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1、1Handling Guest Complaint:处处理客人投诉课程理客人投诉课程Welcome欢欢 迎参加迎参加2一、正确认识客人投诉一、正确认识客人投诉3 B. A guest who complains: B. 投诉的客人投诉的客人 1. Alerts the property to problem that affect guest satisfaction 提醒酒店注意影响客人满意度的问题提醒酒店注意影响客人满意度的问题 2. Gives the property a second chance to make things right for the guest 给予酒店另一次改

2、善的机遇给予酒店另一次改善的机遇 C. Solving the problems that cause the complaint: C. 解决产生投诉的问题解决产生投诉的问题1. Encourage satisfied guests to return to the property 鼓励对酒店满意的客人再次光临鼓励对酒店满意的客人再次光临2. Encourage satisfied guests to recommend the property to others 鼓励对酒店满意的客人将酒店介绍给其他人鼓励对酒店满意的客人将酒店介绍给其他人Complaints: Key Points 投

3、诉投诉:关键关键4 员工得到锻炼的机会员工得到锻炼的机会Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键5Complaints as Opportunities视投诉为机遇6二、客人投诉产生的影响二、客人投诉产生的影响1.不满意的客户。不满意的客户。 4%会向你投诉,96% 不会向你投诉,但他会将不满意告诉16-20人,而满意的客人会告诉3-7人。2.投诉没有得到解决的客人。投诉没有得到解决的客人。 19%会再回来,81%不会再回来。3.投诉过并得到解决的客人。投诉过并得到解决的客人。 54%会再回来,46%客人不会回来。7三、导致客人投诉的原因三、导致客人投诉的原因 8II.

4、 Four categories of guests complaints 4类客人的投诉类客人的投诉A. Facilities A. 设施机械类设施机械类1. Climate control 室温及湿度控制室温及湿度控制2. Lighting 灯光灯光3. Electricity 通电通电4. Room furnishings 室内装潢室内装潢5. Ice machines 制冰机制冰机6. Vending machines 自动售货机自动售货机7. Door keys 门锁门锁8. Plumbing 下水管道下水管道9. Television sets 电视机电视机10. Elevator

5、s 电梯电梯Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键9Types of Guest Complaints 客人投诉类型客人投诉类型Facilities机械类机械类Handle mechanical complaints by dispatching an appropriate staff member with the proper tools as quickly as possible 对于机械类投诉对于机械类投诉,尽快派遣相关人员携带工尽快派遣相关人员携带工具前去修理具前去修理.Use good tracking methods to ensure timely

6、 service采用好的跟踪方法确保及时服务采用好的跟踪方法确保及时服务10B. Attitudinal B. 个人态度类个人态度类1. Guest insulted by rude or tactless hotel staff members 客人由于酒店员工的粗鲁和不老练而觉得受到侮辱客人由于酒店员工的粗鲁和不老练而觉得受到侮辱2. Guest overheard staff conversations or received complaints from hotel staff members 客人无意听到酒店员工谈话投诉客人无意听到酒店员工谈话投诉3. Subtle attitud

7、inal turn-off (what the staff didnt do) - lack of smile, lack of sincerity, “Its not my job” syndrome 不易察觉的拒绝态度不易察觉的拒绝态度(员工不愿去做员工不愿去做) 面无笑容面无笑容,缺乏缺乏 真诚真诚,或说或说“这不是我的工作这不是我的工作”之类的话之类的话.Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键11Attitudinal个人态度类个人态度类Guest should not have to listen to employees arguing or become

8、 a sounding board for employee problems 不应让客人听职员的争论或成为职员问题的宣传媒介不应让客人听职员的争论或成为职员问题的宣传媒介.Mangers and supervisors should listen and attend to the complaints and problems of staff经理和主管应倾听并关注员工的投诉及问题经理和主管应倾听并关注员工的投诉及问题.Types of Guest Complaints 客人投诉类型客人投诉类型12C. Service-related C. 有关服务流程类有关服务流程类1. Long wa

9、iting time for service 长时间等候服务长时间等候服务2. Mistake by our staff 员工工作出错(开错房)员工工作出错(开错房)3. Untidy rooms 房间不整洁房间不整洁4. Bill transfer problem 账单问题账单问题5. Missed wake-up calls 未打叫醒电话未打叫醒电话6. Cold or ill prepared food 冷的或变质的食品冷的或变质的食品Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键13Service-related有关服务类有关服务类Service -related c

10、omplaints occur more frequently when a hotel is operating at or near full occupancy酒店在经营过程中或接近客满时酒店在经营过程中或接近客满时,有关服务类的投诉是最常发生的有关服务类的投诉是最常发生的.Types of Guest Complaints 客人投诉类型客人投诉类型14D. Unusual D. 非常类非常类1. Property damaged or stolen 财物损坏或失窃财物损坏或失窃2. Lack of public transportation 缺乏公共交通缺乏公共交通3. Bad wea

