2022年新概念英语第二册第课 2

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1、Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to hi

2、m in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? As I soon learnt, he was English himself! New words an

3、d expressions 生词和短语amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的experience n. 经历 wave v. 招手 lift n. 搭便车reply v. 回答 language n. 语言 journey n. 旅行参考译文去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?”我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!1.

4、Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?speakspi:kv. (spokesp ? k; spoken?sp? k?n) 1. vi. (to sb.) (about sth./sb.) / (with sb.) (about sth./sb.) to talk to sb. about sth.; to have a conversation with sb. 谈;谈话;交谈e.g. 那件事我已经和经理谈过了。I ve spoken to the manager about it. 2. vi. of/about sth./sb. to mention or descr

5、ibe sth./sb.提起;讲述e.g. 说到旅游,你今年要去什么好玩的地方吗?Speaking of traveling, (=referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? 3. vt. (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be able to use a particular language 会说,会讲 (某种语言 ) e.g. Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?4. to us

6、e a particular language to express yourself 用(某种语言 )说话e.g. vn 他们讲的是什么语?What language is it they re speaking? v 我们用德语讲好吗?Would you prefer it if we spoke in German? 5. vi. usually+adv./prep. to make a speech to an audience 发言;演说;演讲e.g. 公开演讲to speak in public 威尔逊教授应邀就自己的研究成果发言。Professor Wilson was invi

7、ted to speak about the results of his research. 6. vn to say or state sth. 说;讲述e.g. 她讲的显然是实情。She was clearly speaking the truth. Phr. v 1. speak for sb. to state the views or wishes of a person or a group; to act as a representative ?repri?zent? tiv for sb.代(或代表 )某人讲话2. speak out (against sth.) to s

8、tate your opinions publicly, especially in opposition ? p ? z?n to sth. and in a way that takes courage 挺身 (反对某事物 );公开站出来 (反对 ):e.g. 只有他站出来反对那项决定。He was the only one to speak out against the decision. 3. speak up vi. usually used in orders to tell sb to speak more loudly大声点说:名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - -

9、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 1 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - e.g. 请大点声讲 - 我们在后面听不见。Please speak up-we can t hear you at the back. speaker n. 1. a person who gives a talk or makes a speech 发言者;演讲者2. a person who is or was speaking 说话者3. a person who speaks a particular languag

10、e 讲 (某种语言 )的人e.g. 以英语为母语的人native speakers of English 4. (the) Speaker the title of a person whose job is to control the discussions in a parliament( 议会的 )议长e.g. 英国下议院议长the Speaker of the House of Commons ?k?m ?n 5. 扬声器;喇叭2. I had an amusing experience last year. 去年我有过一次有趣的经历。1) amusing ?mju:zi? adj.

11、 funny and enjoyable 逗人笑的;有乐趣的;好笑的adv. amusingly e.g. 逗人笑的故事 /游戏an amusing story/game 她写的信十分有趣。She writes very amusing letters. amused ?mju:zd adj. (at/by sth) / (to see, find, learn, etc.) thinking that sb./sth. is funny, so that you smile or laugh 逗乐的;觉得好笑的:e.g. 我们都被他的故事逗笑了。We were all amused at h

12、is stories. 他看见她玩这个游戏十分认真的样子,觉得好笑。He was amused to see how seriously she took the game. IDM: keep sb. amused to give sb. interesting things to do, or to entertain them so that they do not become bored 使某人快乐;使某人消遣e.g. 嬉水可以使孩子们玩乐好几个小时。Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. amuse ?mju:z

13、 v. 1. often passive to make sb. laugh or smile 逗笑;逗乐e.g. vn 我的滑稽图画把孩子们逗乐了。My funny drawings amused the kids. 这个会逗你笑的。This will amuse you. vn to inf 想到就在这会儿他们大概正在谈论他,他不禁笑了起来。It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment. 2. vt. to make time pass pleasantly for

14、sb./yourself( 提供 )消遣; (使)娱乐:e.g. 我相信我能自娱自乐几个小时。I m sure I ll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. n. amusement n. 1. u the feeling that you have when sth. is funny or amusing, or it entertains you 可笑;愉悦;娱乐e.g. 使我感到好笑的是,他竟然打不开门。To my amusement he couldn t get the door open. 2. c, usually pl. a ga

