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1、计算机算机专业英英语计算机算机专业英英语计算机专业英语课程内容计算机专业英语课程内容1 Unit 1 Introduction to Computers2 Unit 2 Computer Hardware3 Unit 3 Operation Systems4 Unit 4 Application Software5 Unit 5 Programming Language6 Unit 6 Data Structure7 Unit 7 Internet8 Unit 8 Multimedia计算机算机专业英英语单元内容安排单元内容安排 情景对话情景对话 文章两篇文章两篇(精讲)(精讲) 技能拓展技能

2、拓展 扩展阅读扩展阅读计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Instruction to ComputersSection1 Situational Dialog Computer FestivalSection 2 PassagesnPassage A. Evolution of ComputersnPassage B. Computers and Our LifeSection 3 Skill in FocusnReading Skills: Characteristics of Computer English TextSection 4 Extended ReadingnGetting M

3、ore Comfortable with Computers nPart I of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve JobsnPart II of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve JobsnTips: A Desktop, Netbook, or Laptop?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Instruction to ComputersComputer Festival1、你们学校有计算机协会吗?如果有,会开展哪些和计、你们学校有计算机协会吗?如果有,会开展哪些和计

4、算机相关的社团活动?算机相关的社团活动?2、如果由你是计算机协会会长,负责组织一次大学生电、如果由你是计算机协会会长,负责组织一次大学生电脑节,你将如何规划?脑节,你将如何规划?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 1 Zhang Ning and Li Bin are student leaders from the Computer Society of Chuzhou Vocational College. They are discussing the coming College Computer Festival. Zhang Ning: The slogan for

5、this years Computer Festival has been decided at the meeting. We agreed on “Im Crazy about Computers”. Discussions about the planning are drawing to a close. Have you got any further suggestions?Li Bin: Well, we can do more voluntary work. I mean the computer festival is not just to promote computer

6、s and peripheral digital products of our sponsors. We can also set up an inquiry desk to promote computer knowledge and help solve problems for our schoolmates.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 1Zhang Ning: I totally agree with you. We may even establish a voluntary team for computer service to help them in

7、their dorms.Li Bin: Good idea! There are still problems with the sites for our Webpage Design Contest, Computer Assembly and Maintenance Contest and Computer Quiz. We should settle these quickly so as to begin publicizing our computer festival. Zhang Ning: All right. Lets consult Miss Yang for site

8、arrangement after class this afternoon, and maybe show her our complete planning book. Is 4 oclock alright for you?Li Bin: Sure! Ill be here at 4 oclock. See you then.Zhang Ning: See you!计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Instruction to Computers1、什么是计算机?、什么是计算机?2、计算机的发展史是怎样的?、计算机的发展史是怎样的?3、计算机是如何分类的?、计算机是如何分类的?计算机算机

9、专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage Aprocessing speedworkstationsupercomputermainframeCPUmicro computeranalytical enginevacuum tubeENIACIBMmachine languageprimary memoryassembly languageoperating systeminterfacetransistormemorycompatibilityspreadsheetVLSIPCmicroprocessor计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage

10、AThe term Computer originally meant a person capable of performing numerical calculations with the help of a mechanical computing device. Its history may date back about 2000 years ago, at the birth of the abacus, a device, usually of wood (plastic, in recent times), having a frame that holds rods w

11、ith freelysliding beads mounted on them. When these beads are moved around, according to programming rules memorized by the user, all regular arithmetic problems can be done. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnComputers can be categorized according to their processing speed

12、and power into the following types: 1.Supercomputers2.Minisupercomputers3.Mainframe Computers4.Workstation Computers5.Minicomputers6.Micro Computers计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnSupercomputersnThe fastest, most powerful, and most expensive computers used for application

13、s that require complex and sophisticated mathematical calculations. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnMinisupercomputersnAbout a quarter to a half as fast in vector processing as the most powerful supercomputers. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnM

14、ainframe ComputersnLarge, expensive, but powerful computers that can handle hundreds or thousands of connected users at the same time. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnWorkstation Computers nComputers with more computing capacity in its CPU than a typical personal computer

15、. Typical users of workstations include architects, engineers, and graphics designers, since the processors can handle the huge amounts of data associated with graphic files. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnMinicomputers nMidsized computers, usually fitting within a singl

16、e cabinet about the size of a refrigerator, having less memory than a mainframe. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ACategories of ComputersnMicro Computer nAlso called personal computers, computers that can perform all of its input, process, output, and storage activities by itself. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit

17、1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnModern development in computers was started in Cambridge, England, by Charles Babbage, a mathematics professor. nHe began to design an automatic mechanical calculating machine called a difference engine, but in 1833 he lost interest because he thought he

18、 had a better idea the construction of a fully programcontrolled, automatic mechanical digital computer. Babbage called this idea an Analytical Engine. nThe ideas of this design showed a lot of foresight, although this couldnt be appreciated until a full century later. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Pas

19、sage ADevelopment of Computers1.The first generation2.The second generation3.The third generation4.The fourth generation计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe first generationnThe First Generation of computers is generally considered to include machines built between 1946 a

20、nd 1959, of which the ENIAC (the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the prototype. ENIAC was built by two professors at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. nIt included 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighed more than 30 tons, occupied 15,000 square feet of floor space, and consumed about 1

21、80,000 watts of electrical power. The ENIAC could perform 5,000 additions or 500 multiplications per minute. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe first generationnIn the early 1950s, the first massproduced machines became available. The IBM 650, introduced in 1954, was th

22、e first commercially successful computer.nThe first generation of computers was characterized by the use of vacuum tubes and regenerative capacitor memories. These expensive and bulky computers used machine language for computing and could solve just one problem at a time. They did not support multi

23、tasking. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe second generation nThe second generation computers employed a new technological innovation: the transistor. In 1956, transistors were first used in the building of computers.nIn the 1960s, transistorbased computers replaced va

24、cuum tubes. Transistors had numerous advantages over vacuum tubes: they were smaller, cheaper, and gave off less heat.n The second generation computers used magnetic cores as their primary memory. They used punched cards for input and assembly language. These computers gave users a significant incre

25、ase in available memory (about 20x). Calculation speeds also increased. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe second generation nIBM dominated the market of the second generation. Two of IBMs product lines were especially successful: the large 7000series, and the small 140

26、0series. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe third generation nOn April 7, 1964 IBM released its System/360 line of computers. The System/360 release marked the beginning of the third generation of computers. nThe System/360 computers used integrated circuits rather than

27、 individual transistors. This increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Operating systems were the human interface to computing operations and keyboards and monitors became the inputoutput devices. Magnetic core memory was replaced with semiconductor memories. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passa

28、ge ADevelopment of ComputersnThe third generation nThe notion of upward compatibility was introduced during the third generation. (This means that applications made for a given computer/system will work with the next model, just like an Excel 97 spreadsheet will work with Excel 2000.) Sophisticated

29、operating systems were introduced, giving used unprecedented control over the computer. nIBMs System/360 and System/370 dominated the third generation computer market through the 1970s . 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe fourth generation nChanges after the IBM System/

30、360 were evolutionary, building on existing technology rather than completely replacing existing technology. nIntroduction of microprocessors (thousands of integrated circuits placed onto a silicon chip) was the hallmark of fourth generation computers. nIn the 1980s, very large scale integration (VL

31、SI), in which hundreds of thousands of transistors were placed on a single chip, became more and more common. nMany companies, some new to the computer field, introduced in the 1970s programmable minicomputers supplied with software packages. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of Comput

32、ersnThe fourth generation nThe “shrinking” trend continued with the introduction of personal computers (PCs), which are programmable machines small enough and inexpensive enough to be purchased and used by individuals. nOne significant innovation of the fourth generation is the placement of multiple

33、 processors on a single machine. Other significant innovations include communications between terminals and computers, and communications over extended networks.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage ADevelopment of ComputersnThe computer field continues to experience huge growth. Advances in technologi

34、es continue to produce cheaper and more powerful computers offering the promise that in the near future, computers or terminals will reside in most, if not all homes, offices, and schools. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises In1. Introduction of _ was the hallmark of fourth generation comp

35、uters.nA. IC chipsnB. semiconductorsnC. microprocessorsnD. transistorsC计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises In2. Charles Babbage began to design an automatic mechanical calculating machine called _ in 1833.nA. a difference enginenB. the ENIACnC. an Analytical EnginenD. a microprocessorA计算机算

36、机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises In3. The second generation computers used _ as their primary memory.nA. magnetic coresnB. semiconductor memoriesnC. integrated circuitsnD. regenerative capacitor memoriesA计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises In4. The _ generation computers used punc

37、hed cards for input and assembly language.nA. firstnB. secondnC. thirdnD. fourthB计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. Algorithmic Language2. Basis of Software Technique3. Communication Fundamentals4. Computer Interface Technology5. Computer Architecture6. Digital Signal Processing7. E

38、xperiment of Microcomputer8. Digital Image Processing9. Microcomputer Control Technology10. Software Engineering ( ) a. 计算机接口技术( ) b. 数字信号处理( ) c. 软件工程( ) d. 计算机系统结构( ) e. 软件技术基础( ) f. 算法语言( ) g. 微机控制技术( ) h. 通信原理( ) i. 数字图像处理( ) j. 微机实验 23489156710计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage AExercises III n

39、assemblyncomputingncomputernintroductionnprogrammingndevelopment The age of computers saw its biggest change ever in 1953 with the 1._ of International Business Machines known today as IBM. The company has always been a key player in the development of new systems. This was the first real competitio

40、n to be seen in the world of 2._ and helped to encourage faster 3._ of better computers. The first contribution of IBM was the IBM 701 EDPM Computer. A year after this the first high level programming language was brought to the centre stage. This was a 4._ language that had not been written in “5._

41、” or binary languages and was called FORTRAN which was written to enable more people to be able to program computers. In the year 1955 Bank of America, Stanford Research Institute and General Electric joined hands to introduce the very first _ for use in banks. introductioncomputingdevelopmentprogra

42、mmingassemblycomputer计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Instruction to Computers1、计算机给你的生活带来哪些变化?、计算机给你的生活带来哪些变化?2、你觉得计算机未来的发展方向是什么?、你觉得计算机未来的发展方向是什么?3、你觉得计算机带来的负面因素有哪些?、你觉得计算机带来的负面因素有哪些?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage BComputer Eraaccessbar graphpie chartanimated graphicvisuallearning by doingzebra-striped bar co

43、deStock control systemPOStransactioncomputerizedDNAdatabaseair control traffic systemdeal withInternetcredit carddebit cardsecurityExpert Systemsimulate environmentcosteffective mannerWorld Wide Webemailteleconferencevoice messagePurchasing on the InternetComputer Age计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passa

44、ge BThe Computer Era glows before us with the promise of new and improved ways of thinking, living and working. The amount of information in the world is said to be doubling every six to seven years. The only way to keep up with these increased amounts of data and information is to understand how co

45、mputers work and the ability to control them for a particular purpose.The computer has literally revolutionized the way one person does his job or an organization operates their businesses. For this reason and many more, computers are considered more than just an essential piece of fancy equipment.

46、Whether or not people know anything about it, they invoke computers in almost every aspect of their lives. Today, millions of people are purchasing fully functional personal computers for individual reasons, to keep track of bank accounts, communicate with friends and associates, access knowledge, p

47、urchase goods and many other countless tasks. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B1. Businesses2. Buildings3. Education4. Retailing5. Law Enforcement6. Transportation7. Money8. Health and Medicine9. Scientific Research10. Communication with the WorldComputers are very productive, efficient and make

48、our personal and professional lives more rewarding. These “magical” machines can do just about anything imaginable, moreover they really excel in certain areas. Below are some of the principal applications of the computer systems: 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B1. Businesses.nBusinessmen make b

49、ar graphs and pie charts from tedious figures to convey information with far more impact than numbers alone can convey.n Furthermore, computers help businesses to predict their future sales, profits, costs etc. making companies more accurate in their accounts. nComputers may also play a vital role i

50、n aiding thousands of organizations to make judgmental and hardprovoking decisions concerning financial problems and prospective trends. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B2. Buildings. nArchitects use computer animated graphics to experiment with possible exteriors and to give clients a visual wal

51、kthrough of their proposed buildings. nThe computers provide architects a numerous number of facilities to create different buildings with greater accuracy, better designing and editing tools, and work done at the fastest speed possible. Finally, a new kind of artist has emerged, one who uses comput

52、ers to express his or her creativity. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B3. Education. nMost good schools in the world have computers available for use in the classroom. nIt has been proved that learning with computers is more successful, for this enhances the knowledge of the student at a much fas

53、ter pace than the old traditional methods. nLikewise, colleges and various universities have extended the use of computers as many educators prefer the “learning by doing” method an approach uniquely suited to the computer.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B4. Retailing. nProducts from meats to mag

54、azines are packed with zebrastriped bar codes that can be read by the computer scanners at supermarket checkout stands to determine prices and help manage inventory. nThus, a detailed receipt of the groceries can be made, which is useful for both the customer and the retail store, especially for the

55、 stock control system. nThis is referred to as POS (Point of Sale) transaction where a precise account of all the stocks available is recorded and manipulated. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B5. Law Enforcement. nRecent innovations in computerized law enforcement include national fingerprint fil

56、es, a national file on the mode of operation of serial killers, and computer modeling of DNA, which can be used to match traces from an alleged criminals body, such as blood at a crime scene. nIn addition, computers also contain a complete database of all the names, pictures and information of such

