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1、全新版大学英语第四册课件climbenglishcom攀登英语网Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of NatureText A The Icy DefenderTeaching Plan Objectives : 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. do a comparison and contrast between Napole

2、ons invasion of Russia and Hitlers invasion of the Soviet Union ; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit . Man changes nature in order to live . However ,ma

3、n must also be careful not to disregard the laws of nature . When Napoleon and Hitler finally realized their arrogance (傲慢) , it was already too late . When you read this text , please pay attention to the subtitles in the text . Thus youll have a better understanding of the text structure .(注意标题,小标

4、题) Then youd better read Parts I (introduction) Clues for reading the text and the main contents and IV (conclusion) , as they have a close connection . And sum up the main ideas of each part . Next , read Part II and Part III , which are facts about Napoleons military campaign against Russia and Hi

5、tlers military campaign against the Soviet Union respectively . And sum up the main ideas . Of Part II and Part III . Finally , analyze the similarities and differences between the two invasions in the form of a table . (培养比较相同性,对比差异性的能力)A Comparison-and-Contrast of the Two Invasions :invading count

6、ryFrance Germany country invadedRussia Soviet Unionstarter of war Napoleon Hitler starting time of invasionSpring ,18126 /22 / 1941strength of invading force600,000the largest land campaign in historypredictionquick victory, conquest of Russia in 5 weeks Blitzkrieg (lightning war), lasting no longer

7、 than 3 monthsinitial resistance strategyrefusing to stand and fight ; retreating eastwards ,burning crops and homes “scorch the earth”, fierce fight to defend major cities capture of Russian capital yesnomajor battlesSmolensk ,Borodino ,the Berezina RiverLeningrad ,Stalingradtruce offerby Napoleon

8、, rejected by the Czarno biggest enemy for the invading forcesnow ,freezing temperatureheavy rain , “General Mud”, snow, freezing temperatureturning point October 1812 , when Napoleon ordered a retreat 1943, when the Soviet troops pushed the German forces backfate of the invading forceonly 100,000 s

9、urvivedheavy losseswar-starters fateNapoleon abdicated and went into exile ,his empire at an endHitler committed suicide ,his empire collapsingAnalyze the difficult sentences1. To his surprise ,the Russians refused to stand and fight . (line 20) to his (my) surprise , 使他(我)惊奇的是 to ones delight , 说来真

10、使某人高兴 to my great relief ,使我大为欣喜的是 (much) to my regret , 非常抱歉 to ones disappointment , 失望的是2. Borodino ,112 Kilometer west of Moscow .(line 32) 莫斯科以西112公里远 in the east (of) 在的东部 on /to the east of 在的东方 west of 在的西面 lie north and south 横亘南北 3. By nightfall ,thirty thousand French and forty-four thous

11、and Russians Lay dead or wounded on the battlefield (lines 32-34). 学习vi + adj. construction : 有时一个不及物动词后跟一个形容词(或名词),说明主语的状态或特征,作用接近表语,这样的句子也可以说包含了一个复合谓语。 如:He sat silent at the table .他坐在桌旁一言不发。 (= He sat at the table and he was silent .) A rich old lady lay dead at home that day . (= She lay at hom

12、e and she was dead that day .) 又如: fall ill , stand still , fall asleep ,marry young , etc. He died a martyr (n. 烈士) to his country. 他为国牺牲 .(此为名词示例)第一课. Language Study 1. in the case of: as far as . is concerned至于,就来说 Examples: The rise in interest rate will be disastrous in the case of small firms.

13、 Formal training will take at least 3 years in the case of interior decoration. 2. stand / get / be in the way: prevent from doing sth.挡道;妨碍 Examples: Many teachers complain that they cant make any improvement in teaching methods as the existing exam system is in the way. I dont think kids have as m

14、uch fun as we used to. Fierce competition keeps getting in the way of their development. 3. raw: cold and wet; not cooked, refined, processed, organized or analyzed adj. 阴冷的;生的;未加工的 Examples: The events took place on a raw February morning. This cutting board is only used to cut raw meat. Industrial

15、 plants processed the raw material into finished products for export and for domestic consumption.4. launch: start; send (sth.) on its course vt.开始;发射 Examples: Beginning in the early 19608, humans launched probes to explore other planets. On October 4, 1957, Soviet scientists launched the worlds fi

16、rst artificial satellite, called Sputnik.5. campaign: a series of military operations or planned activities with a particular aim n.战役;运动 Examples: Hitlers advisers tried to persuade him to avoid the risks of a winter campaign in the Soviet Union and wait until spring. Some people complained that to

17、o much money had been spent on political campaigns.6. efficient: able to work well or producing a satisfactory result without wasting time or resources adj.效率 Examples: Remote terminals in the home, connected to data banks, make the home the most efficient place to work in many cases. To cut back on

18、 fossil fuels, we should build more efficient cars.7. conquest: conquering, defeat n.征服,战胜 Examples: The year 1939 had witnessed the conquest of Poland by Germany. Hitler badly miscalculated when he assumed the conquest of the USSR would be simple.8. decisive: producing a definite result or conclusi

19、on; having or showing the ability to decide quickly adj.决定性的,果断的 Examples: Most of the decisive land campaigns of World War i occurred on the continent of Europe. Lincoln took decisive measures to end slavery. The adoption of the curt is widely viewed as a decisive step toward a single European gove

20、rnment.9. retreat: move back or withdraw when faced with danger or difficulty vi.退却 Examples: After a fierce battle, the troops retreated southward. We adopted the following strategies: When the enemy advances, we retreat; when they retreat, we pursue.10. be / get bogged down: be unable to make prog

21、ress陷入泥潭;不有前进 Examples: Most of the tanks were bogged down because of mechanical defects and inexperienced crews. The local government got bogged down in problems of how to handle the emission of hazardous chemicals by industrial facilities.11. engage: begin fighting with sb.; (cause to) take part i

22、n or do etc. v.与交战;使从事;占有(时间,精力等) Examples: The commander ordered the soldiers to engage the enemy immediately. I have no time to engage in gossip. We failed to engage any active support for our project. engage (sh.) in sth. : (cause to) take part in sth. Examples: They are currently engaged in leng

23、thy wade negotiations. The teacher tried to engage the shy boy in conversation.12. be faced with: have to deal with面临;要对付 Examples: The librarians were faced with the huge task of listing all the books. I am faced with the awful job of breaking the news to the boys family.13. crucial very important

24、(followed by to) adj.至关重要的 Examples: Amazingly, our soccer team won the victory in the crucial final game. Improved consumer confidence is crucial to economic recovery.14. take a gamble: take a risk冒险 Examples: The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products, and it paid off. I thin

25、k shes taking a gamble investing all her money in stocks.15. press on / ahead: continue doing sth. in a determined way (used in the pattern: press on/ahead (with sth.)(不顾困难)继续前进Examples: Our school authorities are keen to press on with educational reform. Organizers of the strike are determined to p

26、ress on.16. occupation: the seizure and control of a country or areas; (ones) trade, profession, or business. n.占领;职业 Examples: During the Japanese occupation of China, millions of innocent Chinese people we killed by Japanese soldiers. Many schools have struggled to meet the educational requirement

27、s of new technology- based occupations.17. bide ones time: wait patiently for a chance等待时机 Examples: His political rivals are biding their time for an attack on his policies. He bided his time until Harvard University offered him a professorship.18. minus: below zero; made less by; negative, slightl

28、y lower than the mark stated prep.零下;减; adj.负的,稍低 Examples: Tomorrows temperature will be as low as minus ten degrees centigrade. 20 minus 10 is 10, I got B minus in the final examination.19. drag on: move slowly and with effort; continue endlessly and tediously缓慢费力地走;拖延 Examples: These compensation

29、 cases have already dragged on for one year. How much longer is the meeting going to drag on?20. stroke: any of a series of repeated movements; single successful or effective action or occurrence; blow n.一次;一回;一下;一击 Examples: I saw a chance of solving all my problems at a stroke. He drove in a nail

30、with one stroke of the hammer. He won a car in the lottery last week. Thats Iris first stroke of good luck.21. at the cost of: with the loss of以为代价 Examples: Berhman saved Johnsy at the cost of his own life. The local government developed its economy but at the cost of environment.22. limp: walk wit

31、h difficulty, esp. when one foot or leg is hurt vi.一瘸一拐地走;跛行 I injured my ankle and had to limp. 23. weaken: (cause to) become weak or weaker v. (使)虚弱; (使)变弱 Examples: The Asian financial crisis severely weakened some countries. Pneumonia often proves fatal to people with a weakened immune system. 2

32、4. alliance: a union or an association formed for mutual benefit, esp. between countries or organizations. n.联盟 Examples: NATO is considered as the most powerful military alliance in modem history. Japan and Germany made their formal alliance in 1940.25. invasion: an entering or being entered by an

33、attacking military force n.入侵;侵略 Examples: The country remained free from invasion for 60 years. On Hitlers orders, the invasion of Poland began on September 1, 1939.26, declaration: formally announcing; a formal announcement (followed by of) n.宣部;宣言 Examples: The opening speeches sounded more like

34、declarations of war than offerings of peace. The Japanese attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7.1941 without a declaration of war.27. catch sb. off guard: take sb. by surprise 趁某人不防 Examples: The invitation to his wedding caught me off guard. The manager didnt know what

35、 to say. It was clear that my question had caught him off guard. 28. instruct: give orders or directions to (sb,) (used in the patterns: instruct sb, to do sth.; instruct sb. that; instruct sb. with quote); teach (sb.) (used in the pattern: instruct sb. in /on sth.) vt.指示,命令;讲授 Examples: The family

36、has instructed solicitors to sue Thomson for compensation. The professor instructed us that we bad one month to conduct the project. Go and have a word with her, Ken, Peter instructed. He instructed family members in nursing techniques. 29. render: cause (sb./sth.) to be in a specified condition (sa

37、me as make) vt.使成为;致使(处于某种状况) Examples: Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake. The drug will render the tiger harmless for up to two hours. He was rendered unconscious by a blow on the back of the neck. 30. casualty: a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident n.

38、伤亡人员;死伤者 Examples: The precise number of casualties in yesterdays bomb explosion is not known. First reports of the traffic accident tell of more than 50 casualties. 31. die from / of: have as the cause of death死于 Examples: Some animals died of starvation in the snow. All the plants were dying from

39、lack of rain.32. siege: a military operation in which an army tries to capture a town, etc.by stopping the supply of food, etc. to the people inside n.围困,包围,围观 Examples: We must do everything possible to lift the siege. They are hopeful of bringing the siege to a peaceful conclusion. The city was un

40、der siege for six months.33. bring to a halt: stop completely使停止 Examples: Air traffic in Poland had been brought to a halt by an air traffic controllers strike. Our journey was brought to a halt by a storm.34. offensive: aggressive action, attack n.进攻adj.进攻的,冒犯的,使人不快的 Examples: The Red Army brought

41、 its winter offensive to a successful conclusion. In January 1944 a Soviet offensive raised the long siege of Leningrad. adj. used for or connected with attack; causing sb. to feel upset, or annoyed; very unpleasant Examples: Faced with the invasion, they took immediate offensive action. He made cru

42、de jokes that are offensive to women. There is an offensive smell in the room. 35. turn the tide (against): change what looks like defeat into victory (over)改变局势,转败为胜 Examples: The appearance of Joan of Arc turned the tide of war. Soviet victory in Stalingrad turned the tide of the war in Europe. 36

43、. thanks to: because of由于,因为 Examples: Thanks to her financial support, the two children in the remote village could go to school. Thanks to their tireless efforts, the performance was a great success.37. heroic: having the characteristics of a hero; very brave adj.英雄的,英勇的 Examples: The soldier save

44、d the girl at the cost of his own hie. His heroic deeds were appreciated by all the people in the community. He was famed for his heroic deeds during the war.38. region: area n.地区 Example: In recent years increasing numbers of tourists have visited Antarctica to appreciate the regions majestic scene

45、ry and wildlife.39. reckon: count; consider; think v.计算;认为 Examples: The existence of the U.S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence. Many people reckon him to be a great basketball player.be reckoned with: be taken into considerationExamples: All these problems had to be reckoned with as

46、 they arose. She is a woman to be reckoned with.40. toll: the number of people or animals killed or injured in particular circumstances; money paid for the use of a bridge or road n.伤亡人数;(路,桥)通行费 造成损失(伤亡等) Examples: The toll of road deaths and injuries is on the rise. The local government was allowe

47、d to charge tolls for the use of the roads. take its / a toll: cause damage, injuries or deaths (often followed by of/ on) Examples: The famine took a toll of 3,000,000 lives. His hard work has taken its toll on his stomach. High wages have taken their toll on the Swedish economy.Chinese TransIation

48、s of Texts A(Units 18)参考译文 第一单元 与自然力量抗争课文A就拿拿破仑和希特勒两人来说吧,他们所向披靡,便以为自己战 冰雪卫士 奈拉B史密斯 1812年,法国皇帝拿破仑波拿巴率大军入侵俄罗斯。他准备好俄罗斯人民会为保卫祖国而奋勇抵抗。 他准备好在俄罗斯广袤的国土上要经过长途跋涉才能进军首都莫斯科。但他没有料到在莫斯科他会遭 遇劲敌俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬。 1941年,纳粹德国元首阿道夫希特勒进攻当时被称作苏联的俄罗斯。希特勒的军事实力堪称无敌。 他的战争机器扫除了欧洲绝大部分地区的抵抗。希特勒希望速战速决,但是,就像在他之前的拿破仑 一样,他得到的是痛苦的教训。仍是俄罗斯

49、的冬天助了苏维埃士兵一臂之力。拿破仑发起的战役 1812年春,拿破仑在俄国边境屯兵60万。这些士兵受过良好训练,作战力强,装备精良。这支军队被称为大军。拿破仑对马到成功充满自信,预言要在5个星期内攻下俄国。 不久,拿破仓的大军渡过涅曼河进入俄国。拿破仑期盼着的速决速胜迟迟没有发生。令他吃惊的是,俄国人并不奋起抵抗。相反他们一路东撒,沿途焚毁庄稼和民居。大军紧追不舍,但它的长驱直入很快由于粮草运输缓慢而停顿下来。 到了8月,法俄两军在斯摩棱斯克交战,这一战役中,双方各有上万人阵亡。可是俄国人仍能在自己的国土上继续后撤。拿破仑未能取得决定性的胜利。此刻他面临着一个重要抉择。是继续追击俄国军队,还足

50、把军队驻扎在斯摩棱斯克,在那儿度过将到的冬天? 拿破仑孤注一掷,决定向远在448公里之外的莫斯科进发。1 812年9月7日,法俄两军在莫斯科以西112公里外的鲍罗季诺激战,夜幕降临时,3万名法国士兵以及4万4千名俄国士兵或伤或亡,倒在了战场上。 俄国军队再次撤往安全之处。拿破仑顺利进入莫斯科,然而,对该市的占领成为毫无意义的胜利。俄国人弃城而走。法国人进城不久,一场熊熊大火烧毁丁整个城市的三分之二。拿破仑向亚历山大一世提出停战,但沙皇深知他可以等待时机:“且让俄罗斯的严冬为我们战斗吧。” 拿破仑很快意识到,他无法在冬天向远在莫斯科的军队供应粮草、提供御寒衣物和宿营之地。1812年10月,他命令

51、大军撤出莫斯科。 法军的撤离成为一场噩梦。俄国人出没于田野与森林,采用打了就跑的战术,向法国人发起攻击。刚出莫斯科城,气温就降到摄氏零下4度。11月3目降了初雪。困乏的马匹倒地而死。大炮陷入雪中。装备只得被用作燃料焚烧。士兵们染病冻死。法国士兵拖着脚步行进,一路上留下无数死尸。 正当俄罗斯军队集聚兵力之时,法国人却不得不逃离俄国,以避免注定的失败。在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥粱,差点将后撤的法军团于河边。侥幸的是,拿破仑居然突击造起两座桥。成千上万法国士兵得以逃脱,但却损失了5万人。渡过别列兹拿河,溃不成军的幸存者一瘸一拐地向维尔纽行进。 拿破仑发兵60万进入俄国,只有不到10万

52、士兵返回。元气大伤的法国军队在欧洲继续西撤。不久,英国、奥地利、俄国以及普鲁士组成强大的联盟,攻击这些散兵游勇。1814年3月,巴黎被攻占。拿破仑退位去过流放生活,他缔造的帝国随之灭亡。希特勒的入侵 到1941年初,纳粹德国元首阿道夫希特勒已经控制了欧洲大部分地区。希特勒的德意志帝国的东部与苏联毗邻。1941年6月22曰,希特勒不宣而战,入侵苏联,发动了历史上规模最大的一场陆地战役。希特勒自信能速战速决,预计这一战役不会超过3个月。他计划采用征服了欧洲其余地区的闪电式战略。入侵汁划包含三大目标:向列宁格勒与莫斯科进攻,并横扫乌克兰。 苏联领导人约瑟夫斯大林被打了个措手不及,他指示全国人民在德国

53、入侵者到来之前实行“焦土”政策。农场和工厂被焚烧毁坏,或被弄得无法运转。在入侵的最初10个星期内,德国人一路东进。俄国人伤亡人数多达一百多万。 在北方,德国人包围了列宁格勒。尽管忍受着极大困苦,列宁格勒的人民绝不投降。列宁格勒保卫战一直持续到冬季,此时该市的处境变得危急。由于食品匮乏人们死于饥饿与疾病。到了1941年和1942年之间的寒冬,几乎每天有4千人死于饥饿。列宁格勒之围造成近百万人死亡。 在俄国中部,希特勒的目标是占领莫斯科。由于德国人指望速战速决,他们没有准备过冬的补给。IO 月来临,大雨不停。“泥泞将军”拖延了德国人闪电式进攻的行动。 正当希特勒的军队逼近莫斯科时,寒冷的冬季早早地