15、me, an activity, etc. that provides entertainment and pleasure娱乐活动;游戏;消遣活动amusement park n. 游乐场;娱乐园2) experience iks?pi? ri ?ns n., v. n. 1. u the knowledge and skill that you have gained through doing sth. for a period of time; the process of gaining this( 由实践得来的) 经验;实践e.g. 有十多年教学经验to have over ten

16、 years teaching experience 你以前干过这种工作吗?Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? (previous adj. pri:vi?s only before noun 先前的;以往的) 我们都从经验中学习。We all learn by experience. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 2 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - 2. u th

17、e things that have happened to you that influence the way you think and behave经历;阅历e.g. 经过的事使我懂得生活可能是很不公平的。Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. 据我的经验看,真正理解这个问题的人很少。In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. 3. c (of sth) an event or activity that affects (影响 )

18、you in some way( 一次 )经历,体验:e.g. 使人激动的 /不寻常的 /难忘的经历an exciting/unusual/unforgettable experience 那是她第一次单独生活。It was her first experience of living alone. 我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。I had a bad experience with fireworks once. vt. 1. to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you 经历;经受;遭受e.g. 每个人在人生的某个阶段

19、都会经历这些问题。Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives. 2.to have and be aware of a particular emotion or physical feeling感受;体会;体验e.g. 感受痛苦 /愉快 /不幸to experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness 我上飞机时曾一度感到恐慌。I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. (panic p? nikn. u, c 1 恐慌

20、, 惊慌 , 慌乱 2. 人心惶惶的局面;惶恐不安vi. & vt. (使)惊慌,惊慌失措board n. 1.c, u 板;(尤指 )木板 2. c ( 公司或其他机构的)董事会, 委员会,理事会v. vt. & vi. 上船 (或火车、飞机、公共汽车等) experienced ?ksp ?ri: ?nst adj. 1. (in sth)having knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity有经验的;熟练的e.g. 经验丰富的教师an experienced teacher 他养动物很有经验。He s very experien

21、ced in looking after animals. 2. having knowledge as a result of doing sth. for a long time , or having had a lot of different experiences 有阅历的;有见识的;老练的e.g. 她很年轻,还不太老练。She s very young and not very experienced. experiential iks,pi ?rien ?l adj. (formal or technical 术语 ) based on or involving experie

22、nce 经验得来的;来自经验的;经验的e.g. 由经验得来的知识experiential knowledge 由经验得来的学习方法experiential learning methods 3. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. 在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。1) 表示一个大范围中的某一个地方时要用介词in: e.g. 北京位于中国的北部。Beijing is in the north of China. 2) 副词 on 紧跟在动词后

23、面时可以表示“向前”、 “继续下去”等意义:e.g. 他滔滔不绝地讲到大家都走了。He talked on until everybody had gone. 我朋友来看我时我正在看书。他走了以后我便继续看书。I was reading when my friend called. After he had gone, I went on to read. 4. On the way, a young man waved to me. 途中,一个青年人向我招手。wave v./n. v. 1. (at/to sb.) / sth. (at sb.) / sth. (about/around)

24、to move your hand or arm from side to side in the air in order to attract attention, as a greeting, etc. 挥手;招手;摆手;挥臂:e.g. v 公共汽车上的人挥手致意,我们也向他们挥手。The people on the bus waved and we waved back. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 3 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - -

25、 你为什么向他招手?Why did you wave at him? vn 摆动手臂to wave one s arms vnn, vn 我向母亲挥手告别时她哭了。My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye. My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her. 2.vnusually+adv./prep. to hold sth in your hand and move it from side to side挥舞,挥动 (手中之物 ) e.g. 人群挥舞着旗子欢呼。Crowds waved flags

26、and cheered. 3. v to move freely and gently, for example in the wind, while one end or side is held in position( 一端固定地 )飘扬,飘动,摇晃,起伏e.g. 旗子在微风中飘扬。The flag waved in the breeze. 4. v to curl slightly略呈波形;拳曲e.g. 他天生一头鬈发。His hair waves naturally. 5. vn to make sb s hair curl slightly 使略呈波形;烫(发) e.g. 她烫发了

27、。 She s had her hair waved. (curl k ?:l v., n. v. 1. 卷; (使)拳曲,鬈曲2. (使)成拳曲状n. 1.c, u ( 指头发 )拳曲 2. c 卷状物;螺旋状物curlyk ?:li adj. 有鬈发 (或毛 )的;拳曲状的 ) Phr.v. wave sth. aside/away to not accept sth. because you do not think it is necessary or important 对置之不理;不理会synonym:dismiss (dismiss dismis vt. 1. sb./sth.

