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1、初中英语短语词组总结Module 11. come from 来自be from 来自2. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你3. practice speaking English 练习说英语4. Class One 一班5. write on the blackboard 在黑板上写字6. family name 姓given name 名Module 2 1. play football 踢足球2. play basketball 打篮球3. play table tennis 打乒乓球4. play tennis 打网球5. play the piano 弹钢琴6. ri

2、de a horse 骑马7. ride a bike 骑自行车8. drive a car 开车9. welcome to 欢迎到 10. a photo of Miss Li 李老师的照片11. at Beijing International school 在北京国际学校12. in a university 在大学13. in Beijing 在北京14. work in the hospital 在医院工作15. ill in hospital 生病住院Module 3 1. next to 在 , 隔壁2. in front of 在 , 前面3. in the front of

3、在 , 内部的前面4. behind 在 , 后面5. in a building 在一个建筑物里Module 4 1. have / has got 有2. thank you for doing sth/sth 谢谢,3. thanks for doing sth/sth 谢谢,Module 51. a lesson in good health 一节健康教育课2. in good health 健康3. to be healthy 为了健康Module 6 1. go to the cinema 去看电影2. go to a football match 去看足球赛3. see a fi

4、lm / see films 看电影4. my favourite film star 我最喜爱的电影明星5. in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上 /下午 /傍晚6. a great idea/an idea一个(好)主意7. invite Tony to the cinema 邀请 Tony 去看电影8. be on 上演9. on Monday / Tuesday 在星期一 /星期二,10. at/in the hotel 在酒店11. at/in the stadium 在体育馆12. at the theatre 在剧院13. best w

5、ishes 最良好的祝愿14. have classes / lessons 上课15. stay at home 呆在家里16. do one s homework 做作业17. go to the park 去公园Module 71. have Chinese 上语文课2. have an English lesson 上英语课3. What are your lessons today? 你今天上什么课?4. at eight oclock 在八点5. at half past ten 在十点半6. talk about one s homework 谈论某人的作业7. What abo

6、ut you? 你呢? /你怎么样啊?8. get up 起床9.have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早餐 /午饭 /晚饭10. in the dining hall 在餐厅11. go to school 上学12. go to bed 上床睡觉13. have a break 休息14. talk with/to my friends 与我的朋友交谈/聊天15. have meat and rice 吃肉和米饭16. go home 回家get home 到家17. finish school 放学18. study science / maths 学习科学

7、/数学Module 8 1. send him a card 送他一张卡片=send a card to him2. make him a cake 做一个蛋糕给他=make a cake for him3. give her a game 送一个游戏给她=give a game to her 4. have a birthday party 举行生日晚会5. listen to music 听音乐6. watch football 看足球比赛=watch a football match 7. go to one s party 去某人的晚会8. a lot of/lots of 大量,很多

8、9. go to concerts 去听音乐会10. in / from the USA在/来自美国11. on television 通过电视12. CDs by Twins Twins 的 CD 13. a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力14. a pair of trainers 一双软运动鞋15. a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤16. in one s home 在某人的家里17. at home 在家18. at once=right away 马上,立即19. give flowers as presents 送花作为礼物Module 9 1. Welc

9、ome to Beijing Zoo 欢迎到北京动物园2. sixteen thousand 一万六千3. in / from the Arctic 在/来自北极4. There she is. 她在那里。5. In the Arctic 在北极6. in Europe / Africa / Asia 在欧洲 /非洲 /亚洲7. be European / African / Asian 是欧洲的 /非洲的 /亚洲的是欧洲人 /非洲人 /亚洲人8. European wolves 欧洲的狼9. African monkeys 非洲的猴子10. in the wild 在野外11. in the

10、 forest 在森林12. in the jungle 在热带雨林13. in the desert 在沙漠14. in (the) grassland 在草原15. around the world 全世界,世界各地=all around the world =all over the world 16. 15 kilos of bamboo 15 公斤竹子17. stay healthy 保持健康Module 10 1. switch on the computer 开电脑2. open a new document 打开新文档3. write a name for the docume

11、nt 为文档写个名字4. download music from the Internet 从网上下载音乐5. go online 上网6. make travel plans 做旅游计划7. on the Internet 在互联网上8. at the weekend 周末9. visit a website 浏览网页,访问网站10. use my laptop for my lessons 用笔记本电脑备课11. use the Internet to do their homework 用互联网来做作业12. connect to the Internet 连接到互联网13. conne

12、ct the monitor to the computer 把显示器连接到主机14. save a document 保存文档15. print a document 打印文档16. check the timetable 核对时间表17. at work 在工作18. at school 在学校19. at home 在家20. at break 休息时外研版初一下词组Module One1. take photos 拍照take photos of 拍。 。 。的照片2. wait for 等候3. have a good /nice/great time enjoy oneself 过

13、得愉快玩得很开心4. a lot / very much 非常5. put on 穿上/ wear 穿着take off 脱下6. at home 在家7.at the moment 现在此时at that moment / time 在那时8. look at 看,listen to 听/hear 听见9. see you later/tomorrow/soon 再见10. good night 晚安11. get dressed 穿衣12. in the sun 在阳光下13. on a trip 在旅行中14. have a drink 喝。 。 。have afternoon tea

14、喝下午茶15. talk to 和某人谈话16. Thank you / Thanks for 感谢你的。 。Module Two 1. get ready for 为 , 准备好2. What s happening ? 发生什么事?3. write down 写下4. cook the meal 做饭5. make lanterns 做灯笼6. sweep away 扫去7. have a haircut 理发8. go shopping 去买东西9. at work 在工作10.in front of 在。 。 。前面11.at midnight 在半夜12. a few + 可数名词一

15、些some +可数或不可数名词13. all the year round 一年到头14. a kind of 一种15. lots of / a lot of 许多16. good luck 好运bad luck 坏运,倒霉17. be interested in 对。 。 。感兴趣18. the Spring Festival 春节Module Three 1 .at the weekend 在周末2.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课3.buy some clothes 买衣服4.listen to the music 听音乐5.stay in bed 呆在床上6.revi

16、se for my test 复习考试7.get up early 早起床8.check the email 查邮件9.do one s homework 做家庭作业精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页10.have a picnic 吃野餐11.go to a party 去参加晚会12. look forward to doing 期待13. take the plane/by plane 乘飞机14.do some sightseeing/ go sightseeing 旅游去观光15. walk up 沿 ,

17、走登上16. make friends 交朋友17. enjoy the sun and the sea 享受阳光和大海18. lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上19. travel around the world 周游世界20. get (from ,)to(从 ,)到达 ,21. on Saturday afternoon 在周六下午22. would like to do / want to do 愿意干某事Module Four1. in the future 未来2. get warm 变暖3. heavy rain 大雨4. send .to,by email 通过邮件

