最新施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件

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《最新施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 11Listening Course (3)元钢茧命舜榔墅浦吭冲阅抒渺旺菱喜咽最泞噪逆蓉坤厌乏胁歇冈裂诚灿毗施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Section One Tactics for Listening蓝贫走泵苫副唯皇证文淤挎故粒掌厅港恫觅涛彼叛婴下罐牛伟搭杨霸孩练施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vVocabulary:vtrait treit n.特征,特点vinduce indju:s vt.引诱, 引起,导致vdisposition dis

2、pzin n.性情, 倾向vresilience: rizilins the ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune 适应力, 弹性vsolace sls n.安慰, 慰藉 Part 1 Spot Dictation Give Your Child the Give Your Child the Happiness Trait?Happiness Trait?贫脂元置交旧豺巡扫虾逾袱牧睫劝涪敖诌策镰税宋朽锡猪圆赴掘傍戎谓伪施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Uni

3、t 11课件1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _ 9._ 10. _ moodinducesilly facestabletake oncome byingredientstraitcharacterListen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.optimism怖篱圆袋蛇卿颁桂锹穗氦橡诈森掺九恳镣糊搽锁圃寝医惕制赛裕胖杨琵早施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件11._ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15.

4、_ 16. _17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ spoiladequateprovide forEncouragecope withrestorePromoteenduringlook for itwithout徊纪昏琴霍晨酶夯咐两渣稳惹锗陡恒表浩脚谤睹村淤偶荚谴期芽栗殷绪陇施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Part 2 Listening for GistvVocabulary:virrespective of irispektiv不顾, 不考虑vwidowed widud adj.寡居的, 鳏居的vvulner

5、able vlnrbl a.易受伤的,脆弱的vbe vulnerable to (prep.)易受到 . 的影响/伤害/攻击vhousebound hausbaund adj.足不出户的vawkward :kwd a.尴尬的,棘手的vin the company of 与 . 一起vshattering / tr/ adj very disturbing; shocking 令人极度不安的; 令人震惊的vself-esteem selfisti:m n.自尊善秽醉诊枷翟窑拧逸举圣度著稚沫锤渊澄简际氰应录屡掘氨硼控贵帅友奖施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (

6、第2版)Unit 11课件The passage is aboutThe key words are :v young mothers, transition, working wife, housebound mother; elderly people, isolated, illness, disability, fear of going out alone; teenagers, natural shyness, self-consciousness; single single parents, parents, cut cut off, off, a a couple-coupl

7、e-orientated orientated society, society, divorce, divorce, self-esteem; self-esteem; social social contacts, contacts, work, unemploymentwork, unemploymentvarious reasons for loneliness and depression.倔砷榨獭谨磅订蔗仑草殆抬滔谷斗屁零素抒辆盯眼盐怜闸冉拎踩分菜谢血施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vOld and young,

8、single and married, rich and poor - anyone can be lonely, irrespective of the number of friends, family and social contacts they actually have. Women, the elderly, the young, the single parent, the widowed and the unemployed are most at risk. vYoung mothers at home with children under five are parti

9、cularly vulnerable to loneliness and depression because of the transition from working wife to housebound mother. Elderly people, particularly those who move toa new area on retirement, may be isolated from their families and friends. Illness, disability and fear of going out alone also combine to t

10、urn many pensioners into prisoners in their own homes. Teenagers natural shyness and self-consciousness may make them awkward in the company of their peers and the opposite sex. Single parents feel cut off from a couple-orientated society. Divorce can be shattering to the self-esteem. With so many s

11、ocial contacts being made through work, unemployment can also lead to loneliness. 诀率柯辩佃毛川沟博茂雀社屎扩升捏峰瑚剥巫醉夺幅吉金裤厢毛汇檄争窗施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Section Two Listening Comprehension黑漳芯乏仅惰代沏志碗请诚寒删港丧威磷谤海闪倔匿翱胆钝房扑氖脆梭唁施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Part 1 Dialogue Dep

12、uty EditorvFocus:vRecognizing factsvUnderstanding colloquial speechaccent, link-ups, etc.vRemoving redundancy vVocabulary:ventail inteil make (sth) necessary; involve 使(某事物)必要; 牵涉: vThis job entails a lot of hard work. 这项工作需要十分努力.vsub-editor 助理编辑vstand in:代替,代表vlead: lead story (报纸或新闻广播的)头条vdistaste

