高二英语:《unit2 continuous learning-reading》课件(牛津上海版S2A)

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《高二英语:《unit2 continuous learning-reading》课件(牛津上海版S2A)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语:《unit2 continuous learning-reading》课件(牛津上海版S2A)(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 A tutor who tooted a flute tried to A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot, said the tutor two tooters to toot, said the two to their tutor, Is it harder to two to their tutor, Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?toot? Tongue T

2、wist1. order2. greatly3. having suitable knowledge4. additional, extra5. honest,not pretending6. join a school7. a special skill8. discovering some informationcommandconsiderablyqualifiedsupplementarysincereenrolltechniquedetectiveFind words to match the meanings:9. in additionfurthermoreFill in the

3、 blanks with the given words:command, qualify, experience, recommend, enroll, tailor, determine1. He _ his way of living to his income.tailored2. His experience _ him to do the job.qualifies3.He acquired a good _ of Emand4. Hes very _ in mending cars.experienced5.I was _ to follow their advice.deter

4、mined6. I _ you to do more speaking after class.recommend7. Before you _ in a center, you should do some detective work.enrollHave ever studied any course outside of school?Have ever studied any course outside of school? Pair Work1. Have you ever studied any course outside of school?2. What type of

5、course was it?3. Who was your teacher?4. How long was your course?5. How much did it cost?6. Would you recommend it to other people?Guitar lessonsMusic Center- Mr. RobertTwice a week, 8-9 p.$75 an hourVery good courseComputer ClassesRam-Rom College - Mr. John6 weeks, Sat.,9-11 a.m.$1,500Poor teacher

6、, old computersA Survey Ask each other about any real course you have taken outside school and give your report about your partners answers.DebateForFororAgainstAgainstListening:1.Teachers are very _.2.Neverfail Centre is located in a _ part of the city.3.And it is very _ to get to.4.The Centre has

7、_facilities and the fees are _.So I would definitely _ it to all of my friends.hardworkingpleasantconvenientexcellentreasonablerecommendIn my opinion, they are doing a lot of _.1. It is not _ for them.2. Children cannot develop other _.3. Some staff are not _.Therefore, its time to _ proper regulati

8、ons to _these centres.harmhealthyinterestscompetentintroducecontrolThe article must have the following form:1.State your main argument.2.Give a definite example.3.State your conclusion.Group WorkSupplementary ReadingAssignment:Assignment:Write a letter to state your Write a letter to state your arguments for or against arguments for or against tutorial centers.tutorial centers.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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