57、people who choose to break the law.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B6. Transportation. nComputers are used in cars to monitor fluid levels, temperatures and electrical systems.n Computers are also used to help run rapid transit systems, load containerships and track railroads cars across the coun

58、try. nAn important part is the air control traffic systems, where computers are used to control the flow of traffic between airplanes which needs a lot of precision and accuracy to be dealt with.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B7. Money. nComputers speed up record keeping and allow banks to offer

59、 sameday services and even doityourself banking over the phone and internet. nComputers have helped fuel the cashless economy, enabling the widespread use of credit cards, debit cards and instantaneous credit checks by banks and retailers. nThere is also a level of greater security when computers ar

60、e involved in money transactions as there is a better chance of detecting forged cheques and using credit/debit cards illegally etc. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B8. Health and Medicine. nComputers are helping immensely to monitor the extremely ill in the intensive care unit and provide crosss

61、ectional views of the body. This eliminates the need for hired nurses to watch the patient twentyfour hours a day, which is greatly tiring and error prone. nDoctors use computers to assist them in diagnosing certain diseases of the sort. This type of computer is called the Expert System, which is ba

62、sically a collection of accumulated expertise in a specific area of field.n Computers are now able to map, in exquisite detail, the structure of the human cold virus the first step towards the common cold. nFurthermore, computers are used greatly in managing patients, doctors, wards and medicine rec

63、ords, as well as deal with making appointments, scheduling surgeries and other likes. . 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B9. Scientific Research. nThis is very important for mankind and with the development of computers; scientific research has propelled towards the better a great deal. nBecause o

64、f highspeed characteristics of computer systems, researchers can simulate environments, emulate physical characteristics and allow scientists to proof of their theories in a costeffective manner. nAlso many test lab animals are spared since computers have taken over their roles in extensive research

65、. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage B10. Communication with the World. nThe computers are most popular for their uses to connect with others on the World Wide Web.nTherefore, communication between two or more parties is possible which is relatively cheap considering the old fashioned methods. nEmai

66、ling, teleconferencing and the use of voice messages are very fast, effective and surprisingly cheaper as well. nWhen connected to the Internet, people can gain various amounts of knowledge, and know about world events as they occur. nPurchasing on the Internet is also becoming very popular, and has

67、 numerous advantages over the traditional shopping methods.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage BThere are so many applications of computers that it is impractical to mention all of them. Computers are all around us and we interact with them in our daily lives. This is the Computer Age and these machi

68、nes are sure to affect our lives in more and more ways. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) The amount of information in the world is doubling each year.n2. ( ) Computers are considered just a piece of fancy equipment.n3. ( ) Computers can help businesses to predict their future s

69、ales, profits, and costs.n4. ( ) It has been proved that learning with computers is more successful.n5. ( ) Expert System can be used to match traces from an alleged criminals body.n6. ( ) The traditional shopping method has numerous advantages over purchasing over purchasing on the Internet.FFTTFF计

70、算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n1. Businessmen make _ from tedious figures to convey information with far more impact than numbers alone can convey.n2. The computers help architects create different buildings with greater _, better _, and work done at _.n3. Products are packed with

71、bar codes that can be read by _ at supermarket checkout stands to determine prices and help manage inventory.n4. The computer doctors use to assist them in diagnosing certain diseases is called _.bar graphsdesigning and editing toolsgreater accuracythe fastest speed possiblethe computer scannersthe

72、Expert System计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n5. Because of highspeed characteristics of computer systems, researchers can _ and allow scientists proof of their theories in a costeffective manner.n6. The computes are most popular for their uses to connect with others on _.n7. _ is a

73、lso becoming very popular, and has numerous advantages over the traditional shopping methods.n8. Computers are used to control the flow of traffic between airplanes which needs a lot of _ to be dealt with. simulate environments, emulate physical characteristics Purchasing on the Internetthe World Wi

74、de Webprecision and accuracy计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 3Computer English Reading, Part 1n计算机英语的文体特点计算机英语的文体特点 n一专用科技文体n语义结构显性化n非人称化n名词化n程式化n二普通科技文体n明喻n暗喻n拟人n借代 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 1 Section 4Getting More Comfortable with Computers nRule 1. Save It nRule 2. Help nRule 3. Practice Part I、II of Commencement S

75、peech at Stanford Given by Steve Job nThe first story is about connecting the dots. nMy second story is about love and loss. Tips for common PC problems: nA Desktop, Netbook, or Laptop? Unit 7 Internet计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 InternetSection1 Situational DialognInternet ShoppingSection

76、2 PassagesnPassage A. A Brief Introduction to the InternetnPassage B. Regulating the InternetSection 3 Skill in FocusnWriting Skills Part 2: IT Project ProposalsSection 4 Extended ReadingnSafe Shopping on EBay nNew Safari Browser Succeeds At SpeednRATsnTips: Stop Unauthorized Access of Your Network计

77、算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 InternetInternet Shopping 1、你网购过吗?谈谈你的网购经历(或者别人的)。、你网购过吗?谈谈你的网购经历(或者别人的)。2、国内比较知名的购物网站有哪些?、国内比较知名的购物网站有哪些?3、你觉得在网络购物时应注意哪些问题?、你觉得在网络购物时应注意哪些问题?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 1 Zhang Ling and Li Jie are talking about shopping online. Zhang Ling: You look excited. Whats going on?Li Jie: Look

78、, Ive got the book Ive long expected but couldnt find in any bookstore nearby.Zhang Ling: I havent seen you go shopping. How did you buy it?Li Jie: I got from Taobao.Zhang Ling: You mean you do onlineshopping?Li Jie: Yes. It saves lots of time and money, really convenient. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 1

79、Zhang Ling: How do you do that? Ive never tried before.Li Jie: Well, its quite simple. Just search the items you want, compare their quality and price, and communicate with the seller if you have any questions. You can pay for your goods online and wait for them to be delivered to your house.Zhang L

80、ing: But dont you worry about the security of your account number when you pay online? Weve heard a lot of reports about credit card fraud on the Internet.Li Jie: I know its not easy to hand over the credit card number when you know nothing about the other end of the transaction, but online payment

81、will be safer if you use a thirdparty payment service.Zhang Ling: What is a thirdparty payment service?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 1Li Jie: A thirdparty payment service enables you to transfer money into an online account and make payment from that account. Only when you confirm receipt of your goods w

82、ill it transfer the money into the sellers account Thus youll never expose your real credit card or bank account information.Zhang Ling: Sounds a better choice. What are the thirdparty payment services available?Li Jie: We can use AliPay on Taobao, like the most popular PayPal owned by eBay in the U

83、S. Capitel Easy is used by Joyo, and still others such as 99bill, TenPay, YeePay, ChinaPay, HaoPay, etc.Zhang Ling: I see. Is there anything we should pay attention to while using them?Li Jie: Yes, you should attend to some details when choosing the service.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 1Zhang Ling: What

84、 are they, then?Li Jie: You should read the privacy policy and check for approval from authoritative organizations. Dont respond to email messages from any third party asking you to confirm account details, for they might be an identity theft scam, such as phishing.Zhang Ling: How can I confirm my a

85、ccount details safely?Li Jie: I suggest visiting the Website with your personal bookmark or by typing the URL of the payment service directly into the browser if you really need to confirm the information.Zhang Ling: OK. Maybe Ill try Internet shopping some other day. Thank you for your introduction

86、.Li Jie: Youre welcome. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Internet1、你平常上网主要做哪些事情?、你平常上网主要做哪些事情?2、你了解互联网的发展史吗?、你了解互联网的发展史吗?3、互联网除了给人们生活带来便利之外有、互联网除了给人们生活带来便利之外有哪些弊端?哪些弊端?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AARPAnetNSFwwwURLNewsgroupWANTCP/IPSMTPPOPNNTPSignatureencryptionLANFTPsearch engineC/Sweb pagewebsitehackerconfi

87、dential data计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AThe Internet, originally the ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network), began as a military computer network in 1969. Other government agencies and universities created internal networks based on the ARPAnet model. The catalyst for the Intern

88、et today was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Rather than have a physical communications connection from each institution to a supercomputing center, the NSF began a “chain” of connections in which institutions would be connected to their “neighbor” computing centers, which all tie

89、d into central supercomputing centers. This beginning expanded to a global network of computer networks, which allows computers all over the world to communicate with one another and share information stored at various computer “servers,” either on a local computer or a computer located anywhere in

90、the world. The Internet is not governed by any official body, but there are organizations which work to make the Internet more accessible and useful. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AThe Internet consists of thousands of networks worldwide, connecting research facilities, universities, libraries

91、and private companies. Many of these networks have host computers dedicated to maintaining archives of information which are accessible to the public. The functions of the Internet may be divided into several categories. 1. A Source of Information2. A Means of Communicating3. A Medium to Conduct Bus

92、iness计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage A1. A Source of InformationnInternet services such as Newsgroups and the World Wide Web (WWW) hold vast amounts of information, much of which is freely accessible and available 24 hours per day. The information may be of varying quality but the diversity of av

93、ailable information is extraordinary; it includes IT, legal, financial, art, sport and entertainment.nEvery piece of information stored on the Internet has a unique address known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Search engines provide a mechanism for locating information.nWhile a lot of this inf

94、ormation is freely available, it may also be viewed as a commodity and some information on the Internet is available only by subscription. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage A2. A Means of CommunicatingnInternet services such as Newsgroups and Email provide the Internet communications services.nThe

95、Internet is made up of thousands of networks located around the world, which are interconnected using routers and Wide Area Network (WAN) links. It is spread across more than 150 different countries with the Internet forming the largest WAN in existence.nThere is no restriction on the type of operat

96、ing system which may be used any computer system can connect to the Internet either to provide information for others or to browse for information as a user.nAll the diverse networks and systems are linked by common protocol (language); the TCP/IP transport protocol provides the means for communicat

97、ion, while application protocols such as SMTP, POP and NNTP provide the higher level services. Together, these protocols allow diverse systems to share data and to communicate.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage A3. A Medium to Conduct BusinessnThrough the development of ecommerce, the Internet has e

98、stablished an electronic global worldwide market that operates 24 hrs a day. Organizations and individuals are able to market goods and services, while purchasing is supported by facilities such as digital signatures and encryption. Developments in software mean that an increased number of facilitie

99、s are becoming available all the time.nThe mid90s have seen the development and success of company Intranets. Internet technology has been applied to a LAN or WAN within an individual company, with the object of sharing information easily. Extranets have also been developed to allow organizations to

100、 share private information using the public Internet. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AThe rapid growth of the Internet has revealed weaknesses in its infrastructure and considerable investment is currently taking place to improve performance and reliability.The information services provided by t

101、he Internet are: Internet Email, web pages and environment, chat and video conferencing, news groups, file transfer protocol (FTP), databases for information storage and retrieval (including search engines), electronic commerce and inventory systems.Most of these applications use Client / Server tec

102、hnology, where a server holds and manages the content (such as web pages), and where software is used to request and display information.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AToday, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet provides many facilities for people to

103、 share and collect information, to get latest news of the world, to search different types of jobs all over the world, to communicate with others, to entertain themselves, or to get online education. Yet the Internet also has some disadvantages. It is the most popular source of spreading viruses. Th

104、e valuable websites can be damaged by hackers, and confidential data may be accessed by unauthorized persons. Some websites contains immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies that may have negative effects on the young generation. A lot of time is wasted to collect the information, t

105、o chat or to play games. In short, todays society is in the middle of a technological boom. People can either choose to take advantage of this era, or simply let it pass them by. The Internet is a very powerful tool. It has many advantages; however, people need to be extremely aware of the disadvant

106、ages as well.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises In1. The Internet, originally the ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency network), was originally used in the _.nA. army nB. office nC. businessnD. government A计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises In2. Every piece of information

107、 stored on the Internet has a unique address known as a _.nA. URLnB. TCPnC. POPnD. NSFA计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises In3. The Internet is made up of thousands of networks located around the world, which are interconnected using routers and _ links.nA. URLnB. LANnC. WANnD. ARPAnetC计算机

108、算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises In4. All the diverse networks and systems are linked by _ (language); the TCP/IP transport protocol provides the means for communication, while application protocols such as SMTP, POP and NNTP provide the higher level services.nA. application protocolnB. co

109、mmon protocolnC. file transfer protocolnD. Internet ProtocolB计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. TCP 2. SMTP 3. POP 4. NNTP 5. URL 6. WAN 7. NSF 8. ARPAnet 9. LAN 10. FTP ( ) a. 局域网( ) b. 广域网( ) c. 文件传输协议( ) d. 简单邮件传输协议( ) e. 网络新闻传输协议( ) f. 传输控制协议( ) g. 统一资源定位符( ) h. 高级研究计划局网络( ) i.

