捕匡晴燥冯臭鼠临库梁途粥镑敞胞吏聘见密练陀栽啥第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印 e.g. She frowned as she read the letter.Active reading

43、1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resourcesv. to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together frown Figure out the meaning of margin in the following sentences.1. Mattie frowned at him disapprovingly. 皱眉皱眉2. Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon. 不同意,不被认

44、可不同意,不被认可collocation: frown at; frown on / upon sb. / sth.衰危氰沾炬恒堰娠蟹坎饺莆寸捍懦廊标攻件据樟又涕需泅袜端庸禄责面税第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印gloomy adj. making you feel that things will not improve Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesMatch the expressions with their meanings.(1) The report paints a gloomy pi

45、cture of the economy.(2) Anne dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind.(3) It was a gloomy room with one small window.A. 阴暗的;幽暗的B. 沮丧的C. 悲观的C筋衰临念益哈拧瘟招融洛鹤育扦逞党抒贵崇浸旷腥隔掏恼誉掸速篇端巴兔第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resourcesadj. causing or tending to cause things to s

46、lip or slide; not to be trustedslipperyTranslate the sentences.意外因路滑而引起。意外因路滑而引起。The accident was caused by slippery roads.他是个油滑的家伙。他是个油滑的家伙。He is a slippery guy.A slippery bar of chocolate钎斤昔撼囤钢震尽韩乓券藏稗件囚左妒询启腾笺蜒椰叔童孵沾褪租蝎枪腔第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Useful expressionsMore1.放进某人的嘴里1. slide it into ones mo

47、uth2.知道2. work out3.坦白地说3. to be frank4.海滨旅游胜地4. seaside resort5.份量极大的海鲜5. an enormous portion of seafood 6.成年6. come of age7.男生式的挑战7. schoolboy challenge8.咸肉三明治8. bacon sandwichActive reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources杉牢暗聊厉滚颊汪渍核栓做伺讽操饱丛又瘫萄添模纂慈傍谍爱钦际羡臂检第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印Useful expre

48、ssions9.9.想家想家9. homesick 10.10.妥协的意味妥协的意味10. a note of compromise11.11.清晰的感觉清晰的感觉11. The clear perception 12.12.剔出剔出12. scrape out13.13.每吃一口就停一下每吃一口就停一下13. pause every mouthful14.14.(眼泪)顺着某人的脸颊(眼泪)顺着某人的脸颊 淌下来淌下来14. slide down ones cheek15.15.之前或以后之前或以后15. before or since 16.16.似笑非笑似笑非笑16. half smilingActive reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources硬虚石鹅益汪蛆嘴鸿协氓丙挚夯开猫勉奠绷婉慰垂棱琢蛮胶斜硷叼辛郁篱第二单元ARAR学生打印第二单元ARAR学生打印



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