外研版高三英语一轮必修4 Module 3复习课件

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1、走向高考走向高考 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 高考总复习高考总复习 Module 3Body Language and Nonverbal Communication必修四必修四第一部分基础知识聚焦第一部分基础知识聚焦基础知识梳理基础知识梳理 2考点探究演练考点探究演练 3单单 元元 语语 法法 4基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 5课课 时时 作作 业业 6话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵 1话题作文晨诵话题作文晨诵话题:交流 我们经常要与外国人交流,因此我们要了解各国的问候方式,就以下提示写一篇不少于120词的短文。关键词语:1交流不仅包括语言,还包括身

2、势语,身势语因文化不同而不同,因此与外国人交流时,要多了解其问候方式。2美国、英国、欧洲许多其他国家正式的问候方式是握手。美国年轻人也用“Give me five!”。亚洲国家的人们一般不接触他人身体,但不管哪种问候,手都忙于问候而不能握武器,这样对方不用警惕受到攻击。.头脑风暴,知识链接单词短语munication交流2involve包括3various各种各样的4formal正式的1.give away暴露(自己的情况)2vary from.to.变化3communicate with与交流4request sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事5hold up举起6be involv

3、ed in忙于7shake hands握手8on guard保持警惕句式1.So every time we communicate with foreigners, were requested to know about greetings around the world.2Today American youths greet each other with“Give me five!”,one person holding up his hand and the other person slapping his hand.3However different they are, h

4、ands are also involved in them.范文必背Communication not only involves spoken and written words but also various body language, which even gives away much more than words. Body language varies from culture to culture. So every time we communicate with foreigners, were requested to know about greetings a

5、round the world.In the UK and USA as well as many countries in Europe,its formal for people to shake hands. Today American youths greet each other with “Give me five!”, one person holding up his hand and the other person slapping his hand.In Asian countries, greetings dont involve touching the other

6、 person. But however different they are, hands are also involved in them and cant hold a weapon, so that its unnecessary for others to be on guard.But whoever you meet,dont forget smile is the best way to communicate.基础知识梳理基础知识梳理.单词速记核心必记1_(n.) 协议;交易2_(vi.) 张开3_(vi.) 凝视;盯着看4_(v.) 恐慌;惊慌5_(n.) 请求;要求6_

7、(adj.) 现场的7_(vi.)交流;(用语言、信号)传递信息_(n.)交流;沟通dealspreadstarepanicrequestlivecommunicatecommunication8_(vi.)变化_(n.)变化;多样化;种类_(adj.)易变的;变化的_(adj.)各种各样的;多方面的9_(n.)恩惠;善意的行为_(adj.)赞同的;有利的_(adj.)特别喜爱的varyvarietyvariablevariousfavourfavourablefavourite高频必知10_(vt.) 包括11_(adj.)恐吓的;具有威胁的_(v.)威胁_(n.)威胁12_(adj.)意识

8、到的;自觉的_(adj.)无意的;不知不觉的13_(n.)表演_(v.)表演;运行;表现_(n.)表演者14_(n.)判断;意见_(v.)判断;(n.)裁 判;法官15_(n.)平等_(adj.)平等的_(adv.)平等地involvethreatening threatenthreatconsciousunconsciousperformanceperformperformerjudgementjudgeequalityequalequally.短语互译1和某人交流_2从到变化_3(保持)警惕_4达成协议;做成交易_5举起_6give away_7up and down_8by accide

9、nt_9say hello to_10switch on_communicate with sb.vary from.to.on guardmake a dealhold up/life up暴露(自己的情况)一上一下地偶然地向问好打开(灯、无线电等)情景活用用上面的单词或短语的正确形式填空_(交 流 )_(包 括 )_(各 种 各 样 的 ) interactions, which can improve peoples relationship. When dealing with others, we often use body language, although not all b

10、ody language is _(意识到的). As body language _(变化) from culture to culture, you are _(要求) to know more about it when in a foreign country.答 案 : Communication; involves; various; conscious;varies;requested.典句析练1Although these are very important, we communicate with _ just spoken and written words.尽管这些很重

11、要,但我们并不只是通过口头和书面语言进行交流。解析“more thann.”表示“不仅仅是,不只是”。仿写中国日报不仅仅是一种报纸,它还有助于提高我们的英语水平。China Daily is _ a newspaper. It helps to improve our English.2Indeed, body positions are part of _.实际上,身体姿势是我们所称的“肢体语言”的一部分。解析what引导的从句作介词of的宾语。仿写他为自己在过去的二十年中所取得的成就感到自豪。He feels proud of _ in the past twenty years.3One