54、降临苏联,那是多年不遇的严寒。气温降到摄氏零下48度。大雪纷飞。对俄国的严寒冬季毫无思想准备的德国士兵身着单薄的夏装, 一个个被冻伤。德国人的坦克掩埋往深深的雪堆中。俄罗斯的冬季阻止了德国人的攻势。 到1942夏天,希特勒又发起两场新的攻势。往南方,德国人占领了塞瓦斯托波尔。希特勒随后向东推进到斯大林格勒,那是沿伏尔加河绵延48公里的一座大工业城市。尽管艰苦卓绝,苏联抵抗者拒绝放弃斯大林格勒。 到1942夏天,希特勒又发起两场新的攻势。往南方,德国人占领了塞瓦斯托波尔。希特勒随后向东推进到斯大林格勒,那是沿伏尔加河绵延48公里的一座大工业城市。尽管艰苦卓绝,苏联抵抗者拒绝放弃斯大林格勒。 19

55、42年11月,俄国人发起了一场反攻。德国军队在斯大林格勒城内外几乎没有挡风避寒的地方,食品和补给的匮乏更使其元气大伤。直到1943年1月德国人才放弃围城。进攻斯大林格勒的30万德国人只剩下9万忍饥挨饿的士兵。斯大林格勒一战的失利最终使希特勒时乖运蹇。部分地由于俄罗斯的冬季,德国人走向失败了。 在1943年与1944年期间,苏联军队将德军阵线往西逼退。在北方,1944年1月15日,红军发起突然袭击,解除了列宁格勒长达3年之久的围困。列宁格勒那些英勇无畏的幸存者看着入侵者在两个早期内全部撤离。到了1944年3月,乌克兰的农村又回到了苏维埃手中。1944年5月9日,塞瓦斯托波尔从德国人手中被解放出来

56、。至此,俄国人向柏林进发。 就希特勒而言,对苏联的入侵成为一场军事灾难。对俄罗斯人民来说,这场入侵带来了无法形容的苦难。苏维埃在第一次世界大战中死亡的人数几乎达到2千3百万。 俄罗斯的冰雪卫士 任何军事行动都必须考虑到自然的因素。拿破仑和希特勒都低估了俄罗斯冬季的严酷。冰雪和极低的气温使两支侵略军付出惨重的代价。对俄罗斯人民而言,严冬是他们的冰雪卫上。Unit 2 Smart CarsText A Smart CarsTeaching Plan Objectives : 1. understand the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. lea

57、rn some techniques in expository writing (definition , quotes , a mixture of facts and opinions , etc.) ; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading , listening , speaking , and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .Clues f

58、or reading the text and the main contentsSome scientists and engineers have come up with the idea of a smart car . Whats a smart car and what this “smart car” can do ?See Text Organization Exercise 1 ,fill in the main ideas as soon as you finish studying a part .Facts and opinions are often interwov

59、en (交织) in expository writing , and we must learn to distinguish them . Please tell sentences that express opinions from factual statements in Part I . (分辨事实和看法)Another ability - finding out definitions : 弄明定义. Provide definitions for “blind spot” and “global positioning system”, “atomic clock”, “au

60、tomated driver .”Smart cars are superior to ordinary cars in many ways . What are the features of smart cars as mentioned in the text .Compare these words : sense , pick up , determine , detect . Analyze the difficult sentences1. The automobile industry rank as among the most lucrative and powerful

61、industries of the twentieth century . (lines 4-5) 译:汽车工业是世纪最赚钱最有影响力的产业之一as among ,在之中(二重介词-由两个介词搭配而成)如:from under ,from behind ,until after ,in between 等例:Choose a book from among these . 从这些书中挑一本2. They make it possible to determine your location on the earth to within about a hundred feet .(lines

62、43-44). 译:我们有可能以小于100英尺的误差确定你在地球上的方位学习“v + it(形式宾语)+ adj.(补语)+ to do (真正宾语)”的用法:例:We dont consider it possible to set back the clock of history .Text Analysis What jumps out first at a browser of this text may be those terms in quotation marks or with capitalized first letters - “blind spot” , Globa

63、l Positioning System , “atomic clock” , “telematics” and “automated driver” . What do they mean ? How do we find out ? An efficient reader knows . He /She can make a guess based on knowledge of word-formation or knowledge of the word or the context . For example , when the reader comes across “Shoul

64、d you make a serious driving mistake (e.g. , change lanes when there is a car in your blind spot) the computer would sound an immediate warning ”, he or she can guess from the context that a blind spot must be a portion of the road behind a car , which a driver can not observe from the rear-view mir

65、ror . What is the Global Positioning System ? From the sentence containing this term (“We already have twenty-four Navstar satellites orbiting the earth ,making up what is called the Global Positioning System .”), we know it is a service linked with a satellite . From the following sentence we know

66、its function (“They make it possible to determine your location on the earth to within about a hundred feet .”) What is an atomic clock ? The answer is found in exactly the same sentence . It vibrates at a precise frequency , according to the laws of the quantum theory . We can guess the meaning of

67、“telematics” from its word formation . The prefix “tele-” means “distant”, the suffix “-matics” may be the end part of “informatics” . Then the sentence in the text - “GPS is actually but part of a larger movement , called telematics”- tells us more about it . What is an automated driver ? Sentences

68、 directly following the term give a detailed explanation - “The plan calls for computers , aided by thousands of three-inch magnetic spikes buried in the highway , to take complete control of the driving of cars on heavily trafficked roads . Cars will be bunched into groups of ten to twelve vehicles

69、 , only six feet apart ,traveling in unison ,and controlled by computer .”第二课Language Study1. turn sth. into / become a reality:(使)成现实 Examples: Her dream of being a college student has turned into a reality. Working at home and communicating with fellow workers via their PCs has become a reality fo

70、r some.2. lucrative: producing much money; profitable adj.生利的,赚钱的 Examples: Many ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms. We made a lucrative business deal with the American company on rice imports.3. presently: (esp US) at the present time, now; after a short time; soon

71、 adj.现在,目前;不久 Examples: We presently have no plans to expand our business overseas, but that may well change in the future. Take it easy, David said. You will feel better presently.4. manufacture: make goods on a large scale using machinery vt.(大量)制造Example: Ford has been manufacturing cars for near

72、ly a hundred years. 5. approximately: fairly correct or accurate but not completely so adj.近似,大概 Examples: Approximately $150 million is to be spent on improvements on school buildings. The car accident happened at approximately 7:45 a.m. 6. eliminate: remove, esp. sb./sth, that is not wanted or nee

73、ded; get rid of (used in the patterns: eliminate sth.; eliminate sth. from sth. ) vt.消除;消灭;排除 Examples: The Chinese government approved a new plan to eliminate illiteracy nationwide by 2006. The curriculum ignored the natural interests of children and so eliminated the childrens motivation. If you t

74、hink you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet.7. vapor: a mass of tiny drops of moisture forming a cloud or mist n.汽;雾;蒸气 Examples: The atmosphere always contains some moisture in the form of water vapor. Pure steam is a dry and invisible vapor.8. in the air: in the earths

75、 atmosphere; uncertain, not yet decided空气顺空中;悬而未决 Examples: There is a peculiar smell in the air. Hundreds of birds suddenly rose in the air. Our plans are still in the air.9. start up: begin or begin working, running, happening, etc; 发动,启动;开始 Examples: Peter looked in his mirror and started up the

76、engine. Put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the car up.10. alert: warn sb. that there may be danger, trouble, etc.(used in the patterns: alert sb.; alert sb. to sth.) vt.使警觉,使警惕;使注意 Examples: Why werent the police alerted? The manager alerted the staff to the crisis facing the company.

77、The teacher alerted the students to the danger of swimming in the river.11. lane: a division of a road, street, or highway wide enough for a single line of motor vehicles n.车道 Examples: The newly-built highways have two lanes for each direction of travel. There are many different types of roads, fro

78、m multilane freeways and expressways to two-way country roads.12. prototype: the first model or design of sth. from which other forms are copied or developed n.原型;样品 Examples: Bell uttered to his assistant the words, Mr. Watson, come here; I want you, using a prototype telephone. Toyota released its

79、 small car prototype in 1947.13. monotonous: dull and never changing or varying; constant and boring adj.单调的;一成不变的 Examples: Robots are used in repetitive, monotonous tasks in which human performance: might degrade over time. In the 1970s we had a monotonous diet of rice and vegetables.14, hazard: a

80、 thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk n.危害;危险 Examples: The research has confirmed that tobacco smoke presents a hazard to health. Smog developed into a major health hazard by the 20th century.15. get / be stuck in (sth.): be unable to move or to be moved 停留,被阻塞 Examples: I

81、was stuck in the traffic yesterday for about one hour. Thats why I missed the plane. I was stuck at home with flu.16. satellite: an electronic device that is sent into space and moves round a planet n.卫星 Examples: Engineers have developed many kinds of satellites, each designed to serve a specific p

82、urpose or mission. The first artificial satellite was launched in 1957.17. They make it possible: Pay attention to the structure v + it + adj. + to do (see Structure Exercise 2) (通过)这些卫星有可能确定18. to within about a hundred feet: double prepositions (see Structure Exercise 1)以小于约一百英尺的误差19. vibrate: (ca

83、use sth. to) move rapidly and continuously backwards and forwards; shake v.(使)振动,颤动,摇摆 Examples: Microwave ovens operate by agitating the water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate, which produces heat. The whole house vibrates whenever a heavy truck passes.20. frequency: the rate at which

84、 sth. happens or is repealed, usu. measured over a particular period of time n.频率;次数;重复发生率 Examples: Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years. My computer broke down with increasing frequency.21. send out: transmit (a signal, etc.) by radio waves 用(无线电波等)发送(信号等);发送 Example:

85、 The yacht sent out a distress signal which was picked up by a passing steamer.22. convert: change from one form or use to another (followed by into / to) v.(使)转变,(使)改变Example: The signal will be converted into digital code.23. correlate: have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing

86、affects or depends on another (followed by with/ to) vt.使(与)相互关联Examples: Obesity correlates with increased risk of stroke.A mothers smoking in pregnancy correlates with low birth weight in her baby.24. application: the action or an instance of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use n.应用

87、;运用Examples: Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power. The application of the new invention will bring great profits to the company. 25. be poised to (do): be ready to take action at any moment 做好准备随时(做) Examples: The automobile company is poised to launch it

88、s new advertising campaign. It is reported that US forces are poised to attack lraq. 26. highway: a main road that links towns and cities n.公路;交通干线 Examples: Traffic along major highways in some cities is monitored by remote cameras, radar, or sensors in the roadway. Automated vehicle-control techno

89、logies are currently under development to improve highway safely. 27. mount: fix (slh.) in position for use, display or study; put (sth.) into place on a support v.将固定住;将置于架上 Examples: Some automobiles were designed with a transmission mounted on the rear axle. The first gas-powered vehicles looked

90、like horse buggies with engines mounted underneath. 28. magnetic: having the properties of a magnet adj.磁的;有磁性的 Examples: Rubber is not magnetic. I have a magnetic strip ID card. 29. take control of: control 控制 Examples: The new manager didnt know how to take control of his company. The government h

91、as taken control of all the newspapers.30. bunch: group together (both active and passive) v.使成一束(或一捆等) Examples: They bunched together to allow others to squeeze into the crowded elevator. The runners were still bunched together on the track.31. incorporate: make (sth.) part of a whole vt.将包括进去 Exa

92、mples: His newly published book incorporates his earlier essay.32. as well: too They laid down a health club incorporating a gym, sauna and steam room.也,又 Examples: She wanted to produce the play and to direct it as well. Ellens face paled with disappointment; perhaps with anger as well.33. expansio

93、n: the process of becoming greater in size, extent or importance n.扩大;扩展;发展 Examples: Modern cosmologists are continuously calculating the age, density, and rate of expansion of the universe. Under heat the metal undergoes considerable expansion.第二单元 智能汽车智能汽车课文A 能看、能听,有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像

94、是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 智能汽车 米基奥.卡库 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱,最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每 lo人就有l辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在主2l世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。我们会见到能看、能听,有知觉,具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔斯普雷扎预言道。 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中

95、死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们 已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另外许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器捡测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。 能监控行车过程以及周围行车状况的智能汽车已经建造出来。藏在保险杠里的微型雷达 能对周围的汽车作扫描。如果你发生重大行车失误(如变道时有车辆在你“盲点”内),计算 卫星从高空经过时发出能被汽车卜计算机里的接收器辨认的无线电信号。汽车上的计算机就会根据信号传来所花的时间汁算出卫星有多远。由于光速为人熟

96、知,接收卫星信号时的任何时间迟缓都能折算出距离的远近。 在日本,具有某种导航能力的汽车已有一百万辆之多。(有些导航装置通过将方向盘的转动与汽车在地图上的位置并置来测定汽车的方位。) 随着微芯片价格的大幅度下降,未来对全球卫星定位系统的应用几乎是无限的。“制造这一商品的工业定会飞速发展,”生产导航系统的麦哲伦航仪公司的兰迪霍夫曼说。盲人可以在手杖里装配全球卫星定位系统传感器,飞机可以通过遥控着陆,徒步旅行者可以测定自己在林中的方位其潜在的应用范围是无止境的。 全球卫星定位系统其实只是叫做“远程信息学”的这一更大行动的一部分,这一行动最终将把智能汽车送上智能高速公路。这种高速公路的样品已经在欧洲问

97、世,加州也在进行试验,在高速公路上安装计算机芯片、传感器和无线电发射机,以便向汽车报告交通拥挤堵塞情况。 在圣迭戈以北10英里的15号州际公路一段8英里长的路面上,交通工程师正在安装一个由麻省理工学院设计的引进“自动司机”系统。这一计划要求计算机在公路上埋设的数千个3英寸长的磁钉的协助下,在车辆极多的路段完全控制车辆的运行。车辆会编成10辆或12辆一组,车距仅6英尺,在计算机的控制下一齐行驶。 这种计算机化的公路的倡导者对其未来的应用充满希望。到2010年,远程信息技术很可能应用于美国的一条主要公路。如果成功的话,到2020年,当微芯片的价格降到一片一美分以下时,远程信息技术就会应用在美国成千

98、上万英里的公路上。这对环保也会很有利,能节省燃油,减轻交通阻塞,减少空气污染污染,还可用作公路扩建的替代办法。Unit 3 Job Interview Text A Get the Job You WantTeaching Plan Objectives : 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. realize the importance of examples in illustrating ones points ; 3. master the key language points and grammatical s

99、tructures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading , listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .Clues for reading the text and the main contents How can you get the job you want ? Lets study Text A to get the interviews perspective .The text can be divided into

100、 three parts (Paras 1-6 ; 7-27 ; 28-31 ). Please summarize the main idea of each part as soon as you finish reading it .The writer supports his suggestions about job application with a number of example . You know , suggestions without examples are dry and hard to understand ; suggestions with examp

101、les are comparable(比得上)to bones covered with flesh . It is also a good idea to start an article with an example that is relevant to readers life and interests . Please do Text Organization Exercise 2 . (需认识用例子表明论点,看法的重要性).How to begin an essay ; How to introduce a topic . First , look at the beginni

102、ng of the text . It starts with a personal story , which could be very appealing to readers . Personal experiences sound real , Second , look at the four pieces of advice offered by the author . Key 1 (Para ), starts with a quotation . Key 2 (Para 13.) , starts with a supporting fact . Key 3 (Para 1

103、7.) , starts with a question . Key 4 (Para 21.) , starts with a personal opinion All this makes the article more appealing to readers please read Writing Strategy part in this unit for more information . (学习开篇,开段的写作方法).Analyze the difficult sentences1. As I see it ,there are four keys to getting hir

104、ed (line 21). 译:依笔者看来,若想被聘,有四个要决 as I see it - from my standpoint ; in my opinion . 例:As I see it ,not every couple is a pair . 依我看,成双未必能配对2. , the odds were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life .(lines 31-32) 译: ,我极有可能终身从事同一个工作It is odds that = The odds are (good) that : 大概,极

105、有可能3. if not ,要是不,即使不 if not all of them ,即便不是全部 if not better than ,就算做不到更好 if not impossible ,即使并非不可能 if necessary ,如有必要 if only ,1).只要,2).要是就好 if so ,如果这样Text Analysis According to the Writing Strategy in Unit 4, there are usually five ways to begin an essay : using a quotation , asking a questio

106、n ,stating the time and place of the event to be described , providing relevant background information ,and giving a surprising or interesting fact . Text A of this unit starts with personal story , which could also be very appealing to readers . Person experiences sound real . They can also narrow

107、the distance between the author and the reader . Then the author offers four keys to getting hired . All are instructive yet each is begun in a way different from the rest stylistically . Lets have a closer look at them one by one . Key 1 starts with a quotation - “If you miss one day of practice ,y

108、ou notice the difference ,” the saying goes among musicians . “If you miss two days of practice , the critics notice the difference . If you miss three days of practice , the audience notice the difference .” Key 2 starts with a surprising fact - “Recently I played a doubles tennis match paired with

109、 a 90-year-old .” Key 3 begins with a question - “Do you remember the four-minute mile ?” Key 4 begins with a personal opinion - “In my opinion ,the majority of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly ,if not downright rude . Most of the cabs are filthy ,and almost all of them sport an impenetrable ,bull

110、etproof partition”. All this makes the article more appealing to the reader .第三课. Language Studyapplicant: a person who applies for sth. esp. a post n.求职者,申请人Examples: Graduate schools generally require applicants to submit scores on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). With admission criteria ranking am

111、ong the most selective in the United States, Harvard accepts less than 20 percent of all applicants;2. interview: question to decide if sb. is right for a job vt.面试 Examples: Were going to interview six candidates this afternoon. John is being interviewed next week for the Chief Executives job.3. gr

112、ill: (infml) question intensely; cook under or over direct heat (used in the pattern: grill sb. vt.盘问,烧烤 (about/on sth. ) ) Examples: Tom was grilled by customs officers for several hours. The senior detective grilled the young suspect about the robbery case. We could grill the chops on the barbecue

113、.4. follow up: take additional steps to further (a previous action) (followed by with) 采取进一步行动,用继续行动来加强的效果 Examples: If you make a hotel booking by phone, follow it up with written confirmation We are worried that terrorists will follow up their threats with bomb attacks.5.In sb.s hands: in sb.s pos

114、session 在某人手中,为某人所拥有Examples: All the relevant facts are in my solicitors hands. His fathers company has been in his hands for some years. 6. prospective: likely to become or be adj.可能成为的;预期的 Examples: The chief function of direct-mail advertising is to familiarize prospective buyers with a product.