28、(as sth.) 不予考虑;对不屑一提2. sb.(from sth.) 解雇;免职;开除) e.g. 我对这项计划的反对意见未被理会。My objections to the plan were waved aside. (objection ?bd ?ek?n n. (to sth./to doing sth.) / (that )反对的理由;反对;异议) wave sth./sb. down to signal to a vehicle or its driver to stop by waving your hand 对(汽车或司机)挥手示意停下;挥手叫停wave sb. off t

29、o wave goodbye to sb. as they are leaving 挥手送别n. 1. c 海浪;波浪;波涛e.g. 巨浪拍打着海岸。Huge waves were breaking on the shore.(break v. (波涛 )拍案 )2. c a sudden increase in a particular activity or feeling 汹涌的行动 (或思想 )态势;心潮;风潮e.g. 暴力的浪潮a wave of violence 犯罪潮a crime wave 一阵恐惧传遍他的全身。A wave of fear swept over him. (s

30、weep v. v+adv./prep. to suddenly affect sb. strongly 突然袭来 ) 3. c 挥臂;挥手;招手;摆手e.g. 公共汽车开走时他向我们挥了挥手。He gave us a wave as the bus drove dr ?v off. 4. c a large number of people or things suddenly moving or appearing somewhere涌现的人 (或事物 );涌动的人 (或物 ) e.g. 一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。Wave after wave of aircraft passed ove

31、rhead. (overhead , ?uv ?hed adv. 在头上方;在空中?uv ?hed adj. 头上方的;地面以上的;高架的overhead projector 投影仪 ) 5. c 波;波状运动e.g. 无线电波;声波radio/sound waves 6. c 拳曲;波浪形wavywe ?vi: adj. having curves; not straight 起伏不平的;波浪的;拳曲的e.g. 棕色鬈发brown wavy hair 5. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. 我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。名师资料总结 - - -精品

32、资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 4 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - 名词 lift 的含义之一是“(给步行者 )搭便车”、 “免费搭车” :e.g. 昨晚我不得不走回家。谁也不愿意让我搭车。Last night, I had to walk home. No one would give me a lift. 我今天运气好,离开村子不久就搭上了便车。I was lucky today. I got a lift soon after I had left the villa

33、ge. lift lift n., v. n. 1. (BrE)(AmE ride) c a free ride in a car, etc. to a place you want to get to免费搭车;搭便车e.g. 我用车顺便送你去车站。I ll give you a lift to the station. 2. (BrE)(AmE elevator eliveit?) c 电梯;升降机e.g. 在五层咱们乘电梯吧。It s on the fifth floor-Let s take the lift. 3. a movement in which sth. rises or i

34、s lifted up提;抬;举;上升;吊v. 1. sb./sth. (up) to raise sb./sth. or be raised to a higher position or level ( 被)提起,举起,抬高,吊起vn, usually+adv./prep. e.g. 他站在那里,胳臂举过了头顶。He stood there with his arms lifted above his head. 约翰从书本上抬起眼睛。John lifted his eyes(=looked up) from his book. v 她的眉毛竖了起来: “道歉?为什么?”Her eyebr

35、owsaibraulifted. “ Apologize? Why? ”2. vn, usually+adv./prep. to take hold of sb./sth.and move them/it to a different position移开;移动 e.g. 我把婴儿从椅子上抱起来。I lifted the baby out of the chair. 3. to become or make sb. more cheerful 高兴起来;使更愉快:e.g. v 他一看见她心里就高兴起来了。His heart lifted at the sight of her. vn 这消息使