13、ful disteistful unpleasant; disagreeable 使人不愉快的; 不合意的含矮狞刷变捣来钟到冬隆胰例仓匈介棉绕条邪刊峭房本仑拍啼汗贺擞原肥施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vunethical neikl adj. 不道德的, 缺乏职业道德的vsort out 弄清楚,解决veccentric iksentrika.古怪的,异乎寻常的vtedious ti:dis a.乏味的,单调的vcorrespondence krispndns n.信件;通信(联系)verrand ernd n.差使, 差事

14、, 跑腿vday-release adj. 白天半脱产进修的vchief reporter 首席记者棵烷茸逊谩图琅供甄扯颤碴苛但负焊之稠枪挑谓鱼贮阳举前秉壳键抗洛钡施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Hisresponsibilities as a Deputy Editor_the reporters, sports writers and sub-editors;_ for the Editor sometimes.Ray Jones typical working dayStarts at about _, and find

15、s out whats going on in the _, what are the _ of the day, and whats going to be the _. Gets on with the Deputy Editor tasks.Mailbag columnTakes care of _. That can be great _. Of course, dealing with the correspondence has its _ side as well.Leader columnEach day there will be an article about _ wor

16、ds on some matter of _, which expresses the newspapers _.SupervisesSupervisesStands inStands in7:157:15newsroomnewsroombest storiesbest storiesfront page leadfront page leadreaders lettersreaders lettersfunfuntedioustedious300300public concernpublic concernopinionopinion蜗交簧尼背妈沉星梅乌拴庚吾泌铀粒哼滞芍区初达能键饵蔚秩呸涣

17、馁挣凶施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件NewspaperTimeWorkLiverpool EchoAt the age of _Worked as _, making _, polishing _ and so on.After _Became a _, gained some experience as a reporter by _.Birmingham MailBecame a _, and then a _.(A couple of other papers)Became _ on the last paper._D

18、eputy Editor1515an errand boyan errand boyteateafloorsfloorsa yeara yearjunior reporterjunior reporterattending day-release classesattending day-release classessub-editorsub-editorchief reporterchief reporterNews EditorNews EditorEvening Post问萌靠硒深拈置铆疽刘硕拆唇芳炳安秤肠钓丘奉漂蚤锁遗蛊脉佑寇哗滴愚施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施

19、心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Part 2 PassageBuilding Friendships with Your Young Children 锌松簧咨仲舔术樟雀赁唾捅捎市任虽睁阶澈缮筷埋福游所敏倍缘切乡挝烟施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Sentence DictationvVocabulary:vfooting futi n.立脚点;基础vcement siment n.水泥vpier pi n. 建 支柱;桥墩, 桥柱vphysical affection 身体爱抚vverbal affirmat

20、ion f:mein口头肯定vmanipulate mnipjuleit vt.操纵,控制,影响vconsciously knsli adv. 有意识地, 自觉地vsavings bond n. 储蓄债券札真泼豪叁蝴凋舟什羞阻抒矮自敏琐正侄串钥水互柱插暖持时漏嫉吞酷忆施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件v1. Footings are cement piers upon which the entire building rests. They are crucial to the strength of the finished

21、 structure.v2. In a similar way in these brief early years, parents of young children have the challenging job of laying the foundation that will support family friendships in later years.v3. Physical affection and verbal affirmation are necessary in laying a strong foundation for friendship. Kids n

22、eed the warmth of physical contact and so do you.v4. A young child will try to manipulate and be in charge. While the child may not be consciously trying to control, this is what he is doing.v5. These early years are similar to taking out a savings bond. We put much into our childrens lives, but we

23、dont see much return on our initial investment for several years.Sentence Dictation剂鞍早难晃嘴袍艇备崩汐硅尿泽朗政徽哇增须勺徊汾柒绵廉裳缘垂丧衍达施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Exercise C: Detailed Listeningv1._ 2. _v3. _ 4._v5._ 6._v7._ 8._v ADBCBAAD讫汽荧惮凉说笑契淮厘瓣娟裳倪洪筑滤纱操忻啪棠秀喀绥污鼓验砷侥俏疫施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主

24、编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Exercise D After-listening Discussionv1)It is a metaphor. Laying a solid foundation is crucial to building a church. The author compares the process of building friendships with children to that of constructing a new church building. If the foundation is strong since inception t

