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1、1Nowadays fewer and fewer young people go home to have dinner with their family. Somesay they are too _1_with their work. They dont have free time for a family meal. Yetstudies show that the family dinner hour is _2_ important part of healthy living. Whenpeople have dinner at home,they tend to eat _

2、3_vegetables and fruit but less fried foodand soda. That would be good for their _4_.Last weekend, I bought some food and went to my fathers house _5_usual. When we_6_ there, my father was waiting for us. As soon as my kids saw my father, they startedchatting and then _7_games together. They were so

3、 happy and kept laughing all the time.My wife and I went into the _8_and prepared for dinner. After a while, _9_wasready. Then we sat at the table and began our usual dinner. At the table, we shared the deliciousfood and talked about everything. This is the most meaningful thing _10_ we can teach ou

4、rchildren. Thats to love your family. A harmonious family can always let you feel the warmth ofeach other.2A girl riding a bike hit and scratched (刮), a parked expensive car by accident when she wasbusily looking at a road sign. The poor _1_ was Zhang Yu, an 18-year-old college studentfrom Yunnan Pr

5、ovince. Instead of running away, she _2_to wait for the owner. She madethat decision just _3_ she wanted to say sorry for the accident.Song Ming, the _4_of the car, saw Zhang Yu standing beside his car. Knowingthat she had waited in the hot sun for an hour and that she was from a poor _5_ , he wasde

6、eply moved. He told her that she didnt need to _6_any money. Hearing the words,Zhang Yu bowed at once and thanked him sincerely.The heartwarming moment didnt _7_ there. Li Qiang was Song Mings boss. After_8_their story, he was also moved. He told the story to his workers and announced, “It isgreat t

7、hat Song Ming didnt ask Zhang Yu to pay, and I would like to help her to complete hercollege education.”_9_ the following three years, Zhang Yu made great efforts to study and took anactive part in different activities to develop her abilities. By the time she left college, she got a_10_at Li Qiangs

8、 factory. It excited her most.One good turn deserves another.3Its been more than 8 years since I moved from the US to Beijing. When I went to college, welived in different cities, but we still kept in _1_through phone and email. It was easyto call up my mom and catch on with her. But living in Beiji

9、ng has _2_it a bit moredifficult.Were separated (分开)not only by distance, but also by _3_. My hometown is onthe opposite side of the planet from Beijingits a 12 -hour difference. This means that when its_4_in Beijing, its night time in my hometown. This can make it _5_tofind a suitable time to call

10、my family.But we make it work anyway. We just try to choose times that are convenient for _6_of us. This means I usually call my mom late in the evening _7_ shes taking her lunchbreak. We talk about our work, the weather, and whatever else is happening in our _8_.Its nice to see how shes doing. And

11、of course, I try to visit home _9_time to time.About once every other year, Ill fly back to the US to see my parents and sisters for the holidays.Like many other foreigners _10_are living in China, I miss my family very much.We try to keep in touch as best as we can.4Music is good for us. According

12、to the new study (研究) from the World HealthOrganization(WHO),music can _1_ us happier and healthier. For example, when I feeltired,listening to some classical music helps me relax. When Im down, I prefer pop music_2_ of hope and energy (能量). _3_ is easy for me to fall asleep with softmusic. Some doc

13、tors have found a factpeople _4_ love music may live longer.Near my neighborhood,a man and _5_ wife own a small music house with moodmusic(情调音乐). Teenagers like to spend time here while musicians are _6_ different kinds ofmusic. Sometimes, we are lucky to hear some famous singers sing songs written

14、_7_ themselves.The songs are _8_ beautiful that we sing along with them. We communicate with one anotherin this special language. The most moving music is Chinese folk music. It _9_ only remindsus of the old days but also brings us sweet memories.Every one of us,rich or poor,young or old,may have at

15、 _10_ one favorite song.Music will be together with us forever.5How you speak on the telephone is very important! There are some skills when you aremaking phone calls. If you use good telephone _1_, the caller will be happy. If not, they maynot want to deal with(打交道) you or your company _2_.First, m

16、ake sure you answer the call formally( 正式地), giving your name and the name ofyour company. _3_ will let the caller know that you are professional.You should also remember to smile when you speak, and use a _4_ tone(语调). If yousound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite.Your choic

17、e of words can make a big difference, too. For example, if you have not heardwhat a caller _5_, it is much more polite to say “Im sorry. Could you say that again,please?” _6_ to simply say “What?”.Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, dont just say “yes” or “no”. If the person is_7_, say

18、that you will put the caller through to them. If they are unavailable,_8_ where they are, and then take a message. In this situation, you will also need to getsome _9_ about the caller, such as their name or company. Make sure you get all that youneed and, most importantly, ask for it _10_!If you ca

19、n use these skills well, it will be good for you or your company.6“Long distance never separates good friends.” Its _1_ to make new friends rather thansaying goodbye to old ones.When I was still studying in China, my school held a singing competition. I _2_ part init because I really loved singing.

