高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Living well课件 新人教版选修7

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1、.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写 1.*(2015陕西,书面表达)As an _ (外向的)girl,I get along well with my classmates.2.His _ (行为)doesnt agree with his words,so few people trust him.3.He likes the Chinese classic _ (文学)very much and spends much time on it.outgoingconductliterature4.(2015广东,读写任务)At the _ (毕业)ceremony,just as she

2、expected,she was very proud to stand with a class of care,manners and confidence.5.(2015天津,阅读B)While household robots today do the normal housework,social robots will be much more like _ (伙伴,陪伴)than mere tools. graduationcompanions二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.(2015湖北,阅读E)His latest book The Social Animal,however

3、,is more _ (ambition)and serious than his earlier books.2.(2015陕西,阅读D)Parental involvement is not so _ (benefit)as expected.3.(2014重庆,阅读C)If you must do it,then keep the water wings _ (hand)in case you start to sink-and take a shower afterward!4.(2014江苏,任务型阅读)People are social creatures by nature,an

4、d so it is hardly surprising that part of their self-respect comes from the _ (approve)of others.ambitiousbeneficialhandyapproval5.(2015陕西,阅读C)The production of coffee beans is a huge,_ (profit)business. 6.I hope we can get your technical _ (assist)in the project soon.7.*With support and _ (encourag

5、e)from their parents,the students made great progress.8.He easily loses his temper,so he is not_ (suit)for the job which needs great patience.9.We all _ (congratulation)Tom on being elected chairman of the committee.10.The remote desert area is _ (access)only by helicopter. profitableassistance enco

6、uragementsuitablecongratulatedaccessible三、开心词场Though clumsy and disabled in eyesight,he is ambitious for dignity.After graduation,encouraged and assisted by his fellow companions,he gained access to literature.Now his works have been adapted for films.He should be congratulated.【联想积累】高频复合形容词速记absent

7、-minded心不在焉的hard-working努力工作的straightforward正直的strong-willed果断的well-known众所周知的widespread普遍的worldwide世界范围的worthwhile值得的 -ance/-ence名词后缀一览allowance津贴,补助appearance外貌,外表guidance引导,指导insurance保险,保证performance演出,表演presence出现absence不在evidence明显,证据diligence 勤奋violence 暴力preference偏爱consequence 后果,结果convenie

8、nce方便dependence 依靠difference 不同existence 存在intelligence 聪明influence 影响 courage小词场courage n.勇气encourage vt.鼓励discourage vt.使泄气encouragement n.鼓励 .重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1._ other words 换句话说2.*out _ breath 上气不接下气3.all _ all 总而言之4._ many ways 在很多方面5.make fun _ 取笑inofininof二、短语填空1.*You had better _ the last tw

9、o paragraphs of the article.2.My friends,_John were invited.3.His suggestions _ widespread disapproval and so he had to give in.4.*By the roadside several young girls were _,looking bored. 5.He wished them _ of luck,and he left.6.The children found it hard to_ their new school (适应新学校).adapt to;cut o

10、ut;sit around;meet with;all the best;as well ascut outas well asmet with sitting aroundall the bestadapt to【联想积累】cut短语速记cut off 切断;隔断;断绝cut in 插入;插话cut down 砍倒;削减;缩减cut up 切碎cut out删去,切断out of n.一览out of sight 看不见out of control 失控out of date 过时 out of fashion 不再流行out of order 出毛病out of work失业out of

11、question 没问题;无疑 out of the question 不可能的 .经典句式识记思考运用1.*Sometimes,too,I was _ to school so my education suffered.有时候我的身体也太虚弱,上不了学,因此落下了很多功课。To be honest,he is_ (他很固执,你说服不了) him to go with us. too weak to gotoo stubborn for you to persuade2.I have a very busy life with no time to sit around _.我的生活很充实,

12、没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。Do you wake up every morning _ (感到精力充沛) and ready to start a new day?feeling sorryfor myself feeling energetic3.Just accept them for who they are, and give them encouragement to live _ you do.要接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。As far as I know,he is _ (一样是个聪明的孩子) his brother. as rich and f

13、ull a life asas clever a boy as4.*For disabled customers _ the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.在影院入口处的附近安排厕所会让残疾人感觉更加方便。If _ (如果你很方便的话),I will visit you next Tuesday.it would be more convenient to placeit is quite convenient for you【联想积累】too.to.温馨提示 当too 修饰表示人的心理情感类的形容词时,表示“非常”,相当于very。Im to

14、o pleased to help you.我很乐意帮助你。He is too nervous to leave.他太紧张了,离开了。convenient 用法警示convenient 作表语时,主语不能是人。Would it be convenient for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?at ones convenience 在某人方便时for convenience 为方便起见 .单元语法识记思考运用动词不定式用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Many trees,flowers and grass _

15、(plant), our newly built school will look even more beautiful.2.My mother went to the private school in person _ (confirm) that I would be safe there.3.Your silence on recent events surprises me.I think its better _(say) too little than say too much.4.I have to spend much time on my notes _ (make)su

