山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版

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山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版_第1页
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山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版_第2页
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山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版_第3页
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山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版_第4页
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山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版_第5页
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《山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市城阳区第七中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit课件1 人教新目标版(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A 1a-2cWhatkindofmusicdoyoulike?Ilikemusic.Ilikepopmusic.Ilikepopmusicverymuch.Ilikepopmusicthathasgreatlyricsverymuch.IlikepopmusicthathasgreatlyricsandIcansingalongwith.单项选择。单项选择。( )1. I like music that I can dance _. A. with B. to C. along D. on( )2.

2、 Some of her best loved photos are _ display in this exhibition. A. on B. in C. at D. about( )3. There are many tall buildings on _ sides of the street. A. each B. every C. both D. either( )4. That is a watch of _. A. his B. him C. my D. me( ) 5. “Help _ to some fish.” Mrs Smith said to the children

3、.A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yours( ) 6. I _ singing to dancing.A. like B. enjoy C. love D. prefer( ) 7. He has a friend who _ the piano very well.A. play B. playing C. plays D. played( ) 8. We _ here two hours ago. We_ here for two hours.A. have arrived, have been B. have come, have beenC.

4、came, have come D. arrived, have been( ) 9. Though it was late, _ he went on with his work. A. but B. and C. so D. ( )10. We will have a _ holiday after the exam.A. two month B. two-month C. two-months D. two months Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A 1a-2cwould like to do sth : 想要做某事想要做

5、某事I would like to visit Beijing.Id like a cup of coffee. would like =d like = wantwould like sth. 想要某物想要某物wouldlikesb.todosth.:想要某人做某事想要某人做某事I would like you to help me do housework.1.Travelling in the _(热带丛林)(热带丛林)is very _(累人的)(累人的)and it is also dangerous.2.This is an _ film, and we all like to s

6、ee it.(有教育意义的)(有教育意义的)3.There are beautiful beaches in Hawaii. It is very beautiful and _.(平静的)(平静的)4.Niagara Falls are very _. How wonderful they are!(令人振颤的)(令人振颤的)jungletiringeducationalpeacefulthrilling词汇过关词汇过关5._ _ _, youll be better soon. (放松)(放松)6.I would like to _(旅行)(旅行) through the _.(热带丛林)

7、(热带丛林) I think it is a challenge for me.7. I dont like New York , because it is a_city.(游客很多的)(游客很多的)Take it easy= dont be nervoustrek trek- trekking-trekkedjungletouristytiring引起疲劳的引起疲劳的/累人的累人的relaxing放松的放松的Whatdoyouthinkoftheplace?NiagaraFalls尼亚加拉瀑布 fascinating 迷人的迷人的peacefuladj.宁静的What do you thi

8、nk of the place?peaceful fascinating 迷人的平静的Where would you like toA: visit ? go on vacation?B:Id like to go somewhere. the West LakeB:Id like to go toA:Why?Mout HuangFlorida beach 佛罗里达海滩take it easy 轻松,不紧张Amazon Jungle亚马逊丛林fascinatingthrillingbeautifulexcitingtiringInterestingdangerousfascinatingthr

9、illingpeacefulGoing trekking Amazon Jungle is very dangerous exciting.trek through Amazon Jungle 穿越亚马逊丛林educational 教育的;有教育意义的教育的;有教育意义的fascinating 迷人的;有极大吸引力的迷人的;有极大吸引力的thrilling 令人激动的令人激动的,震颤的;毛骨悚然的震颤的;毛骨悚然的peaceful 和平的;宁静的和平的;宁静的relaxing 放松的放松的beautiful美丽的美丽的fun 有乐趣的有乐趣的 exciting 令人激动的令人激动的tiring

10、 引起疲劳的引起疲劳的;累人的累人的boring 乏味的,闷人的乏味的,闷人的wonderful 令人惊叹的;绝妙的令人惊叹的;绝妙的interesting 有意思的;有趣的有意思的;有趣的dangerous 危险的危险的Can you momerize them? fascinating迷人的迷人的 adj.What do you think of the place?Hawaii Id like to go somewhere fascinating.Because I like the place that is fascinating.Because I like the place

