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1、英语中考题型三阅读理解中考题型三阅读理解四川专用A(2016,宜宾)(导学号:57392082)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的四个最佳选项。 The Boy and the DrumThere was once a poor woman with only one son.One day,she asked her son if there was anything he wanted.1._The mother left for the market,feeling very sad,because she did not have enough money to bu

2、y a drum.On the way home,she found a piece of wood and gave it to her son to play with.Later that day,the boy went outside to play.Along the road,he saw an old woman crying.The old woman was trying to start a fire to cook some food,but she didnt have any wood.2._.The old woman gave him a piece of br

3、ead she had made.EDThen,further down the road,the boy met a pot makers wife and her crying child.The boy asked her what was wrong.3._The boy gave the woman the piece of bread,and she gave him a pot.The boy walked on.Before long,he saw a husband and wife arguing.He asked them why they were arguing.Th

4、ey said,“We have broken our pot and have nothing to clean our clothes in.”The boy gave his pot to them,and they gave the boy a new coat.Next,the boy saw a man who had no shirt.The man said he had been robbed on his way home.The robbers had taken his money,and his shirt.4._The man was so happy,he gav

5、e the boy his horse.CBFinally,on his way home,the boy met a huge group of people going to a wedding.There were musicians,the bridegroom,and his family.Everyone looked sad.The bridegrooms father said,“We are waiting for a horse.If it doesnt come soon,we will be late for the wedding.”The boy gave them

6、 his new horse.The group asked the boy what they could give him,and he replied,“A drum.”So,the musicians gave him their drum.The boy ran home to tell his mother how he had a last gotten the drum he had wanted.AThe boy hadnt at last gotten the drum he had wantedBThe boy gave the man his new coatCThe

7、woman said she had no food to give to her hungry child.DHearing this,the boy gave her his piece of woodEThe boy said he wanted a drumB(2016,成都)Teeth are very important for our health.They will be our lifelong friends.So we should learn to protect them at a very young age.Here are some tips:First,we

8、should eat right.*Dont eat too much candy or drink too much cola,or our teeth will go bad easily.*Have more cheese,milk and yogurt to make teeth strong.*Eat more vegetables and fruits to help clean teeth.Second,we should keep these numbers in mind.*2 / DayBrush your teeth at least twice a day:in the

9、 morning and before bedtime.*23 MinutesBrush for at least two to three minutes every time.*3 MonthsGet a new toothbrush every three months.*6 MonthsGo to the dentist every six months for a checkup.根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。1Were too young,so we neednt start protecting our teeth._2Cheese,milk and yogurt can

10、 keep our teeth strong._3We shouldnt brush our teeth after lunch._4We can brush our teeth for only one minute each time._5At least four toothbrushes should be used in a year._FTFFTC(2016,自贡)I am a karate(空手道)player. I still remember my first karate competition. Like other players, I was very excited

11、 about my event.I watched every players techniques(技巧) so that I could carefully avoid their moves.Somehow I got into the semifinals. In the semifinals,I got injured. I still didnt give up and got into finals. After all, getting the gold medal was my dream.In the final competition,there were no supp

12、orters on my side,as I was a new face.Instead,the crowd was cheering for my opponent.I could hear only my opponents name.I ignored the crowds cheering.I kept one thing in mind:focus,wait and attack.I had confidence in myself,and I knew that no matter how strong my opponent was,I had to do my best an

13、d fight well.When the time was up,I was leading with a 30 score.One thing I learned from that event is,no matter how strong your opponent is,dont think you are weak or strong.Just give your best shot,and you will make your way to success.Win or lose,you will learn from every step you take.1The write

14、r felt_when he took part in his first karate competition.Adisappointed BexcitedCnervous Dscared2The writer_in the semifinals.Awas injured Bgave up fightingCwas beaten Dgot the gold medal3A lot of fans came to the final competition and cheered for_Athe writer Bthe writers great dreamCthe opponent Dth

15、e opponents victory BAC4According to the passage,what made the writer win?_AGood preparation. BHaving a dream.CSelfconfidecne DAll of the above.5In the passage,the writer implices(暗示)_Ahow we can do well in a competitionBwhat is the fast way to get a gold mdeal in a competitionCits useful to study t

