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1、Happy Thanksgiving1课堂优质 BackgroundWhat do people eatWhat do people doWhat can we doThanksgivingDay Thanksgiving is a time to remember our blessings and make good cheer with all those who are so dear!感恩节是一个用来记住我们的祝福和一起分享喜感恩节是一个用来记住我们的祝福和一起分享喜悦的人的日子。悦的人的日子。WhatisThanksgiving?Background(背景)(背景) In 1620

2、, a British group of advocating reform the puritans to afford a ruler of the persecution and discrimination fled to America. First year, caused by a lack of food, the weather was cold and infectious diseases, more than half of the puritans died suddenly. The life and death moment in the second year,

3、 the local Indians brought food, articles for daily use and production tools, and help them build their new homes. After the British settle in a new home, they set up for the festival on the fourth Thursday in November, when to thank the Indians helped them, and also thank god for their gift. Afterw

4、ards, they gave a name to this day, Thanksgiving and gradually spread to North America.FoodTurkey(火鸡)(火鸡)Foodpumpkin(南瓜)(南瓜)Puritans(清教徒)(清教徒)Plentyof(大量的)(大量的)Hunting(狩猎)(狩猎)Remember(纪念)(纪念)WhydopeopleeatTurkeyforThanksgiving?Symbol(标志)(标志)WhydopeopleeatpumpkinforThanksgiving?Plentyof(大量的)(大量的)Fres

5、h(新鲜,应季)(新鲜,应季)Cheap(便宜)(便宜)Pumpkinpie(南瓜派)(南瓜派)Traditionalactivities(传统活动)(传统活动)MacysThanksgivingDayParade(梅西感恩节大游行)(梅西感恩节大游行)SportsCompetition(体育竞赛)(体育竞赛)BlackFriday(黑色星期五)(黑色星期五)MacysThanksgivingDayParade(梅西感恩节大游行)(梅西感恩节大游行) Macys Thanksgiving Day parade is held under the auspices of the United S

6、tates Macys department store. This tradition began in 1924. With the supportof Macy, all the staff make up into variousroles to the parade. This parade attracteda large crowd watching along the street, and caused an unprecedented sensation.From then on, Macy decided to continuethis activity.Theballo

7、onparade(游行队伍中的气球)(游行队伍中的气球)Therocketcheerleadingparade(游行队伍中的火箭啦啦队)(游行队伍中的火箭啦啦队)Thecarparade(游行队伍中的老爷车)(游行队伍中的老爷车)Americanfootball(美式橄榄球)(美式橄榄球) American football is an important part of many Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States. Professional football games are often held on Thanksgiving

8、Day. Americanfootball(美式橄榄球)(美式橄榄球)Toacertainextent,ThanksgivingfootballjustlikeChineseSpringFestivalgala(春节联欢晚会春节联欢晚会). BlackFriday(黑色星期五)(黑色星期五)Black Friday is the second day of Thanksgiving. It is said that because the day early in the morning onFriday, everyone has rushed to the mall queuing up

9、to buy cheap goods before dawn.BlackFriday(黑色星期五)(黑色星期五)Socrazy!FreefoodFreefoodForAmericans,“thanksgiving”isintotwoparts,“thanks”and“giving”.Intheiropinion,givingismoreimportantthanthanks.对于美国人来说,对于美国人来说,“thanksgiving”这个词这个词分为两个部分,分为两个部分,thanks和和giving,在他们眼中,在他们眼中,giving比比thanks更重要得多。更重要得多。Thanksgi




13、)Key:Givingismoreimportantthanthanks给予比感谢更重要给予比感谢更重要Is the thanks more important than giving or giving more important than thanks in Thanksgiving?感谢比给予更重要还是给予比感谢更重要?感谢比给予更重要还是给予比感谢更重要?The meaning of Thanksgiving day?ExpresstheirthankstothegoodcropwhichtheheavengrantsandthankstohelpfromtheIndians.Bec

14、ame a national customFormanyAmerican,ThanksgivingDayismoreimportantthanChristmasday.DuringThanksgiving,thefamilyshouldbetogether,thishasbecomeanationalcustom.AmericansvalueThanksgivingdinnermostinthisyear.AttheThanksgivingtable,Turkeyandpumpkinpieisessential,whichmeansthecommemoration(纪念)(纪念)andThan

15、ksgiving.Therefore,theThanksgivingDayalsoknownas“turkeyday.Pardon a Turkey(特赦火鸡)(特赦火鸡)ThepresidentofAmericapardonaturkeyintheWhiteHouseonthedaybeforeThanksgivingeveryyear.Inrecentyears,AmericanpresidentregardpardonedturkeysasablessingtoAmericapeople.Video time Do you know how many nations of the wor

16、ld have official Thanksgiving Days? Thereare 8 .CanadaUnitedStatesKoreaJapan Liberia SwitzerlandArgentinaBrazilThe feast of tabernacles(Sukkot ) 以色列的住棚节以色列的住棚节 Chuseok Festival 韩国的秋夕节韩国的秋夕节 The new yam Festival 尼日利亚的新薯节尼日利亚的新薯节Althoughthenamesaredifferent,butthecelebrationandcommemorationoftheessenc

17、e,whichisthankstoagiftofnature.Tocelebratetheharvest,tothejoyandFood,sothisholidayisalsoThanksgivingday.虽然名字不同,但虽然名字不同,但其庆祝和纪念的实质,都是感谢大自然的恩赐,其庆祝和纪念的实质,都是感谢大自然的恩赐,庆祝丰收,以欢乐和美食为其特点庆祝丰收,以欢乐和美食为其特点,所以这类节日都属于感恩节。所以这类节日都属于感恩节。Thanksgiving Day in ChinaEstablish ChineseThanksgiving dayInMay12,2014,thefirstCh

18、ineseThanksgivingDaylarge-scalepublicwelfareactivitieswasheldinYingxiuofWenchuan,SichuanProv.(设立中华感恩节)(设立中华感恩节)Who is the person you want to thank most?It is a memory.Are you ready?When you were still very youngThey spent a long time in inteaching youhow to use ascoop and chopsticksin teaching you h

19、ow to dress your clothes, tie your shoelaces, fasten the buttons.teaching you how to become an upright personDo you remember that you are always pressed them to come from?So when they become old.When they forget something or they cannt reply with the right word.when they repeat the same old story of

20、 some of the timePlease dont blame them.When they start to forget fastening the buttons, tying the shoelaces.When they start to dirty their clothes during the dinner time.Please dont hurry them.because you are growing up while they are becoming old.As long as you are there with them.They would feel

21、very happy .If they cannt keep their legs and walk any longer one day.Please hold tightly their hands and walk slowly together with them.just as they held your hands in those days.Quite ordinary but very deep relationship, remained in their and my hearts throughout my whole life! Who do you wanna th

22、ank?Thank you, DadPut the responsibility on the shouldersThank you, mumLet every meal has a taste of homeThank you, my dearOld time is still ,we stay together foreverThank you,people who know me accompany me along the way, let me have more stories Thank you, teacherTeaching me how to see the worldThank you, who ever despise meLet me not lower self head brave work.Thank you, my partnerAccompany me to crazyThank you, the beautiful smileLightting up my skyThank you for my selfNever give up and fearless



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