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1、Didyouhaveagoodfriendinyourchildhood?2021/6/161bravebravesmarthandsomestrongstronggenerousgenerousfunnyfunnyhappyhappykindhonestloyalloyalI think he is/she could helpGoodfriend2021/6/1622021/6/163Review Theusefulexpressionsinthislesson。2021/6/164v.原谅,宽恕原谅,宽恕v.责备,申斥责备,申斥v.成熟成熟n.收获收获adj.完美的完美的n.特权,权利特

2、权,权利slipdampscratchsaluteforgivescoldripenharvestv.滑倒,失足滑倒,失足perfectprivilegeadj.潮湿的潮湿的v.擦伤,划伤擦伤,划伤n.致敬,行礼致敬,行礼2021/6/165 Letshaveacheck.1.beashamedof2.forgivesbforsth3.beblessedwith4.bebackintouchwith5.beallergicto6.beongoodtermswith7.benostalgicfor享有享有的福气的福气与与.关系很好关系很好原谅某人做某事原谅某人做某事与与.重新联系重新联系对对.很

3、怀念很怀念对对感到惭愧感到惭愧对对.过敏过敏2021/6/166SkimmingA.Childhood friendships can be very close and it can be upsetting when parents have to separate two friends. The writer still misses the good friendship he had with the boy who he grew up with in a village in Scotland.B.The writer lived in Scotland and grew up

4、 with the boy who lived next door. The boy then went to love in London, which was too far away to stay in touch. Now they have grown up, theyre best of friends again.C. , the writer had a close friend. They played together all the time. the friend moved away and the writer was extremely upset. Even

5、, now they are in touch again, he still finds the memory painful.still very alikeAs a childThentodayis not only nostalgic for(怀念) the happy time but also dont want to think of his loss and painRead the passage very quick, and pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.2021/6/167Summary As

6、 a child, the writer had a _. They played together all the time. Then the friend _ and the writer was _. Even today, now they are _ again, he still finds the memory painful.movedawayclosefriendextremelyupsetintouch2021/6/168ScanningAt the age of 14As a childNowPart1Part1Para.( )Para.( )Part2Part2 Pa

7、ra.( ) Para.( )Part3Part3Para.( )Para.( )Divide the story into three parts in chronological (时间)order.1-678,9Listen to the tape and pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph. Find out the clue.2021/6/169Task oneReadthetextcarefullyandusethesentencesinthetexttoanswerthequestionsbelow. Car

8、eful reading2021/6/1610Justanswerquestion:Whatdoyouthinkahappychildhoodmeansforthewriter? A happy childhood means living in a small village in a close family and having a best friend to grow up with .2021/6/1611Translate the sentence:IstillmeasureallpainbyhowhurtIwaswhenDannyleft.我仍然根据当丹尼走的时侯的伤心我仍然根

9、据当丹尼走的时侯的伤心程度来衡量我的内心的伤和痛程度来衡量我的内心的伤和痛.hurt(感到)痛苦的,感到)痛苦的,(感情等)受到伤害的(感情等)受到伤害的2021/6/1612Translate the sentence:Iwasblessedwithahappychildhood,onethatmostpeoplewouldwanttohave.我有一个幸福的童年,一个我有一个幸福的童年,一个大多数人渴望拥有的童年。大多数人渴望拥有的童年。2021/6/16132.Whatwasthecountrysidearoundthewritershomelike?Thecountrysidearou

10、ndhishomehadpineforests,andwasneartheseaaswell.2021/6/1614TasktwoPleasereadPara3-4carefully.Howdidthewriterandhisfriendspendtheirtimetogether?(What did they do)【Fillintheblank】2021/6/1615Howdidthewriterandhisfriendspendtheirtimetogether?digupwormscollectfeatherschasethesquirrelsawayslidedownthestony

11、slopesMakebroomsbuildatreehousesmokecigargiveasalutetothepoliceman2021/6/1616 They spent their time 1 _ worms (蚯蚓)for fishing, and collecting 2_left by the birds in the cages ( 笼子) in the pine forest. Here I discovered that I was 3_to the tiny(细小的) flies which bit me and made my face 4_. On windy da

12、ys wed slide(滑动 ) down the stony slopes to the 5_and feel the 6_ in our faces. I slipped (失足 ) on some 7_ leaves ,fell out , 8 _my arms and cut the 9 _of my foot, so he washed my wounds in the stream. He was a very 10_ boy for someone so young. My mother simply 11_ me for tearing(撕破) my underwear(内衣

13、 ). We even gave a 12_to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle.digging upfeathersallergicswelllochspraydampscratchedheelscoldedsaluteconsiderate2021/6/1617Translatethesentence:ItwasherethatIdiscoveredthatIwasallergictothetinyflieswhichbitmeandmademyfaceswell.就是在这里我发现我对一种很小的飞就是在这里我发现我对一种很小的


15、elsofmyfoot,sohewashedmywoundsinthestream.曾有一次我踩到潮湿的叶子上摔倒了,曾有一次我踩到潮湿的叶子上摔倒了,擦伤了胳膊并摔伤了脚后跟,他便在擦伤了胳膊并摔伤了脚后跟,他便在小溪里给我清洗伤口。小溪里给我清洗伤口。2021/6/16203.Whathappenedwhenhewas14?Andthenattheageof14,hisparentsmovedtoLondon,over400kilometresaway.4.Does the writer keep in touch with his friend now?Imnowbackintouchw

16、ithDanny,anditsaprivilegetocallhimmyfriend.2021/6/1621Translatethesentence: Itsaprivilegetocallhimmyfriend.能够称他为我的朋友是我的荣幸。能够称他为我的朋友是我的荣幸。Privilegeprivlid:特权特权, ,优惠优惠, ,特别待遇;特别待遇; 特殊荣幸。特殊荣幸。2021/6/1622Translatethesentence:1.Imnostalgicforthehappytimeswespenttogethermanyyearsago.我怀念许多年前我们一起度过的欢乐我怀念许多年

17、前我们一起度过的欢乐时光。时光。2021/6/1623Translatethesentence:Imashamedofmyfeelings,andIdontwanttorewindtherecordingofmylifeandremembermylossandmypain.我不想回放我的生活记录,并我不想回放我的生活记录,并且回忆起我的损失和痛苦。且回忆起我的损失和痛苦。Rewind:倒回去,倒(磁带)倒回去,倒(磁带)2021/6/1624Homework After making a new friend, you want to chat with him or her to strengthen your friendship, now think about it and write it down. 假设你交了一位新朋友,你想要和他聊天假设你交了一位新朋友,你想要和他聊天以加深你们之间的友谊,想象一下你们聊天的以加深你们之间的友谊,想象一下你们聊天的内容并将它写出来。内容并将它写出来。2021/6/1625 结束语结束语若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!



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