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1、第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石七年级上册七年级上册第第 1 1 讲讲Module 1Module 1Revision module A(Revision module A(含含Starter)Starter)要点梳理要点梳理过关过关高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点 1 1 WhatWhats.likes.like?的用法?的用法Whats the weather like in spring?春天天气怎么样? SM4 PS22【透析】(1)Whats.like?“怎么样?/是什么样子的?”如:Whats your classroom in England like?你们英

2、国的教室是什么样的?(2)What be(am/is/are) sb.like?用于询问某人的性格或人品等。如:Whats he like?他是个什么样的人呢?Hes friendly and kind.他友好善良。【拓展】What do/does sb.look like?用于询问某人的身材或长相,即外貌,意为“某人看起来什么样?/某人长什么样子?”等,look like“看起来像”,答语中用形容词描述人的身材、长相。如:What does your uncle look like?你叔叔长样?Hes a bit fat.他有点儿胖。 考点考点 2 2 What about.What abo

3、ut.?句型?句型Hello,what about you?你好,你怎么样? M1 P2What about.的用法询问情况或打听消息。当对方谈的事情不明确,需要询问清楚时,可用这一句型 I like reading the novel.What about you?我喜欢看小说。你呢?向对方提出建议或请求,相当于句型“Would you like.?”,语气很委婉What about having an apple?Would you like an apple?吃个苹果好吗?What about.的用法询问天气或身体等状况What about the weather in the city

4、 you live?你们居住的那个城市的天气情况如何?What about your mother?You cant keep her too tired.你母亲身体好吗?你不能让她太累。征求对方的看法或意见What about his playing football?他足球踢得怎么样?【归纳】 表示征求对方看法或意见的句型还有如下几种:考点考点 3 3 辨析辨析 familyfamily,homehome与与househouseIs this your family?这是你的家庭吗? M2 P9family指“家庭”时,视为一个整体,用作单数名词,谓语动词用单数Mr.Browns fami

5、ly is very large.布朗先生有一个大家庭。指“家庭成员”时,用作复数名词,谓语动词用复数My family are having dinner now.我的家人正在吃晚饭。home“家;家乡;本国”,即家庭成员在一起生活的地方 I stay at home.我待在家里。house“房子”,主要指建筑物、住宅,可以包含若干房间(rooms) My uncles house is very beautiful.我叔叔家的房子很漂亮。考点考点 4 4 询问职业的句型询问职业的句型Whats your fathers job?你父亲是做什么工作的? M2 P11What is形容词性物主

6、代词/名词所有格job?What is your job?你是做什么工作的?What do/does主语do?What do you do?你是做什么的?What is/are主语?What are you?你是做什么的?【拓展】 辨析 job与workjob可数名词,指已做、要做或应做的具体的某项工作Ive just got a wonderful job.我刚刚得到一份非常好的工作。work不可数名词,指抽象意义上的工作much work很多工作考点考点 5 5 辨析辨析 there be there be与与have/has gothave/has gotThere are thirty

7、 students in my class.我班里有30个学生。 M3 P14【透析】 (1)there be名词介词短语,表示“某处有某物/人”。如:There is a boy under the tree.树下有一个男孩。there be句型中的动词be的形式取决于其后的名词。若名词为单数或不可数名词时,be动词用单数形式;若名词为复数,则be动词用复数形式。若有两个或两个以上的主语,be动词的形式遵循“就近原则”。如:There is a teacher and four students in the classroom.教室里有一位老师和四个学生。(2)have/has got表示

8、“拥有”,强调所属关系。has got用于单数第三人称。一般在have/has后加not构成否定句,把have/has提到句首构成疑问句。如:I havent got any brothers.我没有兄弟。Has Tom got a new bike?汤姆有一辆新自行车吗? 考点考点 6 6 辨析辨析 some some与与anyanyAre there any pictures on the classroom walls?在教室里的墙上有些画吗? M3 P14some用于肯定句;用于表示建议、请求的疑问句中,期望得到肯定回答any用于否定句和疑问句;用于肯定句表示“任何一个”some和an

9、y都可修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词,含有some和any的合成词用法与some和any的用法相同。如:There are some apples in the basket.篮子里有一些苹果。There arent any apples in the basket.篮子里没有苹果。考点考点 7 7 辨析辨析 in front of in front of与与at/in the front ofat/in the front of.at the front of the classroom.在教室的前面。M3 P14in front of表示位置“在(外部)的前面”The teacher is

10、in front of the class.老师在学生的前面。at/in the front of表示位置“在(内部)的前面”There is a blackboard at/in the front of the classroom.在教室前面有块黑板。考点考点 8 8 辨析辨析 too much too much,too manytoo many与与much toomuch tooToo much chocolate isnt good for you.吃太多巧克力对你没有好处。 M4 P21too much太多修饰不可数名词修饰动词I have too much homework to