115、 The college bad applications from nearly 200 prospective students, 7. as I see it: in my opinion 在我看来 Examples: As I see it, this is the best book on the subject. As I see it, this press conference is the most successful one we have ever had. 8. (as) the saying goes: used to introduce a particular

116、phrase that people often say 俗话说,常言道 Examples: As an old English saying goes, If you want to live and thrive, let a spider run alive! As the saying goes, He who laughs last laughs longest. 9. endeavor: an effort or attempt to do sth.; try (to do sth.) n.努力,尽力 Examples: The government has endeavored

117、to forbid the employment of children under the age of 16. The company endeavors to deal with clients complaints as promptly as possible. 10. employment: an occupation, esp. regular paid work n.职业,就业 Examples: The automobile industry continues to be an important source of employment in that country.

118、Minorities often face barriers in education and employment. 11. do ones homework: make preparations beforehand 事先做好准备 Examples: Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework. He had done his homework before he delivered the speech.12. go after: try hard 1o obtain 努力争取,追求 Examples; Are you plann

119、ing to go after Peters job when he leaves? He went after first prize in the English speech contest.13. dose every sale: complete every sale or be successful in every sale.完成每次交易14. I shouldnt have: I shouldnt have worried about having the 90-year-old man as my partner. 我不该有顾虑15. incidentally: by the

120、 way (used when adding more information to what was said before, or when you want to talk about sth. else you have just thought of) adj.顺便提起地,附带地 Examples: Incidentally, this wine goes particularly well with cheese. Incidentally, if you want to see her again, let me know.16. partner: one of a pair o

121、r team in a sport or game; person who takes part in an activity with another or others n.搭档;同伙 Examples: She is one of the five partners in the firm of lawyers. He didnt lake part in the contest because his partner was ill. 17. chuckle: laugh quietly vi.略略地笑 Examples: The professor chuckled when we

122、told her that we were afraid of her. She sat reading the comic, chuckling to herself. 18. bracket: a group or category that has a particular range; pieces of meta, wood, or plastic that are fastened to a wall in order to support something such as a shelf n.类,档次;托架,撑架 Examples: This new car is out of

123、 my price bracket. Women outnumbered men three to two in the over-65 age bracket. Fix the beam with the brackets and screws. We need some adjustable wall brackets. 19. physical: of or concerning the body; of or concerning the laws of nature adj.身体上的;按自然法则的 Examples: Human populations differ in their

124、 skin color, eye color and shape, hair color and other physical characteristics. Regular exercise enhances peoples sense of mental well being along with their general physical health. It is a physical impossibility to be in two places at once. 20. structure: the way in which sth. is organized, built

125、 or put together n.构造,结构 Examples: Morphology is concerned with the structure of words, syntax with the structure of phrases and sentences, The structure of the family varies from society to society. The house was a handsome four-story brick structure. 22. take/have a crack (at): try to do (sth) 尝试

126、Examples: They have decided to have a crack at the doubles championship. I would like to take a crack at the Olympic tide again before I retire. 23. at the gun: when a starting gun signaled the start of a race发令枪一响24. deadline: a time limit by which sth. must be done n.最终期限 Examples: Tomorrow is the

127、 deadline for the students to hand in their term paper. April 15 is the deadline for tax forms to be mailed.25. make a difference: change the situation or outlook; have an effect改变现状或观点;产生影响;有差别,有关系,重要 Examples: Having a good teacher has made all the difference for Alex. Where you live cml make such

128、 a difference to the way you feel.26. partition: a thin wall or screen that divides a room or other indoor space n.分割物,隔离物 Examples: Glass partitions divided the room into individual offices. Her taxicab has a thick Perspex partition between the passengers seats and the27. blurt: utter abruptly and

129、thoughtlessly vt.未加思索地冲口说出 Examples: Peter blurted the secret (out) before we could stop him, As soon as the teacher put forward the question, he blurted the answer out.28. pry: try to look into private facts about a person (used in the patterns: pry (into sth.) vi.窥探,探究 Examples: We dont want peopl

130、e prying into our affairs. Some reporters like to pry into film stars private life.29. In the neighborhood of: about 大约 Examples: He has an annual salary in the neighborhood of $40,000. I am hoping to buy an apartment in the neighborhood of 200,000 yuan.30. generous: giving or ready to give freely a

131、dj.慷慨的,大方的 Examples: It was generous of you to share your food with me.Peter is very generous to his friends.The company announced a generous ,unprecedented $20 per day wage for new workers.31. jet: an aircraft with one or more jet engines n.喷气式飞机 Examples: British jet fighters have joined the UN fo

132、rces. Commercial air transport has experienced massive growth with the advent of jet airliners.32. As we were taxiing down it: as the jet moved slowly on a runway. Here taxi is used as a verb 我们的飞机正在跑道上滑行33. beyond anyones / ones wildest dreams: more than anyone / one can ever imagine 无论如何也想不到的,做梦也不

133、敢想的 Examples: Ten years ago it was beyond my wildest dreams that 1 could afford a car. Scientists have made an invention which is to change our lives beyond our wildest dreams. 34. sparkle: shine in small bright flashes vi. 闪烁,闪耀;焕发 Examples: The stone sparkles when properly cut. The diamond ring sp

134、arkled in the sunlight.35. from ones / the standpoint (of): from ones / the viewpoint (of) 从的观点来看 Examples: From a human standpoint, all of the worlds physical resources are in finite supply. In recent years, some psychologists have tried to explain intelligence form a biological standpoint. 第三单元 求职

135、面试 课文A 自己经营公司的哈维麦凯经常对求职者进行面试。文中他告诉我们关于雇主看重什幺样品质的秘密,并提出4点建议,帮助你显得比众人突出。 得到你想要的工作 哈维B迈克 我经营着一家有350名左右员工的制造公司,我本人常常要对求职者进行面试,决定是否聘用。我喜欢与可能成为营业员的人交谈,因为他们会是我们与顾客联系的纽带。 不久前一个新近毕业的大学生到我办公室谋求一份销售工作。我问他为这次面试做过哪些准备。他说他在什么地方看到过有关本公司的些情况。 他有没有给麦凯信封公司的人打过电话,好了解更多有关我们的情况?没打过。他有没有给我们的供应厂商打过电话?还有我们的客户?都没有。 他可曾在就读的大

136、学里查问过有没有校友在本公司就职,以便向他们了解一些情况他可曾请朋友向他提问,对他进行模拟面试?可曾去图书馆查找过有关本公司的剪报? 他事先有没有写封信来介绍自己,告诉我们自己为这次面试在做哪些准备,自己何以能胜任此项工作?面试之后他是否打算再写一封信,表明自己加盟本公司的诚意?这封信会不会在面试后的24小时之内送到我们手上,也许甚至是亲自送来? 他对上述每一个问题的回答全都一样:没有。这样我就只剩一个问题要问了:如果此人代表本公司去见可能成为我们客户的人,他准备工作会做得怎样?答案不言自明。 在笔者看来,如欲被聘用,应注意四个要诀:1准备去赢。“一日不练,自己知道,”音乐家中自这样的说法。“

137、两日不练,音乐评论家知道。三日不练,观众知道。” 我们在观看世界级音乐家或顶尖运动员的表演时,看到的并不是使他们变成出类拔萃人物的长年苦练。世界上诸如迈克尔-乔丹这样的顶尖人物无疑具有非凡才能,但他们在蓝球场上也是第一个到,最后一个走。同样的苦练适用于人类的各项活动。若想被聘用,就要准 备去赢。 我大学毕业时,我极有可能终身从事同一个工作。当时情况也的确如此。但如今已不再 是一生被聘去做一个工作了。指导就业的专家认为今天的大学毕业生在他们的生涯中可能 |会经历多达10次的职业变动。 听上去似乎压力不小。然而,如果你作了准备,压力就是别人的那些没做准备的人。 你不可能得到你想要的每份工作。最好的

138、售货员也不可能每次都成交。迈克尔乔丹投篮 命中率勉强过半。但认真准备一次面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎准各五次面试的时间,而你 成功的可能性要多得多。 2永不中断学习。最近我和一位90高龄的老者搭档打双人网球。我琢磨着那会是什么结局;可我的担心是多余的。我们6:l击败对手。是6:1啊! j 我们交换场地打第三局时,他对我说“我打反手击球你不介意吧?我向来喜欢多练练自 己的弱点。”好一个永不中断学习的精彩实例。顺便说一下,我们6:l赢了第三局。 走出赛场,我那90高龄的搭档笑着说:“你也许想知道我在85岁以上年龄段的美国网球双打排名第一!”他想的不是年届90,想的甚至也不是85岁高龄。他想的是第一。

139、 如果你努力克服自己的弱点,发挥自己的优势你同样可以做得那么好。要有能力竞争 就得终生学习。 3相信自己,那怕没人相信你。还记得那4分钟跑英里的往事吗?几百年来,运动员 们一直试图实现这一目标,最终认定人类的身体无法做到。我们的骨结构不适应,我们的肺活量跟不上。 可是,有个人证明那些专家错了。奇迹中的奇迹是,在罗杰班尼斯特打破4分钟一 英里的纪录6个星期之后,约翰-兰迪又以几乎快出整整2秒的成绩打破了班尼斯特的纪录。 此后,有大约800多名运动员打破了4分钟一英里的记录。 几年前,我和女儿米米参加了纽约马拉松比赛。发令枪一响23,000名运动员冲出起跑线最后有21,244名运动员到达终点。第一

140、名是一位以2小时l1分钟零1秒跑完全程的肯尼亚人。第21,244名运动员是一位越战老兵。他用了3天9小时37分钟跑完全程。没有双腿的他坚持跑完了262英里。我和女儿在比赛的最初几分钟内超过了他当时顿觉勇气倍增,定要跑完全程。 别听旁人说你不能实现自己的目标。谁说你不比你的竞争对手更坚强、更努力、更能干? 要知道,所谓目标就是有最后限期的梦想:写成文字,可测量,可确认,可实现。 4想方设法显得与众不同。在我看来,纽约大多数的出租车司机即使不算无礼透顶至少也是不友好的。车辆大都十分肮脏,几乎所有的车都触目地装有难以穿透的防弹隔离装置。 可近日我在拉瓜迪亚机场跳上了一辆出租车,你猜怎么样?车子竟然干

141、干净净。放着优美的音乐,而且没有隔离装置。 “请到帕克街酒店,”我对司机说。他笑容满面地说:“你好,我叫沃利,”他说着递给我一份保证书。一份保证书!上面写着他将安全、札貌、准时地将我送到目的地。 车开后,他拿出几份报纸说:“请随意翻阅。”他还让我随意品尝后座篮子里的水果。接着他又拿出手机说:“您要是想打电话,每分钟1美元。” 我大吃一惊,脱口问道:“你这么做有多久了?”他回答说:“有三、四年了。” “我知道不该问,”我说,“可是,你能多挣多少小费?” “一年12000到14,000美元左右,”他得意地回答说。 他不知道他成了我心目中的英雄。他就是一个生动的例证,说明你总是可以争取到成功的机会。

142、 我的良师益友柯特卡尔森是明尼苏达州的首富,拥有一家酒店和旅行社,营业收入约达90亿美元。一次我要去纽约赴会,柯特慷慨地请我乘坐他的私人飞机。碰巧那天明尼苏达州遭受多年不遇的暴风雪袭击。明尼阿波利斯圣保罗国际机场几十年来第一次关闭。 虽然暴风雪仍在肆虐,机场还是特地为小型飞机清出了一条跑道。我们正在跑道上滑行准各起飞时,柯特转过头来兴奋地说:“看哪,哈维,雪地上没有痕迹啊!” 柯特卡尔森,当时年届70,富甲一方,竟然还会因为自己是第一个而如此兴奋。 在我看来,这些正是关键之所在,准备去赢。永不中断学习。相信自己,哪怕没人相信你。想方设法显得与众不同。然后就出发,在雪地上留下你自己的足迹。Uni

143、t 4 The Multicultural SocietyText A America as a CollageTeaching Plan Objectives : 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. practice their critical thinking ability through in-depth discussions on issues mentioned in the text ; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structure

144、s in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .Clues for reading the text and the main contentsWhats the American collage in the eyes of an American ?Whats your own version (见解) of the American collage ? - (要有批判的思维能力)The t

145、ext can be divided into three parts (point , example to support the point , the common aim). Please do Text Organization exercises 1 and 2 while you are reading .Compare these words or phrase decline , go down , collapse residence , community , neighborhood , area show up , arrive unite , merge into

146、 , fuse (with) , link to mobility , adjust , transformation , change notion , conception , concept characteristic , character fate , destiny define , sentence unbelievable , incredible place , status chance , opportunity infrequently , inevitably , simultaneously Analyze the difficult sentences1. It

147、 is incredible coming to America to find you are somewhere else (lines 39-40). 译:来到美国,你会不可思议地发现自己身在别地 学习“It is + adj. + v-ing” 的用法 如:It is nice working with her .和她一起工作真好 It is of great use knowing English .学会英语非常有用. historically speaking 从历史地角度看 generally speaking 一般地说 scientifically speaking 从科学的角

148、度说 politically speaking 从政治上说 technically speaking 从技术上讲 3. the chance to try (line 107).有尝试的机会用作后置定语时,不定式及其短语和被修饰的抽象名词间在意义上存在着同位关系,即不定式及其短语补充说明被修饰名词的内容如:He made an attempt to improve it . 他试图改进它 I have no wish to quarrel with you . 我不想和你争吵 His ambition to be a pilot was never fulfilled .他想当飞行员的愿望从未

149、实现Text Analysis People tend to worship things printed in black and white . Yet we would like to cultivate in our students the ability to think critically . They should understand that not everything they read is true . At the same time they need to be able to , and they should be able to , justify t

150、heir disbelief . Take question 1 in the after-text Points for Discussion for example . Is Euro-centeredness really phasing out ? The economic and political power still rests with the whites , not the Asian Americans , African Americans , Hispanics , or Native Americans . Has white mainstream America

151、 really give up on policing the word ? The 9/11/2001 event was tragic and should not have happened ,but it does show that there are groups strongly opposed to what they see as the interference of America and the West in affairs beyond their borders . Lets look at Questions 2. According to the author

152、 , Los Angeles is a symbol of the future . Yet he hadnt anticipated the Los Angeles riots of 1992 . (The essay was written before they took place .) During the riots , African Americans attacked Asian Americans , especially Korean Americans . Can the Los Angeles of 1992 stand racial harmony ? Now Qu

153、estion 3. Many Westerners idea of the non-Western world is dated . However , nowadays the non-Western world , especially Asia , is developing at a rapid pace . People here have acquired quite a strong sense of time . A good case in point : if you observe the subway patrons in Hong Kong , Tokyo or Sh

154、anghai , they walk as fast as commuters in major cities in the West . In a word , our students must realize that there are always different perspectives .第四课Language study l. in decline / an the decline: losing strength; declining 衰落中;衰退中 Examples: He is still one of the worlds most popular tennis p

155、layers, but his game is in decline, As she was getting older, her mental powers were on the decline 2. debt: a sum of money that you owe n.欠款;负债 Examples: He had enough money to pay off his fathers debts. Shrinking economies mean falling tax revenues and more government debt.3. characteristic: speci

156、al mark or quality n.特点,特征,特性 Examples; Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. A prominent characteristic of language is that the relation between a linguistic sign and its meaning is arbitrary.4. paralyze: make ineffective; make (sb.) lose the ability to move part or all of the

157、body vt.使失去功能;使瘫痪 Examples: He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralyzed. The explosion killed about two hundred people and paralyzed part of the citys transportation system.5. thesis: an idea or theory that tries to explain why sth. happens; a long piece of writing about a particu

158、lar subject that you do as part of a university degree such as an MA or a PhD n.论题,论点;论文,毕业(或学位)论文 Examples: Their main thesis is that inflation is caused by increase in the money supply. He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots. 6. historical: concerning past events; based on the st

159、udy of history adj.历史(上)的;史学的 Examples: Is Macbeth a real historical figure? Museums collect objects of scientific, aesthetic, or historical importance. Many historical documents and photographs are preserved in the provincial archives in Nanjing.7. precedent: earlier happening, decision, etc. taken

160、 as an example or rule for what comes later n.先例;惯例 Examples: The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with large numbers at similar cases.The appointment of female commander of a navy warship8. have a / the sense that: feel / believe / realize that感到,意识到 Examples: As soon as we had th

