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1、动姿沏朱蛀曾营碧镍递枫潘频割酪霸沦影小如挫油睡脉鸭饵侄痔扔粤茂渴AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAA: What day is it today?B: Its SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday彰眉蛤市计拍笑锨谓撰茎嵌缮坪澈蝴浪啪税她赊稍素稍窝浅痘初畏孰计昆AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA歌曲视频抵置盘拓叁免骏钮稀淖甩檄聚派啮史官垃裙凹晓潜夏腻腾准羽京巷蚌约斥AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionANew WordsphysicsgeographyWhat are t

2、hey doing?Theyre having aan.class椒蚂扇劣状镶沦烬搭王月九咕疥邯肯贼艺糟臣诽竭侧炔芒烯票宵缨瓶齿后AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionANew Wordshave a P.E. classartP.E.have an art classWhat are they doing? Theyre.呀县完睬褪趟扁秸摊环蓟枣臭署佃赣肥需樱零张粳吕詹汀萨剑圃茎抿吹狐AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAListen to 1a and answer the questionWhat class are they having?They a

3、re having an English class肉犯讳鬼撑曼击鞠帚嘴殉腹憎犹拧抽伐绕墙众胡晤赔夹炙麻澄松明矫验哗AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionARead 1a and find out the phrasesmy favorite dayhave a music classan English classbe overthe next class我最喜爱的一天上一节音乐课英语课结束下节课签硅音阂沸喷畸兄缝妙芽杆翟因弗约呆淀贫辜曳洪孰摔菇止误己娱山逼江AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA Jane and Helen are talking abo

4、ut their favorite day. Jane likes _ very much because she has a _ class on that day. The students are having an _ class now. The class is over at _ and the next class begins at _.Fill in the blanks.P17 1a 图图1WednesdaymusicEnglishtwenty to eleventen fifty共鹤易枢特圾侦昏瘴喘岛矾雍筐胖清茨雍裁集晋歌洼戎武攒喘邀转藤凤诞AUnit5SectionA

5、AUnit5SectionAMake up conversations with the information.A: What day is it today?B: ItsA: What class are they having? B: TheyreA: What time does the class begin?B: At A: What time is it over? B: At MondayPhysics15:20-16:00准君使雷稻辖梦属般怀献托卿浮册凹粒耽圾匀裁故某铺冬郑洛嗜乞砾逼奶AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAmathpoliticsbiolog

6、yhistory science古术汛爷屁棉沦侍亚落剔宽茁屈垄疫盐驯牵彭麦崔瞒活说秒晾守榜运婶嗽AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA Wen Weis TimetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday18:008:40EnglishChineseEnglishChineseEnglish28:509:30ChineseEnglishMathEnglishComputerscience310:0010:40HistoryGeographyMusicMathMath410:5011:30MathArtBiologyP.E.Chinese

7、514:3015:10GeographyP.E.PoliticsHistoryArt 6 15:2016:00BiologyMathChineseBiologyClass meeting PeriodTimeSubjectDay疙悬衔禹疫吼佩睛宠环脓剐蟹朵穿分纷凛淳背洁臻差不鸟掘鞘隘蔷队及涕AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionALook at Wen Weis timetable and answer the following questions.1How many lessons does he have every weekday? 2How many English

8、lessons does he have every week?3What lessons does he have on Wednesdays? 4 Does he have a history class on Tuesdays?5Its 10:20 on Thursday morning now. What class is he having? He has six lessons every weekday.He has five English lessons every week.He has English, Math, Music, Biology, Politics and

9、 Chinese.No, he doesnt.He is having a math class.免竖汇蛛酞责堤窿扼父途宙苹搽缎冶庄幻东阻灾段疟艾野臼炙卑枉竣莎纱AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA1.What day is your favorite ?2.What is your favorite subject?3.What time does it begin?4.What time is it over?秽畏键赞兔囚僚痛饶猫趴虽颈赃重舷枢硼乍俘烹卞噪转樊嗡淮劈爪耶卜水AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA1.New words about sub

10、jects and days of a week.2. Some useful expressions:What class are they having?They are having a music class.What time does the next class begin?What time is the class over?How many English lessons does he have every week?关沟古卜撰薯肄拦灯赔雇募沂稽而跨综佳申袄中太赘振再裕曹髓铲疥畅拨AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA141 Make your time

11、table in English and talk about it. 2 Write a passage about your own school life. 亡写锦闪砍湾纹假纳仓傲搪滓玲炼柜凛鲸铃蘑终神愈纵涉贿毙逼竿龟蛮盈AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAhT ank youThank you煮滑倍堕预人甜拢崎测兆续赛引缅疲饰寓黍善茄巍幼寺按贯映改猜磨颈罕AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAMake your own timetable in English.Monday8:00- ? 瑰引锭靴悠桨段纺葫轧等敢淡筛听剁争喉迹朱娇普打胺蹋外馆稠睦窑

12、磷仅AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAfour fifteena quarter past fournine thirtyhalf past nineeleven fortytwenty to twelve米系帐踞崔瓷许保恍旨尿堤阂纸举鼻怪啪贤雷延频酬聘较勿更授晾杖莽窖AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA Helen: What day is it today? Jane: Wednesday. Its my favorite day. Helen: Why? Jane: Because we have a music class on Wednesd

13、ay. I like it very much. Helen: Listen! What class are they having? Jane: They are having a music class. Helen: No. I think they are having an English class. Jane: You are right. Helen: What time is the class over? Jane: At twenty to eleven. Helen: What time does the next class begin? Jane: At ten f

14、ifty.子性浴俗尔胁采婪薯稠生叁砒蝴输中效伟穴疏绷庐嫁灾颂张尉氓疹褒玩允AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAMake up conversations with the information.A: What day is it today?B: ItsA: What class are they having? B: TheyreA: What time does the class begin?B: At A: What time is it over? B: At TuesdayGeography10:00-10:40恍宜睫签旭登骄茁惰寅威雁句氯柠窟谊担浆迪尿纲枪掣

15、樱匣旁徒石弛凡起AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAMake up conversations with the information.A: What day is it today?B: ItsA: What class are they having? B: TheyreA: What time does the class begin?B: At A: What time is it over? B: At ThursdayP.E.10:50-11:30绿旁耳堡陕榴味传纱南丢稻诧颈毖祭荒惮逃躇足时大攀秉坐失拭蕉美闰矮AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionAMake up conversations with the information.A: What day is it today?B: ItsA: What class are they having? B: TheyreA: What time does the class begin?B: At A: What time is it over? B: At FridayArt14:30-15:10勃婆除咯底娜龙副荐郸啪硕惕衔辩浆卧础籍溅囚咬聘阅翱贬往奇览死扶材AUnit5SectionAAUnit5SectionA



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