12、 person then holds up his hand, _.然后这个人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。解析palm outwards and five fingers spread为独立主格结构作状语。仿写下课后,很多学生跑出教室。_, many students ran out of the classroom.4_ for anyone _.对于每一个人来说,学习肢体语言都是一件美妙的事情。解析此句为“主语系动词形容词不定式”结构,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。仿写这个女孩很容易相处。The girl is _.5In Russia you should make a toast _

13、you take a sip from your glass.在俄国,你每一次从杯子里抿一小口时,都要祝酒干杯。解析every time起从属连词的作用,引导时间状语从句。仿写他每次来都和我们住在一起。_, he stays with us.答案:1.more than;more than 2.what we call “body language”;what he has achieved 3.palm outwards and five fingers spread;Class over4.Body language is fascinating;to study;easy to get

14、along with5.every time;Every time he comes.课文回顾We communicate with more than just spoken and written words. We see examples of _(1)_ body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which _(2)_ from culture to culture. Every culture has developed a _(3)_ way to greet strangers, t

15、o show them we are not _(4)_. Greetings in Asian countries do not _(5)_ touching the other person. _(6)_ in China, when we greet someone, we put the right hand over the left and _(7)_ slightly. American youths often greet each other with the _(8)_, “Give me five!” Body language is _(9)_ for anyone t

16、o study. People give away much more by their _(10)_ than by their words.答案:(1)unconscious(2)varies(3)formal(4)aggressive (5)involve(6)Traditionally(7)bow(8)expression (9)fascinating(10)gestures考点探究演练考点探究演练 1.vary vi.变化;不同vt.改变,变更填空激活知识用vary的正确形式填空The girls come from a _ of different backgrounds.Ther

17、e are _ ways of getting to the station.The climate always _ from area to area.The weather is _ in autumn.答案:varietyvariousvariesvariable构建导图助记(2013天津高考)More importantly, I am a person full of passion for a variety of things.更重要的是,我是一位对各种事情充满热情的人。注意:(1)a variety of/varieties of,后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;(

18、2)the variety of复数名词,意为“的品种”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。2involve vt.包括;涉及;使参与填空激活知识The statement of the witness _ _ _ the robbery.证人的证词表明你与抢劫案有关。Running your own business usually _ _ long hours.经营你自己的公司通常需要工作很长时间。答案:involves you is involves working知识拓展(1)involve sb. in (doing) sth.使某人参与(干)某事;使某人牵扯到某事中involve do

19、ing sth.包括干某事;需要干某事(2)involved adj.复杂的;有牵连的,有关的get/be involved in 被卷入之中;热衷于,专心于be/get involved with sb./sth. 与某人混在一起;和某事有密切联系He doesnt want to get involved in this dispute.他不想卷入这场纠纷中。Why would she get involved with somebody like that in the first place?为什么最初她会和那样的人扯上关系?提示involved adj.作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”;

20、作后置定语时,意为“涉及的”。an involved sentence“一个复杂的句子”;the people involved“所涉及的人”。3request n. & vt.请求;要求填空激活知识他请求对这件事保守秘密。He requested that the matter _ _ _secret. He requested the matter _ _ _secret.She bought the new computer _ _ _ _her three children.她应三个孩子的要求买了新电脑。答案:should be kept; to be keptat the reque

21、st of知识拓展(1)request sth. from/of sb. 向某人请求某物request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事request that. (should) do 要求做某事Its requested that. (should) do. 要求(2)make a request for 要求make a request that. (should) do.要求on request 一经要求It is requested that he should leave before seven oclock.要求他7点前离开。They made a request

22、that the prisoners (should) be set free.他们要求释放犯人。提示:(1)request只可接一个宾语,不可接双宾语。(2)request后的名词性从句的谓语动词要用“(should)动词原形”表示虚拟语气。4compete v竞争;比赛填空激活知识In this game the women will _ _ the men _ the gold medal.在这场比赛中,女子要和男子争夺金牌。We are satisfied that we can _ _ an international firm.我们为能和一个跨国公司竞争而感到满意。How many