161、e sense that something was wrong, we moved the children away. We have the sense that one months preparation is far from enough if we want to accomplish the project.9. for the first time: never before第一次 Examples; Korea entered into the quarter-finals in the World Cup for the first time. Airplanes we

162、re used in a major military campaign for the first time during World War 1.10. leave behind: cause (sth.) to remain; fail or forget to bring or take留下,遗留;未能(或忘记)带 Examples: 1 am afraid well have to leave the dog behind at home. I arrived at the meeting to find Id left my notes behind.11. mentality:

163、characteristic attitude of mind; way of thinking n.心理状态;思想方法 Examples: Can you understand the mentality of someone who likes to watch animals fighting each other? Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.12. plural: involving more than one person or thing

164、 or different kinds of people or things adj.多元的多种的;复数的, Examples: His government has pledged to move the country towards a plural democracy. A plural form of a noun is the form that is used to refer to more than one person or thing. Data is the Latin plural form of datum. n. 复数 Example: Dogs is the

165、plural of dog.13. unbelievable: extremely surprising; very difficult to believe and therefore probably untrue adj.极为惊人的;不可信的 Examples: Dealers were paying unbelievable prices for her painting. Her excuse for being late for class was totally unbelievable.14.immigrant: a person who moves as a settler

166、to another country n.移发 Examples: Historically, the United States has attracted vast numbers of immigrants from around the globe. It was estimated that more than 11 out of every 20 New Yorkers were immigrants or the children of immigrants.15. network: connected system n.网状系统,网络 Examples: The interne

167、t is composed of many interconnected computer networks. Most personal computers communicate with each other and with larger networks such as the Internet, by using the ordinary telephone network.16. constructive: having a useful purpose; helpful adj.建设性的;有益的 Examples: Criticism is welcome only when

168、it is constructive criticism. After their meeting, both sides described the talks as frank, friendly and constructive.17. cooperation: working or acting together for a common purpose n.合作;协作 Examples: The mission of the United Nations is to maintain world peace, develop good relations between countr

169、ies, promote cooperation in solving the worlds problems, and encourage respect for human rights. The European Union is an organization dedicated to economic cooperation among European nations.18. conception: idea about what sth. is like or understanding of sth.; process in which sh. forms a plan or

170、idea n.观念,概念;构想 Examples: Their conception of love seems to be very different from our own. I had no conception of the finished product. The symphony is admirable in conception.19. destructive: causing destruction adj.毁灭(性)的;破坏(性)的 Examples: Technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destr

171、uctive process. The strong El Nino which occurred between 1982 and 1983 was the most destructive in more than a century.20. show up: put in an appearance; be present出现;出席 Examples: If I dont show up for class this morning, 111 be kicked out. He always shows up in a fancy car.21. offend: hurt the fee

172、lings of; give offence to vt.伤的情感;得罪 Examples: Richard was deeply offended that people thought hed faked the story. He apologized for his comments and said he had no intention of offending the professor.22. in the sense: as far as . is concerned在意义上 Examples: In the academic sense, this article is n

173、ot well written. In the environmental sense, your plan to build a chemical factory is a disaster, whatever the economic benefits may seem to be.23. religion: a belief in the life of the spirit and usually in one or more gods; a particular system of this belief and all the ways of expressing your lov

174、e for your god, ceremonies, and duties that are connected with it n.宗教信仰;宗教Examples: Philosophy comprised all areas of speculative thought and included the arts, sciences, and religion. Christianity is the most widely distributed of the world religions.24. from the perspective of: from the viewpoint

175、 of从的观点来看 Examples: From the perspective of women, the article is well worth reading. The novel Harry Potter is written from the perspective of a child.25. submerge: (cause to) go under the surface of water; cover or completely bide v.(使)沉没;淹没;遮盖 Examples: Submarines are designed to submerge and sur

176、face, and to maneuver quietly under water to avoid detection. Some archeological treasures will be submerged in the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.26. ethnic: of a race or the races of mankind adj.人种的;种族的 Example: Long-held ethnic tensions escalated into a violent armed conflict.27. essential:

177、 fundamental; most important; necessary (followed by to/for sth.) adj.基本的;最重要的;必要的 Examples: Most teachers agree that play is an essential part of a childs development. This alliance is essential for the stability of Europe. Is money essential to happiness? It is essential that you arrive on time.28

178、. combination: joining or putting together; state of being joined n.联合,结合;组合 Examples: It is the combination of wit mad political analysis that makes his articles so readable. All genetic traits result from different combinations of gene pairs, one gene inherited from the mother and one from the fat

179、her,29. stagnant: unchanging; still and stale adj.停滞的;静止的 Examples: Thousands of disputes between management and labor resulted from stagnant wages coupled with inflation. They tried to drain stagnant pools where mosquitoes breed.30. destiny: fate n.命运 Examples: She wanted to be an artist, but desti

180、ny decreed that she should become a doctor. We are masters of our own destiny.31. discourage: take away the courage or confidence of vt.使气馁;使沮丧 Examples: Michael was so discouraged by repeated failures that he decided to give up his project. Many people were discouraged by the seemingly endless econ

181、omic depression. 第四单元 多元文化社会课文A 、 美国是否会如同历史上其他强国一样走向衰亡?作者持否定观点,认为美国创建的 社会模式不同于任何已出现的社会模式。读一读他的观点,看看你是否同意。 美国大拼盘 里扎德卡普钦斯基 仅看美国依然吸引着千百万人这一事实就足以证明美国并未衰落。人们不会被吸引到一个衰落的地方。在美国这样一个错综复杂的国家,当然能看到衰落的迹象,如债务、犯罪活 动、无家可归者、吸毒、逃避现实社会的人。但美国的主要特征,亦即它给人的最初的、最持久的印象,却是充满活力、生机勃勃、不断进取、积极向上。 如果你知道世界上有广大地区完全处于瘫痪状态,无法取得任何进步,

182、那就难以想象这个国家在衰落。 我很难同意保罗肯尼迪在列强之兴衰中的论点,即美国将不可避免地重蹈历史覆 辙。历史一直如此循环强国衰落,为新兴的帝国所取代。但或许我们能从另外一个角度看待正在发生的一切。我有种感觉,这个国家正在发生的一切不仅仅关乎一国之命运。 以欧洲为中心的美国或许是在衰落,正由一个新的太平洋文化所取代,这一文化包括但 局限于美国。从历史的角度来看,美国或许不会衰落,相反,它将与太平洋文化相融合, 创建一种广泛的太平洋拼盘文化,一种依靠最现代的通讯技术连接的拉丁文化与亚洲文化的混合文化。 传统意义上的历史一直是各个国家的历史。但在美国,自罗马帝国以来,首次出现了创 建一个文化的历史

183、的可能。现在第一次有了这样个机遇,在新的基础上用新技术创建一个 有着前所所未有的开放性的多元文化。一个有着多种精神中心的文化。一个永远抛弃种族中心主义心态、部落心态的文化。那是一种破坏性的心态。 洛杉矶就是这一新兴文化的先兆。 洛杉矶以及南加州与第三世界和亚洲的联系要比与美国的民族、文化之根欧洲的联系密 切,因此将以一个多民族、多元文化的社会进入21世纪。这是一种全新的现象。一个文化由如此之多的种族、民族和文化同时创建,这样的先例从未有过。这种新型的文化多元化在人类历史上闻所未闻。 由于来自第三世界的新移民所具有的将本族文化融入美国文化的令人难以置信的本领,美国正变得越来越多元化。美国有“主导

184、”文化的概念时刻在改变。来到美国,你会不可思议地发现自己身在别地来到了汉城,台北,墨西哥城。你在洛杉矾街头行走,就可以感受到韩国的文化氛围。这个大城市的居民成了自已居住地的游客。 这里有规模很大的社区,住着老挝人、越南人、柬埔寨人、墨西哥人、萨尔瓦多人、危地马拉人、伊朗人、日本人、韩国人、亚美尼亚人以及中国人。这里我们能找到小台北、小西贡、小东京、韩国城、小中美洲、威斯特伍德的伊朗人社区、好莱坞的亚美尼亚人社区,以及东洛杉矶墨西哥裔美国人范围很大的居住区。洛杉矶市的小学系统共使用81种语言,其中鲜有欧洲语言。 美国文化的这一变化预示着人类构成的普遍趋势。洛杉矶市90的移民来自第三世界。到21世

185、纪初,90的世界人口将是深肤色的;所有生活在地球上的人中,白人不会超过11。 只有在美国才会出现这种情况:在北部桔县环境作过美化的、超净的高科技园区,有家7年前尚不存在的个人电脑公司。公司的所在地那时还是草莓地。如今,这是一家有着5亿美元资产、在香港和台湾都设有工厂的大公司。 这家公司由31立年轻的移民创办一位巴基斯坦穆斯林和两位来自香港的中国人。他们1984年才成为美国公民。如今他们每个人的身价都可能值3千万美元。 在这家公司走走,我们看到的都是年轻的深肤色面孔越南人、柬埔寨人、老挝人和墨西哥人还有最先进的技术。员工文化混合着拉丁美洲天主教的家庭价值观念和亚洲儒家的效忠集体的观念。招聘从来不

186、张贴告录用人都是通过在南加州居住的家庭网络完成的。雇员常常会要求一周加班20小时,好多赚钱帮助大家庭成员购买房屋。在洛杉矶第三世界国家的传统文化首次与最先进的理念和技术相融合。 发达国家与不发达国家的关系通常有剥削榨取这一特点掠夺劳力和资源,不给任何回报。种族交界处往往是关系紧张的交界处,是危机的交界处。而在这里,我们看到了一场建设性的革命。 这一创建中的环太平洋文化是发达与不发达之间一种新型的关系。这里有开放精神。这里有希望,有前途。这里是一个多元文化的群体,但没有冲突。而是进行合作,进行和平竞争,进行建设。在非白种人的西方世界与白种人的西方世界400多年的关系史上,双方关系的基本特性第一次

187、表现为合作与建设,而不是剥削,不是破坏。 不同于世界上任何其他地方,洛杉矶向我们表明,第三世界的心态一旦与充满机会的开放精神相融台,与有条有理的文化相融合,与西方的时间观念相融合,就会具有发展的潜能。 对那个我在其间度过大半生的破坏性、停滞不前的社会来说,说实在话,存在着洛杉矶这样一种发展前景意义十分重大。 调整时间观念最为困难。这是发展的一个关键变革。 西方文化是计算时间的文化。时间由时钟来安排。在非西方文化中,时间是以事件与事件之间的间隔来计算。我们安排在9点开会,但人没来。我们焦急不安,感到很生气。他无法理解我们为何那么焦急,因为对他而言,他到达的一刻才算时间。他到了,就是准时了。 19

188、24年,墨西哥哲学家荷塞伐斯冈萨雷斯在他的一本著作中,梦想着未来地球上所有不同种族都融合成一种类型人的可能性。在文化的意义上,即便不是在人种的意义上,这样一种类型的人正在洛杉矶诞生。由不同种族、不同文化、不同宗教和不同道德行为组成的巨大合成体正奔向一个共同的目标。世界充满着宗教的、种族的、民族的冲突,从这个角度来看,这种融洽的合作令人难以置信。的确令人瞩目 使得在一个地区的相互竞争的文化和谐共存的共同目标是什么呢? 目标不仅仅是更高的生活水准。吸引移民前来美国的是美国文化的主要特性:有尝试的机会。文化与空间这两个重要方面结合了起来。文化使你得以想办法出人头地玉发现臼我,找到自己的位置、自己的地

189、位。还有空间,不仅仪是地理意义上的空间 ,更是指机会,指社会身份的流动性。在充满危机的社会中,在停滞不前的社会中甚至在那些稳定的社会中没有尝试的机会。你一生已被预先决定。命运已经将你注定。 正是这一点,使得美国的不同种族和文化连结在一起。如果美国移民开始时遭遇失败,他总是想:“我要再试一下。”如果他在原来的社会中遭遇失败,他就会失去信心,变得悲观失望,接受自己所处的地位。在美国,他想的是:“我还会有机会,我还要试一下。”这使他坚持下去。他充满了希望。Unit 5 CrueltyText A A Friend in NeedTeaching PlanObjectives : 1. grasp t

190、he main idea and structure of the text ; 2. give reasons when they do the ranking activities and make predictions ; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading , listening , speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit

191、 .Clues for reading the text and the main contentsLook at the title , and then predict what the text is about , or what kinds of plot are possible under such a title . “ A Friend In Need ” is , in fact , a person who doesnt help , but rather (反而) kill his friend for nothing . The title A Friend in N

192、eed helps bring out the theme of the story : People arent always what they appear to be . First impressions of a person are not always right .Finish Text Organization Exercises 1 and 2 while you are reading vContrast : Words or phrases to praise Burton - of a piece , generous , sensible , neatly and

193、 quietly dressed , dry humor , to be popular , one of the best , a united and affectionate family , kindliness , pleasing , gentle , begin , a real love for his fellows , couldnt bear to hurt a fly , But such a man set a condition (设局) for offering a job , and he was aware Lenny would be drowned . “

194、Well , I hadnt got a vacancy in my office at the moment .” - the last sentence reveals Burtons vicious (罪恶的,不道德的) nature to the full . Make predictions : At the end of Paragraphs 3,10,16,32 and 45 ,please make predictions on plot development and give your reasons : Para 3: what could Burton possibly

195、 have done ? Para 10: will they discuss the remittance man ? Para 16: what is Burtons story about ? Para32: what was Burtons idea ? Para 45: Did the man swim ? (预测是重要的阅读能力)Compare these words : endure ,stand , bear , tolerateAnalyze the difficult sentences 1. Unless I had heard the story from his ow

196、n lips ,I should never have believed that he was capable of such an action . (lines 9-11) 译:要不是听他亲口讲述这个故事,我根本不会相信 他能做出这种事来 unless 1). Ifnot 如果不 2). unless 不能用于虚拟语气 例:unless she comes soon ,Im going without her . = (If she doesnt come soon ,.)2. I happened on one occasion to be spending a few lays th

197、ere , (line 18) 有一次,我正好要在那里呆几天 It happened that we were both staying at the Grand Hotel (line 24). 碰巧,我们俩都住在格兰德大酒店 用“It happens that ” 或” One happens to do /be doing ” 结构翻译下列句子: 1).爆炸时碰巧屋子里没人It happened that no one was in the house at the time of the explosion . 2).你还记得他的名字吗?Do you happen to remembe

198、r his name ?Text Analysis Maugham ,the famous British short story writer , shows us how powerful contrast is in delineating a persons character . Upon first seeing the title , readers may think : “Oh , no . Another story about how people helped their friend in need !” However , when they finish read

199、ing it , readers will find it is an entirely different story : Those who appear to be friendly may turn out to be so evil-minded as to be ready to strike a cruel blow at a friend in need . Almost the entire Part II is devoted to the description of Edward Burtons kindly appearance and pleasant manner

200、s . Neither the “I” in the story nor readers could imagine him hurting a fly . Yet in Part III Burton recounts cold-bloodedly how he destroyed a human life Part I and Part II are narrated by “I”, who offers his subjective opinion of Burtons character . Yet in Part III Burton himself takes over the n

201、arration to tell what happened between him and a friend in trouble . He sounds cool and objective ; just because of this he is shown to be so vicious and so cold-blooded .(冷面的,冷酷的,冷淡的) When contrasts abound , it is hard for readers to easily predict what will happen next . 第五课Language Study1. decept

202、ive: likely Io deceive; misleading adj.靠不住的;容易使人上当的 Examples: The newspapers promised not to run deceptive ads in the future. The company was charged with deceptive advertising for a number of products. The play is also an observation about the deceptive nature of appearances.2. for sb.s (own) part

203、/ the part of: as far as sb. is concerned至于;对来说 Examples: For my part I prefer living in the country. Some young students, for their part, can stay up late playing computer games.3. definite: clear; that cant be doubted adj.明确的;确切的 Examples: I was wandering round the shop with no very definite aim.

204、Doctors have found a definite link between smoking and lung cancer.4. (all) of a piece: the same in all parts; the same as sth. Else浑然一体的;一致的 Examples: The style of the book is all of a piece, in both illustrations and text. The essays he completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with

205、his earlier work. The testimony was all of a piece with the professors version of events.5. wrinkle: tighten the skin of the face into lines or folds vt.使起皱纹 Examples: The woman was forty, but looked fifty. Her cheeks were sunken and her skin was wrinkled and yellow. The skin on her cheeks and aroun

206、d her eyes was beginning to wrinkle.6. in accordance with: in agreement or harmony with与一致;按照,依据 Examples: Students will be criticized or punished if their behavior is not in accordance with school regulations. Some young people are self-centered, which is not in accordance with Chinese traditional

207、values.7. elderly: (of people) rather old; past middle age adj.较老的,上了年纪的 Examples: Traveling at 97 km/h (60 mph), an elderly driver may miss the information he or she needs or may act on the wrong information. Most of the residents in the old district are the elderly as their offspring have moved to

208、 new residential areas.8. evidently: obviously; it appears that adv.明显地,显然 Examples: Evidently our living conditions are much better than before. He was evidently upset when he learned that he failed in the final examination.9. mild: (of people or their manner) gentle and kind; not severe or harsh a

209、dj.温和的,不严厉的 Examples: Peter is a mild man, never getting angry easily. She has inherited my husbands milder nature, Im glad to say.10. spicy: exciting, esp. because of being slightly indecent; containing or tasting like spice adj.有刺激性的,粗俗的;辛辣的 Examples: You can often read spicy stories about film st

210、ets in the local newspapers. People from Sichuan province like to eat spicy food.11. something of: to some degree在某种程度上,有点儿 Examples: Its something of a disadvantage nowadays if you cant use a computer. They havent got a loan from the bank, which is something of disappointment.12. instinct: a tenden

211、cy that one is born with to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training n.本能,直觉 Examples: It is the mothers instinct to protect her children. He always knew what time it was, as if by instinct. I knew by instinct that he had come to deliver bad news.13.clap: strike (the inner surface of on

212、es hands) together v.拍(手),击Examples: The noise of conversation rose, and the teacher clapped her hands for silence. The audience clapped enthusiastically as the singer stepped on to the stage.14. oddly enough: used to say that sth. seems strange or surprising说来奇怪 Examples: Childrens books, oddly eno

213、ugh, continued to have a big place in retail sales. Oddly enough, some of the students dont know how to log on the Interact.15. sip: drink (sth.). taking a very small amount each time (used in the patterns: sip sth. at/from (sth.) v.小口地喝,抿 Examples: Jessica sipped her coffee, listening to the music.