16、echniques before a competitionDits important to learn something and get experience from what you doDD1命题原则(1)考查学生在阅读中准确捕获信息的能力。这就要求考生通过阅读短文,运用自己所学的语法、词组、短语等方面的语言知识,根据自己的理解,掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,以及用说明主旨和大意的事实和情节,迅速找出题目后面的正确选项。(2)要求学生既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念;既理解文章的表层意思,也理解文章的深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等“弦外之音”。(3)要求学生既理解某句、某段的意义,



19、心增加了难度,在这种情况下,考生应特别注意首段和每一自然段的首句以及结尾句。这样一来就抓住了中心,为正确答题打下了良好的基础。3优选排除,确定答案。阅读理解题备选答案有三个是干扰项。我们可先排除语法、词法上明显有错误的选项,再排除与短文内容不符的选项,剩下的就是应选答案了,在这个过程中要仔细鉴别,对比各选项的区别。4复读全文,检查答案。考生应把短文中考查的信息归纳一遍,再次阅读,检查答案,看看是否前后一致,是否符合逻辑推理,有错及时纠正。 Your body is specialno two people in the world are alike.Although you are diff

20、erent from everyone else,you have exactly the same body parts as the people around you,doing different jobs that keep all of us alive.What is inside my head?Your head houses the most valuable part of your bodyyour brain.As you are reading,your eyes send pictures to your brain which makes meaning fro

21、m what you see.Your brain helps you to remember and think,and makes sure your body is doing what it should.What is my skin(皮肤) for?Your skin covers your body.In most parts of your body,the skin is just as thick as half a centimeter.If you have your skin cut,it will have a quick cure and stop viruses

22、 from getting into your body.Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you.Hair grows from inside the skin.When you feel hot,extra heat comes out through your skin.As a result,your body temperature drops.How do I move?Muscles(肌肉) are found in most parts of your bo

23、dy.They work with your bones to help you movewhenever you cry or smile,eat or speak,walk or dance,etc.Why do I breathe?Your body needs to take in oxygen from the air and give out the unwanted carbon dioxide in the body.When you breathe,air comes through your nose and mouth into your lungs(肺) where o

24、xygen flows to different parts of your body.What makes me sneeze?When dust or a strong smell gets into your nose,you sneeze.This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose.Your lungs push out the air and try to clear your nose.What does my heart do?Your heart is a very special muscle.It is

25、 slightly bigger than your fist (拳头) and grows bigger as you do.If you place your hand on your heart,you will feel your heart beating which forces blood to move around your body.1The underlined word “houses” in the passage probably means _Astores Blocks Ccreates Dbuilds2If you have no skin covering

26、your body,what would happen?AExtra heat can only stay inside our body. BViruses cant get into our body easily.CWe cant feel the changes in temperature. DOur body can be guarded by our hair.3What is the true fact about your body?AOur heart is the same size from birth. BWe take in carbon dioxide to st

27、ay alive.COur muscles stop working when we nod. DSneezing is a way to clear our nose.4Which is the best title for this passage?AWhat Your Body Needs BHow Your Body WorksCWhy Your Body Grows DWhen Your Body Moves【考查角度拓展】5From the passage,we can know _Aour hearts arent a muscle Bextra heats comes out

28、through our mouthsCcarbon dioxide is good for our health Dmuscles help us move with our bones6To help us know our bodies well,how many questions are asked?A3 B4 C5 D6【主旨大意】本文为一篇说明文,分别介绍了我们的脑、皮肤、肌肉等器官的功能。1A【解析】词义猜测题根据Your head houses the most valuable part of your bodyyour brain.可推测,脑袋里有身体最有价值的东西大脑。又

29、知store的意思是储存;lock的意思是上锁;create意为创造;build意思是建造,所以此处应选stores,故选A。2C【解析】细节理解题根据If you have your skin cut,it will have a quick cure and stop viruses from getting into your body.Your skin also helps you feel the heat and coldness of the environment around you.Hair grows from inside the skin.When you feel

