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1、Human Resource Management人力资源管理 L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Why Human Resources Is Important: The HRM ProcessExplain how an organizations human resources can be a significant source of competitive advantage.List eight activities necessary for staffing the organization and sustaining high employee

2、performance.Discuss the environmental factors that most directly affect the HRM process.Human Resource Planning; Recruitment/ Decruitment; Selection; Orientation; TrainingContrast job analysis, job description, and job specification.Discuss the major sources of potential job candidates.Describe the

3、different selection devices and which work best for different jobs.Describe what a realistic job preview is and why its important.Explain why orientation is so important.Describe the different types of training and how that training can be provided.Employee Performance Management; Compensation/Benef

4、its; Career DevelopmentDescribe the different performance appraisal methods.Discuss the factors that influence employee compensation and benefits.Describe skill-based pay systems.Describe career development for todays employees.Current Issues in Human Resource ManagementThe Importance of Human Resou

5、rce Management (HRM)vNecessary part of the organizing function of managementSelecting, training, and evaluating the work forcevAs an important strategic toolHRM helps establish an organizations sustainable competitive advantage.vAdds value to the firmHigh performance work practices lead to both high

6、 individual and high organizational performance. High-Performance Work Practices 高绩效工作实务Environmental Factors Affecting HRMvLabor Union 工会vCollective Bargaining Agreement vAffirmative Action 反优先雇佣行动方案vLaws and Regulations 法律和条款vHuman Resource Management (HRM) concerns with getting, training, motivat

7、ing and keeping competent employees7The Human Resource Management Process8Managing Human ResourcesvHuman Resource (HR) Planning 人力资源规划(第人力资源规划(第一步)一步)The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of people in the right places, and at the right times, who are capable

8、of effectively and efficiently performing their tasks.Helps avoid sudden talent shortages and surpluses.Steps in HR planningMaking a FutureAssessmentMaking a CurrentAssessmentDesigning a FutureProgramHRM process: planningCurrent Assessment 当前评价vHuman Resource Inventory 人力资源调查A review of the current

9、make-up of the organizations current resource statusCurrent AssessmentvJob Description 职务说明书职务说明书A written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done.vJob Specification 职务规范职务规范A written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a gi

10、ven job successfully.区别在哪里?v职务名称: 出纳v直接上级: 财务部经理v本职工作: 现金收发v工作责任: a. 负责现金收付 b. 处理报销事项 c. v主要权力: 报销单据不合法及企业有关规定, 有拒绝付款的权利 13v职务名称: 销售部经理v年龄: 26岁-40岁v性别: 男女不限v学历:v工作经验:v生理要求:v心理要求:14Behavioral descriptors 行为方面的描述- the nature of the job- 职务说明书 Job description is a detailed summary of a jobs tasks, duti

11、es, and responsibilities.Ability descriptors 能力方面的描述- the requirements of the job- 职务规范 Job specification lists the worker characteristics (KSAs) needed to perform the job successfully.15Recruitment and Decruitment招聘与解聘(第二步)招聘与解聘(第二步)vRecruitment 招聘The process of locating, identifying, and attractin

12、g capable applicants to an organizationvDecruitment 解聘The process of reducing a surplus of employees in the workforce of an organizationvE-recruiting 互联网招聘Recruitment of employees through the InternetvOrganizational web sitesvOnline recruitersFiringLayoffsand AttritionTransfersReducedWorkweeksJobSha

13、ringEarlyRetirementsDownsizing OptionsHRM process: recruitment and downsizing17Selection 甄选(第三步)vSelection Process The process of screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.vSelectionAn exercise in predicting which applicants, if hired, will be (or will not be)

14、 successful in performing well on the criteria the organization uses to evaluate performance.Selection errors:vReject errors 错误的拒绝vAccept errors 错误的接受Selection Decision OutcomesThe proven relationship betweena selection device and some relevant criterionValidity ReliabilityThe degree to whicha selec

15、tion device measurers the same thing consistentlyProperty of Selection DevicesHRM process: selection20Types of Selection DevicesvApplication Forms 申请表vWritten Tests 笔试vPerformance Simulations 绩效模拟测试vInterviews 面谈vBackground Investigations 履历调查vPhysical examinations体格检查Performance Simulation TestsvTe