214、 He sipped at the glass and then put it down. He lifted the water bottle to his lips and sipped.16.in a way: to a certain extent but not entirely在某种程度上,从某一点上看 Examples: I agree with you in a way, but there are still some areas on which I cant see eye to eye with you. Its easier for men to get work i

215、n a way.17. with (a) bad/good grace: unwillingly and rudely/willingly and happily勉强地/欣然地 Examples: After I talked to him for an hour, he admitted his mistake with bad grace. My mentor accepted my invitation to dinner with good grace.18. stroke: pass the hand gently over (a surface), usu. several tim

216、es vt.轻抚,抚摩,捋 Examples: At the sight of her husband getting off the train, the woman walked forward and embraced him and stroked his white hair. I reached out and stroked the babys cheek tenderl19. shave: cut (hair) off ones face. etc. with a razor; cut or scrape thin slices from the surface v.(用剃刀)

217、刮(胡须等);刨,削 Examples: In the Qing dynasty men shaved the front of the head and wore the hair at the back tied in a queue or pigtail. He washed and shaved, then hurried out of the house.20. transparent: allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be seen clearly adj.透明的 Examples: The cup

218、 is made of transparent colored plastic. Transparent plastic is often used for packaging foods, enabling the consumer to the product inside.21. go broke: have no money; go bankrupt一文不名,破产 Examples: Many multinational companies went broke during the financial crisis, not to speak of small businesses.

219、 He invested all his money in stocks; unfortunately he made one wrong choice after another and finally went broke.22. hitherto: (fml) until now; until a particular time adv.迄今,到目前为止 Examples: The Hope Project sent money to students hitherto unable to afford their tuition fee The printing press made

220、books available to people hitherto unable to afford them He has hitherto achieved great success in his career.23. stick to: refuse to abandon or change (sth.)坚持 Examples: Mike, you just tell the cops what you saw; stick to your story. The old man stuck to jogging every morning although he was eighty

221、 years old.24. trim: defeat; make (sth.) neat or smooth by cutting away irregular parts vt.击败;整修,修剪;调整 Examples: They were trimmed by 3 goals to 2. My friend trimmed my hair last week. Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.25. down and out: having no money, home, et

222、c.穷困潦倒 Examples: When he was down and out, none of his friends gave him a helping hand. Shortly after his company was declared bankrupt, the manager became down and out.26. commit: do (sth. illegal or wrong) vt.犯(错误、罪行),干(坏事) Examples: It is illegal to commit violations of the copyright. The man was

223、 suspected of committing murder.27. be / go (all) to pieces: (of a person) have a breakdown; lose control of oneself身体(或精神)垮下来;失去自制能力 Examples: I was attracted by the story of a housewife who went to pieces as one disaster followed another.She nearly went to pieces when she heard that her husband wa

224、s among those buried in the ruins of the World Trade Center.28.insane: (infml) very foolish adj.蠢极的;荒唐的 Examples: You would be insane to refuse the invitation to attend the conference. Your plan to walk through the desert on your own is quite insane.29. drive at: be trying to say意指,要说 Examples: I ha

225、ve no idea what youre driving at. The teacher didnt mention the word cheating but i30. current: continuous flow of water or air in a particular direction n.(水、空气等的)流,潮流 Examples: Swimming against the current is energy-consuming.I felt a current of cool air blowing in my face. Adj. of the present tim

226、e; happening now Examples: The current situation in this area is quite different from that in the 1990s He doesnt like the current job, and is planning to quit it.31. be taken aback: be shocked or surprised吃一惊 Examples: She was taken aback when a man answered the phone. I was taken aback when I foun

227、d my computer was gone.32. in bad / good condition: in bad/ good health身体状况不好 Examples: He is in good condition again after a long holiday. In spite of the surgery he is still in bad condition.33. turn up: arrive; make ones appearance来到;出现 Examples: He didnt turn up until the end of the examination.

228、 Some students always turn up late for class.34. funk: (infml) avoid because of fear v.因畏惧而避免 Examples: They were given a chance of taking part in the speech contest, but funked it. He promised to climb the mountain with us, but he funked it at the last moment.35. constitution: condition of a person

229、s body with regard to health, strength, etc. n.体格,体质;素质 Examples: A boxer must have a strong constitution. Having been ill for several years, he has a particularly fragile constitution.36. trifle: a thing, a matter or an activity that has little value or importance n.小事;琐事 Examples: My daughter alwa

230、ys wastes her money on trifles. The couple often quarreled about some petty trifle connected with the houseworka . trifle: slightly Examples: George was a trifle awkward with girls but fond of dancing. She was a trifle breathless after the run.37. candid: not hiding ones thoughts; frank and honest (

231、followed by about, with) adj.真诚坦率的;直言不讳的 Examples: Let me be absolutely candid with you: your work is not good enough. Nancy is candid about the problems she is having with Steve.38. rub: move ones hand. an object, etc. backwards and forwards repeatedly on a surface while pressing vt.磨擦;柔擦 Examples:

232、 Coat the shoes with polish, then rub hard with a soft cloth to give a shine. He looked tired and sat rubbing his eyes.39. vacancy: unfilled position or post n.空缺 Examples: The company has a vacancy in the accounts department. He didnt want to fill the short-term vacancy in the office. The college h

233、as no vacancies for professors. 第五单元 残忍课文A 有些人似乎容易了解:他们的个性在初次交往时就表露无遗。然而,外表可能具有欺骗性。 患难之交 S.毛姆 三十年来,我一直研究我的人类同胞,但至今了解不多。每当有人跟我说他对一个人的第一次印象向来不错的时候,我就耸耸肩。我想这种人不是无知,就是自大。拿我自己来说,我发现,认识一个人的时间越长,我就越感到困惑。 我产生这些想法,足因为我在今天早上的报纸上看到爱德华海德伯顿在神户去世的消息。他是个商人,在日本经商多年。我跟他并不熟,但是对他挺有兴趣,因为有一次他|让我大吃一惊。要不是听他亲口讲述这个故事,我根本不会相

234、信他能做出这种事来。这件事之所以特别令人惊讶,是因为无论是外表还是风度,他都让人想到一种非常明确的类型。要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。他个子很小,身高不过5英尺4英寸,身材纤细,白头发、蓝眼睛,红红的脆上布满皱纹。我估计自己认识他时,他大约有60岁光景。他向来衣着整洁素雅,合乎他的年龄和身份。 伯顿的办事处设在神户,但他常常到横滨来。有一次,我正好因为等船,要在那里呆几天,在英国俱乐部经人介绍与他相识。我们在一起玩桥牌。他打得不错,牌风也好。无论在玩牌的时候,还是在后来起喝酒的时候,他的话都不多。但说的话却都合情合理。他挺幽默,但并不咋呼。他在俱乐部里似乎人缘不错,后来,在他走了以后

235、,人家都|兑他是个顶呱呱的人。事有凑巧,我们俩都住在格兰德大酒店。第二天他请我吃饭。我见到了他的太太 一位肥肥胖胖、满面笑容的半老妇人和他的两个女儿。这显然是和睦恩爱的一家人。我想,伯顿当时给我印象最深的丰要还是他这个人和善。他那双温和的蓝眼睛有种令人愉快的 神情。他说话的声音轻柔;你无法想象他会提高嗓门大发雷霆;他的笑容和蔼可亲。这个人吸引你,是因为你从他身上感到他对别人的真正的爱。同时他也喜欢玩牌,喝鸡尾酒,他能 绘声绘色地讲个来劲儿的段子什么的他年轻时多少还是个运动员呢。他是个阔佬,但他的每一个便士都是自己挣来的。我想,人们喜欢他还有个原因,那就足他非常瘦小、脆弱,容易引起人们的恻隐之心

236、。你觉得他甚至连只蚂蚁都不忍伤害。 一天下午,我正坐在格兰德大酒店的大堂里,伯顿走了进来,在我旁边的椅子上坐下。 “喝一点,怎么样?” , 他拍了拍手招呼侍者过来,要了两杯杜松子汽酒。侍者端来洒的时候,有个人从外面街 上走过,见到我招了下手。 “你认识特纳吗?”在我点头致意的时候,伯顿问道。 “我是在俱乐部里认识他的。听说他是个靠国内寄钱过日子的人。” “是呀,我想是的。在这儿这种人可不少。” “他桥牌打得不错。” “这种人一般玩得都不错。去年这里有一个人,凑巧还和我同姓,我从来没有遇到过一个 桥牌扎得那么好的高手。我想你在伦敦没有碰见过他。他说他叫伦尼.伯顿。我相信,他加 入过一些相当高级的

237、俱乐部呢。” “嗯,我实在不记得这个名字。” “他称得上是桥牌高手。好像对牌有一种本能似的,简直神了。我那会儿常和他一起玩牌。 他在神户住了一段时间。” 伯顿抿了一口杜松子气酒。 “说来也是件有趣的事,“他说。“他人不坏。我挺喜欢他。他总是衣冠楚楚,样子挺帅。长得也算英俊,蜷曲的头发,两颊白里透红。女人都对他着迷。你知道,他没有什么害人之处,就是野了点。自然,他酒喝得太凶了。这种人总是这样。他每个季度收到一小笔钱,靠打牌再赚点。他赢了我不少钱,这我可知道。 伯顿和善地咯咯一笑。我的处世经验告诉我,他打桥牌输起钱来一定是大人方方的。他 用瘦小的手摸了摸剃得光光的下巴;手上青筋鼓起,手白得几乎透明

238、。 “大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我同姓。有一天,他到我办事处来见我,要我给他个差使。当时我颇为惊讶。他佶诉我说家里不再给他寄钱了,他要干活儿了。我问他多大年纪。 “35,他说。 “你一直都干什么来着?我问道。 “嗯,没怎么干过事。他说。 “我禁不住笑了。 “眼下恐怕不能帮你忙了,我说。你再过35年来找我,到时候我再看能帮些什么忙。“他没有动弹,脸色变得相当苍自。他犹豫了一会儿,然后对我说,这一阵子他牌运一直不好。原来他不甘心打桥牌,便赌起扑克来,结果输了个精光。他一个子儿也没有,所有 的东西都拿上当了。他连洒店的帐都付不出,人家也不肯再赊账给他。他已经山穷水

239、尽。要是找不到点事干,他只好自杀了。 “我瞧了他一会儿。我能看出他已经完全垮了。这一阵子他酒喝得比以前更凶,看上去足有50岁。姑娘们当时要是瞧见他准不会对他那么着迷了。 嗯,你除了打牌以外,难道什么也不会干吗?我问他。 “我会游泳,他说。 “ 游泳! “我几乎以为自己听错了呢:这种回答听起来简直是牛头不对马嘴。 “我读大学时曾经代表学校参加游泳比赛。 “我听出了一点他话里的意思。上大学时自以为了不起的人我见得多了,我才不吃这套呢。 “本人年轻时也是个游泳好手,我说。 “突然,我有了个想法。” 伯顿停了下来看着我。 “你对神户熟悉吗?”他问。 “不熟悉,”我说,“从前有一 次路过那里,只呆了一个

240、晚上。” “那么你不会知道盐谷俱乐部吧。我年轻的时候,曾经从那里出发,游过灯塔直到垂水小溪上岸。 一共3英里多路,灯塔一带有激流,游起来挺费劲。于是,找把这事告诉了那位与我同姓的年轻人,并对他说,要是他能游过去,我就给他一个差使。 “我看得出,他吓了一跳。 “你不是说你是游泳好手吗?我说。 “我现在身体状况不太好,他回答说。 “我什么也没说,只是耸了耸肩。他望了我一会儿,然后点了点头。 “好吧,他说了,你要找什么时候游呢? “我看了看表。刚过十点。 “你游这段距离大概要花 一个钟头零一刻多一 些。我到12点半开车到小溪那里去接你,带你到惧乐部换农服。然后一起吃午饭。 “就这样吧,他说。 “我们

241、握了握手。我祝他好运,他就走了。那天上午我有好些事要办,到12点半总算勉强赶到垂水小溪。其实我根本用不着这么赶,他压根儿就没露面。” “他临阵脱逃了?”我问。 “没有,他没有临阵脱逃。他确实出发了。当然喽,他喝酒作乐早把身体搞垮了。灯塔周围的激流他对付不了。大约有三天,我们都没找到尸体。” 我好一会儿什么话也没说。我感到有些震惊。然后我问了伯顿一个问题。 “你提出给他差事的时候是不是知道他准会淹死?” 他轻轻地咯咯一笑,用他那双和善又坦率的蓝眼睛望着我。他用手摩挲着下巴。 “哦,那时我的办事处可没有空缺呀。”Unit 6 The Pace of Life Text A Old Father T

242、ime Becomes a TerrorTeaching Plan Objectives : 1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. learn to distinguish supporting facts opinions , and to use both in their own writings ; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures ; 4. conduct a series of reading , listening , sp

243、eaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .Clues for reading the text and the main contentsSomething about the main idea and structure of the text : This argumentative paper (议论文)argues that time becomes a terror for us , in reality for working people . It analyzes three reasons

244、 why we feel time-pressed and our three reactions to time famine . It comes up with a remedy : We need fewer desires . Please pay attention to 3 reasons , 2 aspects , 3 reactions and 1 remedy . Finish Text Organization exercise 1 while you are reading .In the text the author lists a number of facts

245、which are valuable as evidence that enhances the persuasive force of an argumentative paper . Please learn to distinguish supporting facts from opinions . Finish Text Organization exercises 2 Make a note of the transitional devices (注意过渡手法)used in the topic sentences in Paras 2,7and 11: technology ;

246、 Technology apart , a second reason ; There is another reason . The transitional devices used in the topic sentences in Paras 19,21and 22 : an attempt to ; also trying to ; A third reaction to Circle all phrases containing a hyphen ,and then explain their meanings . For example : “ever-increasing qu

247、antities of time”(越来越多的时间).Compare these words or phrases : create ,arouse ,provoke waste away ,eat into ,waste time famine ,time-starved ,time pressed be obliged to you ,be obliged to go mount ,increase ,add remedy ,therapyAnalyze the difficult sentences 1. Technology apart , 除去技术发展 Inequalities ap

248、art 除了不平等 apart :not considering ,aside 除了(之外) e.g. A few little things apart ,I am very pleased with the result . Joking apart (说正经的),we really do need a place to meet and talk .2. Youve got people retiring early ,youve got the unemployed ,youve got other people maybe only peripherally involved in

249、the economy who dont have this situation at all . (lines 32-34) 译文: 有些人早早退休了,有些人失业了,有些人或许只与经济活动沾边,根本不会有这种情况。 划线部分是people 的定语,maybe only peripherally 修饰involved ,who 引导的定语从句是一个分离定语从句,因为先行词people 后面的成分同先行词在意义上紧密紧密 ,不宜分开。Text AnalysisIn many ways ,the style of this piece is typical of a certain variety

250、 of journalism . It is clearly not a news story ,but nonetheless belongs within the pages of a newspaper . Such writing finds its home in the editorial or comment section where journalists and others contribute regular or occasional columns reflecting on topical issues . Unlike news stories where re

251、porters are expected to confine themselves to the facts ,such columns are intended to give free range to the expression of personal opinion . At the same time ,particularly in the more serious papers (and the paper from which this comes ,the Financial Times , certainly belongs to this category) the

252、writer is expected to display his familiarity with the complexity of the problem under discussion . This is frequently achieved by employing concession . Thus , here the writer , having outlined the problem of the pressure of time ,goes on to concede that not everybody is affected to the same extent

253、 . He then details the differences that exist before returning to his more general point and concluding with his solution , another characteristic ingredient of such editorial articles . His general conclusion is hardly new , having been advice offered by philosophers for as far back as one cares to

254、 go ,but gains novelty set against the context of recent technological developments . Although not a news story ,the article nevertheless shares with newspaper reporting in general a taste for seeking support from the use of direct quotations from a number of different people . These quotations are

255、provided together with the name of the person and background information on them . These details add human interest and support the argument by reference to the utterances of someone who would appear to be in a position to know . As the quotations record spoken rather than than written English , the

256、 tone of language is often colloquial . The frequent peppering of an article with this type of direct quotation stands in contrast to what is usual in a more purely academic essay . 第六课. Language Study1. on the go: (infml) very active or busy 繁忙,活动多 Examples: Ive been on the go all week, preparing m

257、y thesis I was on the go all day and went home at about 10 oclock in the evening.2. cope: deal successfully (with sb. / sth. difficult ) vi.(成功地)对付;妥善处理Examples: Health psychologists study how people cope with stress. People who attempt suicide usually suffer from extreme emotional distress and feel

258、 unable to cope with their problems.3. set about: begin (a task) ; start (doing sth.)(used in the pattern :set about sth/doing sth ;no passive)开始,着手 Examples: The school authorities must set about finding solutions to the campus security problems. My morn and 1 set about clearing up after the guests