18、发送5. strong winds 大风6. use ,to do 用 , 做某事7. do heavy work 做重活8. three days a week 一周三天9. care for/look after/take care of 照顾10. I m not sure./ I don t know 我不知道11. have long holidays 过长假Module Five 1. answer the question 回答问题2. Whats the population of,? 。 。 。 。的人口是多少?3. in the east/west/south/north

19、of ,在东 /西/南/北边4. the capital of ,。的首都或省会5. on the River Thames 在泰晤士河畔6. be famous for 因。 。 。而闻名7. bigger /newer than 比。 。 。大 /新8. an older city 一个更古老的城市9.36 meters long 36 米长10. 1000 meters high 1000 米高11. on the coast 在海岸12. What s the weather like ? How s the weather ? 天气怎么样?Module Six1. be good a

20、t sth / doing sth, 擅长2. more than / over 多于3. leave for 前往某处4. It s difficult to do sth.做某事很困难。5. take sb around 领某人四处参观6. work hard 努力学习7. like doing sth 喜欢做某事8. more exciting / boring / tiring / dangerous than比。 。 。更。 。 。9. speak to sb 和某人说话10. do some sightseeing 观光11. better than. 比。 。 。更好Module

21、 Seven1. get to school 到达学校2. far from 远离3. by bicycle 骑单车4. by subway/ferry 乘地铁 /渡船5. by taxi 打的6. be close to 靠近, . 7. take the train 乘火车8. nine and a half hours/ nine hours and a half 九个半小时9. millions of 数以百万计的10.the most comfortable / uncomfortable way 最(不)舒服的方式11. live farthest from 住的离。 。最远12.

22、 take about 30 minutes 花大约 30 分13. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站14. travel to 到某地Module Eight1. be born 出生于2. primary school 小学3. the name of your first school 你第一所学校的名字4. go back 回去5. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求6. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好7. on the wall 在墙上8. what about+ doing ,? 怎么样,? 9. whats,like? ,.怎么样

23、naughty / well behaved (第 9 句的回答)10. There were lots of things to do. 有许多事情要做。11. a big garden with lots of trees 一个有许多树的公园Module Nine1. once upon a time/long long ago 从前2. go for a ride 去乘 (骑 ,) 3. pick up 捡起pick apples 摘苹果pick sb up (用车)接上某人4. look around 向四周看5. change into 变成6. hurry up 赶快7. knoc

24、k at/on 敲,8. look into 往 , 里看9. jump out of 跳离,10. point at 指向11. be asleep 睡着12. again and again 再三 .反复,13. at first 开始14. begin ,with 以 , 开始15. decide to do sth.决定做某事16. enter the house 走进房子17. look back 向后看18.return to the forest 回到森林19. a girl called Betty 一个叫贝蒂的女孩Module Ten1. in English 用英语2. a

25、t the age of 在 , 岁时3. on holiday 度假 .在假期4. go away 走开离开e to China 来到中国6.start school 开始上学7.ride a bike to school 骑单车上学8.listen to the radio 听收音机9.watch movies 看电影10.on the beach 在沙滩上11.play chess 下象棋12. decide to do 决定做 13.finish school 毕业14.have children 有孩子15.move to 搬到 16. start doing 开始做 17. one

26、 of the most famous writers 最著名的作家之一18. many other languages 许多其他的语言Module Eleven 1. What do you think of ?How do you like ?你认为。怎么样?2.last night 昨夜4.work on 从事5.from ,to,从,到,6.Its very difficult to do (做某事)非常难7.go through 穿过8.go over 越过9.a few days ago 几天前10.return to 返回11.be called 被叫做12.a 38-year-

27、old man 一位岁的男人13.the next day 第二天14.11 years later年后15.want to be 想成为16.sendinto 把。 。 。发送到。 。里17.on TV 通过电视18.wave to 挥手(致意)19.join + 团体加入到。 。20. rest for three hours 休息三个小时Module Twelve 1. on holiday 在度假2. have a great/good time 玩得开心3. on the same day 在同一天4. the next day 第二天5. say hello to. 问好6. do

28、 some shopping. 买东西,购物7. play with 和。 。 。一起玩8. go for a walk 去散步9. go swimming 去游泳10. I hope you are well. 我希望你身体健康。11. come with me 跟我来12. come back to the hotel 回到宾馆13.take a 交通工具to 乘。 。 。到。 。14. have dinner 吃晚饭15. meet a friend 见朋友16. read newspaper 读报纸17.go on holiday 去度假初二上册词组Module 1 1、welcome

29、 back 欢迎回来2、write it down 写下来3、in class 在课堂上4、next to 紧邻着 5、what else? 还有什么6、listen to the radio 听收音机7、each other 彼此,互相8、help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事9、help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事10、ask for 寻求11、the number of 的数量12、take a deep breath 深呼吸13、make you shy 使你害羞14、all the time 一直15、Best wishes. 良好的祝愿。16、b

30、e good at 在 方面擅长17、make a list 列个清单18、the meaning of 的意思19.advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事20、the best way to do sth. 做 的最好方法21、enjoy oneself 玩得愉快22、show sb. around 带领某人参观23、make friends 结交朋友24、think about 考虑25、think of 想出26、British accents 英国口音27、try to do sth. 尽力做 28、try not to do sth. 尽量不去做某事try doin

31、g sth 尝试着做某事29、make mistakes 犯错误30、give sb some advice on sth给某人一些建议31、It s a good idea to do sth. 做某事是个好的主意32、How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样?33、Sb should do sth 谋人应该做某事。34、Write email to each other:相互写电子邮件35、meet sb: 接某人 ,和某人会面36、send sb email messages 给某人寄电子邮件37、send,to 发送 给38、Language Doctor 语言博士39、

32、improve English 提高英语40、basic questions 主要问题精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页41、real English 地道的英语42、take a long time 花费长时间43、guess the meaning of the new words 猜生词含义44、a foreign teacher 一个外国教师45、start a conversation 开始对话46、be shy 害羞47、place them in your bedroom 放置它们在你卧室48、coun

33、t the English words 数英语单词49、get better 变得更好50、invite sb to do sth/a place 邀请某人干某事/到某地51、leave my homework at home把我的作业忘在了家里Module21.travel around the world 周游世界2.the price of的价格3.today s newspaper今天的报纸4.take off 飞机起飞5.enter a competition 参加竞赛6.on television 在电视上7.in newspaper 在报纸上e true 成为现实9.invite

34、 sb to do 邀请某人干某事10. dream about/of doing 梦见做某事11. all over China 全中国12. try western food 品尝西餐13. give concernt 举办音乐会14. sell out 卖光15. pick upsb/sth 接上某人 /捡起某物16. since then 自从那时17. again and again一次又一次18. It sounds brilliant. 听起来好极了19. live in another country 居住在另一个国家Module 3 1What are you up to?你