11、do today.今天我有太多作业要做。那么用来表示程度Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.电视看得太多对你的眼睛有害。too many太多修饰可数名词复数There are too many people in the supermarket.超市里人太多。much too太,很修饰形容词或副词He is much too tired after 12hour work.12小时的工作后,他太累了。【巧记】 这三个短语的含义与中心词的含义一致,中心词就是后一个单词,所以too much的用法同much;too many的用法同many;much

12、 too的用法同too。如:This new kind of car is much too dear,I dont have too much money.这种新款的汽车太贵了,我没有太多的钱。考点考点 9 9 辨析辨析 a little a little,a bita bit与与a bit ofa bit ofA bit tired?有点累吗? M4 P22a little有点,稍微修饰形容词、副词和动词He walks a little fast.他走得有点快。一点修饰不可数名词Please give me a little water.请给我点水。a bit有点,稍微修饰形容词、副词和

13、动词It is a bit hot.天有点热。a bit of一点修饰不可数名词There is a bit of milk in the glass.杯子里有点奶。考点考点 10 10 辨析辨析 v v inging与与v.v. eded形容词形容词(interesting/interested(interesting/interested;boring/boredboring/bored;relaxing/relaxed)relaxing/relaxed)Its my favourite subject because its very interesting它是我最喜欢的科目因为它很有趣

14、。 M5 P26【透析】 ving和v.ed形式都是由动词的现在分词和过去分词转化来的形容词,具有形容词的性质。v.ing的形容词一般用来形容“物”本身具有的性质,表示“令人的”Its an interesting storybook.这是一本有趣的故事书。v.ed的形容词一般用来形容“人”的感受,表示“感到的”I feel bored to see the film.我觉得看这部电影很无聊。【注意】 修饰人或物的形容词只是相对来说,并非绝对。如:The boy is too interesting.这个男孩太有意思了。考点考点 11 11 辨析辨析 watch watch,looklook,

15、seesee与与readreadIn the evening,I watch TV and have dinner with my family.在晚上,我看电视,与家人共进晚餐。 M5 P28watch强调“专注地看”,有欣赏的意味,常用于“看电视”、“看球赛”等Do you watch TV at night?你晚上看电视吗?look指“看”的动作,表示有意识地集中精力去看,但并不一定能看见Look!Who is swimming in the river?瞧!谁在河里游泳?see“看见,看到”,后接宾语,主要强调看的结果。表达“看医生”、“看电影”常用seeIn the evening

16、we went to see a movie.晚上,我们去看了一场电影。read“读,朗读”。表达“看书”、“看报”、“看信”、“看杂志”时,通常用readI like reading at home.我喜欢在家看书。关联语法链接关联语法链接语法1:基数词(190) 见P102语法2:be动词的用法 见P113语法3:指示代词的用法 见P105 语法4:名词的用法 见P99语法5:there be句型 见P120 语法6:介词或介词短语表示方位 见P106考点即时考点即时运用运用1考点1What does your best friend look like?_AHe is friendly

17、BHe is a teacherCHe is tall DHe is out2考点2What about _ shopping this weekend?Ato go Bgoing Cwill go Dgo3考点3Tonys _are watching TV happily at home.Afamily Bhome Chouse DfamiliesCBA4考点4_does he do?He is a cook.He can do many delicious food.AWho BHow CWhat DWhere5语法5There_a basketball game in our schoo

18、l tomorrow.Great.Ais going to have Bwill beCbe Dwill have6考点8I cant hear you because there is _ noise.Atoo many Btoo much Cmuch too Dmany tooCBB7考点5There is _ wrong with my back and it hurts seriously.Aanything BsomethingCnothing Deverything8考点7There is a garden _ the house.Ain front of Bin the fron

19、t ofCin Dat the front of9考点9Shes _ afraid of her teacher.Aa bit Ba bit ofCa little of DlittleBAA10考点11Tom is _ at the blackboard,but he cant_anything.Areading;watch Bwatching;lookClooking;see Dseeing;read11考点10The storybook is very_,Im very _in it.Ainteresting;interestedBinterested;interestingCinter

20、est;interestedDinteresting;interestCA12考点62017齐齐哈尔中考改编Would you like_to eat?Yes,please.Aanything deliciousBdelicious anythingCsomething deliciousDdelicious something13语法42017天水中考The online shop sells_shoes at a very low price.Achild and mensBchildren and mensCchildrens and menDchildrens and mensCD14