11、ther 天气恶劣天气恶劣Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键15Unusual非常类非常类Hotels have little or no control over unusual complaints酒店通常无法控制非常类投诉酒店通常无法控制非常类投诉.Guests sometimes expect the front office to solve or at least listen to such situations客人通常希望前厅来解决问题客人通常希望前厅来解决问题,至少倾听此类情况至少倾听此类情况.Front office management sh

12、ould alert front desk associates that on occasion guest may complain about things the staff can do nothing about前厅管理层应提醒前台职工前厅管理层应提醒前台职工,对于某些客人的投诉酒店是无能为对于某些客人的投诉酒店是无能为力的力的.Types of Guest Complaints 客人投诉类型客人投诉类型16四、四、 处理客人投诉的步骤处理客人投诉的步骤 17IV. Handling guest complaints客人投诉处理客人投诉处理A. Listen 倾听倾听1. Give

13、 the guest your undivided attention. 全神贯注全神贯注2. Acknowledge the guest and the complaint 认同客人及其投诉认同客人及其投诉a. Empathize - let the guest know youre concerned about the problem 体贴体贴 使客人明白对他的问题很关心使客人明白对他的问题很关心.b. Ask questions to determine the exact complaint 提问以明白了具体的投诉问题提问以明白了具体的投诉问题c. Repeat the compla

14、int in the your own words to confirm that you understand 用自己的语言重复投诉的内容用自己的语言重复投诉的内容,确认你已经了解了情况确认你已经了解了情况d. Take notes - write down key facts to save time if someone else must get involved 做记录做记录,如果还有有关其他的人如果还有有关其他的人,记下关键内容以节约时间记下关键内容以节约时间e. Ask the guest to complete the guest comment card as an opti

15、on 将顾客评价卡作为一种选择请客人填写将顾客评价卡作为一种选择请客人填写Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键18B. Respond 回应回应1. Apologize 道歉道歉a. Say youre sorry for the inconvenience, regardless of whether you believe the complaint is valid 不管投诉内容真实与否不管投诉内容真实与否,都须为给客人造成的不便而道歉都须为给客人造成的不便而道歉. b. Avoid placing blame or making excuses 避免责备他人

16、或做任何解释避免责备他人或做任何解释 c. Be sincere, not mechanical 要真诚而不是表现得很机械要真诚而不是表现得很机械 d. Be personal, say “I”, not “we” 个人化个人化,称呼称呼“我我”,而非而非“我们我们”Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键192. Solve 解决问题解决问题 a. Offer options and allow the guest to choose a solution - guests often will settle for a less costly option than

17、 the property is prepared to offer 为客人提供选择为客人提供选择,允许客人选择一个解决方案允许客人选择一个解决方案.客人通常希望能有代价不大的方客人通常希望能有代价不大的方 案去解决问题案去解决问题, 而非按照酒店准备的方式而非按照酒店准备的方式. b. Take ownership of the problem - when an acceptable solution is agreed upon, tell the guest what you will do to correct the problem 把客人的问题当作自己的问题把客人的问题当作自己的

18、问题 当一种解决方案被认同后当一种解决方案被认同后,告诉客人你将怎样去做告诉客人你将怎样去做i. Explain to the guest what action you will take 告之客人你将采取什么样的行动告之客人你将采取什么样的行动ii. Explain to the guest the action other employees will take 告之客人其他职员将采取什么样的行动告之客人其他职员将采取什么样的行动iii. Tell the guest when action will be taken 告之客人何时采取行动告之客人何时采取行动iv. Set an app

19、roximate time for the completion of corrective actions 确定完成改进行动的大体时间确定完成改进行动的大体时间Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键20 C. Act 行动行动1. Take care of the problem yourself if possible 如果可能亲自关注问题如果可能亲自关注问题2. Contact the appropriate person to correct the problem 联系相关人员纠正问题联系相关人员纠正问题3. Monitor the progress of

20、the other people working on the problem 监控解决问题的其他人员的进程监控解决问题的其他人员的进程 Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键21D. Follow-up 问题跟进问题跟进1. When action has been taken, check back with the guest and ask if he or she is satisfied with the solution 在采取措施后在采取措施后,询问客人对结果是否满意询问客人对结果是否满意.2. Report the entire event, action taken, and the conclusion 报告整个事件过程报告整个事件过程,采取的行动和最终结果采取的行动和最终结果.Complaints: Key Points 投诉投诉:关键关键22 处理客人投诉的步骤处理客人投诉的步骤 1.聆听及回应聆听及回应 2.表示谅解及同情表示谅解及同情 3.提出解决方案提出解决方案 4.跟进承诺跟进承诺23四、处理投诉的基本原则四、处理投诉的基本原则 1.让利原则让利原则 2.权限原则权限原则 3.回避原则回避原则 4.维护酒店利益维护酒店利益 5.注意证据处理注意证据处理 6.责任原则责任原则 24谢谢谢谢Thanks



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