35、正在干什么?2. Don t panic.别紧张。3.on the radio 通过收音机4.on TV 通过电视5.hear about 听说6.there and back 往返7.show sth to sb/show sb sth给某人看某物8.on businiss 在出差9.in space 在太空10. a part of 一部分11. at night 在晚上12. in the last there years 在最近的三年里13. finish doing sth 完成做某事14. as good as和一样好15. ask sb for sth 向某人寻求某物16. be

36、 sure确信17. so far 到目前为止18. expect to do sth 期望做某事19. take off 起飞,脱下衣服Module41. get on/along well with与某人相处得好2. have/has gone to去了某地have/has been to 去过某地3.in fact 事实上4.be different from 与不同5.all over China 全中国6.arrive in Beijing 到达北京7.talk about 谈论关于。 。8.drop out of school 退学9.on the farm 在农场10. have

37、 to 必须,不得不11. look after 照顾12. with the help of 在。 。 。的帮助下13. in the last fifteen years 在最后的15 年里14. raise money 筹钱15. pay for 为。 。 。付钱16. lots of 许多。 。 。17. hear of 听说18. thousands of 数以千计的。 。 。19. write letters to 写信给。 。20. each other 互相21. come back 回来22. around the world 全世界23. because of因为,由于24

38、. Its.to do sth.干。 。 。怎么样25. Ive been to Gansu. 我去过甘肃26. They are very diffient from us. 他们和我们很不同27. How long have you lived here?你住在那儿多久了?28. Ive studied English for 6 years since 2001.自从2001 年我学英语6 年29. Project Hope has built schools and trained teachers.希望工程建造了学校并培训老师Module 5 1.classical music/po

39、p music/rock music古典 /流行 /摇滚音乐2. the capital of Austria 澳大利亚首都3. hear of 听说4. be not sure 不清楚5. on earth 究竟6. a fan of 。 。 。的迷7. make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人 /某物。 。 。make him famous 使他出名8. all over Europe 全欧洲9. more than/over 超过10. not only but also 不但 而且 11. give concert 举行音乐会12. at the age of 在。 。 。岁时1

40、3. hundreds of 数以百计的。 。 。14. play the piano 弹钢琴15.a beautiful old city 一个美丽而古老的城市Module 61.send sth. to sb./send sb sth 寄某物给某人2.go on 继续3.by the river 在河边4.have a tea party 举行茶宴5.on the grass 在草上6.in the tree (指外来物)在树上on the tree (指水果等 )在树上7. smile at 朝。 。 。笑7.fall down 下来8.get/be tired 劳累9.have not

41、hing to do 无事可做10. think of/about 认为11. something strange 奇怪的东西12. be late for. 迟到13. takeout of 把。 。 。从。 。 。拿出来14. run across the field 穿过田野15. see sb./sth. do sth. 看见。 。 。干。 。16. go off 熄灭17. How is it going ?口语中询问对方生活工作中有什么新进展Module7 1.look pretty/ taste salty /feel tight/ smell sour/ sound noisy

42、 系表结构2.so much food 如此多的食物3.make cookies 做小甜饼4.have a look(at)看一看 (某物 ) 5.have something to eat 有一些吃的东西6.get the food ready 把食物准备好了7.silk shirts 丝绸衬衣8.thanks for sth/doing sth 谢谢某物 /做了某事9.hear from sb=receive a letter from sb收到某人的来信10. can t wait to do sth.迫不及待的做某事11. arrive at/in=reach=get to 到达12.

43、 each other 彼此13. as well 也14. be proud of 以为自豪15. bad/good mark 坏/好成绩16. a bit=a little=kind of有点17. help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事18. have a try 来试试19. 19.introduce sb to sb把某人介绍给某人20. be/get angry with 对某人生气21. be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕某事 /做某事Module8 1.swimming pool 游泳池2.show sb.sth.=show sth to sb给某

44、人看某物3.a map of一幅地图4.on the left/right 在左边(右边)5.on the left/right of 在的左边(右边)6.betweenand 和 之间7.the way to的道路8.go across/through 穿过9.turn left/right 向左 /右拐10. on the corner of 在的角落11. do some shopping=go shopping逛商店12. go along 沿着 走13. next to 紧挨着14. in the middle of 在的中间15. the National Gallery(英国)国

45、家画廊16. Go straight ahead.径直向前走17. go along/down/up + 街道 /路沿道路走18. Turn left into Chang an jie. 向左拐入长安街Turn left/right into+ 街道 /路Turn left/right on+ 街道 /路Turn left/right at+ 小地点19. on a clear day 在一个晴朗的日子20. the best way to 最好的方式21. by boat/take the boat 乘船22. get off 下(车)23. go past经过24. go for a w

46、alk 散步25. 问路方式1). Excuse me, how do/can I get to the Forbidden City? How can I get (to) ? 2). And where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall? Where is the? 3). And can you tell me the way to a park?4). Where can I do some shopping? 5). Is there a(n)? Module 91.in danger 在危险中2.such as例如3. take away 拿走4.

47、 one of the best-known animals最知名的动物之一5. find 找到find out 查明look for 寻找6. enough + n.足够的(东西)adj. + enough 足够 big enough 足够大7.sb. need to do需要去做某事don t/doesn t need to do 不需要去做某事sth.need doing =sth.need to be done某事 /物需要被做8. be excited to do 干某事很兴奋be excited about sth. 对做某事感觉很兴奋9. make sb/sth + adj.使某

48、人(某物)10. It is/was + adj./ n. + to do / To do sth is/was + adj/n.做什么事是怎么样的11. if possible 如果可能的话12. in peace 在和平之中13. It s/That s very nice/kind of you to do sth你真是太精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页好了去做某事14. stop sb. doing sth 阻止某人做某事15. Let s + do 让我们做某事吧16. at last 最后17. liv

49、e on 以 为生live in 住在 的地方18. for many different reasons由于许多不同的原因19. less and less越来越少20. for example 例如21. look after 照顾look at 看look for 寻找look over 医生检查身体look up 查字典22. the cause of的原因Module 101.as you know 据你所知2.no idea/not sure 不知道3.take place 发生4.say goodbye to 向。 。告别5.be named 被命名为。 。6. fall in

50、love with与某人相爱7. be full of/be filled with 装满了 8. want (sb) to do sth.想让某人做某事9.would like (sb) to do sth 10. offer to do 提议做某事11. agree to do 同意做某事agree with sb 同意某人agree on sth 同意某事12. decide to do 决定做某事13. plan to do 计划做某事14. be famous for 以。 。 。为著名be famous as 作为。 。 。而著名15. have a good/great/nice

51、 time 玩得开心16. show sb. sth = show sth.to sb 给某人看某物17. send sb sth = send sth to sb 寄给某人某物18. learn to do 学会干某事19. teach sb sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某事20. between and 在。 。 。和。 。 。之间21. one of + 最高级+ n(pl) 最 的之一22. the twentieth century 第二十世纪23. bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 给某人带来某物24. give a wonderf