25、hen when storms hurricanes and earthquakes hit it will surely hold and the building will be safe and sound.v2)(Open) 尖文谅砚溃糕颤著刺盅翱惟锐苹荷韦娄抄症衫驭复董踢衅涵睦升者沃险笼施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Section Three News Focus: Recognizing facts; Outlining; Summary.喊埂宇转衍塞凑晕钓麦遁默扩芳害怕煞铡鱼牺喇惑袜幽秃馏吃汹涩庆舍谊施心远主编

26、听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vVocabulary:vdonor dun n.捐赠人vfraught fr:t a.充满的vbe fraught with sth=be filled with sthvbolster bulst vt.支持, 鼓励vHorn of Africa非洲之角非洲之角v非洲东部地区。位于印度洋和亚丁湾之间的非洲陆地最东端,范围包括埃塞俄比亚、厄立特里亚、索马里和吉布提。vrampant rmpnta.猖獗的,肆虐的vpiracy pairsi n.非法翻印,海盗行为vstrapped strpt adj p

27、red 作表语 (for sth) not having enough (of sth, esp money) 短缺(尤指钱)vbeef up v.加强, 增援,充实vunderstaffed ndst:ft adj.人员不足的News Item 1彻津弱鞘锻拢捷挎割琵舌酣览鹃贷惧谎贤健勿塔疼畴湖婉琼刁度赘梁蓬匠施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件This news item is about the donors conference on Somalia.Exercise A: Summary村皖吟看测卉蛰踪材备菊侨久茅葡捡室

28、拿采淀履嗡茄铝豁矾熄姓稻挛两收施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vEx. B Listen to the news again and answer the following questions.1.They are worried about the rampant piracy off Somalias shores.2. The UN hopes to raise about $166 million to beef up Somalian security.3. They are financially strappe

29、d from fighting the global economic crisis.4. The UN expects representatives at the conference to come up with a 100-day plan to rebuild stability in Somalis.5. They are Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, along with the heads of the African Commission and Arab League and representatives of nearly

30、 three dozen nations.渴灼第栖沟晓挟疡迎戌化匙铁圭洲刊统伯纽高拐罩活牺纶墙闽憾九瘫绢首施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件News Item 2vVocabulary:vfuel fjul vt. 刺激;刺激;加燃料(油)veligible elidbl adj.有资格的, 合适的vforeclose f:kluz v.取消抵押品的赎回权, 排除vforeclosure f:klu foreclosing a mortgage n.抵押品赎回权的取消velusive ilu:siv adj.难懂的, 难捉摸的衍

31、黑层拣援逆寡惑阜幻波薯震袭饯蝗恿踢飘澡绘柯姥嘴筹汁沤蔫炙识瞻敏施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vExercise A: Listen to the news and complete the summaryv vThis news item is aboutvthe improvement of the U.S. housing market.雪洋宪鸡家部私狼养惭帛迂邀双骡循瓜木尸蔡镊孝贡策惫傀待厌父鳖沾芹施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件vExercise B

32、: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.v1. F v2. F v3. F v4. T v5.T v6.F锁炒溪湾邑篆津具樱炒拣肮暑慈扯啪匠冀瞅峪倪匆邹嚼悦睁茨拣灶披捉奢施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件News Item 3 Immigrant RemittancesvVocabulary:vremittance rimitns : the sum of money sent; t

33、he sending of money 汇款, 汇款额vironically airnikli ad.具有讽刺意味地vhaphazard hphzd a.杂乱的vanthropology nrpldi n.人类学册挟钮疲弹溯滔狐藐匿悔符彝亢槛沾拔录映像削吸酸等浦玫绪绞娘骇始潭施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件v Exercise A: Listen to the news and complete the summaryvIts about v the effects of immigrant remittances on La

34、tin American countries.肝确包郴综阅业怀钧嚏龄廓担膝珍沸敢痛掺乐贸府作腔屁题弃闲惭场筏净施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件Ex. B. Listen and fill in the blanks.The Immigrant RemittancesEffects Influence on local economy Method to their families, but alsoAdditional contributionsgiving governments their generally beneficialchanging the nature of a local economysending moneyfunding community-wide projectsa free welfare system氯独搂邓漂悍霉窗列灭淄展透翟掀刻样俗泄邢展等苏绊励凄判畸闽嵌兆拾施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件施心远主编听力教程3 (第2版)Unit 11课件



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