高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Body language课件 新人教版必修4

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1、必修必修 4 Unit 4 Body language 重点单词重点单词1._ n. 陈述;说明_v. 陈述2. _vi.& vt. 迎接;问候3. _vt. 代表;象征4. _n. 社团;联系;联想_vt. 把联系起来5. _ n. 宿舍6. _n. 食堂7. _n. 飞行;航班8. _adj. 好奇的_adv. 好奇地9. _vt.& vi. 接近;靠近;走进n.接近;方法;途径statementstategreetrepresentassociationassociatedormitorycanteenflightcuriouscuriouslyapproach学生用书见P96 重点单词

2、重点单词10. _vt. 保护;保卫 _n. 防御;保卫11. _ adj. 主要的 _ n. 大多数12. _ vt. 误解;误会 _n. 误解;误会13. _vi. 猛冲;突进14. _ n. 成年人;成人adj.成人的;成熟的15. _ adj. 口语的 _adj. 未说出口的;非口语的16. _ n. 西班牙17. _ n. 意大利18._ adj. 可能的defenddefencemajormajoritymisunderstandmisunderstandingdashadultspokenunspokenSpainItalylikely 重点单词重点单词19._n. 十字路口20

3、. _ adj. 面部的21. _ n. 作用;功能;职能vi.起作用;运转22. _n. 安逸;舒适;vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)23. _adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地24. _adj. 错误的;假的25. _n. 怒气;怒火26. _n. 拳头27. _ vi. 打呵欠28. _ adj. 主观的_ adj. 客观的29. _ vi.& vt. 拥抱30. _ n. 等级;军衔crossroadsfacialfunctioneasetrulyfalseangerfistyawnsubjectiveobjectivehugrank 重点短语重点短语1._ 保卫以免受2. _ 很可能;有希望3

4、. _ 总的来说;通常4. _ 舒适;快活;自由自在5. _ 丢脸6. _ 背对;背弃defend against be likely toin generalat easelose faceturn ones back to1.nor 引起的部分倒装Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. (教材P26)2.be likely to do sth.可能做某事However,

5、people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. (教材P26)3.it 作形式主语,代指不定式的用法 With so many culture differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. (教材P30) 重点句型重点句型动词的-ing形式作状语I stood for a mi

6、nute watching them and then went to greet them. (教材P26)语法要点语法要点represent vt. 代表;象征Yesterday, another student and I, representing our universitys student association,went to the Capital International Airport to meet this years international students. (教材P26)昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们学校的学生会,到首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。1学生用书

7、见P97 represent sth./sb. 代表.; 作为.的代言人 represent sth.to sb正式提出(意见、抗议等) (2)representation n 代表;代理 representative adj. 代表性的,典型的 n代表,代理人 be representative of 是的代表/典型(1) (3) She represented our class to attend this meeting.她代表我们全班参加了这次会议。 In the western countries, “V” often represents victory.在西方国家,“V”常常象

8、征着胜利。 He represents himself as/to be an expert. 他称自己是专家。 You should represent your complaints to the management.你们应向管理阶层说明你们的不满。 The green movement lacks effective representation in Parliament.环境保护运动在议会中缺乏有力的代表人物。 My demand is representative of that of the other members.我是代表其成员提出要求的。association n. 协

9、会、联盟;关联,联系2 in association with 和有关联 associate.with. 联想,联系(1) (2) They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. 他们和美国一所大学保持了密切联系。 The book was published in association with(= together with)British Heritage.这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。 I always associate the smell of baking with my childho

10、od.一闻到烘烤食物的味道我就想起了童年。approach vt.& vi.接近;靠近 n.接近;方法;途径;步骤;通道Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! (教材P26)托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她的脸!3(1) approach sth./sb.靠近,接近 approach a problem处理问题 adopt a different approach采取一种不同的方法 an approach to the grammar一本语法入门书 the approach of s

11、pring春天的来临(2)approach除了意为“方法”之外,还有“接近”的意思。an approach to(介词)“的方法”。例:He put up a new approach to the difficulty. 他提出了解决这个困难的新方法。way构成in the way“用这种方法”;the way to do/the way of (doing)sth.(to为不定式)“做某事的方法”。例:Can you tell me the way to work out the maths problem? 你能告诉我做那道数学题的方法吗?method构成with a method “用

12、一种方法”; the method of (doing)sth.“做某事的方法”。例:We should improve our teaching method, with which we can make ourselves understood better. 我们应该改善我们的教学方法,用这些方法,可以使学生更好地理解我们所教的内容。means意为“方式,方法”。单复数同形,构成by means of “通过方法”; the means of (doing)sth.“做某事的方法”。例:He succeeded by means of perseverance.凭着坚韧不拔的毅力,他成