110、邮局协议( ) j. 美国国家科学基金会12345678910计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage AExercises III npurchasednInternetnemailnsymbolnoriginnserver Before it became the standard 1._ for electronic mail, the “” symbol was used to represent the cost or weight of something. For instance, if you 2._ 6 apples, you might wri

111、te it as 6 apples “” $1.10 each. With the introduction of 3._ came the popularity of the “” symbol. The “” symbol or the “at sign” separates a persons online user name from his mail 4._ address. For instance, . Its widespread use on the 5._ made it necessary to put this symbol on keyboards in other

112、countries that have never seen or used the symbol before. As a result, there is really no official name for this symbol. The actual 6._ of the “” symbol remains an enigma. symbolpurchasede-mailserverInternetorigin计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Internet1、 2010年互联网大记事中著名的年互联网大记事中著名的3Q大战大战将中国亿万网名卷入其中,你是怎么看的?将中国亿万网名卷

113、入其中,你是怎么看的?2、你认为规范互联网有何意义?、你认为规范互联网有何意义?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BE-forum IWFISPblacklistAOLsearch toolautomated filter计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BIn 2008 British Culture Secretary Andy Burnham announced in an interview to the Daily Telegraph his desire for “clearer standards onlin

114、e”, which might include cinemastyle age ratings for websites. His comments were met with approval from some and outrage from others, who decried them as an attack on free speech, impossible to implement, or both.A few weeks later politicians, academics and representatives from the Internet industry

115、gathered at the Westminster EForum in London to debate whether the Internet can be effectively regulated. Here are the various challenges and strategies that were discussed. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BFirst of all, its important to define the content that might be regulated. Most discussion

116、 concerned material that is either illegal or harmful. Illegal material includes images of child abuse, criminally obscene images such as bestiality, material that might incite racial hatred and pornography. Harmful material includes dangerous websites such as those giving advice on how to commit su

117、icide. The forum also discussed sites that illegally reproduce or offer illegal copies of copyrighted material.Currently the only regulation of Internet content in the UK revolves around the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). The service receives around 34,000 complaints about illegal material each ye

118、ar via its website. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BThe IWF works with UK Internet Service Providers (ISPs) so that any illegal material uploaded onto their servers can be quickly removed. It works with 34 similar services in other countries to remove child abuse material that is located abroad.

119、It also compiles a blacklist of websites hosting illegal content and makes this available to ISPs. Most UK ISPs use this blacklist to prevent their customers accessing the content. As Camille de Stempel, AOL UKs Director of Policy, told the panel: “Illegal content is illegal. None of us in the indus

120、try would knowingly host it.”The IWF has been successful in reducing the amount of illegal content hosted on servers within UK jurisdiction. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BSome efforts are also made to direct users away from content that is legal but harmful. One example is that, if anyone uses

121、 the AOL search tool to look for harmful sites they will be presented with more helpful information. Searching for I want to kill myself, for example, produces a prominent link to the Samaritans website.The idea of regulating the Internet is controversial but, according to some, it can be done by th

122、e existing communications regulators such as Ofcom in the UK.When asked if it could take on such a task, Ofcoms Jeremy Olivier said “were Ofcom to be given such a task we would undoubtedly embrace it”. But he also warned “the Internet isnt a service or something that lends itself to taming”. 计算机算机专业

123、英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BMr. Olivier agreed that “access to illegal material poses less of a challenge” as “we dont want to manage access, we want to restrict everyones access”. But he added that “the position gets more complicated when talking about content that is legal but inappropriate for s

124、ome”. He went on to explain that, although Ofcom is able to effectively regulate the material shown to children on television, doing so on the Internet is far more difficult.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BUnlike television broadcasters in the UK who perform the regulation themselves because the

125、y need licenses which bind them to a set of rules that dictate what is, and is not, acceptable, on the Internet there is no single editorial body creating or broadcasting the material: It comes from millions of companies and individual users and is hosted in millions of locations. One of the real ch

126、allenges when it comes to content regulation on the Internet is deciding who makes these editorial judgments. It is also difficult to regulate content produced largely outside the jurisdiction of the UK legal system. Given the global nature of the Internet, rules wont cover most of the content. Regu

127、lating the Internet may not be so effective as that for broadcast.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BSome believe that automated filters should be used to limit access to offensive or harmful content just as the IWFs blacklist is used to block illegal sites. The pressure group Media March, demanded

128、 that computers should be sold with a “default setting” to filter adult content. It cited the Chinese governments censored Internet access as an example of effective filtering, while pointing out the limits of filtering for the “promise of security” could not necessarily be fulfilled. The obvious al

129、ternative to automated filters is human intervention. Another common suggestion when discussing the protection of children online is that parents should take responsibility, either by supervising their Internet access or setting out rules. However, relying on parents alone may further disadvantage t

130、he most atrisk children, thus proving an ineffective way to protect those who need it most. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BStill others suggest that intermediaries, such as ISPs and search providers, should be at least partly responsible for regulating the Internet to ensure that copyright infr

131、ingement does not continue. It is suggested that a system may be included where people who continue to download copyrighted material would have their Internet access cut off. However, such an approach may also be problem as to who should pay the intermediaries.The issues surrounding Internet regulat

132、ion are complicated. There have been great steps already with systems that are shown to reduce the availability of illegal content. Yet it is understandable that many wish to see further steps taken to help protect children. Awareness of the dangers of the Internet is the key to protecting against t

133、hem. Parental controls and filtering software can be helpful when protecting children, but education warning children of online dangers and empowering parents to understand the Internet and how their children use it is vital.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) Andy Burnhams commen

134、ts were met with approval from all sides.n2. ( ) Currently the only regulation of Internet content in the UK revolves around IWF.n3. ( ) Illegal material includes dangerous websites such as those giving advice on how to commit suicide.n4. ( ) Regulating the Internet may be so effective as that for b

135、roadcast.n5. ( ) On the Internet there is a single editorial body creating or broadcasting the material.n6. ( ) There have been great steps already with systems that are shown to reduce the availability of illegal content.FTFFFT计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n1. Andy Burnham announ

136、ced his desire for “clearer standards online”, which might include _ for websites.n2. The IWF works with UK _ so that any _ uploaded onto their servers can be quickly removed.n3. Television broadcasters in the UK _ themselves because they need licenses which bind them to _ that dictate what is, and

137、is not, acceptable.n4. One of the real challenges when it comes to _ on the Internet is deciding who makes these _. Internet Server Providers (ISPs)cinema-style age ratingsillegal materialperform the regulationa set of rulescontent regulationEditorial judgments计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 2 Passage BExe

138、rcises II n5. Some believe that _ should be used to limit access to offensive or harmful content just as the IWFs blacklist is used to _.n6. The pressure group Media March, demanded that computers should be sold with _ to filter _.n7. Another common suggestion when discussing the protection of child

139、ren online is that _ should take responsibility, either by _ or setting out rules.n8. Still others suggest that _, such as ISPs and search providers, should be at least partly responsible for regulating the Internet to ensure that _ does not continue.automated filtersblock illegal sitesa “default se

140、tting”parentsadult contentsupervising their internet accessintermediariescopyright infringement计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 3Computer English Writing, Part 2nIT项目建议书项目建议书 n一工业项目建议书格式n二中外合资经营企业项目建议书n三项目建议书模板计算机算机专业英英语Unit 7 Section 4Safe Shopping on EBay nAvoid the pitfalls of shopping online nDo your ho

141、mework nPicture this nLegal protection nOur Verdict New Safari Browser Succeeds At Speed RATs Tips for common PC problems:nStop Unauthorized Access of Your Network Unit 6 Data Structure计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Data StructureSection1 Situational DialognACM/ICPCSection 2 PassagesnPassage

142、A. Data StructurenPassage B. Linear TableSection 3 Skill in FocusnWriting Skills Part 1: Business E-mailsSection 4 Extended ReadingnTree nThe Queue ADTnData WarehousenTips: How to Choose the Proper Data Structure? 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Data StructureACM/ICPC 1、你对国际大学生程序竞赛有了解吗,请查阅相关资料、你对国际大学生程序竞赛有了解吗,请查阅相

143、关资料向同学们做个简介。向同学们做个简介。2、了解一下你校所开展的和计算机编程有关的竞赛。、了解一下你校所开展的和计算机编程有关的竞赛。计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 1 Zhang Qiang and Li Jie are talking about the coming ACM/ICPC. Zhang Qiang: Hi, Li Jie, Im told that you are going to Beijing to take part in ACM/ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery/ International Col

144、legiate Programming Contest).Li Jie: Yes, out team are ready to start next month.Zhang Qiang: I am also very interested in this. Can you give me some suggestions on the study?Li Jie: Well, first, you have to learn courses about algorithm and data structure. They are the significant means that can im

145、prove your programming ability. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 1Zhang Qiang: Data structure? Ive never heard that. What concepts are talked in this curriculum?Li Jie: It refers to the relationship and organization between the data. We can store the objects in real life into computer in the form of data in

146、formation by using it. It really can help us write efficient programs. May be you will study this course next semester.Zhang Qiang: Ok, thank you, I will work hard to learn. I wish I will join your team as soon as possible and wish you achieve good results. Li Jie: Thanks a lot.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Sect

147、ion 1Qian Liang: I see. So in the part of project development that will be taught soon, the first step is to make a good requirements analysis. If only I had known its importance earlier, I wouldnt have begun to write the programs hastily and wasted a lot my time.Mr. Wu: Right. Requirements analysis

148、 is just the first step of software engineering, and the designing, encoding and testing are just as important. You can refer to a lot of relevant information available on Baidu, and furthermore, well come to a systematic introduction in our future lessons. Go ahead with your website design contest.

149、 You can turn to me if you have any more questions.Qian Liang: Thank you very much, Mr. Wu.Mr. Wu: My pleasure. So long!计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Data Structure1、根据你的了解谈谈数据结构、根据你的了解谈谈数据结构2、数据结构的重要性、数据结构的重要性计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage Aalgorithmdata structurecharactertableliststackqueuetreearraynodeLIF

150、OtailFIFOhierarchyvertexedgepushsetrecordretrievalelementmultidimensional计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AThe father of Pascal language had said that “Program = algorithm + data structure”, so the significance of data structure to program design is selfevident. It is a particular way of storing a

151、nd organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.Nowadays, Computer has penetrated deeply into many fields of human society; the application is no longer limited into scientific computing, but more for manipulating of nonnumerical computation. And the corresponding, the objects, w

152、hich can be processed by computer, has progressed from pure number to data with certain structure such as character、table and graphics and so on. Therefore, we must analyze the characteristic of these objects and the relationship between them. That is just the background of formation and development

153、 for data structure. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AAbstract Data TypenEach data structure can be developed around the concept of an abstract data type that defines both data organization and data handling operations. Data abstraction is a tool that allows each data structure to be developed in

154、 relative isolation from the rest of the solution. The study of data structure is organized around a collection of abstract data types that includes lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and so on.ListnA list is a sequential data structure, i.e. a collection of items accessible one after another beg

155、inning at the head and ending at the tail. It can be stored in an array or as a sequence of linked nodes. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AStacknA stack is a limited version of an array. New elements, or nodes as they are often called, can be added to a stack and removed from a stack only from on

156、e end. For this reason, a stack is referred to as a LIFO structure (LastIn FirstOut).QueuenThe queue data structure is characterized by the fact that additions are made at the end, or tail, of the queue while removals are made from the front, or head, of the queue. For this reason, a stack is referr

157、ed to as a FIFO structure (FirstIn FirstOut). 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AGraphnSome data need to have connections between items which do not fit into a hierarchy. Graph data structures can be useful in these situations. A graph consists of a number of data items, each of which is called a v

158、ertex. Any vertex may be connected to any other, and these connections are called edges.FilenThe file structure is considered to be a continuous sequence of records. Filestructure is the default to be assumed if the structure command has not been used but both file and record structures must be acce

159、pted for “text” files.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AIn all these cases, the large amount of information that is to be processed in some sense represents an abstraction of a part of reality. The information that is available to the computer consists of a selected set of data about the actual pr

160、oblem, namely that set that is considered relevant to the problem at hand, that set from which it is believed that the desired results can be derived. The data can represent an abstraction of reality计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AFor example, as processor executes a program, when a function cal

161、l is made, the called function must know how to return back to the program, so the current address of program execution is pushed onto a stack. Once the function is finished, the address that was saved is removed from the stack, and execution of the program resumes. If a series of function calls occ

162、ur, the successive return values are pushed onto the stack in LIFO order so that each function can return back to calling program. Stacks support recursive function calls in the same manner as conventional nonrecursive calls.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AIn the sense that certain properties an

163、d characteristics of the real objects are ignored because they are peripheral and irrelevant to the particular problem. An abstraction is thereby also a simplification of facts.We may regard a personnel file of an employer as an example. Every employee is represented (abstracted) on this file by a s

164、et of data relevant either to the employer or to his accounting procedures. This set may include some identification of the employee, for example, his or her name and salary. But it will most probably not include irrelevant data such as the hair color, weight, and height. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2

165、Passage AData structure in computer science is a comprehensive basic Course. It not only refers to research scope of computer hardware, but also keeps in touch with that of software. The allocation of data elements in memory is involved both in principles of compiler and in computing system. And it

166、must be considered how to organize data in studying information retrieval in order to make it much convenient to research and access data elements. That the data structure is a core course which connects applied mathematics, computer hardware and computer software. In computer science, data structur

167、e is not only a basis for program design, but an important foundation of design and implementation of compiler, operating system, database system and largescale application programs.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AIts worth noting that the development of data structures does not end. On one hand

168、, data structures for particular problems in the specialized field has been researching and developing, such as multidimensional graphics data structures; on the other, discussing the data structures from the point of abstract data types has becoming a new trend.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AE

169、xercises I n1. The father of Pascal language had said that “Program = _ +_”n2. Each data structure can be developed around the concept of an _ that defines both data organization and data handling operations.n3. A queue is referred to as a _ structure.n4. Additions are made at the end, or _, of the