259、 left.4. qnantities / a large quantity of: large amounts/a large amount of许多的,大量的 Examples: The key to staying healthy and strong when backpacking is to eat large quantities of energy-rich foods. In cold weather most animals must eat large quantities of food to obtain the energy needed to carry on n

260、ormal body activities.5. eat into: gradually reduce the amount of (sth. valuable); damage or destroy吞噬;侵蚀;毁坏;吃掉;消耗 Examples: All these ear expenses are eating into our savings. Responsibilities at home and work eat into his time. Acid eats into the metal, damaging its surface.6. aircraft: (plural un

261、changed) vehicle which can fly, for example an aero plane or a helicopter n.飞机;航空器 Examples: The goal of air traffic control is to minimize the risk of aircraft collisions. The Boeing Company is the worlds largest manufacturer of commercial airplanes and military aircraft. 7. in reality: in actual f

262、act; really事实上;实际上 Examples: Some famous private schools are theoretically open to the public, but in reality are attended by those who can afford the fees. He is much smaller in reality than he looks on the television. 8. multiply: increase in number or quantity; add a number to itself a particular

263、 number of times v.增加,乘 Examples: The weeds just multiplied, and before long the garden was a jungle. Multiplying large quantities in ones head has become a lost art since the arrival of the calculator.9. burden: heavy load n.负担,重负 Examples: Many pupils find homework a burden. Some farmers are compl

264、aining about the heavy burden of taxation.10. fraction: small part, bit, amount or proportion (of sth.) n.小部分,一点儿 Examples: Only a small fraction of the population lived in that remote area. The black miners in South Africa used to earn odiy a fraction of the wages paid to white miners doing equival

265、ent work.11.pour in: go into a place quickly and in large numbers大量涌入 Examples: Tourists poured into Shanghai on National Day.Many football fans poured into the stadium to have a look at their favorite football players.12. a handful of: a small number of; the amount of sth. that you can hold in your

266、 hand少数,少量;一把 Examples: Only a handful of graduates have not found jobs so far. Despite her productivity, only a handful of Dickinsons poems were published before her death.She scooped up a handful of snow and pressed13. comparative: involving comparison or comparing adj.比较的;相比的 Examples: Some socio

267、logists have carried out large-scale historical-comparative studies. Ethology is a science concerned with the comparative study of animal behavior.14. amount to: be equal to; add up to相当于;总计 Examples: In 1959 the combined value of U.S. imports and exports amounted to less than 9 percent of the count

268、rys gross domestic product. The tuition fee amounts to ten thousand yuan.15. minute: very small in size or amount adj.极小的;极少的 Examples: Only a minute amount of money is needed. Studies show that water contains minute quantities of lead.16. frontier: (usu. pl) the extreme limit of an area of knowledg

269、e or a particular activity; the border between two countries n.(某学科的)知识边缘,(探索活动的)新领域;边境 Examples: To open up the space frontier, NASA will try to lower the cost of access to Earth orbit. Our passports were inspected at the Czech frontier.17. stress: pressure or worry resulting from mental or physica

270、l distress, difficult circumstance: etc. (followed by on) n.压力,重压 Examples: There is enough evidence to suggest that job stress may increase a mans risk of dying from heart disease. Population growth and pollution place enormous stress on the worlds supply of usable water. vt. put stress, pressure,

271、or strain on Examples: A person who is stressed typically has anxious thoughts and difficulty concentrating or remembering. I must stress that what I say is confidential.18. prosperity: state of being economically successful; state of being successful or rich n. (经济的)繁荣;成功,富足 Examples: War brings no

272、 prosperity to the great mass of ordinary citizens. Some people argue that globalization will bring the prosperity so far enjoyed only by wealthy industrialized nations to the developing countries.19. oblige: do sth. for (sb.) as a favor or small service (used in the pattern: oblige (sb.) (with sth.

273、/by doing sth.) v.(为)效劳,帮(的)忙 Examples: We are happy to oblige.Please oblige me by leaving me alone.20. abundance: quantity that is more than enough; plenty (followed by of) n.丰富;丰裕 Examples: The visitor to Oxford has an abundance of sights to see. Most milk consists of an abundance of the major nut

274、rients needed by the body for good health.in abundance:Examples: By the mid- 15th century paper was available in abundance. There was good food in abundance, far more than we could ever hope to eat.21. confusion: bewilderment or embarrassment n.惶惑;迷乱 Examples: There is still confusion about the numb

275、er of casualties, We always left our managers office in a state of confusion. I explained the question to him three times, but there was still a look of confusion on his face.22.forecast: tell in advance; predict vt.预报;预测 Examples: The means of forecasting natural disasters, such as floods, and hurr

276、icanes, have improved immensely as science and technology have advanced. Because the behavior of weather systems is chaotic, it is impossible to forecast the details of weather more than about two weeks in advance,23. volunteer: person who offers to do sth. without being compelled or paid n.自愿者;志愿兵

277、Examples: Some students served as volunteers to help the old and disabled in the community in their spare time. The charity agency will recruit volunteers to build affordable housing for the poor.24. perception: way of seeing or understanding sth.; ability to notice and understand things n.看法,观念,感知,

278、感觉 Examples: Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy concerned with the essence and perception of beauty and ugliness. Our teachers also taught us how to increase the powers of perception.25. nurture: care for and educate (a child); encourage the growth of (sth.): nourish vt.养育;培育;滋养 Examples: Parents

279、want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood. With one years observation the biologists have found how dolphins socialize, breed, and nurture their young and how they communicate. The local government has taken measures to nurture the state-run factories. 26. offspring: (p

280、lural unchanged) child or children of a particular person or couple n.孩子,子女 Examples: Heredity is the process of transmitting biological traits from parent to offspring through genes. Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically identical to their parent.27. appliance: instrument or

281、device for a specific purpose n.用具,器具 Examples: The Energy Department has set efficiency standards for new home appliances. The company has operations in many different business sectors, including household appliances, aircraft engines, and financial services.28. distribution: the way in which peopl

282、e, buildings, etc. are arranged over a large area; the act of giving things to a large group of people or delivering goods to companies n.分布;分配 Examples: The study of animal distribution is called zoogeography. Distribution of the goods is handled by local companies.29. famine: (instance of) extreme

283、 scarcity of food in a region n.饥荒 Examples: China has succeeded in feeding its people; national attentions to equity, agriculture, and birth control have significantly reduced the threat of famine. To eliminate famine and reduce malnutrition, attention needs to focus not only on food production but

284、 also on food distribution, consumption, and family planning.30. widespread: found or distributed over a large area adj.遍布的,大面积的 Examples: The landscape of the American West was dramatically altered during the 20th century as a result of the widespread construction of dams along major rivers. The co

285、rrosive nature of acid rain causes widespread damage to the environment.31. provoke: cause (sth.) to occur or arouse (a feeling, etc.) vt.使产生;引起某种情感 Examples: Peoples concern over genetically modified food has provoked a global debate that shows no sign of ending soon. They argued that NATO enlargem

286、ent could provoke Russian hostility and lead to regional instability. 32. a variety of: a lot of a particular type of things that are different from each other各种的;各种各样的 Examples: My students come from a variety of different backgrounds. There are (is) a variety of excellent schools in the area. Chin

287、a has a great variety of mineral resources. 33. streamline: make (sth.) more efficient and effective; give a streamlined form to (sth.) vt.使合理化,使效率更高;使成流线型 Examples: Corporate mergers can result in job losses because management combines and streamlines departments within the newly merged companies.S

288、ome racing cars are streamlined for speed and are single-seated.34. growth: (process of) growing; development n.生长;发展Examples: Statistics show that the pace of population growth may continue to increase. Industrial growth depends on the availability of both finance capital and physical capital35. do

289、mestic: of the home. household or family; of or inside a particular country. adj.家庭的;家务的;国内的 Examples: Police and hospital records indicate that the majority of victims of domestic violence are women. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.36. forum: an assembly, place, radio program etc. for the dis

290、cussion of public matters or current questions n.论坛;讨论会;(广播、电视的)专题讨论节目 Examples: The school authorities will provide a forum where problems can be discussed. The producers of the TV program Question Time intended it to be a forum for public debate.37, spring up: appear, develop, grow, etc. quickly o

291、r suddenly迅速发展(或生长);突然出现 Examples: New professional training schools sprang up all over the country. Fast loud restaurants are springing up all over the city. A strong wind seemed to have sprung up from nowhere.38. futile: producing no result; useless; pointless adj.无效的;无用的;无意义的 Examples: It was fut

292、ile to continue the negotiations. I knew that it was futile to try and persuade her once she had made the decision.39. divert: turn (sb. / sth.) aside from a course, direction, etc. into another vt.使转向;转移 Examples: Some dams divert the flow of river water into a pipeline, canal, or channel. There ba

293、d been an accident and traffic was being diverted by the police. Money set aside for development was being diverted to finance the famine relief operations. 40. arise: appear; become evident vi.出现,呈现 Examples: Some birds attack crops when the opportunity arises. A financial crisis has arisen in the

294、multinational corporation.41. shortage: lack of sth. needed; deficiency n.缺乏;不足;短缺 Examples: The world is facing the prospect of water shortages caused by population growth, uneven supplies of water, pollution, and other factors. Some African countries have acute food shortages requiring emergency a

295、ssistance.42. switch off: disconnect (electricity, etc.)关,切断(电源等) Examples: Be sure to twitch off the lights when you leave home. He parked the car and switched the engine off.43. be doomed to: (sth.) be certain to happen, and you can do nothing to prevent it (used in the pattern: be doomed to sth.;

296、 be doomed to do sth.)命定;注定Examples: Their plan seemed to be doomed to failure. He thought that he was doomed to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair第六单元 生活节奏课文A 随着当今世界生活节奏日益加快,我们似乎一直在不停奔忙。事情那么多,时间却 那么少,我们该怎么办?里查德.汤姆金斯着手解决这一问题,并提出了建议。 时间老人成了可怕的老人 里查德.汤姆金斯 从前 ,我们以为技术发展会使我们的生活变得更安逸。那时我们觉得机器会替代我们

297、工作, 我们则有越来越多的时间休闲娱乐。 但技术发展没有把我们解放出来,而是使我们成为奴隶。新技术纷至沓来,令人目不暇 接:一年涌现的技术创新相当于以前千年。而每一项新发明问世就进一步吞噬我们的光 阴。 比如,汽车曾使我们希望个人出行会方便得让人难以想像。”可如今,城市车辆运行得比 马车时代还要慢我们因交通堵塞而困在车内徒然浪费生命。 飞机也曾有可能为我们拓展新天地。问题是,飞机提供了新的天地。其存在本身产生了 对耗时的长途旅行的需求这种旅行如越洋购物,或远道前往地球的另 一半参加会议, 以前我们是根本无法想象的。 在大多数情况下,技术发展井未节省时间,而是使我们得以做更多的事。在家里洗衣 机

298、可望使妇女摆脱繁重的洗衣劳作。但事实上,它们促使我们每天,而不是每周期换一次 衣服,这就使熨洗衣物的工作量变成原来的7倍。同样地,每周次的淋浴为每日一次的淋浴 所代替,使得用在个人穿着打扮的时间大大增加。 与此同时,技术发展不仅听任工作侵入我们的闲暇时间带着便携式电脑去海滩综合 症而且添加了收发传真、电子邮件和语音邮件这些新的负担。技术发展还向我们提供 机会,在个人电脑一连几小时处理软件故障,或把因特网上那些无用的信息塞进自己的大脑。 除去技术发展,冈特网指出了我们为何感到时间如此紧迫的第二个原因:信息爆炸。 几个世纪以前,人类积累的几乎所有知识都能装在若若干哲人的大脑之中。如今,这些大脑休想

299、容纳下一天中产生的新信息中的小小一部分。 各种消息、事实和见解从世界各个角落大量涌入。电视机能收到150个频道。因特网网址多达千百万。杂志、书籍和光盘只读存储器的数量也激增。 “在18世纪,整个国际学术界总共只有屈指可数的几家科学刊物,出版一本 书是件了不起 的大事,”哈佛大学比较动物学博物馆昆虫馆名誉馆长爱德华威尔逊说。“如今,我本人就 订阅了60或70种期刊杂志,以便自己跟上不断拓展的学术前沿中一个微小部分的发展动向。” 我们产生日益加重的时间紧迫感还有一个原因:日渐繁荣富足。由于牛产的物品与提供 的服务越来越多,我们必须去消费。存广告的推动下,我们努力照办:我们多多购买多多旅 游多多玩儿

300、,但得尽力坚持下去。于是我们就深受威尔逊所谓的对极大富足不满之若即无休止的选择所造成的困惑。 当然,并非人人感到时间过度紧迫。“说我们都缺少时间只是随意讲讲,我们应该记住, 这种说法大约只适用于一半人,”伦敦一家研究公司的未来基金会主任迈克尔威尔莫特说。 “有些人早早退休了,有些人失业了,有些人或许只与经济活动沾点边,根本不会有这种情况。如果失业,那你的问题就是时问太多,而不是太少。” 总部设在伦敦的亨利中心预测小组组长保罗爱德华兹指出,压力感也可能被夸大,或者被强加于自身。“人人都大谈压力,以至于多达半数的失业者或退体人员都会跟你说,他们根本来不及把事情做完,”他说。“这几乎是到了羡慕压力的

301、程度。没有感到有压力,就不是成功者。人人都想表现几分时问紧迫感,以显示自己的重要。” 这一切还有另外一个方面。几十年来由数千名志愿者所作的钟点日志表明,英国在最近 十年中工作时间只略微增加,而在美国,即使对工作压力最大的专业人士和管理人员而言,工作时间实际上减少了。 在美国,马里兰大学社会学教授约翰鲁宾逊和宾夕法尼亚州立大学研究闲暇问题的教授杰弗罩戈德比发现自20世纪60年代中期以来,普通美国人每周增加了5小时业余时间即工作、睡眠、乘车上下班、照料孩子和家务劳动之余的时间。 但增加的时间分配得并不均匀。受惠最多的是未婚者和子女不在身边的人。得益最少的增加了不足1个小时是有学 子女的双职工夫妇,

302、这或许反映了父母在抚养子女方面花费更多时间这一倾向。 这里当然也存在着性别问题。家用器具的更新换代或许鼓励妇女去做有报酬的工作,但正如我们已经注意到的,技术发展并没有消除家务杂活。其结果是,我们发现男女业余时间的分配惊人地不平等。据亨利中心的调查,在英国,有工作的父亲、平均每周有48小时的空余时间。有工作的母亲只有14小时。 除去不平等,缺乏时间的感觉也普遍存在,并引起了各种反应。反应之一是试图投入最 少的时间以获取最大的满足。如今人们需要快餐需要电台、电视台插放简短片断,还要即刻得到满足。时间 一 旦被浪费人们就会很不高兴。 “人们谈沦着质量时间。他们需要最佳时光,”亨利中心的爱德华兹说。“

303、如果你带孩子去看电影或去麦当劳,但度过的时光并不甜美,你浪费了一个下午感觉就像是你丢失了宝贵 物品。钱丢失了还能挣回来,但时间浪费了就再也无法追回。” 人们还试图购买时间。任何能帮助我们提高生活效率的事物都有越做越大的市场。美国 人所谓的家政服务一一做家务,带孩子,修剪花木,居家装饰即为一例。网上零售商在看着销售额大幅增长虽然利润尚未同样大幅增长。 对时间匮乏的第三个反应是有关人的一生应该工作多少年的争论增多。你比过去更常听 到人们谈论早早退休,谈论放弃压力大的工作去从事工作时间短的工作。诸如英国全国,工作年限论坛这样的机构像雨后春笋般出现了,敦促雇主终止让管理人员加班的做法,而 采取能适应家

304、庭生活的工作方式。 所有这些反应的问题在于,把时间解放出来无论是靠更充分地利用时间,靠购买他 人的时间,还是靠缩短工作时问是没有意义的,如果赢得的时间即刻被用于其他目的。 正如戈德比所指出的,我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时 段中塞入过多的内容。“就像糖果店里的孩子,”他说。“有那么多美好的事情要做。选择之多,令人眼花缭乱。我们的业余时间在增加,但其速度跟不上我们心中日盖增多的必须做的事。” 更有效的解决方式或许在于去理解这一问题而不是回避这一 问题。 工业革命前,人们居住在交通联系不方便的小社区里。在本村范围内,人们自然而然地 期望了解该了解的一切,见到该见的一切,做

305、该做的一切。 如今,生性好奇的我们仍试图这么做。然而地球村是个有着无限可能的世界,我们 水远无法实现自己的目标。 我们需要的不是更多的时间:是更少的欲望。我们定要关掉手机,让孩子们自己玩耍。我们定耍少购物,少阅读,少出游。我们定要在有所为、有所不为方面给自已设定界限,不然则注定会越来越感到绝望o Unit 7 TerrorismText A The Nightmare and the DreamsTeaching PlanObjectives : 1. grasp the main idea of the text ; 2. appreciate the characteristics of

306、a familiar essay ; 3. master the kay language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit .Clues for reading the text and the main contentsThe title and the subtitle tell us the main idea

307、of this familiar essay (随笔,小品文).Read the title and subtitle , then define “ nightmare ” , “dream” and the subconscious . And check your interpretations (见解) against the text as you read on .If you were confused about the text structure , read the directions in Text Organization exercise 1. The autho

308、r chooses everyday happenings to show the subtitle changes in peoples minds . Please do Text Organization exercise 1. write down what the happenings are . The last part of the essay (Paras 20-30) deals with the so-called dream boom . In this way it echoes the very beginning of the essay - the title

