Unit-2-The-United-Kingdom-Listening-rciseppt -新人教版必修5课件

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1、必修必修5 5Unit 2 The United Kingdom注注: : 另附另附 word word 文档。文档。点击此处链接点击此处链接Listen to Part 1. CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON?Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find outmore about the history of the Tower of London from a guide (G).CAN A ROYAL PALACE ALSO BE A PRISON? Zhang Pingyu (ZP) is trying to find

2、out more about the history of the _ of London from a _ (G).Listen again and fill in the blanks.TowerguideG: The Tower was the home of the King but also a _. Many important people were kept there.ZP: I beg your pardon? Can you speak more _, please? G: Of course. Have you heard of “The _ in the Tower”

3、?ZP: No, Im afraid not.prisonslowlyPrincesG: These two princes were _, called Edward and Richard and they lived _ hundred years ago. They came to _, for the older boy to become Edward V, after his father, King Edward IV, _. ZP: I see. How old was he?brotherssixLondondiedG: He was only _ years old. H

4、is cruel uncle, also called Richard, was supposed to _ _ them both, but instead he had them _ while they were asleep.ZP: What do you mean? He killed them himself?thirteenlook afterkilledG: No, he _ his men to kill them because he wanted to become King Richard III. There is a story that on a dark _ y

5、ou can sometimes hear those princes _.ZP: You can hear them crying? Really? I _ you said they were killed many years ago.G: Yes, but its only a _!sentnightcryingstorythoughtListen to Part 2.Part 2ZP: Who else came to the Tower as a _?G: A future queen. In the _ Queen Mary sent her _, Princess Elizab

6、eth, to the Tower as a prisoner. ZP: _! Why did she do that?Listen again and fill in the blanks.prisoner1550ssisterStrangeG: She thought Elizabeth was a _. So she sent Elizabeth through a special _ called “Traitors Gate”. That only happened _ very bad people.ZP: Im sorry I dont _. How did Elizabeth

7、become Queen if she was a prisoner?traitorgatetounderstandG: Easy. Her brother and sister both died _ children so Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth I. She tried not to be _ to others when she was Queen.ZP: Im _ to hear that.withoutunfairgladListen to Part 1. WHO ARE BRITISH CITIZENS?Liu Lei (LL) is t

8、alking with Sarah (S) about British people.WHO ARE BRITISH CITIZENS?Liu Lei (LL) is talking with Sarah (S) about _ people.LL: Sarah, did you say that Britain is a _ country?Listen again and fill in the blanks.BritishmulticulturalS: Yes, I did. We have people from different _ and _.LL: I dont quite u

9、nderstand. If they _ _ different countries and cultures, how do you know that theyre British? culturescountriescome from S: Well, there are _ different groups of British _. Let me tell you about the first group. A long time ago Britain _ many countries. When these countries became _, their people we

10、re given a choice. They could _ become British citizens _ remain in their own country.citizensruledindependenteitherorthreeLL: Now let me see if Ive got it right. Did you say that they had to _ which country to belong to?S: Yes, and many chose to _ in their own country, but some wanted to be British

11、 and came to _.LL: I see. So thats the first group.chooseremainBritainListen to Part 2.Part 2LL: So what about the second and third _?S: Well, the second groups easy. Theyre people with British _ or who were born in Britain. This is the _ number of British citizens.Listen again and fill in the blank

12、s.groupsparentslargestLL: And the _ group?S: They come from other countries. But if a person lives and works in Britain for _ years they can become a British citizen.LL: I see. What if you have _ skin? thirdfiveblackS: It doesnt matter what _ your skin is! Many black people came from the Caribbean,

13、_ or Pakistan to set up small _. Theyre all British now.LL: Have they _ to British culture?colourIndiabusinessescontributedS: Oh yes, with their _ and food, of course! Weve a new national _ from India called chicken tikka masala. It is now more popular than our _ national dish of fish and chips. So

14、you can see how _ multicultural we are!musicdishtraditionaltrulyListen to Part 1. WAS KING JAMES FAIR?A Catholic supporter (CS) is interviewingKing James (KJ) to find out why he changed his mind about letting the Catholics practise their religion as they wished.WAS KING JAMES FAIR?A Catholic support

15、er (CS) is _ King James (KJ) to find out why he changed his mind about letting the Catholics practise their _ as they wished.Listen again and fill in the blanks.interviewingreligionPart1 CS: Good morning sir. Thank you for coming to talk to me about the _ that was planned for _ 6th. It was so lucky

16、you escaped.KJ: Yes. I was very _, of course. I couldnt _ that anyone would want to kill me. What did I ever do to Guy Fawkes and his friends?attackNovemberupsetbelieveCS: But, sir, youre the person who caused this problem by changing your _. First of all you let the Catholics practise their religio

17、n _. Then you said it was no longer _. You must have known they would get upset.mindsafelyallowedKJ: Please try to understand my _. I thought there were only a few _ in the country. CS: Why did you think so?KJ: Well, because only a few people were put _ prison every year for not going to the Protest

18、ant _.CS: I see. So you thought these were the only Catholics.KJ: Yes.difficultyCatholicsinchurchListen to Part 2.Part 2KJ: When I _ the law there seemed to be so many Catholics that I felt I had done the wrong thing. I got _. I worried that they might want _ to be a Catholic country.Listen again an

19、d fill in the blanks.relaxedfrightenedEnglandCS: Does that matter?KJ: Oh yes. All our _ are Protestant countries and all our _ are Catholic ones.CS: Mm! Did you ask Fawkes and Catesby _ that was what they wanted? KJ: No.enemiesiffriendsCS: So the attack was _. Actually you brought about what you wanted to _. What did you learn from it?KJ: I should have talked _ the Catholics. If Id done that there wouldnt have been an attack _ they would have been able to explain their point of view _.CS: Thank you, sir. Goodbye.KJ: Goodbye.plannedavoidbecausetopeacefully



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