21、语法62017河北中考Just walk down this road and youll see the museum_your right.Aon Bin Cat DbyA话题写作指导话题写作指导话题1:人物描述考情分析 分析全国近几年中考题可看出,此类话题作文由对人物外貌、性格特征的描述,逐渐转移到对兴趣、爱好的描述,而且由描述一人变为描述多人。常用短语句型常用短语句型【积累背诵】描述外貌1He is handsome/goodlooking/athletic/fat.他是帅气的/好看的/健壮的/胖的2He has fine/strong/sharp features.他有好的/强烈的/

22、敏锐的特点。3She is pretty/beautiful/attractive/thin/slim.她是漂亮的/好看的/吸引人的/瘦的/纤细的。4He is in twenties.他20多岁。服装描述1She is very welldressed.她穿着考究。2He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie.他穿着浅棕的套装,戴着一条红领带。3She looks very smart in a pale grey dress.她穿着浅灰色的裙子,看上去很聪明。性格描述1He is friendly to.他对很友好。2She is c

23、onfident/brave/kind/honest.她自信/勇敢/善良/诚实3He is badtempered/boring/lazy/dishonest.他是脾气暴躁的/无聊的/懒惰的/不真诚的4She likes doing.她喜欢做【基础写作运用】1他自信而且乐于助人。 2他穿着一身深蓝色的套装,看上去很专业。 3他很善良并且对任何人都很友好。He is confident and always ready to help others.in He is very kind and friendly to everybody. He looks very professional a

24、 dark blue suit.4汤姆喜欢画画,当他长大后想当一名画家。Tom likes drawing,when he grows up,he wants to be a painter. 经典亮句积累经典亮句积累开头句1The person I love best is.我最爱的那个人是2He/She is friendly,outgoing and full of energy.他/她友好,外向并且精力充沛。3Everyone has his own hobbies and dreams.每个人都有他自己的爱好和梦想。中间句1He/She is one of my best frien

25、ds,and I often talk with him/her if I have any problems.他/她是我最好的朋友之一,并且如果我有任何问题,我经常会和他/她交流。2They often encourage me when Im in trouble.他们在我有麻烦的时候经常鼓励我。3She wants to be a successful writer in the future.她将来想成为一位成功的作家。4My dream is to work on the service hotline because I like communicating with others

26、.我的梦想是在服务热线工作,因为我喜欢和其他人交流。结尾句1Thank you for everything you have done for me.谢谢你为我做的所有事情。2I hope we enjoy our hobbies and our dreams can come true.我希望我们享受我们的爱好并且我们的梦想能够实现。俗语谚语Dont judge a book by its cover.不要以貌取人。典例运用典例运用【例】 2016德州中考假如你叫肖鹏,是英语学习小组组长。英语课上老师要求展开小组调查,内容包括爱好、理想职业及原因,然后由各组组长在班内汇报。请你根据表格内容

27、提示,介绍本组成员及自己的情况,写一篇80100词的调查汇报。Survey NamesHobbiesDream jobsReasonsYi Kewritingwriterbring her pleasure and successZheng Yongtravellingguideexperience life and learn about different culturesMeng Xinlooking after animalsWWF workerhelp animals live in peaceI(Xiao Peng).写作要求1语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;2文

28、中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;3文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。【审题指导】1展开小组调查,对组内每位成员的爱好、理想职业及原因进行描述,由此确定本文题材为记叙文。2作为组长在班内汇报应用第一人称;分别介绍其他成员时,用第三人称。3由描述的内容可知应用一般现在时态。【拟定提纲】【我的作品】Boys and girls, Everyone has hobbies and dreams.Now let me share ours with you. I hope we enjoy our hobbies and our dreams can come true.Boys and girls,

29、 Everyone has hobbies and dreams.Now let me share ours with you. Yi Kes hobby is writing,she wants to be a successful writer in the future,just like Mo Yan.Her story came out as a book in 2012.So she thinks writing makes her relaxed and it also brings her pleasure and success. 范文借鉴范文借鉴 Zheng Yong li

30、kes travelling best.He is looking forward to travelling abroad so he wants to be a guide in foreign countries.In this way,he can experience different life and learn about different cultures. Meng Xin is a kind girl and her hobby is looking after animals.When she grows up she wants to be a WWF worker

31、 to save the animals in danger and help animals live in peace. My dream is to work on the Helpline because I like communicating with others.I can solve problems for them and it makes me happy and pleased. I hope we enjoy our hobbies and our dreams can come true.借鉴点借鉴点本句引出了2、3、4、5段,分别对组内成员的描述。衔接贴切、自然。and复合句的使用表达出Yi Ke喜爱写作的原因。结果状语从句、时间状语从句和原因状语从句的使用体现了作者的写作功底。



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