52、ul/warm welcome to sb热烈欢迎某人25. in the end 最后at the end of 在的结束(末尾)Module 11 1.What will the weather be like ? How will the weather be ?天气将是怎么样.2.at the moment 此刻3 be off to 离开去某地4.all (the) year 全年5.When is the best time to visit ?参观某地最好的时间是什么时候6.had better 最好做某事7. freezing cold 寒冷刺骨的8. There may/mi

53、ght be + n. 也许有某物It may/might be + adj.也许是 9.You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑10.better get going 最好现在去(走)11.from time to time 有时12.in summer and fall 在夏天和秋天pared to many other places 和许多其他的地方相比14.any time 任何时候15.take photos of 拍 的照片16.the best time to do sth 去做某事的最好时间17.in the east/north/west 在东边(西北)18.It

54、 s possible to do 做某事是可能的It s possible that19.It will probably + v. 将有可能做某事20.主语+ 比较级+ than any other + n(单数 )比任何一个都 =主语 +最高级。 。21.主语+ 比较级+than the other + n(pl) 22.best of all 最好的23.the rest of剩余的Module 121. be different from 与不同2. do some cleaning 打扫卫生3. on time 按时4. wash up 洗(餐具)5. get married 结婚

55、marry sb.嫁(娶)某人be married to sb 和某人结婚6. hang on 等等7. accept a present接受礼物8. wrap sth in red paper 用红纸包某物11. get a move on 快些,加紧12 on the first day of 在第一天13good/bad luck 好(坏)运气14. cut your hair 理发15. shake hands with sb 和某人握手16. speak to sb 对某人说17. speak + English/Chinese 说英语18. a light meal 少量的一餐饭1

56、9. go to a wedding 去参加婚礼20. take off shoes 脱鞋21. break anything 打破东西初二下册Module 11.tidy up the table 收拾桌子2.have a collections of , 收集,3.all the time 一直,总是4.make sb so interested in music 使某人对音乐如此感兴趣5.give an interview on 对, 进行采访6.a bit/little untidy 有点不整洁7.take up 占用8.mountain biking 山地自行车运动9.grow ve

57、getables 种菜10. develop your interests 发展你的兴趣11. during +时间段在, 期间12. spend + 时间 / 钱 on sth 花了, 在, 上spend , (in )doing sth 花, 做,13. write about,写关于,14. senior high school 高中15. such as 比如16. come out 出版17. try(not ) to do 尽量 ( 不) 做某事18. as a result 结果19. ask sb (not) to do. 让某人(不)做某事Module 2 1.hold th

58、e line (不挂断电话)等一下2.right now 现在3.whether , or not 是否4.in fact 事实上5.close friends 亲近的朋友6.a couple of 几个7.by the way 顺便问,顺便说8.good luck with, 祝, 好运9.far away 遥远10. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事11. worry about be worried about 担心,12. sit at my desk 坐在我的桌子边13. as usual 向平常一样14. turn back 转身15. become closer

59、 to,变得对 , 更亲近16. smile at,朝, 笑17. It doesn t matter. 没关系18. make friends with,和, 交朋友19. at that moment/time 在那时20. day by day 一天一天的21. at first 开始at last 最后Module 3 1.would like to do 愿意干某事2.Dont mention it. 别客气3.show sb around 带领某人参观4.look out for 小心,e this way 来这边6.the latest new 最新的消息7.keep doing

60、 坚持做某事8.win the match 赢得比赛的胜利lose the match 输了比赛9.hate doing 讨厌做某事10. look down at,向下看,11. remember doing 记住做过某事(已做)remember to do 记住要做某事(没做)12. ask for 要,13. once a week 一周一次14. close down 停止播音,关闭15. look out of, 向, 外看16. come with me 跟我来17. begin , with ,以, 开始,18. stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停下来做某

61、事19. enjoy doing 喜欢做某事20. score three goals 进了三个球Module 4 1.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人(借出)borrow sth from sb 从某人处借某物(借入)2.turn on 打开turn off 关闭 turn up 开大 / 高一点turn down 关小 / 低一点3.play back (录音等 ) 回放e on ( 灯)亮5.by email 通过邮件6.connect ,to ,把, 和, 连接起来7.video camera 录像机8.take a photo with, 用, 拍

62、照 take a photo of , 拍, 的照片9.the surpring advice 令人惊讶的建议10. pick up 捡起, pick+ 水果摘,11. bite sb on the hand 咬伤某人的手12. climb out of 爬出,13. land in, 落在, 里14. stay cool 保持凉爽15. save one s life 救某人的命Module 5 1.be able to 能,会2.all together 一起3.at the end of,在, 结束时4.rather you than me. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - -

63、 - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页好在你去而不是我5.beat sb 打败某人6.warn sb about sth 警告某人关于某事warn sb not to do sth 警告某人不做某事7.That s a shame. / What a shame. 遗憾了8.be proud of , 以, 为骄傲9.send sb away 把某人送走10. refuse to do 拒绝做某事11. be out 外出12. go wrong 出毛病13. make a mistak/ make mistakes 犯错14. at least 至少15. po

64、cket money 零用钱16. after all 不管怎样,毕竟17. help sb with sth help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事18. hurry up赶快19. instead of 代替20. feel sorry for sb 对某人觉得抱歉21. get into trouble 陷入困境Module 6 1.take place 发生(同义: happen )2.stay in bed 卧床3. clap ones hands 拍手4.play a piece of Irish music 演奏一段爱尔兰音乐5.at this time of d

65、ay / night/ year 每天 / 每晚 / 每年的这个时候6.worry about sth./ doing sth. 担心某事 ,担心做某事, ( 表动作 ) sth worry sb 某事使某人感到担忧 ( be worried about ,. 表状态 ) 7. be awake 醒着的反义 : be asleep/ fall asleep 睡着的 / 刚刚入睡 ) 比较 : wake (up) 醒来 ; 叫醒sleep 睡觉be sleepy 困乏的 8.cheer (sb) up (使某人)高兴起来,振作起来9. plenty of,大量 , 许多(+ 可数或不可数名词均可

66、) 同义 : a lot of, / lots of,(+可数或不可数名词均可) many (+ 可数名词 ) , much(+不可数名词 ) 10. look after,(well) ( 把, )照顾好同义 : take ( good ) care of,11. the reason for, 的原因12. be famous for+特产 / 景点因, 而著名13. be famous as+身份 / 职业 / 头衔,作为, 而著名14.be popular with(among) sb,在, 中受欢迎15. act well in the film 在电影中演得好16. face to

67、 face 面对面,come face to face with sth /sb 面临某事 / 某人17.look dangerous 看起来很危险18. in ones opinion 在某人看来 , 依某人的观点19. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事20. come out 上映 , 出版 ,开花21. look for,寻找,22. stay together 呆在一起23. be pleased with sth.对, 满意be pleased to do sth.很高兴做某事24.make their characters believable 使得他们的

68、角色真实可信25.sail around绕, 航行26.true to life反映真实生活的,反映现实的27.except for除, 之外(从整体当中除去一部分)except 除去,不包括在内besides 除去,包括在内Module 7 1.climb up to ,爬到, 上去2.more than,多于, , 超过,( 反义 : less than,少于, ) 3.the rest of,剩余的,(+ 不可数 ) e.g. the rest of her life 她的余生 the rest of his money 他剩余的钱4. suggest doing sth. 建议做某事(

69、 同义 : advise sb. to do sth.) 5. hardly 几乎不反义 : almost 与 nearly 几乎6. 辨析 cross 与 across cross= 动词 +across cross 是动词 (v.) , across 是介词 (prep.) cross the bridge = go across the bridge cross the river = swim across the river 7.get better 好起来 ( 尤指身体 ) 8. make plans to do sth. 计划做某事( 同义 : plan to do sth.)