170、queue while removals are made from the front, or _, of the queue. n5. Any vertex may be connected to any other, and these connections are called _.algorithmdata structureabstract data typeFIFOtailheadedges计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AExercises I n6. The information that is available to the co

171、mputer consists of a selected set of data about the actual problem, namely that set that is considered _ to the problem at hand,n7. When a function call is made, the called function must know how to return back to the program, so the current address of program execution is pushed onto a _.n8. If a s

172、eries of function calls occur, the successive return values are pushed onto the stack in LIFO order so that each function can return back to_ program. relevantstackcalling计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. program execution2. recursive function3. database system 4. information retri

173、eval5. principles of compiler6. multidimensional graphic7. abstract data type8. data structure9. data element10. application program( ) a. 数据结构( ) b. 信息检索( ) c. 编译原理( ) d. 数据元素( ) e. 多维图像( ) f. 抽象数据类型( ) g. 数据库系统( ) h. 应用程序( ) i. 程序执行( ) j. 递归函数12345678910计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Data Structure1、什么是线性表、什么是线

174、性表2、列举一个和线性表有关的算法、列举一个和线性表有关的算法计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage Blinear tableIntegerdirect precursor element direct successor elementheadrearinsertiondeletionsequence formchain formpointerreflection计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BLinear table is the most common and easiest data structure. In s

175、hort, a linear table is a list which includes n data elements. As for the specific meaning of each data element, it will be different in different circumstances. For instance, in alphabet, it is a single Alphabetic character, while in series it is an integer. So the variety of data element in linear

176、 table is endless. But elements of the same list must belong to the same data type, and paired relationship exists in adjacent data elements. Element ai1 is in front of ai, and ai is ahead of ai+1,thus ai1 is direct precursor elements , ai+1 is direct successor element to ai. a1 is the head of this

177、linear table ,and an is the rear of it. I is refer to as the bit sequence of element ai. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BLinear table is a very flexible data structure; its list length can be increased and decreased. That is, in addition to access operations, we can do insertion or deletion mani

178、pulation on it.Linear table can be stored in computer either in sequence form or in chain form.Sequential storage of linear list is storing data element in a set of address continuous memory cells which usually be called sequence list for short. The feature of which is: the logically adjacent data e

179、lements keep the same relationship in physical location. Therefore, once the start position of the list is fixed, any element of it can be accessed randomly. So this kind of storage mode can be referred to as a random access structure and can be described by array. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage

180、 BWith this storage structure, it will be more difficult to perform some operations such as insertion and deletion, compared to accessing.Insertion means that a linear table with length of n will be turned into that with length of n+1 by inserting a new data element between two adjacent data element

181、s(ones)(ai and ai+1) .The logical relationship between ai and ai+1 will be changed in that process .To keep the feature of sequence list which has been mentioned above, elements must be moved to reflect that changes in logic. For instance, the following figure shows us the verification of related el

182、ements in storage space before and after an insertion. In order to insert an element with value of 25 between the fourth and the fifth, the elements from the fifth to the eighth, each of which must be moved back to next position. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage Ba1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a1a2a3a4a5 a6a7a8a

183、1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a1a2a3 a4a5a6a7a8a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a1a2a3a425a5a6a7a8计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BOn the contrary, deletion can make a linear table with length of n become shorter by deleting one or more elements at any position.To delete the fourth element in a linear table, each of the element

184、s from the fifth to the eighth must be moved a place forward.It can be seen that there are considerable motions of elements existing in insertion and deletion operation of sequence list.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BLinked storage structure of linear list save elements by use of arbitrary memo

185、ry units, that is to say two logically adjacent data elements may not be close in physical location of its storage. To represent the logical relationship between element ai and ai+1, the element ai must hold information which can defer to its direct successor, in addition to its own information. Tho

186、se two parts formed a node, which consists of two fields: data field in which information of data element is stored, and pointer field in which the location of its direct successor. Several nodes are linked into a link list by the pointer. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BThe logic relationship b

187、etween data elements is instructed by pointer of a node. In other words, pointer is a reflection of logical relationship between data elements. Unlike sequence list, the storage location of each element can not be obtained simply by the formula, while it is included into the information of its direc

188、t predecessor node. So as to obtain a certain element, we must detect each node from the head one by one through the pointer. And it shows that link list is a nonrandom access storage structure.How to implement insertion and deletion in link list? Imagine we will insert an element x between a and b,

189、 a node with data field value of x is created firstly, and then insert this node into link list. According to the logical definition of insertion, the value of pointer field in node must be altered to refer to node x, and that of node x also be assigned to point to node b. Thus, the logical verifica

190、tion of node a, b and x can be achieved. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BContrarily, if we want to delete node b that between node a and c in the link list, what we need is only to assign address of node c to pointer field of node a. After deleting, node c become the direct successor of node a.

191、To sum up, it only need to modify the pointer value without having to move elements, when we inserting or deleting an element to or from the link list. In view of the advantage of link list in the rational utilization of space and in easy realization of insertion and deletion, it is the preferred st

192、orage structure of linear table.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) Linear table can be stored in computer either in sequence form or in chain form.n2. ( ) Link list is a random access structure.n3. ( ) There are considerable motions of elements existing in insertion and deletion

193、operation of sequence list.n4. ( ) In link list, the storage location of each element can be obtained simply by the formula.n5. ( ) Insertion and deletion with link list are much easier than with sequence list.TFTFT计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 2 Passage BExercises II nupnaccessednremovalsnremovedndown T

194、his implementation stores the list in an array. The Array List has the following properties: The position of each element is given by an index from 0 to n1, where n is the number of elements. Given any index, the element with that index can be 1._ in constant time i.e. the time to access does not de

195、pend on the size of the list. To add an element at the end of the list, the time taken does not depend on the size of the list. However, the time taken to add an element at any other point in the list does depend on the size of the list, as all subsequent elements must be shifted 2. _. Additions nea

196、r the start of the list take longer than additions near the middle or end. When an element is 3. _, subsequent elements must be shifted 4. _, so removals near the start of the list take longer than 5. _ near the middle or end. accessedupremoveddownremovals计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 3Computer English W

197、riting, Part 1 n商务电子邮件的写作商务电子邮件的写作 n一、商务电子邮件的格式n二、商务电子邮件写作的五C原则nCorrectness (准确)原则 nConciseness (简洁)原则 nComplete (完整)原则 nClarity (清楚)原则 nCourtesy (礼貌)原则 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 6 Section 4Tree The Queue ADT n1. Queue Modeln2. Array Implementation of QueuesData Warehousen1Collecting Operational Datan2Converge

198、nce of Many Computer Technologiesn3Common Characteristics of a Data WarehouseTips for common PC problems:nHow to Choose the Proper Data Structure? Unit 5 Programming Lanuguage计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Programming LanguageSection1 Situational DialognRequirements AnalysisSection 2 Passages

199、nPassage A. Introduction to Programming LanguagenPassage B. Object-oriented ProgrammingSection 3 Skill in FocusnTranslation Skills, Part 2Syntactic Translation Skills of Computer EnglishSection 4 Extended ReadingnSoftware EngineeringnGoogle Strives to Help Online Software Catch UpnIntroduction to Ja

200、vanTips: Upgrade Your PC with a New Graphics Card计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Programming LanguageRequirements Analysis 1、你知道什么是软件工程吗?、你知道什么是软件工程吗?2、谈谈需求分析在软件工程中的作用。、谈谈需求分析在软件工程中的作用。计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 1 Qian Liang is asking Mr. Wu about software development. Qian Liang: Excuse me, Mr. Wu. Would you please

201、 tell me something about requirements analysis in software engineering?Mr. Wu: Of course. The hardest part of building a software system is deciding what to develop, and the hardest conceptual work is to establish detailed technical requirements, including all the interfaces to users, to machines an

202、d to other software systems. Meanwhile, it is also the part that cripples the resulting systems if done wrong, so it is most difficult to rectify later.Qian Liang: Thats what I refer to as “requirements analysis”, isnt it? My understanding is that so long as we spend enough time communicating, anyth

203、ing wrong might be warded off. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 1Mr. Wu: Actually its easier said than done. Since in most software systems, endusers may not be clear about what they really require, they tend to get to the bottom until all their questions are answered and problems solved.Qian Liang: Thats q

204、uite true. Ive been busy preparing for the contest of website design, and have got to do a lot of rework. Maybe its because I havent analyzed the demands well enough and the whole planning turns out to be imperfect. I wonder if you could give me some suggestions about what to guard against in requir

205、ements analysis?Mr. Wu: Now that you have participated in website development, youre sure to understand that there are various situations when we communicate with our customers, such as lack of user participation, increasing requirements from users, ambiguous demands, or unnecessary features.计算机算机专业

206、英英语Unit 5 Section 1Qian Liang: I see. So in the part of project development that will be taught soon, the first step is to make a good requirements analysis. If only I had known its importance earlier, I wouldnt have begun to write the programs hastily and wasted a lot my time.Mr. Wu: Right. Require

207、ments analysis is just the first step of software engineering, and the designing, encoding and testing are just as important. You can refer to a lot of relevant information available on Baidu, and furthermore, well come to a systematic introduction in our future lessons. Go ahead with your website d

208、esign contest. You can turn to me if you have any more questions.Qian Liang: Thank you very much, Mr. Wu.Mr. Wu: My pleasure. So long!计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Programming Language1、列出你所知道的编程语言、列出你所知道的编程语言2、用一种熟悉的语言来表达:你好,世界!、用一种熟悉的语言来表达:你好,世界!计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage Asymbolhigh-level Languageuniq

209、uekeywordsyntaxprocedural languagefunctional languageobject-orientedlocationassembly language4GLdefinitionoperatoroperandcarry outalgorithmresolution计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AIt is excited to a student programmer when he sees the computer screen flashing a string “Hello, World!”, cause it

210、is a symbol to him to communicate with computer by using programming language.Programming Language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific tasks. This term usually refers to highlevel languages, such as BASIC, C, C+, COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal

211、. Each language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage ASome languages, such as COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, and C, are known as procedural languages because they use a sequence of commands to s

212、pecify how the machine is to solve a problem. Others, such as LISP, are functional, in that programming is done by invoking procedures (sections of code executed within a program). Languages that support objectoriented programming take the data to be manipulated as their point of departure. Programm

213、ing languages can also be classified as highlevel or lowlevel. Lowlevel languages address the computer in a way that it can understand directly, but they are very far from human language. Highlevel languages deal in concepts that humans devise and can understand, but they must be translated by means

214、 of a compiler into language the computer understands. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AHighlevel programming languages, while simple compared to human languages, are more complex than the languages the computer actually understands, called machine languages. Each different type of CPU has its ow

215、n unique machine language. That is, Machine language is highly dependent on the computer. Each instruction gave the central processing unit (CPU) a specific task to do, typically one such as “move a word from one specified location to another or change a bit in a specified location from a 0 to a 1 u

216、nless 1 already.” During the 1940s and the early 1950s, all programs were entirely written in machine language. Such programming was a difficult and tedious task, requiring good knowledge of how the hardware of a computer works.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage ALying between machine languages and

217、highlevel languages are languages called assembly languages. Assembly languages are similar to machine languages, but they are much easier to program in because they allow a programmer to substitute names for numbers. Machine languages consist of numbers only. Lying above highlevel languages are lan

218、guages called fourthgeneration languages (usually abbreviated 4GL). 4GLs are far removed from machine languages and represent the class of computer languages closest to human languages. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AThousands of different programming languages have been created, mainly in the

219、computing field. Programming languages differ from most other forms of human expression in that they require a greater degree of precision and completeness. When using a natural language to communicate with other people, human authors and speakers can be ambiguous and make small errors, and still ex

220、pect their intent to be understood. However, figuratively speaking, computers “do exactly what they are told to do”, and cannot “understand” what code the programmer intended to write. The combination of the language definition, a program, and the programs inputs must fully specify the external beha

221、vior that occurs when the program is executed, within the domain of control of that program. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AIn order for a computer to execute the instructions indicated by a program, the program needs to be stored in the primary memory of the computer. Each instruction of the p

222、rogram may occupy one or more memory locations. Instructions are stored as a sequence of binary numbers (sequences of zeros and ones), where each number may indicate the instruction to be executed (the operator) or the pieces of data (operands) on which the instruction is carried out. Instructions t

223、hat the computer can understand directly are said to be written in machine language. Programmers who design computer algorithms have difficulty in expressing the individual instructions of the algorithm as a sequence of binary numbers. To alleviate this problem, people who develop algorithms may cho

224、ose a programming language. Since the language used by the programmer and the language understood by the computer are different, we need another computer program translates the program written in a programming language into an equivalent sequence of instructions that the computer is able to understa

225、nd and carry out. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AThe introduction of interpreters was a major resolution. Interpreters translate a program written in an easier programming language into machine language. Particular locations in the CPU did not have to be specified, and commands were more closel

226、y connected to operations. A big disadvantage of such an interpreter is that it translates the program line by line into machine language, slowing down execution.A compiler offers a better method for translating programming language into machine language. A compiler translates a whole program into m

227、achine language first. When the compiled program is run on the computer, execution time is shortened since there is no translation step going on. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AIt is generally possible to implement a language using either technique introduced above (compilation and interpretati