20、I sang with _3_ girl named Jenny. Shesone of my best friends.Unluckily, I was nervous and I forgot the lyrics( 歌词) for a moment while we sang. I wasstanding on stage, looking pale ( 苍白的) on the face. We lost the competition at _4_. I feltsad. Jenny tried to comfort (安慰) me by saying, “There will be

21、another _5_.”After about a week, our schools art festival began. I decided to enter _6_. The firstperson _7_ I thought of to join me was Jenny, _8_ I wasnt sure if she would want to.But while I was asking other people to join me, she said she would join as well. We decided tosing the song See You Ag

22、ain at the festival, since it was kind of a farewell ( 告别) show before Ileft for the UK._9_, the day of the festival arrived. As I walked into class, people started clappingfor me. Someone wrote “Li Ming, Come On!” on the blackboard. My classmates wrote cards forme. After I finished my song, everyon

23、e cheered for me.It was a really unforgettable and touching afternoon. I want to thank Jenny, who_10_ give up on me when I felt down. I want to thank my teacher for teaching me. I reallywant to thank all of my classmates who were with me in my two middle school years.7Do you like playing football? I

24、t is so _1_ among boys nowadays. Johnny, atwelve-year-old boy, really _2_ it very much. He used to play it in his room. His parentswere very angry and told _3_ several times not to play football at home. _4_they think he could break something, but he never listened.Last Sunday, his parents went out

25、_5_ a walk. Johnny was at home by himself.Johnny couldnt help playing football _6_. He was enjoying his game in the living roomwhen his parents came in and saw him.“Oh, my God, Johnny, you know that playing with your ball at home is not _7_. Weare very disappointed(失望的)about you and are going to giv

26、e your _8_ to another kid.You shouldnt break the _9_ even if you are at home.” Johnnys father said.Johnny felt very sad. He realized that it was his _10_. He decided to obey(遵守) therules later, not only at home, but also at school.8Nowadays more and more people prefer to go fishing or hiking in the

27、woods. Experiencingnature is _1_, but when youre doing this, always keepyourself safe. Its important to_2_ several basic rules if you dont want to turn a pleasant outing into a danger.First, be fully prepared for different _3_. Before you set out, always get warm clothesand raincoats ready. This is

28、especially true when we _4_ in the mountain areas. Theweather is really changeable in high mountains. Sometimes you can experience two or threeseasons in one day._5_, bring a map, a compass(指南针 ), and a flashlight in your bag. Evenexperienced travellers may get lost. Before you start _6_ trip, study

29、 the map to know thearea you are going to. The flashlight is important _7_ you do get lost. Many trips thatstart out in daylight will become nighttime trips when people cant find their way.Third, bring a first-aid kit and know _8_ to use it. Small cuts can be more serious whenthere is no doctor.Fina

30、lly, tell people where you are going and when you plan to _9_ back. That way,someone will go search for you if troubles _10_. This will increase your chance of beingfound quickly.9Ring! It was early in the morning and I knew who was calling as I reached for the telephone.I was a new substitute teach

31、er ( 代课老师) trying to _1_ enough money to support myfamily.Each morning, I waited _2_ a call that would take me to a different classroom. Thelast three classes had all been chances to test me and see just how much _3_ behavior theycould get away with. I was strict and angry with the students. I didnt

32、 really want to go to workthat morning, as it was my birthday.Still, I _4_ the phone and took the job. My family needed the _5_. As I wasdriving to work, I decided to try harder to be the best _6_ that I could be.As the class started, the students once again tried to see what they could get away wit

33、h. Thistime, though, I was strict _7_ kind with them. I did my best to make _8_lessons fun. I shared smiles, praised their efforts, and encouraged them.The results were amazing. My classroom changed. Students were laughing and learning and Ifelt like I was doing my job right. I went home feeling _9_

34、 in my heart and enjoyed therest of my birthday.I remembered something that I once read: “Every day is a _10_ chance to beginagain. Every day is your birthday.” Every day is a chance for us to get things right and to live ourlives with love and joy.10The Chongyang Festival is a Chinese traditional f

