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1、必修二必修二Unit2-Using-LanguageUnit2-Using-Language2021/5/222Atalanta,tlntHippomeneshipmni:z2021/5/223Reading2021/5/224(1)How many characters are there in the story?(2) Why did Hippomenes decide to run against Atalanta?startRead the story quickly and silently to find the answers:2021/5/225(1)How many cha

2、racters are there in the story?(2) Why did Hippomenes want to run against Atalanta? There are four characters: Atalanta, the king, Hippomenes, and the Goddess of love. Because he wanted to marry Atalanta. 2021/5/226True or FalseTrue or False1.Atalanta was happy about the fact that she could not run

3、in the Olympics. ( )2. Many men gave up the race because it was hopeless to win. ( )3. At first Hippomenes understood why menran against Atalanta. ( )4. He took three golden apples to run the race. ( )FTFT2021/5/2272021/5/228Story-teller(旁白)(旁白):AtalantawasaGreekprincess.Shewasverybeautifulandcouldr

4、unfasterthananymaninGreece.ButshewasnotallowedtorunandwingloryforherselfintheOlympicGames.Shewassoangrythatshesaidtoherfather.Atalanta: Father,Iwillnotmarryanyonewhocannotrunfasterthanme.King:Oh,dear,Youmustmarry.Story-teller:soAtalantamadeabargainwithherfather.Atalanta:Thesearemyrules.Whenamansaysh

5、ewantstomarryme,Iwillrunagainsthim.Ifhecannotrunasfastasme,hewillbekilled.Noonewillbepardoned.Role play the story.2021/5/229Story-teller:ManykingsandprinceswantedtomarryAtalanta,butwhentheyheardofrulestheyknewitwashopeless.Somanyofthemsadlywenthome,butothersstayedtoruntherace.TherewasamancalledHippo



8、ast.Whenshestopstopickitup,youwillbeabletorunpastherandwin.Story-teller:HippomenestooktheapplesandwenttotheKing.Hippomenes:IwanttomarryAtalanta.Story-teller:TheKingwassadtoseeanothermandie,butHippomenessaid.Hippomenes: Iwillmarryher-ordie!Story-teller:Sotheracebegan.2021/5/2210Will Hippomenes win th

9、e race ?2021/5/22111. Did Hippomenes win the race?2.What did he do when Atalanta was in front of him during the race?Listen to the ending of the story, check your guesses and answer the following questions.2021/5/2212 Hippomenes was waiting when Atalanta came out. She thought, “I _ this man _!” So s

10、he said to her father, “Tell him _. The race _ today.” But Hippomenes said, “These are _: She _ who _ than her! _- lets run!”dont wantwill not be runto go awayto dieher ruleswill marry the manruns fasterCome onListen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.2021/5/2213What can you learn from the sto

11、ry?A. Love makes the world go around. 爱让世界转动爱让世界转动B. No pains, no gains. 不劳无获不劳无获C. Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事世上无难事 只怕有心人只怕有心人2021/5/2214DoyouthinkHippomenesdeservedtowintherace?Whyorwhynot?Question2021/5/2215Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Physical Culture

12、 and Sports中华人民共和国体育法中华人民共和国体育法Law Osmosis(法制渗透)(法制渗透)2021/5/2216Please add an ending according to the result of the story. Time: when the race is overPlace: at the palaceCharacters: Atalanta, Hippomenes, the king, another runner, a story-tellerLets go on writing the story.Homework2021/5/2217Will you marry me?Im not afraid to die.I agree toIm happy to marry my daughter to you.He cheated all of you.Key wordshopelessBravecleverfoolishdishonest2021/5/22182021/5/22192021/5/2220谢谢观赏!2020/11/521



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