228、on). In some implementations that make use of the interpreter approach there is no distinct boundary between compiling and interpreting. The output of a compiler may be executed by hardware or a program called an interpreter. For instance, some implementations of BASIC compile and then execute the s

229、ource a line at a time.Programs that are executed directly on the hardware usually run several orders of magnitude faster than those that are interpreted in software. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AExercises I n1. Programming Language is a vocabulary and set of _ for instructing a computer to p

230、erform specific tasks.n2. Some languages, such as COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, and C, are known as _ languages because they use a sequence of commands to specify how the machine is to solve a problem.n3. During the 1940s and the early 1950s, all programs were entirely written in _.n4. Instructions are st

231、ored as a sequence of binary numbers, where each number may indicate the instruction to be executed (the operator) or the pieces of data ( _ )on which the instruction is carried out.n5. The language used by the programmer and the language understood by the computer are _. grammatical rulesprocedural

232、machine languageoperandsdifferent计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. grammatical rules2. operand3. carry out 4. programming language5. primary memory6. order of magnitude7. machine language8. assembly language9. implementation10. binary number ( )a. 执行( )b. 机器语言( )c. 操作数( )d. 编程语言( )

233、e. 语法规则( )f. 二进制数值( )g. 主存( )h. 汇编语言( )i. 数量级( )j. 实施12345678910计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Programming Language1、你对面向对象是怎样理解的?、你对面向对象是怎样理解的?2、举例面向对象语言。、举例面向对象语言。计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BOOP paradigmdatafielddiscretereusablemoduleclasssubroutineinheritvariablemethodabstract characteristicstructurepr

234、opertyinstancestatebehaviorsubclass计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BObject Oriented Programming (OOP) is a term loosely applied to mean any kind of programming that uses a programming language with some object oriented constructs or programming in an environment where some object oriented princip

235、les are followed. It is a programming paradigm that uses “objects” data structures consisting of datafields and methods together with their interactions to design applications and computer programs.Objectoriented programming has roots that can be traced to the 1960s. As hardware and software became

236、increasingly complex, manageability often became a concern. Researchers studied ways to maintain software quality and developed objectoriented programming in part to address common problems by strongly emphasizing discrete, reusable units of programming logic. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BThe

237、 technology focuses on data rather than processes, with programs composed of selfsufficient modules (“classes”), each instance of which (“objects”) contains all the information needed to manipulate its own data structure (“members”). This is in contrast to the existing modular programming which had

238、been dominant for many years that focused on the function of a module, rather than specifically the data, but equally provided for code reuse, enabling collaboration through the use of linked modules (subroutines). This more conventional approach, which still persists, tends to consider data and beh

239、avior separately. Objectoriented programming was not commonly used in mainstream software application development until the early 1990s. Many modern programming languages now support OOP. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BOne of the principal advantages of objectoriented programming techniques ove

240、r procedural programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of object is added. A programmer can simply create a new object that inherits many of its features from existing objects. Other pieces of software can access the objec

241、t only by calling its functions and procedures that have been allowed to be called by outsiders. This makes objectoriented programs easier to modify.An objectoriented program may thus be viewed as a collection of interacting objects, as opposed to the conventional model, in which a program is seen a

242、s a list of tasks (subroutines) to perform. In OOP, each object is capable of receiving messages, processing data, and sending messages to other objects and can be viewed as an independent machine with a distinct role or responsibility. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BThere are some important pr

243、inciples of objectoriented programming below: ClassObjectMessage Inheritance计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BClassnA class is a blueprint that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind and is used to manufacture or create objects. It defines the abstract charac

244、teristics of a thing (object). For example, the class Car would consist of traits shared by all cars, such as brand and color (characteristics), and the ability to move and moo (behaviors). Classes provide modularity and structure in an objectoriented computer program. A class should typically be re

245、cognizable to a nonprogrammer familiar with the problem domain, meaning that the characteristics of the class should make sense in context. Collectively, the properties and methods defined by a class are called “members”.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BObjectnAn object is also known as an instan

246、ce. It is a software bundle of related state and behavior. It is an instance (that is, an actual example) of a class. Software objects are often used to model the realworld objects that you find in everyday life. It consists of state and the behavior thats defined in the objects class. For example,

247、the class Car provides a pattern or blueprint for car objects by listing the characteristics and behaviors they can have; the object car with plate number 皖C35828 is one particular car.Message nSoftware objects interact and communicate with each other by sending messages to each other. When object A

248、 wants object B to perform one of Bs methods, object A sends a message to object B. For example, the object called driver may fire a car to start up by passing a “fire” message which invokes the cars “fire” method. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BInheritancenInheritance is a way to form new clas

249、ses using classes that have already been defined. Inheritance is employed to help reuse existing code with little or no modification. The new classes, known as subclasses, inherit attributes and behavior of the preexisting classes, which are referred to as superclasses. The inheritance relationship

250、of sub and superclasses gives rise to a hierarchy. For example, the class Car might have subclasses called Lorry, Motorcycle, and Carriage. Suppose the Car class defines a method called brake() and a property called wheelbase. Each of its subclasses (Lorry, Motorcycle, and Carriage) will inherit the

251、se members, meaning that the programmer only needs to write the code for them once.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. OOP is a term loosely applied to mean any kind of programming that uses a programming language with some constructs. nA. procedure orientednB. object orientednC. topd

252、ownnD. downtop B计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises In2. Objectoriented programming has roots that can be traced to the .nA. 1950snB. 1960snC. 1970snD. 1980sB计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises In3. The technology of OOP focuses on _ rather than processes.nA. functionnB. procedur

253、enC. datanD. subroutinesC 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises In4. Object is a(an) of a class.nA. instancenB. kindnC. partnD. memberA计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises In5. According to the characteristic of inheritance, class of lorry cars will have behavior.nA. laughingnB. mov

254、ingnC. eatingnD. breathingB计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises IIn1. ( ) one of the principal advantages of objectoriented programming techniques over procedural programming techniques is that they enable programmers to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of objec

255、t is added.n2. ( ) An object sends message to another object or asks the other object to invoke a method.n3. ( ) The object called driver may fire a car to start up by passing a “fire message which invokes the cars “fire” method.n4. ( ) If a subclass inherits attributes and behavior of superclasses,

256、 we at least write codes twice.n5. ( ) An instance is a blueprint that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind and is used to manufacture or create objects. TTTFF计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 2 Passage BExercises III ncomplexnnumerical nweaknweaknessesnconsumesnconsu

257、ming The question of which language is best is one that 1._ a lot of time and energy among computer professionals. Every language has its strengths and 2._. For example, FORTRAN is a particularly good language for processing 3, _ data, but it does not lend itself very well to organizing large progra

258、ms. Pascal is very good for writing wellstructured and readable programs, but it is not as flexible as the C programming language. C+ embodies powerful objectoriented features, but it is 4. _ and difficult to learn.consumesweaknessesnumericalcomplex计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 3Computer English Translat

259、ion, Part 2n计算机英语句法翻译计算机英语句法翻译 n被动语态的译法 n翻译成汉语的主动句。 n译成汉语的被动语态。 n长句的翻译计算机算机专业英英语Unit 5 Section 4Software Engineering Google Strives to Help Online Software Catch Up Introduction to JavaTips for common PC problems:nChoose a Programming Language to Learn Unit 4 Application Software计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨

260、阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Application SoftwareSection1 Situational DialognMy Computer Has Been Attacked by VirusesSection 2 PassagesnPassage A. Software CategoriesnPassage B. Computer SecuritySection 3 Skill in FocusnTranslation Skills, Part 1Translation of Compound Terms and Abbreviations Section 4 Extende

261、d ReadingnAn Introduction to Microsoft Office nOffice Heads into the Clouds nS Korea Security Firm Says Another Web Attack to HitnTips: Keep Your PC Safe from Scareware计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Application SoftwareMy Computer Has been Attacked by Viruses 1、你中过计算机病毒吗?给你印象最深的病毒是什么?、你中过计算机病毒吗?给你印象最深的病毒是什么?2、你觉得

262、日常使用计算机时,能有有效预防病毒的方法、你觉得日常使用计算机时,能有有效预防病毒的方法有哪些?有哪些?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 1 The Computer Festival has begun, and theres a large crowd of students around the enquiry desk. Zhang Ning and Li Bin are answering questions from the students. Cheng Hong: My computer seems to have been attacked by viruse

263、s, for it runs very slowly and often gets crashed.Zhang Ning: Nowadays our machines may easily be attacked by viruses for they spread so quickly on the Internet, coupled with the constant use of mobile storage devices, even if antivirus software and firewalls are installed. You may take a look at ou

264、r leaflets about antivirus protection.Cheng Hong: So it is! Sometimes there will be alert against viruses when I browse web pages, and theres much rouge software somehow installed in my computer. Really annoying! I can never kill all those viruses in my computer. Even system restoration wont work, m

265、aybe because other partitions have been infected. I wonder if your service team may help me with this. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 1Zhang Ning: Sure! You can make a reservation first, and well contact you when our service team is available.Cheng Hong: Great! I can still consult them about some software

266、 problems.Zhang Ning: Members of our service team are all from our Computer Society. Here we are trying to improve our professional skills by learning and practice. You may join us if you are interested.Cheng Hong: I am interested! You know, Ive entered for your Publicinterest Design Competition. I

267、do hope to learn from you.Zhang Ning: Welcome to join us! By the way, pay more attention while using flash disks. You see, some of the entries for the competition carry viruses. We wont fall victim to them, of course 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Application Software1、你最常用的计算机软件有哪些?、你最常用的计算机软件有哪些?2、你是如何获取软件信息的?、

268、你是如何获取软件信息的?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage Arecordphysical deviceCompilerLoaderLinkerInterpreterJavaarchitectureIntel PentiumExecutionbootshut downpower offEditorLibrarymachine codeaddress spaceInstructiondatabasespreadsheetsoftware suitedata flowCRMSCMIT HelpdeskEmailblogMedia PlayerWebbrowserm

269、ultimediaHTMLCADCAEIDEAPIMS计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AComputer software, or just software is a general term primarily used for digitally stored data such as computer programs and other kinds of information read and written by computers. Today, this includes data that has not traditionally b

270、een associated with computers, such as film, tapes and records. The term was coined in order to contrast to the old term hardware (meaning physical devices); unlike hardware, software is intangible, meaning it “cannot be touched”. Software is also sometimes used in a more narrow sense, meaning appli

271、cation software only.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage ASoftware is often divided into two categories: system software and application software. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage ASystem software is a generic term referring to the computer programs used to start and run computer systems and networ

272、ks. Examples of system software are: Operating Systems, the Compiler, the Loader, the Linker, and the Interpreter. OS, as described in Unit 3, acts as an interface between the application programs and the machine hardware. A compiler is a program that translates a source program written in some high

273、level programming language (such as Java) into machine code for some computer architecture (such as the Intel Pentium architecture). 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AA loader is the part of an operating system that is responsible for loading programs into memory, preparing them for execution and

274、then executing them. The loader is usually a part of the operating systems kernel and usually is loaded at system boot time and stays in memory until the system is rebooted, shut down, or powered off.A linker or link editor is a program that takes one or more objects generated by compilers and assem

275、bles them into a single executable program. Linkers can take objects from a collection called a library. The objects are program modules containing machine code and information for the linker. The linker takes care of arranging the objects in a programs address space.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passa

276、ge AAn interpreter is a computer program that translates and executes instructions written in a computer programming language linebyline, unit by unit etc. An interpreter needs to be able to analyze, or parse, instructions written in the source language. In contrast, application software (also calle

277、d enduser programs) includes database programs, word processors, and spreadsheets. Figuratively speaking, applications software sits on top of systems software because it is unable to run without the operating system and system utilities.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AThere is a lot of applicat

278、ion software, which is often sold as part of a software suite. An application suite consists of multiple applications bundled together. They usually have related functions, features and user interfaces, and may be able to interact with each other, e.g. open each others files. Business applications o

279、ften come in suites, e.g. Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.org, and iWork, which bundle together a word processor, a spreadsheet, etc.; but suites exist for other purposes, e.g. graphics or music. Enterprise software addresses the needs of organization processes and data flow, often in a large distribut

280、ed environment. (Examples include Financial, Customer Relationship Management, and Supply Chain Management). Note that Departmental Software is a subtype of Enterprise Software with a focus on smaller organizations or groups within a large organization. (Examples include Travel Expense Management, a

281、nd IT Helpdesk) 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AEnterprise infrastructure software provides common capabilities needed to support enterprise software systems. (Examples include Databases, Email servers, and Network and Security Management) Information worker software addresses the needs of indiv

282、iduals to create and manage information, often for individual projects within a department, in contrast to enterprise management. Examples include time management, resource management, documentation tools, analytical, and collaborative. Word processors, spreadsheets, email and blog clients, personal

283、 information system, and individual media editors may aid in multiple information worker tasks. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AContent access software is software used primarily to access content without editing, but may include software that allows for content editing. Such software addresses

284、the needs of individuals and groups to consume digital entertainment and published digital content. (Examples include Media Players, Web Browsers, Help browsers, and Games) Educational software is related to content access software, but has the content and/or features adapted for use in by educators

285、 or students. For example, it may deliver evaluations (tests), track progress through material, or include collaborative capabilities. Simulation software is computer software for simulation of physical or abstract systems for either research, training or entertainment purposes. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Sec