36、我们群情振奋。The news lifted our spirits. 4. v to rise and disappear 消散;消失e.g. 雾开始散了。 The fog began to lift. 我的沮丧情绪开始逐渐消失。Gradually my depression(n. u, c 抑郁;沮丧;消沉 ) started to lift. 5. sth.(from sb./sth.) vn (informal) to steal sth. 偷盗;盗窃e.g. 他一直从他工作的商店里偷窃电器商品。He had been lifting electrical goods from the

37、 store where he worked. 6. vn to use sb s ideas or words without asking permission or without saying where they come from 剽窃;盗用;抄袭e.g. 大部分观点都是她从一直在看的一本书里抄来的。She lifted most of the ideas from a book she had been reading. IDM: not lift/raise a finger/hand (to do sth.) (informal)to do nothing to help s

38、b. 一点忙也不帮;油瓶倒了都不扶e.g. 孩子们从不帮着做家务。The children never lift a finger to help around the house. Phr.v. lift off (of a rocket or, less frequently, an aircraft 火箭,有时也指飞行器)to leave the ground and rise into the air 发射;起飞;升空6. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he re

39、plied in the same language. 他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。1) 表示时间的固定短语as soon as通常表示 “一就”,即两个动词之间相隔时间非常短:e.g. 你一遇见他就把这消息告诉他。Tell him the news as soon as you meet him. 2) 表示用某种语言作为交际手段时介词用in,表示讲某种语言时可以不加介词:e.g. 讲英语 /法语 speak English/French 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理

40、 - - - - - - - 第 5 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - 那本书是用德语写的。That book is written in German. 他用英语回答了这个问题。He replied the question in English. 3) reply v. (replied, replied) (to sb / sth) (with sth) to say or write sth as an answer to sb./sth.回答,答复e.g. (1)他从来没给我回过信。He never replied to any of my letters. (2

41、) 她只是报以微笑。She just replied with a smile. n. c, u 回答,回复7. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. 除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。apart from (also aside from esp. in AmE) prep. 1.except for 除了外 (都);要不是:e.g. 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。I ve finished apart from the last question. 2. in addition to; as well as 除了外

42、 (还);此外;加之:e.g. 你得帮忙。别的不说,你总归是我兄弟。You ve got to help. Apart from anything else you re my brother. 当时是困难时期。别的一切都不说,我们财政上也有问题。It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial fain?n ?l problems. apart?p :t adv. 1.separated by a distance, of space or time(指空间或时间)相隔,相距e.g. 两座房子相距500

43、 米。 The two houses stood 500 metres apart. 他们的生日仅隔三日。Their birthdays are only three days apart. 2.not together; separate sep ?reit or separately 不在一起;分离;分开e.g. 我们现在不住在一起。We re living apart now. 她与其他人保持距离。She keeps herself apart from other people. 我分不出这一对双胞胎中谁是谁。I can t tell the twins apart.(=see the

44、 difference between them) 3. into pieces 成碎片e.g. 这整件东西偏偏在我手里破裂了。The whole thing just came apart in my hands. 他在妻子去世后万念俱灰。When his wife died, his world fell apart. 4. used to say that sb./sth. is not included in what you are talking about(指所说的不包括在内)除外 e.g. 除了玛丽,看来他们中谁也不适合这个工作。Mary apart, not one of t

45、hem seems suitable for the job. 8. Neither of us spoke during the journey. 旅途中我们谁也没讲话。1) neither det., pron., adv. det., pron. not one nor the other of two things or people 两者都不:e.g. 两个答案都不对。Neither answer is correct. 他们两个都没有汽车。Neither of them has/have a car. -“你喜欢那一个?”“ Which do you like? ”-“两个都不喜欢

46、。我觉得两个都很难看。” “ Neither. I think they re both ugly.”adv. 1.used to show that a negative statement is also true of sb./sth. else ( 否定的陈述同样适用其他人或物 )也不:e.g. 他没记住,我也忘了。He didn t remember and neither did I. 我以前没有去过纽约,简也没去过。 I hadn t been to New York before and neither had Jane. -“我一个字都弄不懂。 ” “ I can t und

47、erstand a word of it. ”名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 6 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - - “我也是。” “ Neither can I.”2.(neithernor) used to show that a negative statement is true of two things(否定的陈述适用于两方面 )既不也不:e.g. 我既不知道也不关心他出了什么事。I neither knew nor cared wh

48、at had happened to him. 他们的房子不大也不小。Their house is neither big nor small. neither/either neither 和 either 后用单数动词:e.g. 申请这个工作的两个候选人都未被选上。Neither candidate was selected for the job. neither of 和 either of 后接复数名词或代词加单数或复数动词,用复数动词较非正式:e.g. 我的父母都不会说外语。Neither of my parents speaks/speak a foreign language.