30、 hot,extra heat comes out through your skin.As a result,your body temperature drops.可知,皮肤可以阻挡细菌进入身体,可以帮你感知冷暖;可以帮你降温。所以此处应选We cant feel the changes in temperature.故选C。3D【解析】推测判断题根据It is slightly bigger than your fist (拳头) and grows bigger as you do可知,心脏随着身体的成长而成长,所以选项A是错误的。根据Your body needs to take i

31、n oxygen from the air可知,身体需要的是氧气,所以选项B是错误的。根据They work with your bones to help you move可知,你的肌肉与骨头帮着你活动,所以选项C是错误的。根据This is the way your body cleans up the dust in your nose.可知,打喷嚏是帮着你清理鼻子中的异物,所以选项D是正确的。故选D。4B【解析】主旨大意题通读全文可知,本文通过大脑、皮肤、肌肉、喷嚏、呼吸等方面阐述了我们的身体是如何工作的,所以标题应为How Your Body Works.故选B。【考查角度拓展】5D

32、【解析】主旨大意题文中细分了好几个部分。但各部分均有大致中心意思,而选项中A心脏不是肌肉;B额外的热量从嘴中散去,C二氧化碳对人体有益均为错误常识。6D【解析】数量计算题题意为:为了帮助我们更好地了解我们的躯体,一共问了多少个问题?而文中一共有六个问题Whats inside our head?Whats my skin for?How do I move?Why do I breathe?What makes me sneeze?和What does my heart do?故选D。 A(2016,新疆)Kellys favorite subject is PE.But she had a

33、hard time in PE.class.She was not good at jumping very far,she had trouble throwing a ball,and she couldnt run really fast.Sometimes,some kids made fun of (取笑) her.So why does Kelly love PE.class?The reason is that her teacher Mr.Burns always tells her to do her best.Though she only ran for a few mi

34、nutes,Mr.Burns said,“Good job!Next time you will be able to go a little longer.”Mr.Burns even put a small box on the floor,so Kelly would be able to practice jumping over it.That night when Kelly finished dinner,she put three boxes and began practicing jumping over them.She made it!Kelly thought to

35、herself,“Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in PE.class.”There was a relay race (接力赛) on Tuesday.Kelly was scared that she would not be able to go very far.When Kelly ran around the track (跑道),she heard many cheers and kids shouting,“Go Kelly!You can do it!”That was all she needed to h

36、ear.Kelly ran fast.She finished first!The kids cheered for her.Kelly felt so good.“Thank you,Mr.Burns.”said Kelly.“Kelly,you ran the race,not me.”“Yes,but you always said I could do it.”1According to Paragraph 1,we can learn that Kelly has trouble _in PE class.Aplaying soccer BskatingCswimming Drunn

37、ing2How did Mr.Burns help Kelly practice jumping?_ABy jumping with her.BBy asking other kids to help her.CBy putting a small box on the floor.DBy giving her a book on how to jump.3In Paragraph 3,Kelly jumped over_ box(es) after dinner.A1 B2 C3 D4DCC4Kelly was scared before the relay race because she

38、 was afraid that _Ashe would fall Bshe would not run very farCother kids would make fun of herDother kids would run faster than her5At the end of the story,we can learn that Kelly felt_Ahappy BboredCupset DindependentBAB(2016,西宁)(导学号:57392083)Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once

39、 that they were sure to be there.They serve some certain purpose,teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people may be:your classmate,neighbor,teacher,longlost friend or even a real stranger.But you know that every moment they will influence

40、 your life in some serious way.Sometimes things happen to you.At the time they may seem terrible,painful and unfair.But later you realize that without overcoming those difficulties,you would have never realized your further ability and advantages.Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens b

41、y chance or with good or bad luck.The people you meet influence your life,and the success and failure you experience create who you are.Even the bad experience can be learned from.In fact,they are probably the most poignant and important ones.Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everyt

42、hing that you possibly can,for you may never be able to experience it again.Talk to people whom you have never talked to before,and really listen.You should set your goals high,hold your head up,tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.You can make your life anything you wish.Create