286、tion 2 Passage AMedia development software addresses the needs of individuals who generate print and electronic media for others to consume, most often in a commercial or educational setting. This includes Graphic Art software, Desktop Publishing software, Multimedia Development software, HTML edito

287、rs, Digital Animation editors, Digital Audio and Video composition, and many others.Product engineering software is used in developing hardware and software products. This includes computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), computer language editing and compiling tools, Integrate

288、d Development Environments, and Application Programmer Interfaces. The above, while being more specific themselves, cover a range of application software and often form part of a software suite package like MS Works. They are sometimes referred to as office software. However, they are also good for

289、personal use. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AExercises In1. _ is a generic term referring to the computer programs used to start and run computer systems and networks.nA. Application softwarenB. Simulation softwarenC. System softwarenD. Content access software C计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passag

290、e AExercises In 2. _ (also called enduser programs) includes database programs, word processors, and spreadsheets.nA. Application softwarenB. Simulation softwarenC. System softwarenD. Content access softwareA计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AExercises In3. A _ is a program that takes one or more o

291、bjects generated by compilers and assembles them into a single executable program.nA. loadernB. linkernC. interpreternD. compilerB计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AExercises In4. _ addresses the needs of individuals to create and manage information, often for individual projects within a departmen

292、t, in contrast to enterprise management.nA. Enterprise infrastructure softwarenB. Media development softwarenC. Product engineering softwarenD. Information worker softwareD计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. system software2. application software3. Linker4. computer aided design5. En

293、terprise software6. Interpreter7. Loader8. computer aided engineering9. Graphic Art software10. Compiler ( ) a. 企业软件( ) b. 系统软件( ) c. 图形艺术软件( ) d. 装入程序( ) e. 链接器( ) f. 解释程序( ) g. 计算机辅助设计( ) h. 计算机辅助工程( ) i. 应用软件( ) j. 编译器 12345678910计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage AExercises III nInfectednDownloa

294、dingnfilternscannernexecuted nmedia Computer viruses are programs that must be triggered or somehow 1._ before they can infect your computer system and spread to others. Examples include opening a document 2._ with a “macro virus,” booting with a diskette infected with a “boot sector” virus, or doub

295、leclicking on an infected program file. Viruses can then be spread by sharing infected files on a diskette, network drive, or other 3._, by exchanging infected files over the Internet via email attachments, or by 4._ questionable files from the Internet.At the beginning of February, 2001, UH Informa

296、tion Technology Services installed an email virus 5._ on its mail gateway. This software is able to 6._ out viruses sent as email attachments before it is received by ITS customers. However, it is not foolproof and new and unrecognized viruses may still be able to get through the filter.executedinfe

297、ctedmediadownloadingscannerfilter计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Application Software1、你觉得计算机安全涉及哪些方面问题?、你觉得计算机安全涉及哪些方面问题?2、你认为如何做好计算机安全防护工作?、你认为如何做好计算机安全防护工作?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage Bsafeguard threadmisusebugprivacypasswordAnti-virus firewallunauthorizedintranetsecurity criteriapacket filterIP gatewayF

298、TPTelnetTCPUDPhostproxy serverinterceptmalwarewormTrojan horsespywareadwareselfreplicatingdormantactiveinstallmalicious file计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BIn the age when computers are being used in every part of the world and in most business, computer security has got a lot of significance. R

299、egardless if you are using them in your home or for your business, you need to secure your systems from all sorts of perils. As many systems are being shared in work environments, it calls for security in order to safeguard data from threats such as theft or misuse. Computer security systems will ma

300、ke sure the data does not leak or important information is protected. Other than securing your information, security of systems is also essential for the privacy of the users. Every person who is using systems in office or home desires to have his/her privacy. For this reason, even if you do not hav

301、e confidential data in your system, you need to have a security system in place. Of course you would not want your information to reach the wrong hands. This may include your passwords or other information which can be misused by others. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BBesides the human perils,

302、security is also essential to safeguard your system from viruses or natural disasters. You may lose all your important information in case your system encounter harmful viruses. In case of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes etc., one may lose his data. For this reason, having proper comput

303、er security systems protect you against all threats including viruses as well as natural catastrophes.There can be software as well as various other means to protect your computer. For example, to be able to secure your information, you should make use of passwords which are strong. You can also pro

304、tect your data by having proper antivirus programs in place. You should avoid visiting sites which may be unsafe. All these methods are very useful for computer security; they will give you peace of mind as well as save you from financial perils. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BFirewalls and ant

305、ivirus software are two of the common means of computer security.A firewall is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices which is configured to permit or deny computer applications

306、 based upon a set of rules and other criteria.Firewalls can be implemented in either hardware or software, or a combination of both. Firewalls are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets. All messages ente

307、ring or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not meet the specified security criteria. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage B计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BThere are several types of firewall techniques:1.Packet filter2.Application g

308、ateway3.Circuit-level gateway 4.Proxy server计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage B1. Packet filternPacket filtering inspects each packet passing through the network and accepts or rejects it based on userdefined rules. Although difficult to configure, it is fairly effective and mostly transparent to i

309、ts users. It is susceptible to IP spoofing. 2. Application gatewaynThe application gateway applies security mechanisms to specific applications, such as FTP and Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can impose a performance degradation. 3. Circuitlevel gatewaynThe circuitlevel gateway applies

310、security mechanisms when a TCP or UDP connection is established. Once the connection has been made, packets can flow between the hosts without further checking. 4. Proxy servernThe proxy server intercepts all messages entering and leaving the network. It effectively hides the true network.计算机算机专业英英语

311、Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BAntivirus (or antivirus) software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove spyware, adware, and other forms of malware. Here are the major types of antivirus software: 1.T

312、raditional antivirus programs2.Anti-adware programs3.Anti-spyware programs4.Trojan horse removal programs计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage B1. Traditional antivirus programsnGenerically labeled “Antivirus Software” is the main type of antivirus software used by consumers. It eliminates most viral i

313、nfections, but does not always detect specialized malware and other less overt infections. 2. Antispyware programsnSpyware can take a viral, selfreplicating form. Spyware viruses are removable with most types of antivirus software, but more benign, nonviral spyware may be overlooked; antispyware is

314、important for protecting financial information. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage B3. Antiadware programsnAs with viral spyware, most viral adware programs can be removed using traditional antivirus programs, but benign adware requires specialized antiadware software; adware is usually more of a nu

315、isance than a security threat. 4. Trojan horse removal programsnTrojan horses are not technically viral, but many people call them viruses. Trojan horses are designed to remain dormant until active, making them hard to detect. AntiTrojan programs are necessary for most web users. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Se

316、ction 2 Passage BThere are several brands of antivirus programs to choose from. Some of the widelyknown are Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, Kingsoft, and Rising. Many companies, such as AVG and Lavasoft, offer free protection along with paid options, and 360Safe provides free protection. Typically, free

317、programs have lower protection, utilizing smaller virus libraries and less active protection. However, although there are multiple types of antivirus software to help keep your computer system safe, you shouldnt use more than one at a time. Having several antivirus software programs installed on a s

318、ingle computer system will expose it to vulnerabilities. A missed malicious file could cause your entire computer system to crash or prevent it from accessing a stable Internet connection. Instead of tracking a virus threat, each type of antivirus software will prevent the other from correctly funct

319、ioning. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) If you are using computers in your home, you dont need to secure your systems from any perils.n2. ( ) There can be software as well as various other means to protect your computer.n3. ( ) Even if you do not have confidential data in your

320、 system, you need to have a security system in place.n4. ( ) Firewalls must be implemented in a combination of hardware or software.n5. ( ) To help keep your computer system safe, youd better use more than one types of antivirus software at a time.n6. ( ) AntiTrojan programs are necessary for most w

321、eb users.FTTFFT计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n1. _ and _ software are two of the common means of computer security.n2. As many systems are _ in work environments, it calls for security in order to safeguard data from threats such as _.n3. A firewall is a part of a computer system

322、or network that is designed to block _ while permitting _. It is a device or set of devices which is configured to _ computer applications based upon a set of _.n4. There major types of firewall techniques are _, _, _ and _.Firewallsanti-virusbeing sharingtheft or misuseunauthorized accessauthorized

323、 communicationspermit or denyrules and other criteriapacket filterapplication gatewaycircuit-level gatewayproxy server计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n5. The Application gateway applies security mechanisms to _, such as FTP and Telnet servers. This is very effective, but can impose

324、a _.n6. Antivirus software is used to _ malware, including computer viruses, _, and Trojan horses. Such programs may also prevent and remove spyware, _, and other forms of malware.n7. Trojan horses are designed to _ until active, making them _.n8. Typically, free programs have _, utilizing smaller _

325、 and less _.specific applicationsperformance degradationprevent, detect, and removeadwarewormsremain dormanthard to detectlower protectionvirus librariesactive protection计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 3Computer English Translation, Part 1n计算机英语复合词和缩略语的译法计算机英语复合词和缩略语的译法 n复合词n复合名词的构成方式 n复合形容词的构成方法 n复合词的翻译要注

326、意n缩略语n1单词的缩略法 n2短语的缩略法 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 4 Section 4An Introduction to Microsoft OfficeOffice Heads into the CloudsS Korea Security Firm Says Another Web Attack to Hit Tips for common PC problems:nKeep Your PC Safe from Scareware Unit 3 Operation System计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Operation Sy

327、stemSection1 Situational DialognSystem CrashSection 2 PassagesnPassage A. Categories of Operating SystemnPassage B. Comparison between Linux and WindowsSection 3 Skill in FocusnReading Skills, Part 3Syntactic Characteristics of Computer EnglishSection 4 Extended ReadingnSome Changes in Windows 7 Tas

328、kbarnGoogle to Launch Rival to Windows as It Challenges Microsofts DominancenApple Boosts Its Systems SpeednTips: Upgrade Your PC with a New Graphics Card计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Operation SystemSystem Crash1、在使用计算机的过程中,你遇到过系统崩溃的情况吗,、在使用计算机的过程中,你遇到过系统崩溃的情况吗,简单描述一下。简单描述一下。2、你觉得系统崩溃的原因有哪些。、你觉得系统崩溃的原因有哪些。计算机算机

329、专业英英语Unit 3 Section 1 Cheng Hong has met with some problems with his computer, and now he is consulting his Qian Liang, a “geek” among his classmates.Cheng Hong: Good morning, Qian Liang. May I ask you some questions about my computer?Qian Liang: Good morning. What can I do for you?Cheng Hong: The s

330、ystem in my computer has crashed. I have tried several times to reboot it but it doesnt work. What can I do?Qian Liang: How did that happen?Cheng Hong: The screen went blank while I was just drawing with Photoshop. It all happened suddenly, and I am totally at a loss why. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 1Z

331、hang Ning: Well, there might many causes for system crash. One of them is software. The simplest operation like installing and uninstalling might cause a crash in system. Problems within the system may also do that, so you have to be very careful when deleting DLL files, modifying Windows registry,

332、or upgrading the operating system. Another cause is the hardware problem. Have you tried backing up the files? It would be a great help in system restoration when the problem doesnt lie in the hardware.Cheng Hong: The service personnel installed a ghost program for me when I bought the computer. Wil

333、l I lose the data in my hard disk if it is restored?Qian Liang: Not except the data on C: drive, where files on your desktop or in My Documents are stored. You may move them into other locations with a bootable disk or under DOS if there are any.Cheng Hong: There are a lot of learning materials in M

334、y Documents and on the desktop. Would you please help me transfer them? It might save me the trouble of calling for customer services, and whats more important, Id learn a lot from you.Qian Liang: No problem. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Operation System1、你所知道的操作系统有哪些、你所知道的操作系统有哪些2、你觉得未来操作系统的发展趋势是什么、你觉得未来操作系统的发

335、展趋势是什么计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AOSsoftwareapplication programresourceerrorbatch processingreal-timemulti-taskingmulti-userdistributedtime sharingdesktopembeddedWindowsreleaseMacintoshUnixLinuxBSDsource codeGNUopensource projectz/OS计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AAn operating system (so

336、metimes abbreviated as “OS”) is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. It controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various applications programs for various uses. It acts as a resource allocator and manager. Sinc

337、e there are many possibly conflicting requests for resources, the operating system must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system efficiently and fairly. It also controls the user programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer, and is especially concer

338、ned with the operation and control of I/O devices. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage ACategories of Operating SystemsnWhile the majority of computers we see happen to be using one “type” of operating system performing the same functions, operating systems can be branched into several different type

339、s as well. Operating systems may be categorized by different standards. Here are some of common types: 1.Batch Processing Operating System 2.Real-time Operating System 3.Single User Operating System 4.Multi-Tasking Operating System5.Multi-User Operating System 6.Distributed Operating System 计算机算机专业英

340、英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A1. Batch Processing Operating System nIn a batch processing OS interaction between the user and processor is limited during the execution of work. Data and programs to be processed are bundled and collected as a batch and executed together.nBatch processing operating syst

341、ems are ideal when there are large amounts of data to be processed, similar data needs to be processed, or, similar processing is involved when executing the data.nThe system is capable of identifying times when the processor is idle at which time batches may be processed. Processing is all performe

342、d automatically without any user intervention.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A2. Realtime Operating System nA realtime operating system (RTOS) is an operating system that guarantees a certain capability within a specified time constraint. Realtime systems are usually used to control complex syst

343、ems that require a lot of processing like machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. 3. Single User Operating System nA single user OS, as the name suggests, is designed for one user to effectively use a computer at a time. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A4. MultiTasking Operating

344、 System nIn this type of OS several applications may be simultaneously loaded and used in the memory. nWhile the processor handles only one application at a particular time it is capable of switching between the applications effectively to apparently simultaneously execute each application. nThis ty

345、pe of operating system is seen everywhere today and is the most common type of OS, an example of which is the Windows operating system. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A5. MultiUser Operating System nThis type of OS allows multiple users to use the system simultaneously. Here as well, the process

346、or splits its resources and handles one user at a time, but it does this at such a high speed and so efficiently that it seems that users are simultaneously using the system. Some network systems utilize this kind of operating system. 6. Distributed Operating System nIn a distributed system, softwar

347、e and data may be distributed around the system. Programs and files may be stored on different storage devices which are located in different geographical locations and may be accessed from different computer terminals. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AThere are still more types of OSs according

348、to different classifications, such as nNetwork Operating SystemnTime Sharing Operating SystemnDesktop Operating SystemnServer Operating SystemnEmbedded Operating Systemand so forth.While we are mostly accustomed to seeing multitasking and multiuser operating systems, the other operating systems are

349、usually used in companies and firms to power special systems. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AMost Commonlyused OS nThe most widely used contemporary desktop operating systems include Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and Unixlike systems such Linux and the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution). Here

350、 is an overview on each system: 1、Windows2、UNIX/Linux3、Macintosh计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A1. Windows nWindows is the popular Microsoft brand preferred by most personal users. This system has come a long way from version 1.0 all the way up to the new Vista and soon to be released Windows 7.