13、功了。 With the approach of winter, the weather grows colder.随着冬天的临近,天气变得越来越冷。 She took the wrong approach in her dealing with them.她用错误的手段和他们打交道。 All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队把守。 As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.他的诗才很难与约翰弥尔顿媲美。defend vt. 保护;保卫She stepp

14、ed back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. (教材P26)她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。4 defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth. 保护某人/某物免受伤害 defend oneself against sth.为自己辩护 defence/defense n 保卫;保护;辩护;答辩 in defence (of.) 为了保卫 in sb.s/sth.s defence 为辩护;在的防备下(3)defender n. 后卫;防御者(1)(2)def

15、end指“保卫;防御;辩护”,使用范围广泛,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的。guard指“守卫,保卫”,指注意观察、戒备,以免受可能的攻击或伤害。例:The PLA Navy guard the coastline of our motherland. 中国人民解放军海军守卫着我们祖国的海岸线。protect指“保护”,利用各种手段,使用某些器具,尽力照顾或保护某人某物使其免受危险或伤害等,常与against或from连用。例:Dark glasses are sometimes worn to protect the eyes from strong sunlight. 有时人们戴墨镜是为

16、了保护眼睛以免使其受到强光的伤害。 With the end of the Cold War, we neednt spend so much on defending ourselves (against/from attack)随着冷战的结束,我们再不必花那么多钱来保护自己(不受侵犯)。 She defended herself successfully in court. 她在法庭上成功地为自己作了辩护。 In the meeting, few people spoke in my defence.在会议上,很少有人为我辩护。in general=generally speaking 总

17、的来说;通常In general,though,studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads!(教材P26)但总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界,学习不同国家的习俗肯定能够帮助我们避免交往中的困难!1学生用书见P98on the whole 总的来说as a whole 就整体上来看generally speaking 一般说来in a word 总之,简言之in short 简言之 In general, the norther

18、ners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.一般说来,北方人喜欢吃饺子,而南方人喜欢吃米饭。 Generally speaking, parents care more about their childrens health than about their own.一般说来,父母关心孩子的健康胜过关心自己的健康。 On the whole, I am quite satisfied with the result.总的说来,我对这个结果很满意。 Is this true just in this cou

19、ntry, or in the world as a whole? 只是在这个国家如此呢,还是就整个世界来看都这样?at ease 舒服;快活;自由自在The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smileits function is to show happiness and put people at ease. (教材P30 )微笑当属最普遍使用的面部表情其作用是表示快乐和安人心境。2feel/look at ease 感到/看上去心情放松put/set sb.at ease 使某人放松、松弛take ones eas

20、e 休息,轻松一下ease off 减轻;缓和 A smile is intended to make people at ease.微笑旨在使人们轻松自在。 The girl answered all the questions with great ease.那女孩非常轻松地回答了所有问题。 Dont overwork yourself and take your ease.不要过度劳累,休息一会儿。 Now that my boy is back at school, I can ease off.现在我儿子回学校去了,我可以轻松轻松了。lose face 丢脸,丢人There are

21、unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it. (教材P30)还有不愉快的微笑,如当某人“丢了面子”就会用微笑来掩饰。3lose courage 丧失勇气lose heart 泄气;灰心lose no time 刻不容缓lose ones heart to 爱上;钟情于lose ones life 丧生lose ones way 迷路lose sight of 看不见;忽略lose weight 减肥 When Tom failed to beat his opponent, he felt he

22、 had lost face with his friends. 汤姆没能打败对手,这让他在朋友面前很丢脸。nor 引起的部分倒装Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. (教材P26)各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也并不一样。1学生用书见P99nor置于句首时,其后的句子要用倒装语序,常将助动词、情态动词或连系动词提到主语之前,表示“前者不

23、,后者也不”,此时的nor也可用neither代替。(1)如果表示 肯定“前者,后者也”,则须用so放在句首的倒装,即 “sobe/助动词/情态动词主语”。(2)如果前句既有肯定又有否定; 或者主语不一致;或者时态不一致时,要用So it is with.或Its the same with.句型。(3)如果表示对前面的内容的进一步肯定,附和,则要用“so主语be/助动词/情态动词”即“so+正常语序”,意为“的确是这样”。(4)“主语do/did/doesso”表示 “某人这样做了”,本结构中的助动词不能改为be动词或情态动词。 Mary never does any reading in

24、the evening, nor/neither does Jane.玛丽晚上从不看书,简也不看。 He isnt a doctor, and nor/neither is his brother.他不是医生,他哥哥也不是。 If Dick can finish the work on time, so can I.如果狄克能按时完成工作,那我也能。 Mike is from Canada and he speaks Chinese very well, so it is with Ann.迈克是加拿大人并且汉语说得很流利,安也是如此。 The doctor asked him to eat