23、 people _ _ the race?多少人参加赛跑了?答案:compete with;forcompete withcompeted in构建导图助记5favouer n恩惠,善意的行为填空激活知识Most of the teachers are _ _ _ the new teaching method.绝大多数老师都赞同这种新的教学方法。Could you _ _ _ _ and pass me the dictionary?请帮忙把那本字典递给我好吗?答案:in favor ofdo me a favor构建导图助记Can I ask you a favour?请你帮个忙行吗?Gi

24、ven more favourable conditions,the city will develop much faster than ever.如果给予更多有利条件,这座城市会比以往任何时候发展得都快。The exchange rate is in our favour today.今天的兑换率对我们有利。真题寻踪(2014天津B)The response to the invention hasnt been all favourable.对这项发明的反应并不都是赞成的。6.hold up举起;使停顿;延误;支撑;举某人/某事物作为范例;抢劫填空激活知识The train _ _ _

25、by the heavy snow.火车因为大雪延误了。A young man ran off with some valuable treasures after _ _ a jewel shop.一名年轻男子在抢劫了一家珠宝店后携带一些昂贵物品跑掉了。答案:was held upholding up知识拓展hold back 阻止;抑制(感情);隐瞒hold down阻止;限制hold on 等一下;停住;将某物固定住hold on to 保留或保有某物;抓住hold out 维持;保持;提供(机会)You must be holding something back from me.你一

26、定对我隐瞒着什么。7give away使暴露;泄露;颁发;赠送填空激活知识观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义The woman trapped him into giving away the business secret.()The millionaire gave away all his money.()We have invited a famous actor to give away the prizes.()The expression on her face gave her away.()答案:泄露赠送颁发使暴露知识拓展give back 归还;恢复give in(to) 屈服;

27、让步give off 放出;散步give out 分发;用完;耗尽;发出give up 放弃;认输give way to 给让路/让步;被代替8.When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。填空激活知识Unless_to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.(invite)答案:invited知识拓展(1)在when,while,whenever, till, as soon as, if, unless, as if, as, whether等引导的状语从句中,若谓语动词有be,而主语又跟主句

28、的主语相同或主语是it时,常省略从句的主语和be,成为“连词非谓语动词/adj.”形式作状语。(2)在as, than, however, whatever, no matter what等引导的从句中常省略某些成分。(3)虚拟语气条件句中常省略if,将were, should或had提到主语前构成倒装语序。单单 元元 语语 法法 条件状语从句;让步状语从句语法填空1As long_you work hard, you will succeed sooner or later.答案:as考查as long as引导条件状语从句,句意:“只要你努力工作,早晚你会成功的。”2(2015甘肃兰州名校

29、高三阶段检测改编)Our coach says we wont keep winning games _ we keep playing well.答案:unless句意:我们的教练说,除非我们一直打得好,否则我们不可能总会赢得比赛。根据句意可知应用unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句。3(2015吉林长春三校高三调研改编)_ he still gets criticized, Mr Ren says, the critics anger has died down considerably.答案:While/Although句意:任先生说虽然仍有人批评他,但批评者的怒火已大大平息。whil

30、e/although“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。4Do you still live in the countryside?Yes. I dont want to leave the house, _ it is very shabby.答案:though/although句意:“你还住在乡下吗?”“是啊。我不想离开那所房子,尽管它很破旧。”由语境可知,空处前后两句为让步关系,此处要用一个能引导让步状语从句的连词,故用though/although。5I dont think it necessary to buy such an English dictionary _ you use

31、 it on a daily basis.答案:unless句意:我觉得没必要买这样一本英语词典,除非你每天都要用它。根据句意可知,这里应用unless引导条件状语从句,表示“除非”。1.(浙江高考改编)It took more_ building supplies to construct these energysaving houses. It took brains, too.答案:thanmore than“多于;不仅仅”。句意:建造这些节能房屋不仅需要建筑材料,也需要头脑。2(重庆高考改编)We should consider the students request _ the

32、school library provide more books on popular science.答案:thatrequest“要求”,后接的that从句为同位语从句,是对它的解释说明。从句中谓语部分为“(should)动词原形”。3(2014浙江卷改编)We most prefer to say yes to the _(request) of someone we know and like.答案:requests考查名词。句意:对于我们熟悉和喜欢的人提出的要求,我们一般会同意的。request“请求,要求”,符合题意。基础知识巩固基础知识巩固(点此链接)(点此链接)课课 时时 作作 业业(点此链接)(点此链接)



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