49、 neithernor 或 eitheror 与两个单数名词连用时,谓语动词可用单数或复数,用复数动词较非正式。2) journey d ?:nin., / v. n. an act of traveling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart (尤指长途 )旅行;行程:e.g. 他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的长途旅行。They went on a long train journey across India. 开车的话要走一天。It s a day s journey by car. v. v, usua

50、lly + adv./prep. (formal or literal) to travel, especially a long distance (尤指长途 )旅行:e.g. 他们作了长达七个月的旅行。They journeyed for seven long months. journey / travel / trip / excursion / tour / voyage (1) journey an act of traveling from one place to another, especially when they are far apart意为从一地到另一地的旅行,在

51、英国英语中可指长途或短途的常规旅行:e.g. 作行程 6000 英里的旅行to go on a 6000-mile journey 你上班的路有多远?How long is your journey to work? (2) trip a journey to a place and back, esp. for a short visit 意为往返某地,尤指短途旅行:e.g. 去迪士尼乐园游玩to go on a trip to Disneyland 出差 a business trip 在美国英语中,短途旅行用trip ,不用 journey:e.g. 全程 45 分钟左右。 The tr

52、ip takes about 45 minutes. (3) travel u the act or activity of travelling 为不可数名词,泛指旅行、游历:e.g. 她喜欢旅行。 She loves travel. travels pl. ( 复数 ) time spent traveling, esp. in foreign countries and for pleasure意为出国或到其他地区旅游,尤指远途的。travel (verb.) to travel 强调旅行本身:e.g. 出国旅行to travel abroad 我常坐飞机旅行。I usually tra

53、vel by air. 强调要去的地方而非旅行本身用to go: e.g. 我星期五要去意大利。I m going to Italy on Friday. 你常去纽约吗?Do you go to New York often? (4) excursioniksk ?:?n n. 1. a short journey made for pleasure, esp. one that has been organized for a group of people ( 尤指集体 )远足,短途旅行e.g. 他们到约克旅游去了。They have gone on an excursion to Yor

54、k. 2. into sth. (formal) a short period of trying a new or different activity (短期的 )涉足,涉猎(5) tourtu ? n. (of/around/round sth.) a journey made for pleasure during which several different towns, 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 7 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - -

55、 - countries, etc. are visited.旅行;旅游e.g. 徒步 /观光旅行a walking/sightseeing tour 乘火车周游法国北部a train tour of/around Northern France (6) voyagev ?iid ? n., v. n. (esp. written) a long journey, esp. by sea or in space 航行; (尤指 ) 航海,航天e.g. 环球航行an around-the-world voyage 航天a voyage in space 9. I had nearly reach

56、ed the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, Do you speak English? 就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?”reach v., n. v. 1. vt. to arrive at the place that you have been traveling to 到达;抵达:e.g. 他们天黑以后才到达边境。They didn t reach the border until after dark. 我希望你能收到这封信。I hope this letter reaches

57、 you. 2. vt. to increase to a particular level, speed, etc. over a period of time增加到,提升到 (某一水平、速度等 ) e.g. 白天的气温可以达到40 摄氏度。 Daytime(n. u 白天 )temperatures can reach 40 . ( centigrade sentigreid n. u 摄氏度Fahrenheit f? r?n,ha ?t n. u 华氏度 ) 3. vt. to achieve a particular aim 实现;达到synonym: arrive at e.g. 得

58、出结论;作出决定;to reach a conclusion/decision 达成一致 to reach an agreement 4. +adv./prep. to stretch your hand towards sth. in order to touch it, pick it up, etc.伸;伸手e.g. v 她把手伸到包里掏钢笔。She reached inside her bag for a pen. vn 她伸出手去碰她。She reached out his hand to touch her. 5. vi. & vt.to be able to stretch yo