309、and the subtitle . Some phrases that may help you do the group work : like awakening from a dream 如梦处醒 disaster falls from a clear sky 福从天降 cannot bear to look back 不堪回首 consider oneself unexcelled in the word 不可一世 beyond description 难于言表 a painful topic 难言之隐 unexpectedly 出乎意料 to show the subtitle c

310、hanges in peoples minds Analyze the difficult sentences1. Nothing significant in it except it may or may not have happened that way 30 or 40 years ago .(lines 26-27) 译文:这事并没有什么特别的意义,只是30年或40年前不会发生这样的事。 except ,(连词)1). 只是 ;2). 除了之外,要不是。2. But in its audience when the movie came out would likely have

311、been a young ,film-loving Army lieutenant named Colin Powell who ,that year ,was preparing for a second tour of duty in Vietnam .(lines 43-45) 1). 这是一个倒装句,“would likely have been”前面是表语,后面是主语;2). tour of duty 服兵役(期)表语主语3. We didnt use to (line 56) used to 过去常常(肯定式) didnt use to ,or :did not used to (

312、否定式) Did you use to ,or :Did you used to (疑问式) 4. Used to be (IDd) only for people who worked in nuclear power plants or great halls of government .(lines 71-72) 译文:过去只有在核电站或政府办公大楼里工作的人才带身份证。 1). 这是一个倒装+省略的句子. 5. I dont care what anyone says .(line 84) 我不在乎别人怎么说。 又如:Nobody cares what you do .没人管你干什么

313、。 I dont care a bit .我一点也不在乎。Text Analysis Characteristics of the familiar essay 1. Marked by informality : the familiar essay is a short literary composition of reflective , interpretive kind ,usually dealing with its subject from a limited personal point of view in a nontechnical , often unsystema

314、tic way . All this determines its style : informal ,colloquial ,very often conversational . (Text A begins with a paragraph telling how “I felt hot all yesterday”.) 2. Using concrete ,often subtle details to convey abstract ideas and inmost feelings . (In Text A ,careful selection of incidents to sh

315、ow peoples changes in attitude ,behavior ,mental state ,etc. For example ,how an African American and the author greeted each other in a friendly way , how her friend turned away when answering questions about the “9/11” event .) 3. Searching for meaning : the purpose of the familiar essay is usuall

316、y a search for meaning in the everyday context .(e.g. in Text A ,why were so many people wearing I.D. tags ? why was there a baby boom ?) The way to dig out the true meaning of something includes : to give facts that illuminate and illustrate ; to analyze cause and effect ; to examine history and po

317、ssibility ;to consider what others have said about it . 4. Use of figurative language : metaphor ,simile ;symbols ;imagery ;metonymy ( using part of something to refer to the whole ), etc. (In Text A , “we feel as if we were faxed” -simile ;the Brooklyn Bridge as a symbol of beauty , freedom and tec

318、hnological wonder) 5. The role of audience : through movement from concrete to abstract and back again ,the familiar essay may create in the reader an empathetic attitude to whats happening ,making him/ her a partaker rather than just an onlooker of the events described .6. no set structure : but wi

319、ll move from the abstract to the concrete and back again .第七课 Language Study1. reflect on / upon: think deeply about, remind oneself of (past events)思考;反思 Examples: Its a good habit to reflect on what you have done in the past. We agree that a central purpose of drama has always been to provide a me

320、ans for a society to reflect upon itself and its beliefs2. fax: transmit printed matter or an image by electronic means vt.传真n. Examples: Traveling businesspeople can send and receive electronic mail and fax messages in some airports. To deal with stiffer competition, hotels and motels offer better

321、services, such as foxing and photocopying for business travelers.n,Examples: Telegrams have been largely replaced by other forms of telecommunications, such as fax machines and electronic mail (e-mail). Motorola has a network of 66 low-orbiting satellites designed to permit transmission of voice, da

322、ta, fax, and paging signals anywhere on Earth. 3. span: extend across in space or time v.横跨,横越 Examples: Travelers will be able to walk across a footbridge that spans the Huangpe River by 2010. The film, spanning almost a quarter-century, tells the story of the Kennedy family. 4. I am struck. : I am

323、 impressed ,.我总是心动 5. jog: run slowly for physical exercise; push slightly v.慢跑;轻推 Examples: Running at a slow pace is sometimes called jogging. Peter jogged my arm and made me spill my tea. 6. hike: go for a long walk v.远足,徒步旅行 Examples: We are planning to hike in the country on Sunday. Helen had h

324、iked across Europe in his youth. 7. for nothing: without payment, free; with no reward or result免费;无酬劳,徒劳 Examples: I know the cyber bar manager so I always get in for nothing. All that hard work for nothing! 8. maintenance: maintaining or being maintained n.维护,保养 Examples: Concrete pavements have a

325、 long life and require little maintenance. Our research focuses on using computers, instrumentation, automation, and new materials to improve bridge design, construction, and maintenance. 9. contend: struggle or compete (usu. followed by with, or for) vi.斗争,竞争 Examples: Several teams are contending

326、for the prize. She has had a lot of problems to contend with.10. disapproving: showing disapproval adj.不赞成的,反对的 Examples: When I suggested a drink, she gave me a disapproving look. When I showed my newly-bought suit to her, she cast a disapproving look at it.11. hold up: put (sb, / sth.) forward as

327、an example, show将视为范例 Examples: This school is being held up as a model for other middle schools in the city, My sister was always held up to me as a model child.12. pertinent: to the point; related (followed by to) adj.中肯的;有关的,相干的 Example: His remarks were not pertinent to the matter we were discus

328、sing.13. suffering: pain of body or mind; (pl) feelings of pain, sorrow, etc. n.痛苦,不幸 Examples: Euthanasia is a practice of mercifully ending a persons life in order to release the person from an incurable disease and intolerable suffering. Extreme poverty can cause terrible suffering and death.14.

329、settle for: accept (sth. that is seen as not quite satisfactory)勉强接受,勉强认可 Examples: I would like a job in banking, but jobs are so scarce at the moment I would settle for anything. Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.15, come nut: be produced or pu

330、blished; become known, be revealed发表,出版;公开,透露 Examples: The dictionary has just come out on CD-ROM. My daughter bought F4s new album on the day it came out. The truth is beginning to come out about what happened. It will come out that he has covertly donated considerable sums to the terrorists.16. t

331、ag: a small piece of paper, plastic, etc, fixed to something to show what it is, who owns it, what it costs, etc. n.标签,附加物vt.加标签于,紧随 Examples: Staff were required to wear name tags at work. Whoever enters the building must wear an identity rag. vt. fasten a tag onto (sth).; go somewhere with someone

332、, especially when they do not want you to Examples: The most important trees were tagged to show they were under special protection. Tag the bottles now or well forget which one is which. Mom, I cant do anything with her tagging along all the time.17. string: thin cord; a series of things put togeth

333、er on a thread n.细绳,线;一串,一行 Examples: The parcel was tied up with string. She wore a string of pearls around her neck. vt. hang sth. up between two or more objects Examples: He bad strung a banner across the wall. People strung decorations on the fronts of their homes to celebrate Christmas.18. pond

334、er: think about carefully and for a long time (used in the patterns: ponder sth.; ponder on/ over sth.; ponder + wh) v.沉思,考虑 Examples: I found myself constantly pondering the question: Whats the meaning of life? My parents pondered on when to send me abroad for study. Our teacher is continually pond

335、ering how to improve our English.19. all of a sudden: suddenly突然 Examples: All the kids were quietly asleep, when, all of a sudden, the bell rang. The students were singing and dancing cheerfully. All of a sudden, all the lights went off.20. I am not just blowing through life: I am not just living m

336、y life without any sense of purpose.我不是在浮浮漂漂地混日子21, obscure: not easily seen or understood; not well-known adj.不易看清的;费解的,朦胧的,不出格的 Examples: The letter is written in rather obscure language. The message of a dream is often rather obscure. The music was written by ma obscure Greek composer. vt.使暗,使模糊

337、Examples: When a total lunar eclipse occurs, the moon is obscured for about 2 hours. Dust obscures our view of distant parts of our own galaxy.22. boom: sudden increase or growth n. 繁荣,迅速发展 Examples: As workers born during the baby boom of 1946 1964 have aged, the work force in the United States has

338、 grown progressively older. People with houses to sell are benefiting from the boom in property prices. v. 繁荣,迅速发展 Example: High-technology industries are booming and attracting larger numbers of scientists.23. mortality: the state of being unable to live for ever; the rate of deaths among a certain

339、 kind of people n.必死性;死亡率 Examples: The nations infant mortality rate has reached a record low. Although it has a huge population, China has successfully reduced hath fertility and mortality.24. statistical: means of or shown by statistics adj.统计的,统计学的 Examples: The teacher made a statistical analys

340、is of how frequently certain words are used in speech and writing. The report was based heavily on primary statistical information regularly collected by governments.25. back up: support; make a copy of (a disk)支持;复制作为备份 Examples: Only a few employees backed him up in the election. I often back up t

341、he files stored on my computer just in case.26. envelop: enclose with a covering vt.包住,覆盖,包围 Examples: The lake was enveloped in mist. Walking in the forest, we felt the rich fragrant smell of the forest enveloping us27. adolescent: a young person between childhood and adulthood n.青少年 Examples: Hist

342、orically, the task of instructing adolescents about sex has been seen as the responsibility of the parents. Among adolescents, imitating the fashion, hairstyle, or speech of prominent public figures is an attempt to secure charisma and success.28. send in: send (sth.) to a place where it will be dea

343、lt with寄送,呈交 Examples: Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter. I hope that readers will send in their ideas for saving money.29. recur: happen again or repeatedly vi.复发,反复出现Example: Eclipses recur at regular intervals. 30. unusual: not usual, exceptional adj.不同寻常的,与众不同的 Examples:

344、 A profusion of Japanese cherry trees is an unusual feature of the garden. American culture possesses an unusual mixture of patterns and forms forged from among its diverse peoples. 31. weave: make threads into cloth by crossing them under and over each other on a loom, or make cloth in this way; in

345、vent a complicated story or plan vt.纺织,编排 Examples: In The Emperors New Clothes, the two strangers declare they can weave the finest stuff anyone can imagine. In West Africa, men weave certain kinds of prestigious textiles. He was good at weaving elaborate plots. n,编法,织法,纺织式样 Example: Fabrics with a

346、 close weave are ideal for painting,32. imagination: the ability to imagine; sth. only imagined and not real. n.想象(力);想象出来的东西 Examples: Einsteins genius was characterized equally by logical clarity and creative imagination. The teacher should let his students imagination go as far as it can. 第七单元 恐怖

347、主义课文A 佩吉.诺南住在纽约,每周为华尔街时报撰写专栏文章。本文即是其中一篇。她 在文章中反思了自己的一周以及这个城市的生活。撰写此文时,离世贸中心被毁还不到 一周年,她的思考不可避免地带有这一可怕事件的阴影。 梦魇与梦想 911事件如何影响了国民的潜意识? 佩吉.诺南 纽约真热。天气如此炎热,因此,有一次我发高烧,朋友打电话问我感觉如何时,我就说,“你知道发传真时纸张有多干燥多烫手吗?那就是我的感觉。”昨天整整一天我都是这种感觉。太热了。我们觉得自己被传真过似的。 昨天清晨5点我就完全醒了,便上布鲁克林大桥散步。如今这座大桥越发像是赐予我们这个城市的一件贵重礼物。它跨河而立。在业已改变的市

348、区景观中,它依旧是一道美丽的景致,年复一年,越发显得气势非凡。如今,人们似乎更喜欢它,至少是更多地提到它、注意到它。本人也一样。桥上总是挤满游客,也总足挤满纽约居民。 我在这座桥上行走时总是深感骄傲,因为自己漫步在世界工程技术一大奇迹之上:今天踏上这座桥,我同样深感骄傲。昨天我深受感动,因为我在观看有人类创造史以来最辉煌的景象之一:曼哈顿日出。 而且那是分文不花的。亿万寓翁要想拥有这座桥,将这一景致占为已有,那得付出亿万钱财,而我以及那些或慢跑、或骑车、或徒步的同行者却能免费享用。我们继承了这座大桥。如今我们所要做的只是以纳税的方式支付维修费用。我辈实属有幸。 我从布鲁克林一边上桥时,一件小事

349、更增添了我的快乐。天刚亮,车辆稀少,我与辆车窗熏黑的黑色面包车擦肩而过。窗开着的驾驶座里坐着一个30岁左右的黑人,帽子低低地压在眉檐上,戴着一副厚厚的黑色太阳镜。我走在通往大桥的人行道上,他距我不到两英尺周围只有我们两个人。我们目光对视。早上好!他说。早上好,”我回答着,两人随即无缘无故地大笑起来,笑罢各人继续各人的生活。这事并没有什么特别的意义,只是30年或40年前是不足会发生这样的事。我不知道那时会不会有这种完全友好的表示,又会不会得到回应。 这让我想起星期一晚上看的电视节目。他们播放的是1967年的影片猜猜谁来赴晚餐,山凯瑟琳赫本、辛尼普瓦提艾和斯潘塞特雷西主演,讲的是个一人姑娘与一个黑

350、人小伙子相爱,想要结婚不得不与持反对态度的双方父母做斗争。影片拍得不错,故事的部分细节似乎很感人,如何感人我记不清楚了,反正很切题。 有几段对话让人为之震动。饰演未来新娘父亲的斯潘塞特雷西质问普瓦提艾先生,他是否想过他们混血的孩子在美国将会承受多少痛苦。他考虑过这点吗?他的未婚妻考虑过这点吗?“她很乐观,”普瓦提艾先生说。她认为他们每个人都能长大成人当上美国总统。而我则觉得他们能当国务卿也就可以了。”这些写于35年前的话“当时听上去或许就像是痴人说梦。但影片上映时,观众中可能就有爱看电影的年轻的陆军中尉科林.鲍戚尔,当年他正准备第二次到越南去服役。如今他正担任着国务卿这一职。这是个梦想成真的国

351、度。这么说你是否觉得有点老生常谈?是有点。这又是一件美妙的事情。 星期二晚些时候,在从布鲁克林开往曼哈顿北部的地铁上,我又看到一个我注意过,可后来又忘了的现象。那就是大街,地铁里,我越来越经常地发现人们挂着表明身份的胸卡。如今人人都佩带胸卡。过去我们是不带的。胸卡吊在粗棉线或铝制链上;有的佩带一张,有的同时佩带三张,反正胸卡处处可见。 我思索着这一现象意味着什么。大家随身携带身份证件,这意味着什么?我们是在表明什么?或者说我们自以为是在表明什么?我指的是表象之外的意义。 假设昨天地铁车厢里我对面的那排人一下子放下报纸抬起头来,逐个回答道: “这意味着我知道自己是谁,”穿蓝衬衫和吊裤带的那个男子

352、说。 “这意味着我能进办公楼,”那个灰衣女子说。 “这表明我是个有职业的体面公民。” “在工作场所别人知道我是谁。” “我不是在混日子,我融入了生活。我有所归属。我有固定的工资。” “安检部门对我的背景来历核查过,认定我为人可靠。你呢?” 我不知道车上那些失业的人看着别人头颈里吊着的胸卡,会不会有什么想法。我希望不久我也有张胸卡。我不知道那些月刚刚开始工作的17岁的小伙予们会不会知晓,以前在美国,我们并不是人人携带身份证的。过去只有在核电站或政府办公人楼单工作的人才用。在别处,没人会知道你是谁。这可不是件坏事。 一个月前,有关于9ll事件之后出现升育高峰的新闻报道。大家为那些关于死亡的报道所震

353、惊,意识到决没有什么生养孩子的最佳时机,现在我们既然活着,就该生儿育女。我相 信关于生育高峰报道的真实性,期待着这些孩子的出生。 后来又有报道说,不对,没有什么生育高峰,那完全是道听途说,并没有统计数据加以 证实。我也相信这报道的真实性。但好几个星期以来我一直关注着 一个情况。我家附近出现了生育高峰。布鲁克林到处都是婴儿。处处可见新生婴儿,处处可见粉嘟嘟的、小手小脚软软的婴儿,他们蜷伏在父亲胸前的棉兜里。处处可见婴儿小推车,不仅是普通的小推车,还有那种可放两个婴儿的小推车。甚至还有可放三个婴儿的小推车。 别人怎么说我不管应该有数据证实我目睹的情况:911事件之后,至少在布鲁克林出现了生育高峰。

354、 夜梦也激增。一天我跟事件发生后 一直没见过面的位朋友交谈。世贸大楼倒下时,他就在两个街区之外,目睹了一切。我们都看过当日那令人震惊的电视镜头,看过一遍又一遍,但很少有人看到过我朋友所描述的情景:在世贸中心近旁的办公大楼里,他们站在窗边,突然黑暗将他们笼罩,邢两幢楼倒塌了,可怕的浓烟迅速蔓延。你有没有看到那些被迫往下跳的人?我问。 “看到,”他说着移开了视线。 你有没有做噩梦? “做的,”他说着,仍看着别处。 我好几天都想着这事。我的这位朋友才华横溢,天生擅长描述自己的感受与见闻。但这次却例外。我跟一位当治疗专家的朋友交谈。你的病人是不是都做些稀奇古怪的梦?我问。 “总足做那样的梦”他笑了起来