43、 your own life and then go out and live it.1The people we meet _Aall know where to find usBserve us on no purposeCwont become our neighborDwill change us in some way2From the passage,we know that bad things can make us _Arealize our further abilityBterribly meet bad luckCfind no serious successDposs

44、ibly enjoy every moment3The underlined word “poignant” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A平淡的 B明显的 C深刻的 D艰苦的DAC4The writers advice is that we should _Anever talk to strange peopleBlearn as much as we can each dayCovercome difficulties painfullyDnot believe in ourselves but others5Which is the best

45、 title for the passage?_ACreate Your Own LifeBHold Your Head UpCPeople You Meet in LifeDThings Happen to YouBA阅读短文,判断句子正误。正确的写“T”;错误的写“F”。Siena is an old city in the north of Italy.It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.Around the year 1100,Siena became an important

46、 business center in Italy.In 1472,the first bank of the world was built in this city and has been doing business ever since.Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face.” For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same

47、as before.Also,many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo,the most important meeting place of the city.Few things have really changed in this center of public life for hundreds of years.Now people still go to the open space for sharing news,shopping or playing sports.There is one more thing

48、 that helps keep Sienas old face:cars cannot enter the city most of the time.True,Siena is old,but it is beautifully old.People are welcome to visit this beautiful city and walk into the past.1The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.2Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world

49、today.3People in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.4Few old buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.5Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.【短文大意】本文是对意大利城市西耶那的介绍。介绍其辉煌的历史和浓郁的民族风情。1T【解析】细节理解题。句意:古城西耶那,开始于2900多年前。The old city,Siena,began more than 2,900 years ago.由

50、第一段第二句:It began with a group of people living on its hills over 2,900 years ago.可知它是于2900多年前开始的。2F【解析】细节理解题。句意:西耶那因有世界第一家银行而闻名。Siena is famous for having the first bank of the world today.由第二段第一句:Today Siena is famous for keeping its “old face.”可知西耶那因为保持着它的“旧貌”而闻名。3T【解析】细节理解题。句意:西耶那的人们把旧城墙保护得非常好。Peo

51、ple in Siena have protected the old city walls very well.由第二段中的:For example,its city walls,which helped keep the city safe in the past,are hundreds of years old now and look almost the same as before.可知有几百年历史的旧城墙在现在看来几乎和以前一样。说明保护得很好。故本句正确。4F【解析】细节理解题。句意:在Piazza del Campo可以找到很少的古可以找到很少的古建筑。建筑。Few old

52、 buildings can be found at the Piazza del Campo.由第二段里的:由第二段里的:Also many old buildings are seen at the Piazza del Campo可知在可知在这这里可要找里可要找到到许许多古建筑。故本句多古建筑。故本句错误错误。5T【解析】细节理解题。题意:大多数时间,不允许小车进入西耶那。Most of the time cars are not allowed to enter Siena.根据第二段最后一句:根据第二段最后一句:cars cannot enter the city most of t

53、he time.可知可知,小车大多数时间不能进入城市。CThe American writer Sally Seaman tells young students some smart ways to find friends.Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed (种子) and take care of it to make it grow.First,you should choose a friend.What makes a good friend?It is no

54、t because a person has money or good looks.A good friend should be kind and patient.For example,if you have a bad day,a good friend could listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help you.To make a friend,you cant be too shy.You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things

55、 can not always be happy.Even the best friends have fights.What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?You have to talk to him or her.If he or she doesnt want to talk,you can write a letter.There are three steps to be friends again:Tell him or her how you are feeling,say what your frie

56、nd has done wrong and explain why you did this or that.Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。1Friendship is like a tree._2To make a friend,you should make each other happy and share your lives._3A good friend should have money and good looks._4Frie

57、ndship is one of the most important things in your life._5You dont talk to him or her when you have a fight with your friend._FTFTF从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全短文。“WeChat”is a new and powerful mobile communication tool.It supports sending voices,videos,photos and text messages.You can also do group chats,or you c