11、where its fascinating.Iliketheplacewhereitsfascinating.先行词先行词先行词先行词关系副词关系副词关系副词关系副词定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句构成:定语从句构成:先行词先行词+关系词关系词+从句从句关系词的作用:关系词的作用:1.引导一个定语从句;引导一个定语从句;2.在从句中代替先行词;在从句中代替先行词;3.在从句中担任某一句子成份在从句中担任某一句子成份,可能是可能是主语,宾语主语,宾语或或状语状语。从句可以还原成为一个完整的句子。从句可以还原成为一个完整的句子。本句从句还原后为本句从句还原后为:itsfascinating


13、Ivisitedlastyear.2)Thisisthefactory_Iworkedlastyear.A.whereB.whichC.whoD.whoseBAtheGreatWallGuilinSydneyOperaHouseAmazonJungleYananNiagara FallsWestLake Where would you like to visit?HawaiiSahara DesertA:Wherewouldyouliketogoonvacation?B:Iwouldliketogo/visitBecause.Theweatherisalwayswarm.Thefoodisde


15、Icanbuyalotoffashionableclothes.What kind of places do you like?What kind of places do you like?Ilikeplaceswherethefoodisdelicious.A:Idliketovisit.BecauseIlikeplaceswhereWherewouldyouliketogoonvacation?B:Ihopetovisitsomeday.IlikeplaceswhereWherewouldyouliketogoonvacation?C:Nowtelluswhatkindofplacesy

16、oulike.Theweatherisalwayswarm.Thefoodisdelicious.Peoplearereallyfriendly.Icanbuyalotofbeautifulclothes.Thesightsarebeautiful.Theskyisreallyblue.Therearebeautifulbeaches.Icanrelaxmyself.Icanvisitalotofmuseum.长途跋涉长途跋涉;穿越穿越从容;轻松从容;轻松Listen.Where would Sam and Gina like to go on vacation? Why? Fill in t

17、he chart.PersonPlaceWhySamBrazillikes _vacationsGinalikes to _on a beacha _beach in Florida.Floridaexcitingrelaxbeautiful2a Listen and number these statements 2a Listen and number these statements in the order that you hear them. in the order that you hear them. _ I love places _ I love places where

18、where the people are the people are really friendly.really friendly._ I _ I hope to hope to see Niagara Falls see Niagara Falls some some day. day. _ I like places _ I like places wherewhere the weather is the weather is always warm. always warm. _ I hope to visit Hawaii _ I hope to visit Hawaii one

19、 day.one day.3 34 42 2 1 1Hope to do sth 希望做某事one day=some day有一天Place Reason not to visit the place_ 1. Hawaii_ 2.Mexico_ 3.Niagara Fallsa.We dont know the languageb. Its too touristy.c. There is not too much to do there.bca2bSummary (小小 结结) Where would you like to visit? I would like/hope to visit

20、. one day/some day. Because I love the place where its . . /Because I love the place that is . . 本课时学习含有关系副词本课时学习含有关系副词where的定语从句。的定语从句。 关系副词关系副词where指地点,只能跟在表示指地点,只能跟在表示 地点的名词后面,如:地点的名词后面,如:place, village, town, city, home等,在定语从句中作等,在定语从句中作地点状语地点状语。hope的用法:的用法:hopetodosth.希望去做某事希望去做某事hopethat+宾语从句宾


22、theweatherisalwayswarm.我想去休闲的地方。我想去休闲的地方。Idliketogosomewhererelaxing.1.你想参观什么地方?我想你想参观什么地方?我想参观意大利参观意大利。2.我希望有一天去法国。我希望有一天去法国。Wherewouldyouliketovisit?IdliketovisitItaly.IhopetogotoFrancesomeday.IhopethatIcan/willgotoFranceoneday. 2.She is studying in a school_ her father worked. 3.She is studying in a school _ has many good teachers. 1.I like places _ are near the sea.thatwherethatExercise:用that或where填空。 4. I want to buy a room _ I can exercise. 5. I want to buy a room _ has big windows. 6. I like rooms _ are big.wherethatthatHomework1. Write down the report2.Finish the Exs in exercise book



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