351、 Although Windows has made strides in regard to security, it has a reputation for being one of the most vulnerable systems.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A2. Unix/LinuxnThe Unix operating system has been around for years, and it is well known for its stability. Unix is often used more as a serve

352、r than a workstation. Linux was based on the Unix system, with the source code being a part of GNU opensource project. Both systems are very secure yet far more complex than Windows. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage A3. MacintoshnRecent versions of the Macintosh operating system, including the Mac

353、 OS X, follow the secure architecture of Unix. Systems developed by Apple are efficient and easy to use, but can only function on Apple branded hardware.nFor mainframe computers, IBM, with its z/OS, dominates the operating system technologies. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises In1. _ are

354、 usually used to control complex systems that require a lot of processing like machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems.nA. Batch Processing systemsnB. Realtime systemsnC. Distributed systemsnD. MultiTasking systems B计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises In2. Windows operatin

355、g system is an example of_ .nA. Batch Processing systemsnB. Realtime systemsnC. Distributed systemsnD. MultiTasking systems D计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises In 3. _ was based on the Unix system, with the source code being a part of GNU opensource project. nA. LinuxnB. WindowsnC. Macint

356、oshnD. z/OS A计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises In4. For _, IBM, with its z/OS, dominates the operating system technologies.nA. personal computersnB. supercomputersnC. mainframe computersnD. workstation computers C计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. Batch Processing OS 2.

357、Distributed OS 3. Single User OS 4. Realtime OS5. Embedded OS6. MultiTasking OS 7. Open Source OS8. Server OS9. Time Sharing OS10. Network OS ( ) a. 服务器操作系统( ) b. 批处理操作系统( ) c. 开源操作系统( ) d. 分时操作系统( ) e. 实时操作系统( ) f. 多任务操作系统( ) g. 网络操作系统( ) h. 单用户操作系统( ) i. 分布式操作系统( ) j. 嵌入式操作系统 12345678910计算机算机专业英英语

358、Unit 3 Section 2 Passage AExercises III nattacknprotection nLinux nWindows nantivirusnviruses The debate about whether Linux needs antivirus 1._ will probably never end. The way Linux is designed makes it difficult for viruses to work the way they do in a 2._ environment.But its not impossible for s

359、omeone to find a way to 3._ Linux. Another consideration is that while a virus in an email might not affect a 4._ computer, the email and its associated virus might wreak havoc if it found its way via your computer to a friend using Windows.Getting rid of any 5._ on your PC, whether they are harmful

360、 to your system or not, is probably the right thing to do. Thankfully, there are some Linux 6._ programs, namely AVG and ClamAV. protectionWindowsattackLinuxvirusesAnti-virus计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Operation System1、 Windows是同学们比较熟悉的操作是同学们比较熟悉的操作系统,请回顾系统,请回顾Windows的发展史。的发展史。2、对于、对于Linux你了解有多少?你了解有多少?计算机算机专

361、业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BGPLdeveloperfunctionbugSCSIprivateGraphical User Interfacecommand linemousenavigatedrop-down menudialog boxbuttontabiconWindows Mobilelicense copyvariantversionrebootutilityfreewareGimpOpenOfficeStarOfficeWinedrivermanufacturerattackvulnerablevirusonlinedocumentation计算机

362、算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BDeveloped by Linus Torvalds and friends and first introduced in 1991, Linux is a freely available multitasking and multiuser operating system.From the outset, Linux was placed under General Public License (GPL). The system can be distributed, used and expanded free o

363、f charge. In this way, developers have access to all the source codes, thus being able to integrate new functions easily or to find and eliminate programming bugs quickly. Thereby drivers for new adapters (SCSI controller, graphics cards, etc.) can be integrated very rapidly. Presently, Linux is suc

364、cessfully being used by several millions of users worldwide. The composition of user groups varies from private users, training companies, universities, research centers to commercial users and companies, who view Linux as a real alternative to other operating systems.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Pass

365、age BMicrosoft Windows is a series of software operating systems and graphical user interfaces produced by Microsoft. Microsoft first introduced an operating environment named Windows in November 1985, which eliminates the need for a user to have to type each command at a command line, like MSDOS, b

366、y using a mouse to navigate through dropdown menus, dialog boxes, buttons, tabs, and icons. Microsoft Windows came to dominate the worlds personal computer market, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced previously. As of October 2009, Windows had approximately 91% of the market share of the cl

367、ient operating systems for usage on the Internet. The most recent client version of Windows is Windows 7, the most recent server version is Windows Server 2008 R2, and the most recent mobile device version is Windows Mobile 6.5 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BUsers who are considering making a c

368、hange from Windows to Linux or vice versa commonly want to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of the operating systems. Below is an illustration of the major advantages and disadvantages of each of these operating systems. 1.Price2.Ease 3.Reliability 4.Software 5.Software Cost 6. Hardware

369、 7.Security 8.Open Source 9.Support 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage B1. PricenThe majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much lower price than Microsoft Windows, while Microsoft Windows can run between $50.00 $150.00 US dollars per each license copy. 2. Ease nAlthough the major

370、ity of Linux variants have improved dramatically in ease of use, Windows is still much easier to use for beginners. Microsoft has made several advancements and changes that have made it much easier to use, and although arguably it may not be the easiest operating system, it is still easier than Linu

371、x. 3. Reliability nMost Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted. Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliability of Li

372、nux. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage B4. Software nLinux has a large variety of available software programs, utilities, and games. However, Windows has a much larger selection of available software because of the large amount of Microsoft Windows users. 5. Software Cost nMany of the available sof

373、tware programs, utilities, and games available on Linux are freeware and/or open source. Even such complex programs such as Gimp, OpenOffice, StarOffice, and Wine are available for free or at a low cost. In contrast, although Windows does have software programs, utilities, and games for free, the ma

374、jority of the programs will cost anywhere between $20.00 $200.00+ US dollars per copy. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage B6. Hardware nThis is where Windows shows great advantages. Although Linux companies and hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in hardware support for Linux and tod

375、ay Linux will support most hardware devices, many companies still do not offer drivers or support for their hardware in Linux. Because of the larger number of Microsoft Windows users and the broader driver support, Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices and a good majority of hardwar

376、e manufacturers will support their products in Microsoft Windows. 7. Security nLinux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it has been much more secure. Even if Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with secu

377、rity on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage B8. Open Source nMany of the Linux variants and many Linux programs are open source and enable users to customize or modify the code however the

378、y wish to. Microsoft Windows is not open source and the majority of Windows programs are not open source. 9. Support nAlthough it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support avai

379、lable for Linux. Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) The majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much

380、 lower price than Microsoft Windows.n2. ( ) Most Windows versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted.n3. ( ) Though many of the available software programs, utilities, and games available on Linux are freeware and/or open source, such compl

381、ex programs such as Gimp, OpenOffice, StarOffice, and Wine must be bought at a high price.n4. ( ) Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices than Linux.n5. ( ) Microsoft operating system is the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.n6. ( ) It is a lot easier to find users familiar

382、 with all Linux variants than those with Windows. TFFTTF计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n1. Developed by _ and friends and first introduced in 1991, Linux is a freely available _ and _ operating system.n2. Microsoft Windows eliminates the need for a user to have to _, like MSDOS, by

383、 using a _ to navigate through _, _, buttons, tabs, and icons.n3. From the outset, Linux was placed under _. The system can be distributed, used and expanded _. Developers have access to all the _, thus being able to integrate new functions easily or to find and eliminate _ quickly.n4. The most rece

384、nt client version of Windows is _, the most recent server version is _, and the most recent mobile device version is _. Linus Torvaldsmultitaskingmulti-usertype each command at a command linemousedrop-down menusdialog boxesGPLfree of chargesource codesprogramming bugsWindows 7Windows Server R2Window

385、s Mobile 6.5计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n5. The composition of Linux user groups varies from private users, _, universities, _ to commercial users and _, who view Linux as a _ to other operating systems.n6. Microsoft Windows came to dominate the worlds _ market, overtaking _, wh

386、ich had been introduced previously. n7. Many of the _ and many _ are open source and enable users to _ the code however they wish to. n8. Microsoft Windows includes its own _ section, has vast amount of available _ and help, as well as books on _ of Windows. training companiesresearch centerscompani

387、espersonal computerreal alternativeMac OSLinux variantsLinux programscustomize or modifyhelponline documentationeach of the versions计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 3Computer English Reading, Part 3n计算机句法的特点计算机句法的特点 n1陈述句n2祈使句n3被动语态 n4复合句n5非谓语动词n6一般时态和现在完成时态 n7用虚拟语气 n8多用某些常用句型 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 3 Section 4Some

388、 Changes in Windows 7 Taskbar n1. Taskbar n2. Popups and Jump Lists n3. Action stations Google to Launch Rival to Windows as It Challenges Microsofts Dominance Apple Boosts Its Systems Speed Tips for common PC problems:nHow to reduce your PCs startup time Unit 2 Computer Hardware计算机专业英语郭敏郭敏 徐莹徐莹 杨阳杨

389、阳计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Computer HardwareSection1 Situational DialognShopping for a ComputerSection 2 PassagesnPassage A. A Guide on The Main Components In a PCnPassage B. Introducing Common PeripheralsSection 3 Skill in FocusnReading Skills Part 2Characteristics of Computer English Vocabulary Characteris

390、tics of Computer English TextSection 4 Extended ReadingnPart III of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve JobsnIntel Settles Antitrust AMD Case for $1.2bn nA Brief Rundown of What You Need In A LaptopnTips: Upgrade Your PC with a New Graphics Card 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Computer HardwareShopping

391、for a Computer1、你购买过计算机吗?描述一下你的购买过程以及你的、你购买过计算机吗?描述一下你的购买过程以及你的电脑配置。或者如果你打算购买,你会买一台什么配置的电脑配置。或者如果你打算购买,你会买一台什么配置的电脑。电脑。2、你觉得购买计算机的时候应当考虑哪些因素?、你觉得购买计算机的时候应当考虑哪些因素?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 1 Chen Hong plans to buy a computer and she is asking Mr. Li for suggestions. Chen Hong: Excuse me, Mr. Li. Im pl

392、anning to buy a computer. I wonder if you could give me some advice.Mr. Li: Sure. It would be better if youve got a budget. Which do you prefer, a desktop or laptop? And what do you want it for?Chen Hong: Id like to spend about 4,000 yuan on a desktop, with which I could learn about image processing

393、 software and search some information online. Besides, Id really love to watch some blockbusters in my spare time. I know a branded computer is a better choice for a layman like me since an assembled one does not ensure good services. I went to the PC Mall the other day and brought back these leafle

394、ts. Would you please select one for me?计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 1Mr. Li: OK. Let me take a look. Mr. Li: I recommend this one. You see, it enjoys a good CPU and an independent Graphics card, suitable for image processing. Its 22in display with 1080p full HD capability is ideal for video watching. Mo

395、st importantly, the price is competitive.Chen Hong: The retailer also offers speakers, a USB flash drive, a camera and a tablet free of charge, and the RAM can be upgraded considerably for 100 yuan more.Mr. Li: Thats impressive. Surf the Internet and you can learn a lot about hardware from this shop

396、ping experience. Chen Hong: Thats quite true! Thank you very much for your advice! 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Computer Hardware1、计算机是由哪些组件构成的、计算机是由哪些组件构成的2、选择一个你最熟悉的硬件向同学们介绍、选择一个你最熟悉的硬件向同学们介绍计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AcomponentbinaryinteractmotherboardRAMROMBIOSBUSO/IHarddisksectorFATCDROMDVDROMburni

397、ngexpansion cardmodemanaloguetranslatorgraphics cardACDC计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AHistorically, a computer is any device that can store and process data. Today it usually refers to an electronic device with circuits that allow for data to be manipulated in binary form. So the main componen