35、estival. It is celebrated_1_theninth day of the ninth lunar month. Its also_2_ the Double Ninth Festival.The festival started as_3_as the Warring States Period (战国时代). It has ahistory of more than 1,700 years. Among the numbers from zero to nine,_4_is thehighest odd number (奇数). People believe that

36、two “nines” stand for a long_5_. So itis a special holiday for Chinese people to_6_love for their elders. They hold many_7_of activities in honor of old people, wishing them good health and a long life.On that day, people drink chrysanthemum ( 菊 花 )wine, eat Double-Ninth Cakes_8_ climb mountains. Th

37、ey also carry a kind of plant named dogwood(茱萸). Peoplebelieve that_9_ plant can prevent them from_10_ an illness in winter.11An old man went to India. When he got there, he saw some fruit for sale, but most of it wasvery cheap. The_1_thing was a basket of red fruit.“How much per kilo?” the old man_

38、2_.“Two rupees (卢比 ),” the shopkeeper answered. Two rupees in India is almost nothing,_3_ the old man bought a whole kilogram and started eating it.However, as soon as he started eating, his_4_began to burn, his eyes began towater, and his whole face became as red as the fruit. As he coughed and str

39、uggled to breathe, hejumped up and screamed,“Ah! Ah! Ah!”And yet he continued to eat the_5_. Some people who were looking at him shooktheir_6_ and said, “You are crazy!Those are chili peppers (辣椒) ! You cant just eatthem by the handful!”The old man said to_7_, “I paid for them, so I must eat them.”T

40、his old man seemed pretty_8_. But are we so much smarter? All of us have_9_money and time on somethingmaybe a relationship, or a business, or ajoband sometimes, even if we know theres no hope that things will change, we still continuewith it.What we can learn_10_the old man is this: if youve lost a

41、lot over somethingthat doesnt work, let it go and move on. Its better than continuing to lose.12When I was a child, I was a picky eater ( 挑食的人). There were many foods that I did notlike to eat._1_ there is one meal that I have always loved: grilled (烧烤的) cheese andtomato soup. Its just two pieces of

42、 toasted (烘烤过的) bread_2_ cheese in the middle,served with a bowl of tomato soup. But it always tastes great.This kind of food is_3_ “comfort food”. Comfort food means simple,easy-to-make meals that are delicious. Your parents might make_4_like this for youwhen youre not feeling well. Chicken noodle

43、soup is_5_example of comfort food.Its a simple soup of chicken, noodles and a few vegetables. But it is_6_best food on acold day, especially if youre sick.Different countries have_7_comfort foods. In France, French onion soup is apopular comfort food. It is_8_of cheese, onion and bread in soup. In J

44、apan, manypeople eat ramen noodles (拉面). And in Poland, a type of dumpling called pierogi is a simple andclassic dish. Ive tried all of these foods myself. Theyre all quite excellent.Does China have comfort_9_? Im not sure. I do know that many people_10_noodles and dumplings. And I can say for mysel

45、f that a simple meal of jiaozi ordandanmian is quite comforting.11, busy2, an3, more4, health5, as6, arrived/got/reached7, played8, kitchen9, dinner10, that21, girl2, decided3, because4, owner5, family6, pay7, end8, hearing9, During10, job31, touch2, made3, time4, morning5, difficult/hard6, both7, w

46、hen/while8, lives9, from10, who/that41, make2, full3, It4, who/that5, his6, playing7, by8, so9, not10, least51, skills2, again3, This/It4, friendly/nice/good/proper5, said6, than7, available8, explain9, information10, politely61, easier2, took3, a4, last5, chance6, it7, that/who8, although/but9, Fin

47、ally10, didnt71, popular2, likes3, him4, Because5, for6, again7, allowed8, ball9, rules10, mistake/fault81, great/exciting2, remember/obey3, weather4, travel/hike5, Second6, your7, if/when8, how9, come10, appear/come91, get/make/earn2, for3, bad4, answered5, money6, teacher7, but8, the/my9, happy/sa

48、tisfied10, new101, on2, called/named3, early4, nine5, life6, show7, kinds8, and9, the10, catching/getting/having111, cheapest2, asked3, so4, mouth5, fruit6, heads7, himself8, stupid/foolish/silly9, spent10, from121, But2, with3, called/named4 meals5, another6, the7, different8, made9, food10, enjoy/like



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