16、re I can pass tomorrows test.5.It is of great importance _ (solve)the housing problem. to be plantedto confirmto sayto maketo solve【学法点拨】不定式易错点提醒有些及物动词常用动词不定式(不接动名词)作宾语:它们是:want;wish;like;decide;help;begin;forget;learn;ask;fail;agree;offer;intend;plan;pretend;promise;prepare;determine;choose;refuse;

17、manage;hope;expect等。单 词 点 睛1.adapt vi.&vt.使适应;使适合;改编 高考例句(2015浙江,阅读C)Instead,we are diurnal (白天的) creatures,with eyes adapted to living in the suns light.相反,我们是眼睛只适合生活在太阳光下的日行动物。(1)adapt (oneself)to使适应于(2)adapt sth from根据改编某物be adapted for为而改写/改编(3)adaptable adj.能适应的;可修改的(4)adaptation n.适应;改编;改写本单句语

18、法填空/完成句子Children _ a new environment more easily than adults.儿童比成人更容易适应新环境。Not only has she _ the fast rhythm of city life,but she is becoming more and more outgoing.她不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。This new film is said _ (adapt)from a novel by Jane Austen.据说这部新影片是根据简奥斯汀的一本小说改编的。答案adapt toadapted herself

19、 toto be adapted 2.conduct n.行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理;主持高 考 例 句 (2015江 苏 , 阅 读 C)To answer this question,researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time.要回答这个问题,研究人员进行了跟踪研究,他们长时间以来跟踪志愿者。 (1)conduct sb around 带领某人参观conduct sb in/out/to the door 领某人进来/出去/到门口 conduct oneself

20、行为(表现)conduct (do/make/carry out/perform)an experiment 做实验conduct a concert 指挥音乐会conduct a survey/an investigation 开展调查 (2) under the conduct of 在的指导(管理)下 观察下列句子,写出黑体部分的词义We are conducting a survey of consumers attitudes towards organic food.Non-metals such as wood,glass and plastic cannot conduct h

21、eat easily.“I cant scold your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son,“But Im glad that you conduct yourself honestly next time.”Why has his fellow students conduct changed towards Mary?答案实施;进行传导(电、热)表现;品行 行为 3.access n.(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性;权利等高考例句(2015湖南,写作section A)Some also contain CD-R

22、OMs and access to special online features.有的还包含CD,能使用特殊的在线功能。(1)have/get/obtain/gain access to.拥有的机会;可以接近;进入give access to准许进入(接近)(2)accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible to.可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的单句语法填空/完成句子The _ is to make good use of the access to education.通向成功的方法是好好利用受教育的机会。Our own generation _ mor

23、e nutritious food,more convenient transport,bigger houses,better cars.我们这一代拥有更有营养价值的食品,更方便的交通,更大的房子,更好的汽车。The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world,and its _ (access)through a computer.互联网是世界上最大的信息资源库,只要通过一台电脑就可以访问。答案access to successhas access toaccessible 短 语 点 拨1.in other wor

24、ds换句话说高考例句(2015北京,满分作文)It is hard to imagine one can learn without questioning,in other words,questioning is a bridge to learning or is the very beginning of learning.很难想象一个人学习中可以毫无疑问,换句话说,提问是学习的桥梁或是学习的开始。(1)word comes that.有消息传来说in a word 总之;简言之(2)keep ones word遵守诺言break ones word 失信;不守诺言have a wor

25、d with. 与谈一谈have words with. 与拌嘴/吵架完成句子_,we are the master of our own future.换句话说,我们是自己未来的主人。He _ so many times that I cannot trust him any more.他经常食言,我再也不能相信他了。_,it was through hard work and innovation that Lei Jun became successful in his field.总之,正是通过努力和创新使得雷军在他的领域成功了。The driver was at a loss _ t

26、hat he was forbidden to drive for speeding.当传来他因超速而被禁驾的消息时,这位司机不知所措。答案In other wordshas broken his word In a wordwhen word came 2.out of breath上气不接下气教材原句So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh,when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up t

27、he stairs.当我跑了很短的一段路之后,我就会喘不过气来,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下来休息。因此上小学时有的孩子见了我这种情况就会笑话我。(1)hold ones breath屏住呼吸catch ones breath 喘息;恢复正常呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来take a deep breath 深呼吸(2)breathe v.呼吸完成句子Fred entered without knocking and,very_,sank into a chair.弗雷德没敲门就进来了,上气不接下气地坐在了椅子上。We _ while Mr.Evans read the ex

28、am results.埃文斯先生宣读考试成绩时,我们都屏息静听。To make the movement easier I had to relax my body,and tried to _ of fresh air.为了移动起来更容易,我不得不放松身体,并且努力呼吸新鲜空气。答案out of breathheld our breathtake deep breaths 句 式 透 析教材原句I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。feel

29、ing sorry for myself 为现在分词短语作伴随状语。现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示伴随情况,没有相当的状语从句,译成汉语时一般译成并列复合句。单句语法填空/完成句子As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not _ (move),and asked myself what I was going to do.当交通信号灯变绿灯时,我站了一会儿,一动不动,自问要做什么事。He made the boy sit there,_ (promise)they would not hurt him.他让那个男孩坐在那儿,保证他们不会伤害他。_,the tourists danced with the local people.那些旅行者们聚在篝火周围,和当地人一起跳舞。答案movingpromisingGathering around the fire



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