16、sting an applicants ability to perform actual job behaviors, use required skills, and demonstrate specific knowledge of the job.Work sampling 工作抽样vRequiring applicants to actually perform a task or set of tasks that are central to successful job performance.Assessment centers 评价中心vDedicated faciliti

17、es in which job candidates undergo a series of performance simulation tests to evaluate their managerial potential.221一个员工连续三天迟到,你怎么办?1当我询问一位下属工工作进展如何时,他总是回答说没问题;而事实上他却总把工作搞得一团糟,对这种人该怎么办?1你的一个好朋友最近工作质量明显下降,让作为上司的你非常难堪,这时你该怎么办?1如果你的助手已变得很有进取心,但你认为是野心使他变好的,肯定他是想取代你的位置,而现在你还不想让位,你怎么办?1假如你是饭店某部门经理,如果你的下

18、属向你提了一个公关或业务上的建议,而你仔细考虑后觉得并不实用,你会怎样答复这位职员?1假如你是个设备较好、但地理位置略为偏僻的新开歌舞厅经理,你打算怎样招揽顾客?1假如你是饭店总经理助理,一旦饭店发生了紧急以外事件,如发生火灾,你最先将做什么?在救火中,你认为最好扮演一个什么样的角色?情景面谈情景面谈情景面谈情景面谈23Orientation 上岗引导(培训)(第四步)vTransitioning a new employee into the organization.Job orientationWork-unit orientation工作单位的上岗引导Organization orie

19、ntation 组织的上岗引导Types of Training 员工培训(第五步)vInterpersonal skillsvTechnicalvBusinessvMandatoryvPerformance managementvProblem solving/Decision makingvPersonalEmployee Performance Management绩效管理(第六步)vPerformance Management SystemA process establishing performance standards and appraising employee perfo

20、rmance in order to arrive at objective HR decisions and to provide documentation in support of those decisions.Performance Appraisal Methods绩效评估方法vWritten essays 书面描述vCritical incidents 关键事件法vGraphic rating scales 评分表法vBehaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)行为定位评分法vMultiperson comparisons 多人比较法vM

21、anagement By Objectives (MBO) 目标管理法v360 Degree feedback 三百六十度反馈法薪酬设计薪酬设计员工升迁员工升迁人事培训人事培训关键事件法:销售工作的关键事件法:销售工作的1515种关键行为种关键行为v(1)善于把握客户订货的信息和市场信息。v(2)密切注意市场需求的瞬间变化v(3)善于与销售部门的管理人员交流信息。v(4)善于通生产部门的管理人员和执行人员交流信息v(5)对上级和用户都忠诚老实,讲信用。v(6)能够说到做到v(7)坚持为用户服务,了解和满足用户的要求。v(8)积极收集产品的售后反馈信息v(9)向用户宣传企业的其他产品v(10)积

22、极扩大企业销售额以及市场占有率v(11)不断掌握新的销售技术和方法v(12)在新的销售途径方面有创新精神v(13)维护公司形象,树立企业良好声誉v(14)结请账目v(15)工作态度积极主动28Compensation and Benefits薪酬与福利(第七步)vBenefits of a Fair, Effective, and Appropriate Compensation SystemHelps attract and retain high-performance employeesImpacts on the strategic performance of the firmvTy

23、pes of CompensationBase wage or salary 基本工资Wage and salary add-ons 工资和加薪Incentive payments 激励性的薪酬Skill-based pay 基于技能的薪酬Factors That Influence Compensation and BenefitsCareer Development 职业发展(第八步)vCareer DefinedThe sequence of positions held by a person during his or her lifetime.vCareer Development

24、Provides for information, assessment, and trainingHelps attract and retain highly talented peoplevBoundaryless Career 无边界职业A career in which individuals, not organizations, define career progression and organizational loyalty 恭喜你!你获得了一次免费旅游的机会,有机会去下列六个岛屿中的一个。唯一的要求是你必须要在这个岛上呆满至少一年的时间。请不要考虑其他因素,仅凭自己的兴

