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1、Reading and VocabularyModule 5 The Great Sports Personalityretireperformretirementbackgroundbrand sportswear logovi. 退休退休vi. 表现表现n. 退休退休n. 背景背景n. 商标,牌子商标,牌子n. 运动服装;休闲运动服装;休闲服装服装n. (公司或组织的公司或组织的)标识;标志标识;标志Words reviewadvantageguaranteepurchasedesigner gymnast slogann. 优势,长处优势,长处vt. 保证保证vt. 购买购买n. 设计师

2、设计师n. 体操运动员体操运动员n. 标语标语Words reviewthe number ofa number ofon the increasethe chances arehave an advantage over很可能很可能的数量的数量/数目数目胜过;优于胜过;优于一些一些正在增加正在增加Objectives1. To understand the passage about Li Ning2. To summarise and retell the main idea of the passage3. To learn to use useful words and express

3、ions in the passage4. To try to learn great spirit from sportsmen and sportswomenZou KaiCheng FeiLi XiaoshuangLi XiaopengYang WeiLiu XuanSvetlana Khorkina Do you know the following gymnasts?Its slogan:Anything is possible. (一切皆有可能。一切皆有可能。) Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts, is its founder.Do you know

4、this brand?Who is its founder?Li Ning was born on March 10, 1963 in Liuzhou, Guangxi. Li Ning is the most famous gymnast in China. He won six gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.Li Ning retired from sporting competition in 1988 and in 1990 he fou

5、nded the Li-Ning Company Limited, which sells footwear and sporting apparel in China. At the 2008 Summer Olympics Li Ning ignited the cauldron at the opening ceremony. for general ideasWhats the passage mainly about?A. Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts.B. Li Ning, a talented businessman.C. Li Nings dr

6、eam after retirement.D. All the above._ A. Several elements guaranteed Li Nings success._ B. Li Nings sports life was very successful._ C. Li Ning decided to continue his work for sport._ D. Li Ning products are very successful now._ E. Li Ning launched a new brand of sportswear after his retirement

7、.31542Put the sentences in the correct order. for specific information1. Li Ning won six medals at the Los Angeles Olympics.2. He was not happy with his results at the Seoul Olympics.3. He got a new job working for Nike sportswear.4. He chose the name of his sportswear company carefully.5. Six Li Ni

8、ng products are sold every minute.6. Li Ning clothes are worn by the national teams of France and Italy.7. In 1991 he opened a school with Pele and Muhammad Ali.8. He wants to help children become good at sport. launched a new brand of sportswear, competing with Nike.Spain by himselfP43 31. Why was

9、Li Ling called the prince of gymnasts? A. When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. B. Li Ning was the best. C. Li Ning was a successful businessman. D. A and B.Choose the correct answers.2. When Li Ning retired, _. A. he had won about 100 g

10、old medals at the Olympic Games B. he was pleased with his performances C. Pele and Ali visited him in China D. he was thought to be one of the greatest sportsmen of the 20th century3. Li Nings success as a businessman has much to do with his _. A. sporting background B. family background C. intelli

11、gence D. hard work4. _ guaranteed success for Li Ning products. A. Increasing need for sports clothes B. Attractive designs C. Lower prices D. All the above5. What does “And if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Nings advertising says.” mean? A. You are able to make big money.

12、 B. You are able to realize your dream. C. You are able to build your own school. D. You are able to get famous. 6. We know from the passage that_.A. opening schools for gymnasts can make moneyB. Pele likes the slogan of Li Nings advertisementC. Li Ning aims to help young people succeed in sportsD.

13、Ali worked for the UN later than Li NingWork in pairs and discussion the questions.1 Why did Li Ning start a sportswear company?2 Why has he been successful? Because he didnt forger his sporting background and wanted to compete with global giants like Nike and Adidas.Because his sports clothes came

14、onto the market as just the right time, and Li Nings designs were attractive butcomparatively cheaper.P43 4Try to retell the text by using the key words below.Li Ningsportsmanbusinessmanprince of gymnasts, medal, best, make a list of, retire, fail, performcareer, background, launch, brand, compete,

15、logo, popular, attractive, advantage, international, style, goal, help, achieve重难点句子分析重难点句子分析1. But even though he had won everything2. it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. 但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉

16、退了役。种失败的感觉退了役。让步状语从句让步状语从句定语从句:省略了定语从句:省略了关系代词关系代词that, 修饰修饰everything。it为形为形式主语式主语, 真正的主语为不定式真正的主语为不定式短语短语to win in his sport。同位语从句同位语从句1. 我跟他说话就感觉已经认识他很长时我跟他说话就感觉已经认识他很长时 间了。间了。 I talked with him with the feeling that I had known him for a long time.2. 即使晚饭已摆在桌上,她也不愿意离即使晚饭已摆在桌上,她也不愿意离 开电视机。开电视机。 S

17、he wont leave the TV set even though suppers on the table. 2. But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. 但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。成功。强调主语强调主语make sb.+ adj.(宾补宾补)eg: This book made me excited. It is/was +被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+ 句子其余部分。句子其余部分。主

18、语主语宾语宾语状语状语强调人用强调人用that/who,强强调物用调物用that1. 多年的努力工作成就了他的今天。多年的努力工作成就了他的今天。 It is years of hard work that has made him what he is today.2. 他非常受学生欢迎因为他总是试图让他他非常受学生欢迎因为他总是试图让他 们对他的演讲感兴趣。们对他的演讲感兴趣。 He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them interested in his lectures. activitie

19、sInterview Suppose one of you is Li Ning, and the other two or three students are news reporters. Ask and answer Li Nings life (from the passage) as a gymnast or a businessman.Quiz : Complete the passage with proper words and phrases, which will help you retell the text.Li Ning, the prince of gymnas

20、ts, was one of the greatest sportsmen of the twentieth century. He had won 106 gold medals in major competitions _ when he retired at the age of 26. but he retired _ he had failed, for he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics. _ this sense of failure _ made him _ succeed in his new life.

21、 One year later, he decided to launch a new brand of sportswear with his own name. across the world with the feeling thatIt was that determined toAt that time, the number of young people with money to spend was _. Li Nings designs were attractive and they _ their better-known rivals they were cheape

22、r. So success for Li Ning was guaranteed. If you go into a school or university anywhere, _ you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits. Chinese and some foreign athletes wore Li Ning clothes at some important competitions. Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish wh

23、en he retires from the sport. It starts. In 1991, he realised his dream - to open a school for gymnasts. Remember Li Nings advertising slogan: _. on the increase had an advantage over the chances areAnything is possibleGroup discussionGreat hopes make great man. We can learn.Help others, help yourse

24、lf.Nothing is difficult if you put your mind into it.Hard work leads to success.Possible answers:Anything is possible. Never give up.Now 2 mins to test our spelling.1. English-Chinese background designer advantage sportswear slogan logo brand2. Chinese- English 退休退休 购买购买 正在增加正在增加 表现表现 有优势有优势 一些一些 保证

25、保证When finishing, exchange to see who does the best.课时重点回顾课时重点回顾列出一张列出一张单单的数目的数目/数量数量有优势有优势一些一些使某人决心做某事使某人决心做某事很可能很可能不断增加不断增加make a list of the number of have an advantage overa number of make sb. determined to do sth.the chances are (that) on the increaseHomework1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions. 2. Read the articles in Learning English. The more you read, the faster and better youll understand. When finishing reading, write a summary in 100 words or so.



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