25、more vegetables, and he did so.医生让他多吃些蔬菜,他就这么做了。be likely to do sth. 可能做某事However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. (教材P26)但是,来自像西班牙、意大利或南美等国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且很可能(用身体)接触对方。2这是sb./sth.be likely to do 句型,意为“做某事是可

26、能的”。该句中likely为形容词。该句型还可以表示为:It is likely that.可能。该句式的同义句型:Its possible (for sb.) to do./that.There is a possibility that.该句式的否定句型:sb./sth.is unlikely to do.=It is unlikely that.不太可能There is no chance that./of (doing) sth. There is no chance/possibility that没有做的可能 Its very likely that hell succeed.=H

27、e is very likely to succeed. 他极有可能成功。 It is possible for us to get from Beijing to Tianjin in less than an hour.我们可能用不到一个小时就能从北京到天津。 It is possible that the first people crossed into Australia from Asia on a great land bridge.第一批从亚洲进入澳大利亚的人可能是从一座巨大的陆地桥上过去的。 There is a possibility that the robot migh

28、t uncover valuable artifacts untouched for thousands of years.机器人有可能发掘出数千年来原封未动的贵重工艺品。 Its unlikely to rain today.=There is no chance that it will rain today. =There is no chance of rain today. 今天不可能下雨。.品句填词品句填词(用所给词的恰当形式或根据语境写一个合适的词)1.It really makes me excited, because in the past 10 years, my exh

29、ibitions (greet) with praise.【答案【答案】havent been greeted2.The competition attracted over 500 contestants (represent) 8 different countries.【答案【答案】representing3. When it approaches 12 oclock, and when we pass the dining-hall, we cant help (greet) by the smell of cooking.【答案【答案】being greeted学生用书见P1004.

30、 All the new and creative things drive all the children into a world of _(curious), and they raise one question after another. 【答案【答案】curiosity5. Such an occasional burst-out comment set off the anger of his boss, which made the clerk further (misunderstand).【答案【答案】misunderstood6.We can predict how

31、likely someone will be to get ill from colds and flu from their (face) features.【答案【答案】facial7.Japan now has 54 nuclear reactors, (rank) third in terms of energy output behind the United States and France.【答案【答案】ranking8. Though these facilities have been used for so many years, they (function) well

32、, never affecting the production. 【答案【答案】have been funtioning9. Suddenly, with no idea anymore which way was out, Katherine found herself (dash), dead blind, across an endless black abyss(深渊).【答案【答案】dashing10.There is a robot capable of understanding (speak) commands.【答案【答案】spoken.单句改错单句改错(含词汇和本单元的语

33、法)1.With summer approach, all kinds of beautiful T-shirts and skirts are displayed in many shops, which attract most of the young people.【答案【答案】approachapproaching2.The promise represents the essence of the American spirit is that anyone can succeed in this country if you have a good idea and the de

34、termination to see it through.【答案【答案】representsrepresenting 3.Those who are of great determination are more like to make great achievements.【答案【答案】likelikely 4. Faced with the crossroad of life, one must think first and make a right decision to take a right way, which leads you straight to the desti

35、nation.【答案【答案】 crossroadcrossroads5.Dont worry about meeting my parents; Im sure they will put you on ease by being friendly and informal.【答案【答案】onat 6. In lots of situations, when I confronted difficulties, and subjective thought that would not be overcome, I dropped out and gave up easily. 【答案【答案】

36、 6.subjectivesubjectively 7.He is a reliable and respected man. Never has he turned his back to his friends, whenever he is well off or badly off.【答案【答案】toon8.The museum built beside the park now is said to be designed by a group of young men.【答案【答案】在built前加上being 9.In the present society, no matter

37、 how confident a woman is, she will lose her face if her boyfriend or husband doesnt have a house.【答案【答案】去掉第一个her 10. In the present society, no matter how confident a woman is, she will lose her face if her boyfriend or husband doesnt have a house. 【答案【答案】cheek cheeks .课文语法填空课文语法填空 Studying interna

38、tional customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads.Yesterday, another student and I, 1. (represent) our universitys student association, went to the Capital International Airport 2. (meet) this years international students. It is this experience that told me

39、a lot more about this cultural “body language”. The first person who arrived was Tony Garcia from Columbia,3. (close) followed by Julia Smith from Britain. When they were introduced 4. each other, Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her 5. the cheek. Julia stepped back appearing s

40、urprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George reached his hand 6. to Akira Nagata while Akira Nagata bowed so his nose touched Georges 7. (move) hand, and they both apologized. Cul

41、tural mistakes!representingto meet closelytoonout moving These are examples of cultural“body language”. Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they 8. (comfort) touching strangers or being too close or too far away. In the same way that people communicate with 9. (speak) language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through 10. physical distance, actions or fortablespokenkeeping



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