59、ur hand far enough in order to touch sth., pick sth. up, etc.能伸到;够得着:e.g. v “抓住绳子头。 ” “ Grab the end of the rope.”(grab gr?b v. (-bb-) 抓住;攫取 )-“我够不着! ” “ I can t reach that far!”vn 从你坐的地方够得着灯的开关吗?Can you reach the light switch from where you re sitting ?6. sth.(down) for sb./sb.(down) sth.to stretch

60、 your hand out or up in order to get sth for sb. 伸手取 (物);传递:e.g. vn, vnn 你帮我把那个盒子拿下来好吗?Can you reach that box down for me? / Can you reach me down that box? 7. vt. to communicate with sb. esp. by telephone( 尤指用电话 )联系,与取得联系e.g. 你知道我在哪儿能跟他联系上吗?Do you know where I can reach him? IDM: reach for the star

61、s to try to be successful at sth. that is difficult有九天揽月之志;努力完成壮举Phr.v. reach out to sb. to show sb. that you are interested in them and /or want to help them表示对某人感兴趣;表示愿意提供援助:e.g. 教会需要寻找新途径来为年轻人提供帮助。The church needs to find new ways of reaching out to young people. n. 1. sing., u 手臂展开的长度;臂展e.g. 刀子应

62、该放在孩子们够不到的地方。Knives should be kept out of the reach of children. 2. sing., u the limit to which sb./sth. has the power or influence to do sth. 波及范围;影响范围名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 8 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - e.g. 这样的事情不受法律的保护。Such matters are beyo

63、nd the reach of the law. 胜利现在对于她来说遥不可及。Victory is now out of her reach. 3. c, usually pl. a straight section of water between two bends on a river河段;直水道e.g. 尼罗河上游 /下游the upper/lower reaches of the Nile (=the part that is furthest from/nearest to the sea) (upper ?p? adj. only before noun 1. 上部的;靠上部的2

64、. 上边的,上面的,上层的3. 内陆的;高地的;向北部的lower l ?u? adj. only before noun 1. 下面的;下方的2. 在底部的;近底部的3. 朝海岸的;低洼的;向南的) 4. (reaches)pl. the outer, further, etc. of sth. the parts of an area or a place that are a long way from the centre 边缘地带;边远地区e.g. 外层太空the outer reaches of space (outer adj. only before noun 1. 外表的;外

65、边的2. 远离中心的;外围的)这块大陆的东部边远地区the eastern reaches of the continent k ?ntin ?nt IDM: within (easy) reach (of sth.) close to sth. 很接近;靠近e.g. 这房子距离学校和体育设施都很近。The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities. (facility f ?siliti n. (facilities) pl. 设施;设备) reachableri:t ?bl adj. not before nou

66、n that is possible to reach 可及;可到达;够得到e.g. 那个农场只能开车去。The farm is only reachable by car. 10. As I soon learnt, he was English himself! 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!1) as为连词,意为“正如;如同:”引导非限定性定语从句,正如我很快了解到的。2) learnl?:n v. (learnt, learnt) or (learned, learned)1. (sth) (from sb./sth.) to gain knowledge or skill by

67、studying, from experience, from being taught, etc. 学;学习;学到;学会:e.g. vn 学一种语言 /技能to learn a language/a skill 我从父亲那里学到了许多东西。I learned a lot from my father. v 这本书是有关小孩怎样学习的。The book is about how children learn. 他在学跳舞。He s learning to dance. 他仍在学怎样跳舞。He s still learning how to dance. 2. (of/about) sth. t

68、o become aware of sth. by hearing about it from sb. else 听到;得知;获悉:e.g. v 我从一位好友那里听说她到了。I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. vn 他们听到这个消息有什么反应?How did they react when they learned the news? 3. vn to study and repeat sth. in order to be able to remember it 记住;背熟;熟记synonym: memorize e.g. 我们明天上学得

69、背诵一段哈姆雷特的台词。We have to learn one of Hamlet s speeches for school tomorrow. 4. (from sth.) to gradually change your attitudes about sth. so that you behave in a different way认识到;意识到;(从 )吸取教训e.g. v 我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训。I m sure she ll learn from her mistakes. v to inf 我很快就意识到不能问太多的问题。I soon learned not to as