25、趣按一、二、三的顺序挑出你最想前往的3个岛屿。 32I:深思冥想的岛屿。有深思冥想的岛屿。有多处天文馆、科技博览馆多处天文馆、科技博览馆及图书馆。居民喜好观察、及图书馆。居民喜好观察、学习,祟尚和追求真知,学习,祟尚和追求真知,常有机会和来自各地的哲常有机会和来自各地的哲学家、科学家、心理学家学家、科学家、心理学家等交换心得。等交换心得。 R:自自然然原原始始的的岛岛屿屿。岛岛上上自自然然生生态态保保持持得得很很好好,有有各各种种野野生生动动物物。居居民民以以手手工工见见长长,自自己己种种植植花花果果蔬蔬菜菜、修修缮缮房房屋屋、打打造造器器物物、制制作作工工具具,喜喜欢欢户户外外运动。运动。S

26、:友友善善亲亲切切的的岛岛屿屿。居居民民个个性性温温和和、友友善善、乐乐于于助助人人,社社区区均均自自成成一一个个密密切切互互动动的的服服务务网网络络,人人们们重重视视互互助助合合作作,重重视视教教育育,关关怀怀他他人人,充充满满人人文文气息。气息。 A:美美丽丽浪浪漫漫的的岛岛屿屿。充充满满了了美美术术馆馆、音音乐乐厅厅,街街头头雕雕塑塑和和街街边边艺艺人人,弥弥漫漫着着浓浓厚厚的的艺艺术术文文化化气气息息。居居民民保保留留了了传传统统的的舞舞蹈蹈、音音乐乐与与绘绘画画,许许多多文文艺艺界界的的朋朋友友都都喜喜欢来这里找寻灵感。欢来这里找寻灵感。 E:显显赫赫富富庶庶的的岛岛屿屿。居居民民善

27、善于于企企业业经经营营和和贸贸易易,能能言言善善道道。经经济济高高度度发发展展,处处处处是是高高级级饭饭店店、俱俱乐乐部部、高高尔尔夫夫球球场场。来来往往者者多多是是企企业业家家、经经理理人人、政治家、律师等。政治家、律师等。 C:现现代代、井井然然的的岛岛屿屿。岛岛上上建建筑筑十十分分现现代代化化,是是进进步步的的都都市市形形态态,以以完完善善的的户户政政管管理理、地地政政管管理理、金金融融管管理理见见长长。岛岛民民个个性性冷冷静静保保守守,处处事事有有条条不不紊紊,善善于于组组织织规规划,细心高效。划,细心高效。 33R实用型人(doer)的特点喜欢具体的任务机械、动手能力强喜欢做体力工作

28、、户外活动更喜欢与物打交道技术性行业工作人员工程师34I研究型人(thinker)的特点喜欢探索和理解事物爱分析的有智慧的独立的实验室研究员科学家35A艺术型人(creator)的特点喜欢自我表达富有想象力、创造力追求美喜欢多样性与变化性作家艺术家36S社会型人(helper)的特点对人感兴趣良好的人际交往技能服务他人帮助别人解决问题教师护士37C事务型人(organizer)的特点喜欢有条理、程序化的工作愿意听从指示有组织有计划细致、准确会计文秘38霍兰德的类型论 虽然我们做了几十年的研究,但预测个人职业选择最有效的方法却是询问这个人自己想做什么。-约翰霍兰德 John HollandJoh

29、n Holland3940Top 10 Job Factors for College Graduates1.Enjoying what they do2.Opportunity to use skills and abilities3.Opportunity for personal development4.Feeling what they do matters5.Benefits6.Recognition for good performance7.Friendly co-workers8.Job location9.Lots of money10.Working on teams(r

30、anked in order of importance)Some Suggestions for a Successful Management CareerContemporary HRM IssuesvDownsizingThe planned elimination of jobs in an organizationvProvide open and honest communication.vReassure survivors.vManaging Work Force DiversityRecruitment for diversitySelection without disc

31、riminationOrientation and training that is effectiveContemporary HRM IssuesvSexual HarassmentAn unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an individuals employment.vUnwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission o

32、r rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment.An offensive or hostile environmentvAn environment in which a person is affected by elements of a sexual nature.Contemporary HRM IssuesvWork-Life BalanceEmployees have personal lives that they dont leave behind when they come to work.Organizations have become more attuned to their employees by offering family-friendly benefits:vOn-site child carevSummer day campsvFlextimevJob sharingvLeave for personal mattersvFlexible job hours4647



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