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1、Unit 16 StoriesModule 6Part 2 Of 29. count on / upon(=depend on / upon或rely on / upon) 指望,依赖count on sb. / sth. 指望或依赖某人count on sb. to do / doing sth. 指望某人做某事Can I count on your help?(=Can I count on you to help me? / Can I count on you helping me?)我能指望你的帮助吗?1.谣言不足为信。 _ _2.父母都指望我学习优秀,我却让他们失望了。 _ _Yo

2、u may not count / depend / rely on / upon rumors. / Rumors are not reliable.My parents counted on me to do well in study, but I let them down.10. live on 靠生活,以为主食 还可把on用作介词,意思为“继续生活下去”。 He still lives on her parents. 他仍然靠父母生活。 Ive been living on bread and water, but Im happy. 我一直过着粗茶淡饭的生活,但我感到很快乐。 H

3、e is eighty, and is likely to live on. 他80岁了,看来还能活下去。live by 以为生live for 为而生活live through 经历过,经受住live up to 不辜负1. 她靠写作为生。 She lives _ writing.2. 南方人以大米为主食。 Southerners live _ rice.3. 他们只是为了享乐而生活。 They live _ nothing but pleasure.byonfor4. 他们靠正当的劳动生活。 They lived _ honest labor.5. 我们没有辜负老师的期望。 We live

4、d _ the teachers hopes.6. 她经历过两次世界大战。 She has lived _ two world wars.byup tothrough11. be named after 以命名 主动结构name sb. after 以给某人命名 Then named the island after its discoverer, A.J. Tasman. 然后,人们以其发现者塔斯曼的名字来给那个岛命名。by name 名叫,凭名字call sb. names 谩骂,骂人in the name of 以的名义,代表I know him only by name.我只知道他的名

5、字。(指没有见过此人)It isnt good to call others names. 骂人不好。Were very glad to greet you in the name of the Chinese people.我们非常高兴以中国人的名义向你们致意。1. 她是根据她祖母的名字命名的。She _ her grandmother.2. 那位老师能叫出全班学生的名字来。The teacher knows all the pupils _ in the class.依境活用依境活用【答案】1. was named after2. by name 依境活用依境活用 12. make sen

6、se 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 This sentence doesnt make sense. 这个句子没有意义。 It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的。in a sense 在某种意义上说in no senses 决不a sense of humor 幽默感common sense 常识,通情理1.她虽然不很聪明,但很有见识。 _ _2.让小孩玩火柴有意义吗? _ _Although shes not ver

7、y clever shes got lots of common sense.Does it make sense to let children play with matches?13. refer to 查阅;提到,涉及;提交 She referred to the subject several times during her speech. 在演讲中她好几次提到这个话题。 Please refer to our catalogue for details of all our products. 对于本公司所有产品的详细情况请查阅商品 目录。1.这件事已经结束了,所以别再提了。 _

8、 _2.关于这个问题,请参阅我们的调查数据。 _ _This matter is finished, so please do not refer to it.As to this matter, please refer to the data of our survey. It was / will be+一段时间+before引导的从句 过了/要过就/才 这里用的是“一段时间”而不是一个时间点, 如果用的是时间点,则后面的before改为when。 It was 3 years before we met again. 我们过了3年才又见面。试比较以下几句:It was evening

9、when we reached the town.我们到达那个小镇时已是傍晚了。It was in the evening that we reach the town.我们是在晚上的时候到达小镇的。(强调句)常见的用法:It was (not) long before(没过)过了很久才It was long before he realized his mistakes.过了很久他才意识到自己的错误。It wasnt long before he realized his mistakes.没过多久他就意识到了自己的错误。 before与untilbefore “(在主句的动作之后)才”,

10、“之前”,强调的是时间的先后顺序; I didnt know any English before I came here. 我来这之前不懂英语。(可能现在还是不懂)until “在之前(不)”,“(动作)持续到”,如用 于notuntil句型则表示“直到才”,强 调与以前的情况相反。I didnt know any English until I came here.我到了这才懂英语。(以前不懂,现在懂了)The children played on the playground until / till it was dark.孩子们在操场上一直玩到天黑。1过了两个小时我们才到达小镇。_