70、9. protect the environment 保护环境10.walk around, 绕, 走11.the whole park整个公园12. shout at sb. 对某人大喊大叫13. get (from.) to,( 从某处 ) 到某处14. hurt oneself 伤了某人自己15. get dressed 穿衣服( 反义 : get undressed 脱掉衣服 ) 16.have , off 不工作 , 休息17. make phone calls to sb. ( = ring sb up ) 给某人打电话18. square 平方 ; 正方形 ; 广场square

71、kilometer 平方公里19. look like,看起来像,20. camp by a small lake 在小湖旁露营21. as if,好像,22. wake (sb) up vt. 唤醒某人vi. 醒来23. take a cable car 乘坐缆车辨析 take a bus / take a car / take a plane 与 by bus / by car / by plane 24. hope 希望1) hope for +名词盼望 , 希望2) hope to do sth. 希望做某事( 注意没有hope sb to do sth.的结构。 ) 3) hope

72、(that),+从句25. wish 希望wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事26. be happy with,对, 满意( 同义 : be pleased with,) 27. during her visit 在她参观期间28. climb over rocks 攀爬岩石29. on top of,在, 的上方30.put up / set up / pitch a tent 搭帐篷 , 扎营31. It was raining hard/heavily. 雨下得很大 . 32. put sth away =put away sth 把, 收拾起来33. believe in

73、 sth/sb/doing sth 信任,34. on the one hand 一方面on the other hand 另一方面35.jump up into, 跳起来进入,36.go back into进入37.through the clouds穿过云层 through穿过内部across 穿过表面38.the second largest fresh water lake 第二大淡水湖the+ 序数词 +最高级(表示排名的顺序)Module 8 1.a public holiday 公共假期take a vacation 过假期 , 度假2.on that day 在那天3.most

74、 of+ 代/ the名,绝大多数的,4. have/take a day off 休息一天5.stay with和, 呆在一起6.Labour Day劳动节7.something special 一些特别的东西8.go camping去露营类似的表达有: go swimming, go skating, go fishing, go boating, go sightseeing, go cycling 9.in the countryside / country 在乡村 ( 反义 : in town 在城镇 ) 10.the holiday/vacation season 假日聚集的一段时

75、间11.make plans for,为, 制定计划12.be close to 离, 近13. the closest Monday to May 1st 离五一最近的星期一14.get warmer/cooler/better/worse 变热 / 冷/ 好/ 糟15.as soon as,一, 就,( 引导时间状语从句, 也遵循主祈从现、主将从现或主情从现 ) 16.( 日期的写法 ) 1st January January 1st (日期的读法 ) the first of January January the first 17.be busy doing sth. / be bus

76、y with sth. 忙于做某事17.the start/beginning of, 的开始( 反义 : ending n. 结尾 , 结局 ) 18.not all 不是所有的 ( 部分否定 ) 区别于 none ( 全否定 ) 20. in the same way 用同样的方式 . on the same date/day 在同一天. at the same time 同时20.depend on sth/doing sth,依靠,(: independent adj. 独立的independence n. ) 21.sing traditional songs 唱传统歌曲22.cou

77、nt down (from,) (从, 倒数) 23. shout to sb (loudly) 对某人 ( 大声 ) 喊 (没有情绪 ) shout at sb. 对某人大吼大叫 ( 有情绪 ) 24. Out with the old year and in with the new! 辞旧迎新25. get together 聚在一起26.write down sth. 记下, , 写下,27.a list of,一列,e.g. a list of names 名单make a/one s list 列个单子make a shopping list列个购物单28. help (sb) o

78、ut 帮助 (某人 ) 解决困难29.promise to do sth. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页保证做某事 , 允诺做某事30. say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb. 跟某人说再见 / 你好 / 抱歉31. be lazy with the school work 学习懒惰32.start doing=start to do 开始做某事33.wait forsb./sth.等待,34.have fun doing sth. 做某事很愉快35.enjoy oneself =have

79、 a good time 玩得很愉快36.on New Year s Day 在新年37.make resolutions for,为, 做决定38.follow ones resolutions 实现某人的决心Module 9 1.look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望,期望,2.dont/won t have to do sth. = needn t do sth. 不必做某事3.on one s own 独立地 , 单独地 , 独自地4.( = alone / by oneself ) 5.right now = at the moment 6.现在 , 此

80、刻7.right away = at once 立刻 , 马上8.just now = a moment ago 刚才9.make excuses 找借口10. the thought in my head 我脑中的想法11. imagine doing sth. 想象做某事12. not bad for,对, 来讲不错13. come up 出现 , 发生14. get back to some place 回到某地15. What happened (to sb)? 某人出了什么事? 16. join the army 参军17. give ones life to sth/doing s

81、th. 献身于,18.take medicine 吃药19. local government 当地政府20.operate a machine开机器operate a factory经营工厂 operate on sb. 对某人做手术operating theatre 手术室peration n.操作 , 运转perform operations 实施手术21. in spite of sth./doing sth. ( = despite sth./doing sth. ) 尽管 , 虽然22.in the end 最后( 同义 : finally, at last ) 23.at the

82、 end of,在, 的末尾, 在, 的尽头24. continue doing sth./to do sth. 继续做某事25.outside hospitals 在医院外面inside hospitals在医院里面26. feel ill/bad 感觉病了feel well感觉 ( 身体 ) 好27. save one s life/lives 拯救某人的生命28. billions of, 数以亿计的, thousands of, 成千上万的hundreds of,. 成百上千的,29. stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事30.prote

83、ct,from ,保护, 不受到,( 伤害 ) 31. look up,查阅,32. return to some place 返回到某地33.one of Chinas most famous heroes 中国最著名的英雄之一(one of+ 形容词最高级+名词复数“最, 之一”)34.be good at,=do well in,擅长于 , ,在, 方面做得好be good for, 对, 有好处be bad for, 对, 有害处 be good to对, 好be bad to 对, 不好Module 10 1.It s time (for sb) to do sth. ( 某人 )