398、ts are software (programs to process data) and hardware (devices used for the storing and processing of that data). And lastly, an array of components for humans to interact with the electronic data “machine.” 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AModern computers usually contain the following compone

399、nts:1.Motherboards2.CPU3.Memory4.O/I Ports5.Hard Disk6.CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive7.Expansion Cards8.Power Supply计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AMotherboardsnThe motherboard is heart of the computer, with all of its connections leading out from itself and into every device in the machine. nWhen you ope

400、n a PC youll see the Motherboard will more than likely cover the whole of one side of the PC.n It is a very important part of the system since everything has to be connected to it, everything therefore has to be compatible with it. nThe speed of the connections that run from each component to the mo

401、therboard can also have a positive or negative effect on the system. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage ACPUnThe CPU (Central Processing Unit) is often referred to as the “brain” of the computer. Although it is argued amongst many people weather or not this is the most important part of the computer

402、, it is still one of the most significant pieces of hardware inside the case. nHowever, it is not to say that by merely buying a new CPU you will be speeding up the computer, which is a common mistake made by users who dont see the computer as a “whole” but as its different components. nThe CPU work

403、s in direct harmony with all other parts of the system. The impact of a CPU will be greatly reduced if the motherboard has a slow BUS speed.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AMemorynThe Memory of the computer comes under two sections, the RAM (Random Access Memory) and the ROM (Read Only Memory). n

404、The difference between the two is that, RAM is volatile (which means that when the workstation powers down or switches off then the contents of the memory is cleared) and ROM is not. The ROM is also known as the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). nMemory as in RAM is very important to the computer, e

405、specially if this particular computer is going to be working with a lot of large files and programs. nHowever on the other hand ROM is not very important; the BIOS version written onto it is the most recent (or a fairly recent) version. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AO/I PortsnO/I Ports (Output

406、/Input Ports) covers all of the sockets, commonly at the back of the PC. nThese ports are intended for you to plug in external hardware such as a printer or a mouse into your PC. Without them the user would be unable to interface with the PC. nThey work, for the most part, by being connected into th

407、e motherboard. nMost of these are nowadays automatically detected as soon as we plug them into the slot therefore making it easy to just plug in a device and be able to use it right away. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AHard DisknThis is the main storage device on all PCs capable of holding huge

408、 programs and file sizes. nInside the Hard Disk there is a read/write head that does all of the reading and writing from the disk. nThis read/write head magnetizes something known as sectors on the Hard Disk; if a sector fills up then the read/write head will move onto another sector, no matter wher

409、e on the disk and continue writing. nThe Hard Disk has a special area on it known as the FAT (File Allocation Table), which tells the read/write head where all the pieces of information it needs are. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AHard Disk nHowever if a read/write head has to keep moving aroun

410、d the disk to get the information it needs instead of being in the one place, it will slow things down. nTo counter this, programs like Disk Defragmenters are used to put all of the data together and therefore improve access times on the Hard Disk. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage ACDROM/DVDROM Dr

411、ivenThe CDROM and the DVDROM drives are very popular methods of data storage. nIt is essential for almost all computers nowadays to have access to a CDROM drive in the very least, especially at a business level. nThey work in a very similar way to the hard disk drive in the sense that they are read

412、and written to, however this job is done with a laser and the term for writing to a CD or DVD is often referred to as “burning”. nDVDROMs work in exactly the same way as CDROMS, the only difference being that DVDROMs contain a lot more data.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExpansion CardsnExpansi

413、on cards are the cards inside of the PC that are useful for performing specific features. nFor example, the internal modem takes care of speaking to an analogue line for the computer and acts as a translator for the computer and the phone line, and a graphics card allows you to deal with high qualit

414、y media. nExpansion cards are paramount for finetuning the system. They are the parts of the machine that make it truly customizable. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage APower SupplynThe power supply supplies power to the whole system. Is the part of the computer that is hooked directly into the mai

415、ns. nDue to the capacitors and other electronics inside of them, they are normally very dangerous even when disconnected from the mains, and are almost completely non userserviceable. nThe power supply takes the AC power from the wall socket and converts it into DC power because AC current is liable

416、 to damage the delicate innards of the PC.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage APower SupplynA power supply is another essential part. The only thing you will be likely to get different on a power supply is the amount of wattage out and the amount of connectors that it will allow out.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2

417、Section 2 Passage AExercises In1. _ is heart of the computer, with all of its connections leading out from itself and into every device in the machine.nA. The motherboardnB. The CPUnC. The hard disknD. The power supplyA计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExercises In2. The impact of a _ will be grea

418、tly reduced if the motherboard has a slow BUS speed.nA. O/I PortnB. CPUnC. memorynD. hard disk B计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExercises In 3. _ is the main storage device on all PCs capable of holding huge programs and file sizes.nA. The ROMnB. The RAMnC. The DVDROM drivenD. The Hard Disk D计算机

419、算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExercises In4. The term for _ a CD or DVD is often referred to as “burning”nA. readingnB. checkingnC. writing tonD. moving C计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExercises II 1. CPU2. Power Supply3. I/O Ports4. CDROM5. FAT6. Memory7. Hard Disk8. BIOS9. Motherboard10. E

420、xpansion Card( ) a. 扩展卡( ) b. 内存( ) c. 中央处理器( ) d. 文件配置表( ) e. 硬盘( ) f. 基本输入输出系统( ) g. 输入/输出端口( ) h. 只读光盘( ) i. 主板( ) j. 电源12345678910计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage AExercises III nretain ncomputer nmemory nstore ndevice ndominance The first hard disk, created by IBM in 1956, weighed over a tonn

421、e but could 1._ only 5MB of files. Modern hard disks are smaller, cheaper and typically store 100,000 times more data.The hard disk is an invaluable part of a PC because, unlike a computers main 2._, which is wiped when the 3._ is turned off, the hard disk will 4._ files when there is no power runni

422、ng through the computer. They have also found their way into other devices including portable media players, camcorders and digital (Free view) TV recorders.However, the hard disks 5._ over our computers is now being threatened by an entirely different storage 6._ the SolidState Disk (SSD). SSDs are

423、 built with Flash memory, the same as is used in a digital cameras memory card, which makes them much faster than hard disks.storememorycomputerretaindominancedevice计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Computer Hardware1、你觉得计算机外围设备指的是什么,请、你觉得计算机外围设备指的是什么,请举例说明举例说明2、找一个你熟悉的外围设备向同学们介绍、找一个你熟悉的外围设备向同学们介绍计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Se

424、ction 2 Passage BperipheralperformhandleOAUSB flashscannerfax machinestorage devicefloppy diskcapacitytextdigital image3Dillustrationsdaisy-wheel printerdot-matrix printerink-jet printerlaser printerLCDLEDMFPAIOMFDMP3MP4DVDCPSPaudioWMAscreenvideoUMD计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BA peripheral is

425、 an object attached to the computer to help it perform some necessary assignments none of the other parts can handle. In most scenarios, no peripheral is required but nowadays, it is unusual for a computer not to have any peripheral at all.Below are some of the common peripherals used for Office Aut

426、omation (OA) and for entertainment.Office Automation is a general term that includes a wide range of applications of computer, communication and information technologies in office environments. The most used peripherals for OA are the USB flash, a scanner, the printer, the Fax machine, etc. 计算机算机专业英

427、英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage B A USB flash drive consists of flash memory data storage device integrated with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) 1.1 or 2.0 interface. It is used for the same purposes as floppy disks but smaller, faster, more durable, and with thousands of times more capacity. Storage capaci

428、ties in 2010 can be as large as 256 GB with steady improvements in size and price per capacity. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BA scanner is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image. A scanner works by digitizing an image d

429、ividing it into a grid of boxes and representing each box with either a zero or a one, depending on whether the box is filled in. The resulting matrix of bits, called a bit map, can then be stored in a file, displayed on a screen, and manipulated by programs. Common examples are the flatbed scanners

430、, the handheld scanners, and 3D scanners. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BA printer is a device that prints text or illustrations on paper. There are many different types of printers. In terms of the technology utilized, printers can be classified into daisywheel printers which produce letterqua

431、lity print but cannot print graphics, dotmatrix printers which create characters with dots made by striking pins against an ink ribbon, inkjet printers which prays ink at a sheet of paper to produce highquality text and graphics, laser printers which use the same technology as copy machines and prod

432、uce very high quality text and graphics, LCD & LED printers which use liquid crystals or lightemitting diodes to produce an image on the drum, line printers which contain a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at one time, and thermal printers that work by pushing heated pins agains

433、t heatsensitive paper. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BA fax machine is a device that can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line. Fax machines work by digitizing an image dividing it into a grid of dots. Each dot is either on or off, depending on whether it is black or white. El

434、ectronically, each dot is represented by a bit that has a value of either 0 (off) or 1 (on). In this way, the fax machine translates a picture into a series of zeros and ones (called a bit map) that can be transmitted like normal computer data. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BAn MFP (Multi Funct

435、ion Product / Printer / Peripheral), multifunctional, allinone (AIO), or Multifunction Device (MFD), is an office machine which incorporates the functionality of multiple devices in one, so as to have a smaller footprint in a home or small business setting, or to provide centralized document managem

436、ent / distribution / production in a largeoffice setting. A typical MFP may act as a combination of printer, scanner, photocopier, and fax.计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BThe most used peripherals for entertainment include MP3 players, MP4 players, DC, DV, and PSP, etc. An MP3 player is a portab

437、le consumer electronic device that allows you to store and plays music files in MP3 format. MP3 players are small handheld devices and often use flash memory for storing MP3 files. While frequently called an MP3 player, it fits under the broader category of digital audio players and often an MP3 pla

438、yers can use other file types such as Windows Media Audio (WMA). 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BThe name MP4 player is a marketing term for portable media players that comply with certain standards and formats. The name itself is a misnomer, since most MP4 players are incompatible with the MPEG

439、4 Part 14 or the mp4 container format. Instead, the term symbolizes their status as successors of MP3 players. In this sense, in some markets like Brazil, any new function added to a given media player is followed by an increase in the number, so it is possible to find “MP5 Players” and even “MP12 P

440、layers”计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BA digital camera (also digicam or camera for short) is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor. Digital cameras can display images on a screen immediately after they are recorded,

441、 store thousands of images on a single small memory device, record video with sound, and delete images to free storage space. Some can crop pictures and perform other elementary image editing. Fundamentally they operate in the same manner as film cameras, but the image pickup device is electronic ra

442、ther than chemical. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BDV is a format for recording and playing back digital video. It was launched in 1995 with joint efforts of leading producers of video camera recorders. The Play Station Portable (PSP) is a handheld game console manufactured and marketed by Sony

443、 Computer Entertainment. It is the first handheld video game console to use an optical disc format, Universal Media Disc (UMD), as its primary storage medium. Other distinguishing features of the console include its large viewing screen, robust multimedia capabilities, and connectivity with the Play

444、Station 3, other PSPs, and the Internet. 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BExercises In1. ( ) In most scenarios, no peripheral is required but nowadays, so it is usual for a computer not to have any peripheral at all.n2. ( ) Dotmatrix printers create characters with dots made by striking pins agai

445、nst an ink ribbon.n3. ( ) A faxmachine is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to a digital image.n4. ( ) Inkjet printers which produce letterquality print but cannot print graphics.n5. ( ) MP4 players are compatible with the MPEG4 Part 14 or

446、 the mp4 container format.n6. ( ) An MP3 player only allows you to store and plays music files in MP3 format. FTFFFF计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n1. A peripheral is an object _ the computer to help it perform some _ none of the other parts can handle.n2. Office Automation is a _

447、that includes a wide range of applications of computer, _ and information technologies in _.n3. A USB flash drive consists of flash memory _ integrated with a _.n4. In terms of the technology utilized, printers can be classified into _, dotmatrix printers, _, _, LCD & LED printers, _, and thermal pr

448、inters. attached tonecessary assignmentsgeneral termcommunicationoffice environmentsdata storage deviceUSB 1.1 or 2.0 interfacedaisy-wheel printersink-jet printerslaser printersline printers计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 2 Passage BExercises II n5. LCD & LED printers use _ or _ to produce an image on_.n6.

449、 A digital camera is a camera that takes video or _, or both, digitally by recording images via _.n7. An MFP is also called _, _, or _; it is an office machine which _ the functionality of multiple devices in onen8. The PSP is a handheld _ manufactured and marketed by Sony Computer Entertainment. It

450、 is the first handheld video game console to use _, Universal Media Disc (UMD), as its _. liquid crystalsLight-emitting diodesthe druman electronic images sensorstill photographsmultifunctionalall-in-oneMultifunction Deviceincorporatesmultifunctionalan optical disc formatprimary storage medium计算机算机专

451、业英英语Unit 2 Section 3Computer English Reading, Part 2n计算机英语词汇的特点计算机英语词汇的特点 n计算机英语词汇主要可分为以下几类:n专业技术词汇 n半技术词汇 n非技术词汇 n非词汇(即各种符号) n计算机英语词汇体现出以下几方面特点: n1转义性n2专业术语和专业略语高频率使用 n3简单的屏幕命令,省略名词、动词 n4使用各种构词法 n5借用n6新词汇不断出现 计算机算机专业英英语Unit 2 Section 4Part III of Commencement Speech at Stanford Given by Steve Jobs Intel Settles Antitrust AMD Case for $1.2bn A Brief Rundown of What You Need in a Laptop Tips for common PC problems:nUpgrade Your PC with a New Graphics Card



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