11、we reached the town.2. The noise of the street didnt stop _ midnight.3. It will be some time _ we know the full results.4. It was not _ he told me that I knew it.hours before beforeuntilIt was 人际关系人际关系(读写任务读写任务) 人际关系指人与人之间的交往与友谊,与家人、朋友、邻居、亲戚或他人之间的情感交流或沟通;对他人的感谢、感恩、宽容、道歉、赞扬、微笑等,请求他人同意和帮助、解决问题、处理矛盾冲突、

12、和解等等。 人际关系方面,高考命题人可能会选择如宽容、赞扬等某一个话题,要求考生通过自己或他人的一次经历来发表看法。以下几个具体话题值得关注:(1)有的同学抱怨父母的期望高、作业多、压力太大,或对生活中的其他方面感到不满,请写一篇短文,准备在“我们应该抱怨生活吗”的主题班会上发表你的看法。(2)写一篇短文,参加“增进父母与孩子之间的理解,构建和谐家庭”的演讲比赛。(3)就“如何构建和谐班集体”谈谈你的看法。(4)描写你和你的同学是怎样建立起友好关系的。实用表达:learn from each other 互相学习promote the friendship 增进友谊 improve the r

13、elationship 改善关系 show love and concern for sb. 爱护和关心某人Good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.善于倾听使我们彼此走得更近。 A good relationship between teachers and students is of great importance for our studies. 良好的师生关系对我们的学习很重要。 To build a good relationship,we should trust each other. 要建

14、立良好的关系,我们应该彼此信任。 Only in this way can we enjoy an equal relationship. 只有这样我们才能享有平等的关系。 They find it easy to communicate with their teachers. 他们发觉很容易和老师沟通。 We should value this harmonious relationship between teachers and students. 我们应该珍惜师生之间这种和谐的关系。 With the encouragement and support of my father,I

15、have overcome many difficulties in my life. 在父亲的鼓励和支持下,我克服了生活中的许多苦难。 A good relationship will make learning and teaching enjoyable while a bad one can make them unpleasant. 良好的关系可以使教与学变得愉快,不好的关系令人不高兴。 阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 My name is John, and Im a junior in high school. I have just decided t

16、o change my planned major from medicine to French education. I think this is the right decision for me. But this news wasnt welcomed by my parents. They always have wanted me to be a doctor as they think being a doctor means that Ill have a good future. For the past three years, Ive taken the classe

17、s that my parents have chosen for me, even though I dont like some of them. Im going to be eighteen soon, and I want to make my own decision. However, Im afraid that my parents will feel disappointed if I insist. They looked unhappy last night when I told them of my decision and I left the sitting r

18、oom quickly. I told them I would rethink it. But I really dont want to be a doctor. Actually, being a doctor is the last thing I want to do in my whole life. I know they make decisions for me just because they love me. Now I really dont know what to do. 1以约30词概括上文的主要内容; 2然后以约120词对青少年自己做决定这件事进行讨论,内容包

19、括: (1)青少年是否该自己做决定? (2)当自己的决定与父母的意愿相悖时该怎么办? 所给文章属于记叙文,概括时要明确文章叙述的主体是什么,发生了何事,结果怎样。若有启示,且作者已点明的,要加上事件对我们的启示。启示句一般用一般现在时。本文的要点包含以下:1. John wants to change his major.2. His parents disagree.3. He doesnt know what to do. 在概括时调整句子结构,用一些高级词汇改造以上要点,并用上适当的衔接词。 第一个写作要点“青少年是否该自己做决定?”首先,表明作者态度,青少年是该自己做决定还是不该自己做