84、该做某事了 , 到做某事的时间了= Its time for sth. 2.see sb. off 给某人送行3. meet sb.=pick up sb 接某人4.take sb. to some place 把某人带到某地去5. board the plane/train/ship 登上飞机 / 火车 /轮船6.get something to eat/drink 弄些吃 / 喝的7.during the flight 在飞行期间8. “would + 动词原形”可以用来表示想象、推测或可能。9. take the train to Paris = go to Paris by train

85、 乘火车去巴黎10. outdoor adj. 室外的outdoor life 野外生活outdoors adv. indoor adj. 室内的indoor sports 室内运动indoors adv. 11.Something is/goes wrong with sth 某物坏了 . 12. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人一些时间做某事. 13.daily routine 日常习惯14. go (away) on business 出差15. as + adj./adv.(原级 ) + as,和, 一样16. Practice makes

86、perfect. 熟能生巧17.know little about sth. 对, 了解少18. fill sth. with sth. 用, 填满,be full of,充满,19. the basic life skills 基本的生活技能20. I dont think ,我认为 , 不,21. go to college 上大学23.not ,at all 一点也不24take off 起飞 land 着陆25.be made of,由, 制成的26.manage a factory经营一家工厂he managed not to get angry. 他设法不让自己生气. 初三上册Mo

87、dule1 1. have a meeting开会2. listen up 注意听3. get out of 从, 内出来; 离开 4. reply to sth./sb. 答复某事 / 某人5. on the edge of 处于, 的边缘6. at the bottom of 在, 的底部7. write down 写下 , 记下8. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 9. do some reviews about,对, 做评论10. do an interview with sb. 采访某人11. How/What about sth./sb./ doing sth

88、.某人 /某物 / 做某事怎么样 ? 12.a boy called Tom 一个名叫13.suggest doing sth.建议做某事14. go through 走过 , 穿过15.in front of 在, 的前面in the front of 在, 的前部16. in five minutes 五分钟后 , 在五分钟内17. look down 往下看 , 俯视look across 眺望18. arrive at/in 到达19. faster and faster越来越快20. be afraid of 害怕,21. more and more people 越来越多人 22.

89、in the future 在将来23. all kinds of 各种各样24. look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事25. thousands of 成千上万的26. as ,as possible/ one can 尽可能 , 27. be able to do sth. 能/. 会做某事28. because of 名 / 代/ 动名词由于 / 因为Module2 1.as far as 就, 来说, 至于2. not ,any more 不再,3.millions of 数百万的4. run away 逃跑 ; 潜逃5. for a time 暂时 , 一

90、度6. grow up 成长 , 长大成人7. talk about 谈论8. think about 考虑9. sound like 听起来像 ,10. look for 寻找11. be known as,作为, 而闻名/ 知名be known/famous for 以, 而闻名/ 出名12. at the end of 在, 末尾/ 尽头13. get lost 迷路14.be surprised to do sth. 做某事感到惊奇be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇to one s surprise 令某人惊奇的是15. be pleased to do sth.

91、 高兴做某事be pleased with sth./sb 对某事 / 某人感到高兴 / 满意16.be/have to do with sb./sth. 和某人 / 某事有关17. all over the world 全世界18. in the 19th century 在 19 世纪19. try to do sth. 努力 / 设法去做某事20. prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事prefer sth./doing sth. to sth./doing sth. 与某物 / 做某事相比 , 更喜欢某物 / 做某事prefer to do sth. rather than

92、do sth. 宁可做某事也不要做某事21. in fact 事实上22. something else 别的一些东西Module3 1.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事2. stand for 代表 , 象征3. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人去做某事4. set up 建立 , 创立 ( 公司 , 机构等 ) 5. first of all 首先6. have no chance to do sth. 没有机会做某事7. so ,that 如此, 以致8. get to sb. 让某人感到烦恼9.be mad with sb. 生某人的气

93、10. invite sb. to do sth/某地邀请某人去做某事/ 某地11. make sure 确信 , 确保 , 务必12. compare,to 把, 比作,compare, with ,把, 与, 相比精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页13. find out 找出,弄清楚,查出14. take up 占据 , 占用 ( 时间 , 空间等 ) 15. advise sb to do sth. 劝告某人做某事16. tenyear old 十岁大的a ten year old boy 一个十岁大的男孩1

94、7. less than 不到 , 少于 more than 超过 , 多于18. Its 形 (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事( 对某人来说 ) 是,19. be well known, 闻名于,20. an overnight success一夜成名21. go for more medals 争取更多的奖牌Module4 1.ask a favour( of sb.) 请求 ( 某人 ) 帮助2.at the age of 在, 岁时3.see to 负责 , 注意4. look through 浏览5. at a time 一次6. at the beginning o

95、f 在, 的开始7. rather than 而不是8. one day 某天9. would like to do sth. /feel like doing sth. 想要做某事10. take photos 拍照片11. from now on 从现在起from then on 从那时起12. be used for sth./doing sth. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事be/get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事be used as 被用作 ,13.a couple of months 几个月14. turn off 关掉turm on 打

96、开turn up 调高 (音量 ) turn down 调低15. lend sth. to sb.借某物给某人borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物16. look after/ take care of 关心17. leave sth. in/ at地方把某物留在某地18. on ones way to 在往, 的路上19. go to sleep 去睡觉20. be made of 由, 制成/ 构成 ( 制出的成品能看出原材料 ) be made from 由, 制成/ 构成 ( 制出的成品不能看出原材料) be made in 地方在某地制造 be made by 执

97、行者由某人制造21. in the 19thcentury 在 十九 世 纪22. as a result 结果是23. in a way 在 某 种 程 度 上 / 意 义 上24. so that 以便 , 以致25. It is said that,据说Module 5 1. pay attention to 集中注意力于 ,2. as well 也3. work out 设法弄懂 , 计算出4. try out 试图 , 试验 , 5. above all 首先 , 更重要的是6. drop in 顺便走访7. as ,as 同, 一样8. Hang on a minute. 等一下9

98、. go off on one sown =leave on ones own 单独离开10. kind of 有点儿11. hurry up 赶快12. be familiar to sb. 对某人来说熟悉13. do experiments 做实验14. be different from 与, 不同15. learn about 了解16. ( 人) fill,with ,把, 装满,( 物)be filled with /be full of 装满 / 充满,17. fast enough 足够快18. as well as 除, 之外还有/ 并且 , 不但 , 而且 /已及19. a

99、s long as 只要20.from ,to ,从, 到21.in the southeast of 在, 的东南部22. No entry. 不许进入23. go downstairs下楼go upstairs to, 上楼到,24. No wonder, 难怪,Module6 1. throw away 扔掉 , 抛掉 ( 某物 ) 2. instead of sth./doing sth. 代替 , 而不是3. do harm to 对, 造成伤害4. make a difference to 对, 产生影响/ 很重要5. get an email from sb. 收到某人的电子邮件