58、an find new friends nearby to talk to.Recently,“WeChat”is becoming more and more popular in China.1._,no matter where they are.They can also find a“stranger”to talk to by“shaking the phone”The system will find out others who are shaking their phones at the same time and make a match.Another amazing

59、function is that WeChat can help to search for people who live nearby with the program on,and show the rough(大体上)distance.I like this function best,because 2._Recently I read news that some stupid girls meet guys they knew by shaking the cellphone and 3._.It obviously showed a lack of common sense(常

60、识)They should learn to protect themselves and not trust strangers so much.4_,and at the same time it brings us bitter lessons.Being vigilant(警戒的)is necessary.Athere were unpleasant incidents(事件)after they metBit can help you to find more people who you may knowCTechnology makes life easier and sweet

61、erDPeople can sign up and leave text or voice messages for free.【短文大意】“微信微信”是一款新型是一款新型强强大的移大的移动动通信工具通信工具。它支持发送语音、视频、图片和短信。你也可以群聊或者选择附近的人聊天。近来,“微信”在中国越来在中国越来越流行越流行。无论人们在哪儿,都可以注册并且免费发送短信或语音。他们也可以通过“摇一摇”功能寻找“陌生人”聊天。这个系统可以发现其他同时摇手机的人并进行配对。“微信”另一个让人惊奇的功能是它可以帮助寻找附近也在使用这个程序的人并且显示大致的距离。我最喜欢这项功能,因为它可以帮助我们发现更

62、多可能认识的人。最近我看到很多无知少女约见通过“摇一摇”认识的网友,但是见面后发生了一些很不好的事情。显而易见,这是缺乏常识的表现。她们应该学着保护自己不要那么相信陌生人。科技让生活变得更加方便和美好,但同时也给我们带来了一些惨痛的教训。保持警惕很必要。1D【解析】推理判断题根据“no matter where they are”可推测这句句意应该为,无论人们在哪里,都可以用微信结合选项故选D.People can sign up and leave text or voice messages for free。2B【解析】细节题解题 根据“Another amazing function

63、is that WeChat can help to search for people who live nearby with the program on,and show the rough distance.”微信“另一个让人惊奇的功能是它可以帮助寻找附近也在使用这个程序的人并且显示大致的距离”可知“查看附近的人”这项功能可以让我们发现更多可能认识的人,故选B.it can help you to find more people who you may know 。3A【解析】推理判断题根据“They should learn to protect themselves and n

64、ot trust strangers so much.她们应该学着保护自己不要那么相信陌生人。”可知那些女孩约见网友后发生了一些不好的事情,故选A.there were unpleasant incidents after they met。4C【解析】推理判断题根据“and at the same time it brings us bitter lessons”中的“at the same time”可知这里应该是带给我们一些好的影响,故选C.Technology makes life easier and sweeter。D(2016,临沂)On the fourth Sunday of

65、 every November,most Americans get together around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving.Special traditions in the US have been around for many years.1._ These are four popular Thanksgiving traditions and how they started.2_The first Thanksgiving meal was in the autumn of 1621 when the first tr

66、avelers from England celebrated their first harvest (收获)But it wasnt made into an official (官方的) holiday until 1863.The first large meal had turkey,fruits and vegetables,which are still common today.3_ Historians say the first travelers invited Native Americans (美洲印第安人) to the meal to thank them for

67、 teaching them how to grow food.Today at the large meal,friends and family will also say what they are most thankful for.CEA4_ The parade (游行) includes very large balloons that look like cartoon characters and beautiful floats (花车) that carry famous people.There are also many musical performances to

68、 watch.This parade started in 1942,and today over 44 million people watch it on TV or in New York City.5_ People started to watch football on Thanksgiving a few years after the day became an offical holiday.Today,the National Football League takes advantage of this popularity and hosts three NFL gam

69、es every Thanksgiving.FB根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。AGiving thanks is what the holiday is all about.BAmerican football is something people both watch and play with their family on Turkey Day.CHowever,some people dont always stop to think about where the traditions came from.DHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.EA large meal is the important event every Thanksgiving.FEvery year,there is a Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.请到P223完成备考跟踪训练完成备考跟踪训练



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