20、决定。然后再具体说明原因。第二个写作要点“当自己的决定与父母的意愿相悖时该怎么办?”可以有条理地分析自己的理由,也可举身边的例子或自己的例子来说明。 此外,在行文时要注意分段,摘要为第一段,其他各段根据写作的要点数来确定。要点的行文一般采用总分式。 John, a teenager, wants to change his major from medicine to French education, which he thinks right for him. However, his parents hold the opposite idea. And he doesnt know w

21、hat to do.Being teenagers, we should learn to make decisions by ourselves, or we will never be able to live on our own. In addition, we are no longer children; therefore it is high time we relied on ourselves rather than our parents. Take John for instance, it is his parents who have made all the de

22、cisions for him, which results in the fact that he is even afraid to make one decision alone.As far as Im concerned, it is definitely right for him to make up his mind to change his major, as he has no intention to be a doctor. When our decision does not match what our parents think, we should think

23、 it twice whether our decision is reasonable. If there is no doubt about our decision, we should talk with our parents and convince them of our reasons. Only when we make sound decisions, can we win the support from our parents. 阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 I received a call from the nursing home. G

24、randpa was failing rapidly. There was nothing to do but hold his hand. “I love you, Grandpa. Thank you for always being there for me.” Memories memories six days a week, Grandpa in that old blue shirt caring for those cattle on hotsummer days plowing the soil, planting the corn and beans and harvest

25、ing them in the fallalways working from dawn to dusk. But on Sundays he put on his gray suit and hat. Grandma wore her winecolored dress and ivory beads, and they went to church. I removed Grandpas things from the room and found a very old handmade valentine in the top drawer of his nightstand. A pi

26、ece of white paper had been glued to the center of the heart. On it, penned in Grandmas handwriting, were these words: TO LEE FROM HARRIET with All My Love, February 14, 1895 Are you alive? Real? Or are you the most beautiful dream that I have had in years? Are you an angel or a figment of my imagin

27、ation? You made me laugh when my heart was crying. You helped me set new goals when I was dying. You showed me dew drops and I had diamonds. You sang to me and angelic choirs burst forth in song. You held my hand and my whole being loved you. You gave me a ring and I belonged to you. I belonged to y

28、ou and I have experienced all. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I read the words. Now it is framed on my dresser, a treasured part of family history. 【写作内容写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2然后以约120个词就“真爱”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: (1)真爱的重要性; (2)你对真爱的看法及理由。 【写作要求写作要求】 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_ One p

29、ossible version: After his grandpa passed away, the author found the grandpas valentine which is a fitting testament to the true and holy love story about his grandpa and grandma.It is essential for everyone to get true love in his lifetime. On the one hand, it can bring in full confidence, but on t

30、he other hand it can contribute to many success. Without true love, however, you are not courageous to meet challenges. Whats more, you will fail in your study.From my personal point of view, we, out of true love, are considerate of each others feelings and courteous in our actions toward one anothe

31、r; but we do not insist that our own way is best and demand that our mates give in to us. Besides, we are concerned not only about our own individual interests, but about the interests of the other as well, because we look forward to our relationship growing more meaningful and precious. Last but no

32、t least, we should treat our mates with absolute trust. As soon as we gain true love each other, well be enabled to fight and overcome any difficulty; at the same time, well find our life full of color and 1、字体安装与、字体安装与设置置如果您对PPT模板中的字体风格不满意,可进行批量替换,一次性更改各页面字体。1.在“开始”选项卡中,点击“替换”按钮右侧箭头,选择“替换字体”。(如下图)2.在图“替换”下拉列表中选择要更改字体。(如下图)3.在“替换为”下拉列表中选择替换字体。4.点击“替换”按钮,完成。532、替、替换模板中的模板中的图片片模板中的图片展示页面,您可以根据需要替换这些图片,下面介绍两种替换方法。方法一:更改图片方法一:更改图片1.选中模版中的图片(有些图片与其他对象进行了组合,选择时一定要选中图片本身,而不是组合)。2.单击鼠标右键,选择“更改图片”,选择要替换的图片。(如下图)注意:注意:为防止替换图片发生变形,请使用与原图长宽比例相同的图片。53赠送精美图标



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