100、6. be careful about ,认真 , 谨慎对待 ,7. thousands of 成千上万的8. in fact 事实上9. raise money 筹款10. help(to) do sth. 帮助做某事11. ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事12. both,and,两者都 ,/ , 和, 都13. neither, nor ,两者都不 ,/ 既不, 也不,14. care about 关心15. as long as possible 尽可能长久 16. change, into ,把, 变成17. take part in 参加 ( 会议 , 活动等

101、) 18. be off to 动身去19. try ones best to do sth. 尽力去做某事20. hear of 听说21. be good for 对, 有好处 22. worry about 为, 担心23. keep sth. adj. 使某物保持 , 状态24. travel by plane 乘飞机去旅游 25. look around 四周围看看26. in the 1960s 在 二 十 世 纪 六 十 年 代27. put up 张贴 , 挂起28. be made up of 组成 , 构成 29. a number of 许多 ( 谓用复 ) the nu

102、mber of , 的数量( 谓用单 ) Module7 1. What are you up to?你在干什么?2. be similar to 同, . 相似be the same as 与, 相同 3. give sb. a hand 帮助某人would like a hand to do 想要帮忙某事 . 4. write(a letter) to sb. 写信给某人5. in the centre of 在, 的中心6. by the way 顺便问一下 , 顺便说7. on ones way to,在某人去 , 的路上on one sway back from,在某人从 , 回来的

103、路上8. at the moment 在那时 , 此刻9. on the first day 在第一天10. at different times of the day 在一天的不同时间11. arrive at/in get to reach 到达12. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事 , 连续不断做某事keep sb. doing sth. 使某人连续不断做某事13. any other country 任何一个其他国家14. get back 回来 , 取回15. as soon as 一, 就16. at once 立刻17. I bet you do.保证你一定行的18.

104、 in many ways 在许多方面19. in the fields在田地里20. have a bad temper脾气很坏21. take the plane back to,乘飞机回到,Module8 1. on the left/right 在左边 / 右边 2. be/get in trouble 陷入困境3. except to do sth. 盼望做某事except sb. to do sth. 盼望某人做某事4. pick sb up 接某人5. even though/if 即使6. congratulations to sb. 祝贺某人7. get on 发展 , 进步

105、get on (well) with 与, 相处( 得好 ) 8. be in with a chance 有, . 可能 , 有机会9. be far from 离, 远10. manage to do sth. 想方设法去做某事11. work on 从事12. thanks to 由于, 多亏,13. agree to do sth. 同意做某事14. at the end of this month 在今个月月底15. in the past 在过去16. show sb. around 带领某人参观17. walk past 经过 , 走过18. give prizes to, 给,

106、 发奖19. think of 考虑 , 想到20. You re kidding!你在开玩笑吧1 21. You bet.当然了22. know ,very well对, 很熟悉Module9 1. over there 那边2. have a word with 和某人说几句话3. win the heart of 赢得, 的心4. ever since 从, 开始5. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事6. go over to speak to sb. 走过去和某人说话7.be in deep trouble 有大麻烦8. make a mess 搞得乱七八糟9.retur

107、n to ,回到10. translate,into 把, 译成,11. more than/over 超过12. hold a birthday party 举行生日聚会13. leave one on ones own/leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下14. all the time 一直 , 总是15. be able to do sth. 能/ 会做某事16against the rule of. 反对, 的规则17.travel to, 到, 地方去旅游18.keep collections of, 收藏,19.lead a group of monkeys

108、领着一群猴子20.the late writer 已故的作家Module10 1.give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 2. a place of interest 旅游胜地3. do some cooking 做饭4. a bit tired 有点疲劳5.want sb. to do 想要某人做某事 6. stay/keep fit保持健康7. need to do sth. 需要做某事精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页8. take a lot of exercise 进行大量的锻炼9.do weig

109、ht training做举重训练 10. bump into 碰到11. look like 看起来12. be difficult to do sth. 难做某事13. know about 了解14. decide to do sth. 决定做某事15.hard work 艰苦的工作work hard 努力工作16. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事17. persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人去做某事18. spend.on,在某方面花 ( 时间 / 金钱 ) 做某事spend ,(in) doing sth. 花( 时间 / 金钱 ) 做某事19.agr

110、ee with sb. 同意某人20. in order to do sth. 为了做某事21. put on 增加 , 穿上22. had better(not) do sth. 最好 ( 别) 做某事Module11 1.along with 与, 一起2. thanks to 由于 ,多亏3. add to 向, 增加4. look up 查找 , 查阅5. come towards sb. 朝某人走过去6. come up 发生 , 出现 , 举行 , 进行7. present the prizes 颁奖8. be close to 靠近, 离, 近 9. have a better

111、life 过更好的生活10. close down 关闭11. protect,from ,保护, 不受, 侵害12. be free from不受, 影响13. a great number of 大量的 , 许多的14. because of 由于 , 因为15. at the end of the school term 在学期末16. work hard to do sth. 努力去做某事17. at the same time 在同一时间 18. move to 地方搬迁到某地19. more and more people 越来越多人less and less water 越来越小

112、水 more and more difficult 越来越困难20. have the same problems as,和, 有相同的问题Module 12 1.make progress 取得进步2. a pair of trousers 一条裤子3. fill in 填写4. check in 登记入住5. the whole class 整个班6. give a warm welcome to sb. 热烈欢迎某人7. fly to 坐飞机去 ,8. do an English course 上英语课9. watch sb. do sth. 观看某人做某事 10. at the beg

113、inning of 在, 的开始11. plenty of 相当多的 , 大量的14. by the end of 到, . 末为止 ; 到, 结束时15.take place 发生16.do some activities with 和, 搞活动17.create friendshps with,和, 建立友初三下册词组Module 11.be full of=be filled with 充满, ,装满,2.stay with sb 和某人呆在一起3.because of+短语因为,4.take the boat to sw 乘船去某地5.have quite a good time 玩得

114、相当愉快6.go sightseeing 观光7.the school leavers party毕业生晚会8.the visit to sw 到 , 参观9.the English-speaking theatre说英语语言的剧院10.better get back to work回来后要好好学习11.plenty of fun things 许多趣事12.the key information 关键信息13.dream about/of sb/sth/doing sth梦想,14.set off on/for 出发,15.be unable to do 不能去干某事16.hold sb i

115、n one s arms 把, 搂/推/抱在, 里17.push away 推开18.jump onto the train 跳上火车19.a cigarette 一支香烟a pack of cigarette 一包香烟20.six pairs of eyes 六双眼睛21.look out of , 向 , 外看22.watch with interest 饶有兴趣的看23.with a nervous smile 带有一丝紧张的微笑24. turn to do sth.转身去干某事25.the number of, 的数量a number of,许多,大量26. say in a stra

116、nge voice 用奇怪的声音说speak in a loud voice 用大的声音说27.without doing sth. 没有做某事28.a long way to go 一段很长的路要走29.have my seat 做我的座位30.drop on the floor 把 , 扔在地上Module 2 1. be great to do sth 做 , 太棒了2. take sb sw 带某人到某地3. as big as ours 和我们的一样大4. get top grades得高分5. pass my exams 通过考试6. make a speech 做演讲7. hav

