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1、五句话作文的句子整合技巧高考英语基础写作主要考查考生运用语言结构和基本句型,对表达内容进行加工、整合的能力。考生如果没有一定的语言驾驭技巧,要用五句话完整地表达众多繁杂的内容也绝非一件容易的事。下面以 2011 年广州一模的基础写作为例来谈谈句子的整合技巧。原题:学校英语论坛针对目前城市交通拥堵、污染严重的问题进行了 “治堵方案大家谈” 的讨论。 以下是讨论概要。写作内容请根据以上概要写一篇短文,包括以下内容:1.存在的问题;2.解决的方案;3.方案的好处。经过简单的审题,我们可以列出以下十多个松散的信息点:We had a discussion.Our streets are crowded

2、 with traffic./There are toomany private cars.The air is seriously polluted.Some solutions are put forward./Everyone isencouraged to offer suggestions.Car owners could reduce the use of private cars.They could share their cars with their friends andworkmates.The government should do something to imp

3、rove thepublic transport system.The government should build more green lanes.The public transport system should be more convenientfor citizens.People should be encouraged to use their bicycles.Money, time and energy will be saved.The measures are friendly to the environment.其中,-涉及存在的问题,-表达解决的方案,最后两点

4、是方案的好处。接下来,我们来运用自己的语言知识,将相关的信息点整合起来。一、运用短语来整合信息1. 运用名词短语。Increasing numbers of private cars contribute to heavytraffic jams and serious air pollution.(名词短语,整合信息点)2. 运用介词短语。People are more aware of the fact that increasing numberof private cars has given rise to serious problems like trafficjams and

5、air pollution. (介词短语充当定语,整合信息点)3. 运用非谓语短语。The government should improve the public transportsystem to make it more convenient for people.(动词不定式短语,整合信息点)Building more green lanes is obviously a good way toencourage cycling instead of driving. (动名词短语作主语和动词不定式短语作定语,整合信息点)There is a widespread concern o

6、ver environmentalpollution and traffic jams caused by private cars. (过去分词短语作定语,整合信息点)First, car owners could share their cars with their friendsand workmates, thus reducing the use of private cars. (现在分词短语作状语,整合信息点)4. 运用 with 的复合宾语结构或独立主格结构。Hopefully, with people sharing private cars with each other

7、,our city will definitely be an environment-friendly place to livein.(with 的复合宾语结构,整合信息点)5. 运用词语搭配。Meanwhile, it is our belief that our government has a roleto play in improving the transport system by building moregreen lanes and encouraging cycling. (动词搭配 play a role in的变体,合并信息点)We held a discussi

8、on in the hope of coming up with somepractical solutions to end the shameful condition of traffic jamsand air pollution in our city. (动词搭配 in the hope of doing.,合并信息点)二、利用并列结构来整合信息写作中,我们常用 and, but, not only.but also.,neither.nor., either.or., for, while, as well as等并列结构来合并两个或者更多的相关信息。These measures

9、 can not only help save money, time andenergy, but also improve the environment. (并列谓语,合并信息点)三、利用复合句来整合信息复合句可以整合众多相关信息,同时也是语言功底的表现。1. 运用名词性从句。When it comes to traffic jams and air pollution, somepeople come up with the idea that car owners could reduce theuse of private cars by sharing cars with the

10、ir friends andworkmates. (运用同位语从句,整合信息点)2. 运用定语从句。With the development of economy, more and more peoplehave their own cars, which in turn leads to such problems astraffic jams and air pollution. (运用定语从句,整合信息点)3. 运用状语从句。If the government could improve the public transportsystem, it would be more conv

11、enient for people to travel. (运用条件状语从句,整合信息点)当然,在实际写作中,我们要灵活、综合运用,使句子长短有致,简洁明了,同时使用关联词,使句与句之间更连贯流畅。我们可以将以上内容整合成五句话:Recently, the issue of traffic jams and air pollution causedby private cars has been brought to the concern of all people,especially us students, who came up with some practicalsuggesti

12、ons in a discussion. (信息点-) In our opinion,citizens could reduce the use of private cars by sharing withtheir friends and workmates. (信息点) Besides, what reallymatters is that the government improves the public transportsystem to make it more convenient for people to travel.(信息点) Meanwhile, the government should have more greenlanes built to encourage cycling. (信息点) By taking theabove measures, not only can we save money, time and energybut also we can contribute to a city with better environment.(信息点)(作者单位:佛山市顺德区勒流中学)责任编校蒋小青注: 本文中所涉及到的图表、 注解、 公式等内容请以 PDF格式阅读原文



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