70、k too many questions. IDM: learn your lesson to learn what to do or not to do in the future because you have had a bad experience in the past 吸取教训Grammar in use 过去完成时 (The simple past perfect tense) 过去完成时由had+过去分词 构成,它表示过去某时或某动作发生之前已经完成的动作或情名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师

71、精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 9 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - 况, 即 “较早的过去” 。 在用过去完成时态的句子中,常用的连词有when, after, as soon as, until, by that time 等:e.g. 当我早上醒来时,她已经吃过早饭了。When I woke up in the morning, she had already had her breakfast. 当艾莉森船长和我们大家都道了别之后,他就启程了。After he had said goodbye to us all, Captain Alison start

72、ed his journey. 你真的给警方打电话了?Did you really ring the police? 我犯了个错误。刚给他们打完电话我就意识到了。It was a mistake. I realized it as soon as I had rung them. 直到你告诉我时我才知道她是位名演员。I didn t know that she was a famous actress ? ktris until you had told me. 常与现在完成时连用的副词如already, just, never, never before 也常与过去完成时连用,以强调事件发生

73、的先后次序:e.g. 男孩们喜欢动物园,以前他们从没见过野兽。The boys loved the zoo. They had never seen wild animals before. 在有些用过去完成时的句子中没有明确的时间状语,但通过上下文可以看出动作发生的先后:e.g. -他为什么这么高兴?Why was he so pleased? -(因为 )我把他的自行车修好了。I had repaired his bicycle. -( 当时 )你为什么开不了门?Why couldn t you open the door? -( 因为 )我没带钥匙。 I hadn t taken the

74、 key. Word study 1.ask 与 ask for ask 最常用的意思是“问” 、 “询问”:e.g. 我(向玛丽 )问了一个问题。I asked (Mary) a question. 它也可以表达“请求” 、 “要求”或“邀请”等意思:e.g. 他们请托尼唱支歌。They asked Tony to sing a song. 他们邀请她一起度周末。They asked her to spend the weekend with them. ask for 表示“要”、 “要求”:e.g. 你总是要人帮忙。You are always asking for help. 我要的是

75、一杯咖啡,但他们却给了我一杯茶。I asked for a cup of coffee, but they gave me a cup of tea. 2. except, except for 与 apart from 三者都表示“除以外”,有时可以互相代替使用:e.g. 每个人都帮了点忙,只有你没有。Everyone has helped in some way apart from/except for/except you. 除了这些书以外我再没有其他书了。I have no other books except/except for these. 但是 except 不用于句首,ex

76、cept for/apart from 则可以:e.g. 除了你, 每个人都帮了点忙。Apart from/Except for you, everyone has helped in some way. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 10 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - - 3.短语 which of, either of, neither of与 both of 这些短语都可用于指两个人或两件事。(1)(2) 当询问在两个或更多的人或事物中偏爱

77、哪一个或选择哪一个时,可用which: e.g. 这两个包我都喜欢。你喜欢那一个?I like both of these bags. Which of the two do you prefer? (2) either 与 neither 都是对两个人或物而言(后接单数名词 )。either 指 one or the other( 不是这个就是那个 ),either 和 neither 后跟 of 时则指两个事物中的每一个:(either aie ? i:e ? det., pron.1.(两者中的 )任何一个2. (两者中的 )每个,各方adv. 1. (用于否定词组后)也e.g. 玛丽不

78、能去,我也不能。Mary can t go and I can t either. 2. (补充时说 )而且 e.g. 我知道一家很好的意大利餐馆,而且离这儿不远。I know a good Italian restaurant. It s not far from here, either. 3. (either or)(对两事物的选择 )要么要么,不是就是,或者或者) e.g. 我用哪个包? Which bag shall I use? 哪个都行。用哪个都没关系。Either of them. It doesn t matter which. 哪个都不行。用个手提箱吧。Neither of

79、 them. Use a suitcase. (3)both 只指两个人或物。当它用在名词前时,of 可有可无:e.g. 两本书都很有趣。Both books/Both of the books are interesting. 当 both 用在代词前面时,其后必须加of: e.g. 我们俩 /他们俩都走得很早。Both of us/them left early. 我爱你们俩。I love both of you. 名师资料总结 - - -精品资料欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 名师精心整理 - - - - - - - 第 11 页,共 11 页 - - - - - - - - -



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