117、e a break 休息8. have two more lessons 再上两节课9. stand for 代表10. as well as 表并列11. instead of 而不是,12. be lucky to do 干, 很幸运13. a set of, 一套,14. neither of两者中任何一者不neither nor 既不 , 也不15. either, or, 既不 , 也不,16. last for an hour 持续一小时17. not so /as,as, 不如,18. both and 和 , 两者都,19. a parents meeting家长会Module

118、 31. It s getting late.天渐渐晚了2. do a composition 写作文3. the most important difference 最重要的区别4. be better at sth/doing sth 在, 方面做的更好5. eat as well as in the past和过去吃的一样好6. make life more dangerous and less heathy使得生活更危险并且不太健康7. more relaxed and less nervous更放松并且少一些紧张8. all ones life 终生,一生9. go out to w

119、ork 出去工作10. a full-time job 一项全职工作11. fall off 从 , 跌落12. be/get married(to sb)和某人结婚marry sb 和某人结婚be married for + 一段时间结婚已 , 时间了13. so much traffic 如此多的车辆14. heathier than, 比 , 健康15. live longer and eat beter 活得更长吃得更好16. travel long distance 长途旅行17. change a lot 变化很大18. married women 已婚妇女19. ready ma

120、de food 已做好的食物20. these days /now 如今Mdule 41. the school trip to the Great Wall 去长城的旅行2. the shopping center/mall 购物中心3. turn left/right 向左 /右拐4. on the left/right 在左边 /右边5. what to wear 穿什么6. school leavers party毕业生聚会7. Its the right size.号码正好8. take look at, 看一看,9. look diferent 看起来不同10. go for 追求

121、11. catch one s attention引起某人的注意12. spend money on clothes把钱花在衣服上13. have one s personnal look有自己个人的形象14. designer clothes 品牌服装15. well-known companies 知名公司16. care about the way they look 在乎他们的形象17. the running shoes 跑鞋18. make a lot of money 赚许多钱19. show off one s personality炫耀某人的个性20. the girl wi

122、th long hair长着长头发的女孩Module 51. listen up!听好了2. a few rules and suggestions几条规则和建议3. keep to the path 沿着路走4. keep together 呆在一起5. go off on your own 独自离去6. get lost 迷路7. have something to eat 吃点东西8. stop at noon for 0ur picnic 中午停下来吃野餐9. go rock climbing 去攀岩10. think about personal safety考虑个人安全11. ha

123、ve the right shoes 穿合适的鞋子12. go down the this path 沿着这条路走13. cross the stream 穿过河流14. climb up to the top of the mountain 爬上山顶15. lead the way 领路16. need a rest需要休息一会17. watch out /be careful /take care 小心18. fall asleep /go to sleep 入睡19. in the middle of the night在半夜20. There was nothing to see. 什

124、么也看不到21. later that day 那天晚些时候精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页22. from a distanc 从远处23. tidy the site up 整理场所24. make some gesture做手势25. at midday 在中午26. reach out 伸出手去27. stand very still 站着不动28. turn ones head回头29. run past me 从我身边跑过30. turn round 转身31. my blood went cold我浑

125、身发冷Module 6 1. My legs are ache.我的腿疼2. catch up in a few minutes一会就赶上来3. Who s missing?谁掉队了?4. What has happened to them? 他们发生什么事5. wait a minute. 等一会6. have an accident 出事故7. run along the walll 沿着城墙跑8. fall over 摔倒9. my leg hurts. 我的腿疼10. break my leg 摔断腿11. call for help on my mobile用我的手机呼救12. ge

126、t /take sb to hospital 带某人去医院13. have got a wound in his leg 腿上有伤14. get /have a fever 发烧15. nothing serious 没什么严重的16. expect to do sth 期望做某事17. run across the road 穿过公路18. stay /keep safe 保持安全19. Don t be a couch potat o.不要总泡在电视机前20. make life less fun剥夺生生活的乐趣21. watch your diet 注意饮食习惯22. plenty of

127、 + 可数/不可数名词23. now and then /at times /from time to time /somes 时而24. put on weight 增重25. lose weight 减肥26. eight hours sleep8 小时睡眠27. say no to, 对 , 说不say yes to, 对 , 说是28. the effect on在, 方面的影响29. by the back door 在后门旁边30. dance to the music 随着音乐跳舞Module 71. prepare a tradional dish准备一道传统的菜肴2. hea

128、t up 加热3. be invited to 被邀请到,4. I see what you mean. 我明白你的意思5. in the west 在西方6. at the start of a meal在每餐饭的开始7. be used for 用于,8. finish doing 完成做某事9. do as they do 向他们那样去做10. serve us a delicious lunch 给我们端上一顿丰盛的午餐11. be ordered to close 被勒令关门12. dress up 打扮Module 8 1. be pleased to do 高兴做某事2. pla

129、y the role of扮演 , 的角色3. take one s life 要了某人的命4. at the back 在后面5. have plenty of chances to do 有许多的机会做某事6. the subject of, 的主题7. book tickets 预定票8. be well-known for 以 , 而出名9. a huge number of大量的,10. do with 处置11. start up with 以 , 开始s tart up 启动end up,with, 以 , 结束12. agree to do sth 同意做某事13. sugge

130、st doing 建议做某事14. be impressed with.对, 印象深刻15. disagree with 不同意,16. in the open air 在露天地里Module 91. make progress 取得进步2. be proud of, 以 , 为骄傲3. be best at.最擅长,4. however easy it is 无论多容易5. an English corner 英语角6. continue to do sth 继续做某事7. no matter.无论,8. have difficulties with在, 中遇到困难9. replace .a

131、s.代替 , 成为,replace with /by用 , 来代替in place of =instead of 代替10. be lack of, 缺乏,11. be used as , 作为 , 而被使用12. be used by, 被 , 使用13. a quarter of the population 四分之一的人口14. the importance of , 的重要性15. belong to, 属于,16. one third of , 三分之一的,17. as if 仿佛Module 10 1. Heres to sb/sth 为 , 干杯2. intend to do s

132、th 打算做某事3. have got a great beat有强烈的节奏4. fetch something to eat 取些东西吃5. get in touch with sb与某人取得联系6. be out of touch with sb =lose touch with sb 与某人失去联系7. pay sb back sth将某物偿还给某人pay sb backfor sth 因某事报答某人8. have fun doing sh 做 , 愉快9. stay in touch 保持联系10. owe,to, 把 , 归功于,11. be strict with 对 , 严格12. from the bottom of the heart 从心底13. wish you success in the future 祝你将来成功14. the happy times 快乐时光15. role model 楷模16. graduate from从 , 毕业a graduate of, 的一名毕业生17. I beg your pardon.请再说一遍精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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