355、。 都跟91l事件有关? “是的,”他说“主要都是青少年。” 我问他有没有把这些梦收集好记下来。他摇了摇头。 是 啊:9.l1梦录项目。我们应着手进行了。本人有意去做,虽说我自己也不太清楚到底为什么。我想,以后也许我会试着把那些梦写下来。也许不会。但我相信,梦可以反映国民的潜意识如果真有所谓潜意识而且值得把梦当一回事。(卡尔荣格持肯定态度。) 既然值得当回事就要记录下来。请把你做的与9ll事件有关的梦寄给我一再重复的,不同寻常的,惊人的,等等。我会阅读你们的来函,会理解,可能的话会将它们编成一篇文章,反映9ll事件对我们的梦幻生活和想象力即当我们的想像力独立地、无拘无束、毫无牵绊地持续发挥时产

356、生了什么影响。Unit 8 TravelText A In the JungleTeaching PlanvObjectives : 1. understand the main idea and structure of the text ; 2. appreciate the fluid and sensual writing style ; 3. grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text ; 4. conduct a series of reading ,listening ,speaking

357、 and writing activities.Clues for reading the text and the main contents The text is a beautiful piece ,here Id like to say something more about it :The text is divided into three parts by the author .In Part I. the author tells us the time (a February night ,the middle of summer), whereabouts (下落,所

358、在地方,a village ,the Napo River in the Ecuadorian jungle), characters (the author and her party), event (traveling for a weekend). Main idea of Part I : Description of the Napo River and surrounding jungle scenery at night ,together with the authors reflections on it . oIn Part II, the author first wr

359、ites about what happened “later that night”, then moved back to narrate the incidents of “that afternoon”, finally back to “now”. Using such linking devices ,the author achieves coherence . Taking her hair as a topic ,the author tells about her combing her hair ,her playing with girls and the land o

360、f happiness makes her partner wonder . Main idea of Part II : Recalling what happened to her at their arrival at the village and what others felt about the Napo River and the people there .oIn Part III, Para 9. is a general statement : The point of their going here is to get a feel for the place ,fo

361、r the fringes and hollows ,for the Amazon basin and for the life . In detail - on the tributary ,in the riverside village Paras 10-18 are narration about something respectively . Para 10. - introduction to the Napo River itself . Para 11. - introduction to strips of sandbar . Para 12. - about partic

362、ular living custom on strips of sandbar . Para 13. - describing the trees ,butterflies ,ants inside the jungle . Para 14. - about traveling through one of the long lakes in the jungle . Para 15. - This wonderful lake was full of creatures from the sky into the water . Para 16. - about the lake and r

363、iver waters and fish . Para 17. - about life in the village that night ,and her admiration for the people there . Para 18. - showing her admiration for the place . All those (Paras 10-18) mentioned above are controlled by Para 9. And “it is out of the way” and “in the way” in the last paragraph echo

364、es the last sentence of Para 1. “Out of the way of human life ,tenderness ,or the glance of heaven ?” Main idea of Part III : Detailed description of journeying in the jungle and her feeling about it .Sensory impressions in the text : hear ,feel (holding) ,smell (smelled sweet) ,observe (watching) ,

365、taste (sucking) Please find out the sensory impressions in each part .The route of the authors journey : at bankside (at bankside (在河岸坡在河岸坡) - disembarking () - disembarking (上岸上岸) ) /in the village - on the tributary (/in the village - on the tributary (支流支流) - on ) - on the sandbar (the sandbar (沙

366、洲沙洲) - in the jungle () - in the jungle (丛林丛林) - ) - long lakes in the jungle (long lakes in the jungle (林中狭湖林中狭湖) - back to ) - back to the riverside village (the riverside village (回村回村) . ) . Please find out her whereabouts in each part .Please find out her whereabouts in each part .uuDuration of

367、 her jungle : Duration of her jungle : in the middle of the night ,later that night in the middle of the night ,later that night ,that afternoon ,that night in the village . ,that afternoon ,that night in the village . Simply : night - day /afternoon - night Simply : night - day /afternoon - night u

368、uDescription skill : space position description -Description skill : space position description - from top to bottom- from top to bottomuuThe author handles the changes in time and The author handles the changes in time and place in a smooth way . place in a smooth way . uuShe was sitting on a tree

369、stump in Part I, then she sat in a camp in Part II , went on a journey away from the river into the jungle and finally returned to a riverside village in Part III. The whole piece begins with thinking ,ends with judgement and experiences appears in the middle .The process of her experience (她的感受过程)

370、: 1. from the whole to parts . 2. from large to small . 3. from sensors to brain ,from experience to thinking .More wonderful details wait you to find out ! More wonderful work wait you to accomplish !Analyze the difficult sentences1. It makes me wonder why Im going back . (line 40) 我不由寻思,自己为什么要回去。

371、练习: wonder if /what /how /why /who 等的用法: I wonder 不晓得,不知道。 如: I wonder what the time is .不知道现在几点了 I wonder if he can . 不晓得他能不能 I wonder whether I might ask you a question . 不知道可不可以问你一个问题 I wonder who it is ? 这究竟是谁?2, and start the children singing .(line 99) 让孩子们唱歌。 练习使用“start /get /have /set sb. do

372、ing ” 这一表达法。“让某人做某事” start ,get ,have ,set 都有“使,使得”之意 。 如:Get the whole Nation reading. 让全民读书。 Text AnalysisThe text is beautifully written . Thats why we arrange a post-reading activity simply for students to share favorite sentences with each other . It may be true that the functional use of Engli

373、sh will dominate in their life ,but it pays to expose them to be aesthetic side of English .There is an abundance of sensory impressions in the essay . All of our five senses are appealed to here . We hear the songs of birds ,insects and children . We feel the coolness of drinks and of the night . W

374、e smell the sweetness in the air . We observe the wonderful sights and graceful movements on the river ,on the lake and in the jungle . We taste the delicious village food . Not only does the author move effortlessly from one sensory impression to another ,but she also handles the changes in time an

375、d place in a smooth , seamless way . In Part II, she first writes about what happened “later that night”, then moved back to narrate the incidents of “that afternoon”, finally back to “now”. She was sitting on a tree stump on the river bank near a palm-thatch village in Part I, then she sat in a cam

376、p in Part II, went on a journey away from the river into the jungle and finally returned to a riverside village in Part III.All through these movements there is overall coherence . There is an echo - “It would be worth it”, “The Napo River : it is not out of the way . It is in the way”. 第八课 Language

377、 Study1. in the heart of: in the center of在中心 Examples: The metropolitan museum is located in the heart of the city. Apartments in the heart of the city are too expensive to purchase.2. hush: be or become silent vi.安静下来,变得安静 Examples: Hush, youll wake up the baby! Having cried for half an hour, the

378、little boy hushed.3. illumine: shine light on vt.照亮,照明 Examples: The sky was illumined by flashes from the volcano. My balloon was illumined by the sun that was just rising.4. now., now. : at one time., at another time.忽而忽而 Examples: The junior officer who came into the room looked nervous; his eyes

379、 swiveled quickly, now this way, now that, as if he were scanning the room for danger. Now soft, now loud, now cheerful, now sorrowful, the voice of Uncle Tom told as much of the tale as his words did. To our right were mountains, with clouds swiftly passing along their heights and we could see the

380、road, hugging the coast and curving now left, now fight.5. in (all / complete) silence: with (complete) absence of sound or noise(完全)不出声地Examples: The kids were listening to the music in the classroom, in complete silence. The soldiers stood in the glaring sun as the minutes ticked away, in all sile

381、nce.Note: Students should be advised that in all silence is rather literary and can sound odd in normal contexts. Simply in silence or in complete silence is safer for them to use.6. tangle: catch in or as in a net, trap; mix together or intertwine in a confused mass vt.使卷入,使陷入;使缠结,使混乱Examples: The

382、bushes were tangled with vines. I have the sort of hair that tangles easily.7. trail: extend over a surface vi.蔓延,伸展Examples: Roses trailing over the walls made her garden so beautiful. The strawberry is a trailing plant belonging to the rose family8. loop: form or bend into a loop vt.使成环状 Examples:

383、 The man looped the rope over the wooden pole. She looped the scarf round her neck and went out into the cold night air. 9. mute: reduce or stop the sound of vt.减弱(或停止)的声音 Examples: AI the sight of their teacher walking into the classroom, they muted their voices. The strings are muted throughout th

384、e closing bars of the symphony.10. dissolve: fade away, disappear v.消散,消失 Examples: The panda ate the bamboo rapidly and then dissolved into the shadows. The characteristics of gases vary widely. Some gases are transparent, some dissolve in water, and some have a strong smell.11. loose: untie, relea

385、se vt.解开,放开 Examples: The hunter loosed the arrow without warning. Its not a healthy habit to loose your belt when you are full.12. slump: sit or fall down heavily vi.重重地坐下(或倒下) Examples: Kennedy had been hit and slumped to the floor of the automobile. He slumped into a chair, completely exhausted.1

386、3. be dying to do sth. / for sth.: desire (to do) sth. Eagerly非常想做某事(或得到某物) Examples: She was dying to tell them the good news that she had won first prize in the speech contest. Having worked in the sun for four hours, 1 was dying for a cup of tea.14. get ones bands on: catch hold of, find or get (

387、sth.) (same as lay ones hands on)抓到得到 Examples: I wish I could get my hands on a copy of Harry Potter. I need to get my hands on a good computer. 15. take apart: separate into its different parts拆开,分开 Examples: When I was young, my parents never blamed me for taking my toys apart. When my computer b

388、roke down, l took it apart, found what was wrong, and the whole thing together again.16. spectacular: extraordinary; very attractive or impressive adj.与众不同的;引人入胜的,壮观的 Examples: The British Museum, one of the most spectacular museums in the world, is renowned for its extensive and diverse collections

389、. The Suns movement can produce spectacular sunrises and sunsets under the atmospheric conditions.17. fringe: the outer edge or limit of sth. n.边缘,边界 Examples: Near the outer fringes of the solar system lies dark blue Neptune, a gas giant probably has no true surface. With the new suburbs springing

390、up on the fringes of the city, the urban life changed completely.18. hollow: a space sunk into something n.洞穴 Examples: The explorer fell into a muddy hollow while walking in the forest. Water gathers in a hollow and forms a pond.19. in detail: with specifics详细地 Examples: The police asked the victim

391、 of the robber), to describe what happened to him in detail. To maintain their place in the media world, newspapers try hard to cover news events in greater detail than television and radio do.20. opaque: not clear enough to allow light through adj.不透光的,不透明的 Examples: Usually transparent, glass can

392、nonetheless also be opaque. Milk is often stored in opaque containers to prevent vitamins from being destroyed by light.21.smear: make (sth.) dirty; spread(a thick liquid,etc.)over a surface (used in th e pattern: smear on/over sth./sb.; smear sth./sb.with sth.) vt. 弄脏,涂抹Examples: Dont smear the gla

393、sses; Ive just polished them. The boys face was smeared with mud. My sister smeared herself with suntan oil as she sat by the swimming pool.22. flock: a group of certain animals n.(动物)群 Examples: Large flocks of geese pass this way in autumn, searching for a resting place. The police are warning mot

394、orists that a flock of sheep has / have escaped onto the road. in flocks: in groups成群地 Examples: Many small birds feed in flocks. Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even at sea.23.dart: move suddenly and rapidly vi.迅疾地飞 Examples: The lizard darted out its tongue at a fly. The boy

395、darted behind the sofa as his father stormed into the living room.24. repute: believe, consider (If you say that something is reputed to be true, you mean that people say it is true, but you dont know if it is definitely true; often used in passive; a formal word.) vt.认为,称为 Examples: Mohammed Atef w

396、as reputed to be the mastermind of the September 11 attacks. She is widely reputed to be over twenty years younger than her husband. Maradona is reputed to earn over two million pounds a year.25.strip: a long narrow region of land or body of water; a long narrow piece n.狭长的地域(呀水域);条,带 Examples: Abou

397、t 30 million people five along the Californian coastal strip. Our pay slips used to be printed on long strips of paper. 26. paddle: move (a canoe) through the water using a paddle v.用桨划(船) Examples: Canoes can be paddled by one or more persons. One of the things you will be taught at the training sc

398、hool is how to paddle a canoe.27. out of sight: no longer in view在视野以外,看不见 Examples: When out of sight of land, ancient seafarers used to derive clues about their location by observing the position of the Sun. The woman didnt go into the house until her daughter drove away and slowly faded out of si

399、ght.28. striped: marked with or having stripes adj.有条纹的Examples: She looked slim in her green and white striped shiirt. The room was decorated with striped wallpaper. 29. clatter: vi. move quickly and noisily; (cause to) make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other vi.喧闹地移动

400、,(使)咔嗒咔嗒地响Examples: She dropped the bucket and it went clattering down the stairs.His boots clattered on the stone floor, attracting our attention.30. fuss: bustle about; give too much attention to small and unimportant matters (often followed by around / about / over) vi.忙乱;大惊小怪 Examples: As soon a

401、s they saw the manager the waiters began fussing around the tables. My wife was fussing over the food we were going to take.31. slap: shoot, throw with force; hit with something flat vt.弹射;拍击 Examples: The pinch hitter slapped the ball. Catherine responded to the mans attempt by slapping him. If you

402、 tell lies again Ill slap your face. the woman said.32. out of range: too far away to be reached, seen or beard在射程外的,够不到的 Examples: We thought that we were out of range of their rifles until the bullets started kicking up the dust in front of us. It was said the flying object was well out of range o

403、f their rockets.33. thrash: move wildly or violently (followed by about/around) vi.猛烈摆动,翻腾 Examples: The swimmers were thrashing about in the water. The dog thrashed around trying to break free.34. heap: an untidy pile of something; plenty of, a lot of (usu. in plural) n.一堆,大量 Examples: He left his

404、books in a heap on the floor. There is heaps of time before I take the examination.35. glide: move quickly and silently with ease; fly through the air without power vi.轻快无声地走;滑翔 Examples: At the sight of me she glided across the dance floor to greet me. The waiters glided between tightly packed tabl

405、es bearing trays of pasta. The flying snake cant actually fly but can glide considerable distances.36. swarm: move in a crowd vi.成群地移动,蜂拥 Examples: A dark cloud of bees came swarming out of the hive. Panic-stricken, people swarmed to the shops, buying up everything in sight. The crowd was swarming o

406、ut through the gates.37. hop: (of a person) jump on one foot; (of a bird or other animals) jump with two or all feet at once; vi.(人)单足跳,跳跃;(鸟和其它动物)齐足跳 Examples: He hopped down the steps like an athlete. The birds hopped about and pecked the earth briskly, looking for seeds and insects. 第八单元 旅行课文A 安妮

407、.迪拉德讲述了自己游览厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河的经历。那是大自然遭受人为破坏最少的地区之一。她描述了森林之美以及对生活在那里的土著人的歆慕之情。 在丛林中 安妮.迪拉德 如同所有僻远之地,当你身临其境时厄瓜多尔丛林深处的纳波河就显得那么真实,甚至有中心要地的感觉。那么僻远之地远离什么呢?夜半时分,在亚马逊河的源头,我坐在一个树墩上,身后是傍水的棕榈叶作屋顶的小村落。远离人类活动,远离脉脉温情。或者说远离天堂的扫视? 一只欧夜鹰在密密的树叶间发出三声长啼,旋即静默无声。和我一起的那些男人轻声交谈着:3个北美人,4个为我们在丛林中带路的厄瓜多尔人。我们手里拿着清凉的饮料,悠闲地看着一只有手那么大小

408、的狼蛛捕捉纷纷扑向我们身旁发电机棚屋上一个灯泡的飞虫。 时值2月,正当仲夏。绿莹莹的萤火虫在空中闪出光亮,一 会儿这里照亮一下、一会儿那里照亮一下幽木巨树暗淡的树干。在我们下方,褐黄色的纳波河水正在涨潮。万籁俱寂:唯见河水沿着沙岸蜿蜒流过,水沫裹挟在蔓生在森林罩的藤蔓间以及盘绕岸边的树根上。 夜晚吸入的每口气都沁人心脾。猎户星座里的每一颗星星似乎都因了我的呼吸而颤动。突然,我们身后空地旁的茅屋里,传出了录音机的声音,一首乐曲在村子大地之上缭绕,减弱了我们在河畔谈话的声音,然后又传至河面,顺流飘去。 人生遇此情景足矣,我暗想。在此度过周末足矣,在此小住数月足矣,在此安家足矣。 夜半时分,我散开辫

409、子,把头发梳理得平平整整一一不是为我自己,而是为了村里那些 姑娘们早上可以玩我的头发。 我们是那天下午在这个小村上岸的,我垂着头坐在树荫下的踏级上真希望自己会说几 句西班牙语或盖丘亚语,好跟围成一圈的小女孩说说话,她们一会儿看看我,一会儿又低头看着自己的脚趾窃笑。我还是开口了,笑着抚弄自已的头发,她们显然也都非常想碰碰我的头发。没过一会儿,她们就给我编辫子了,她们5个人,50个手指,我是一头辫子,连留海也编成了辫子。她们拆了编,编了拆一边笑一边教我西班牙语单词,望望我,又相互对望,个个喜形于色。她们那些穿着牛仔服的小弟弟们都爬下树来,跟一个北美人踢排球玩耍。 此刻,我在低矮的帐篷里梳理着头发,

410、另一个北美人,一位来自曼哈顿的自由作家,正 在轻声说活。他在向我们讲述他人生的故事,讲述他在好莱坞的工作、在曼哈顿的公寓、在巴黎的家”“我不由纳闷”他说,“在厄瓜多尔的从林里,在纳波河上,在蓬帕雅小村,在树下的帐篷里,自己在干什么。”他顿了顿,接着说:“我不由寻思,自己为什么要回去。” 去厄瓜多尔纳波河这种地方不是为了观赏什么世界奇观,们只是去看一看那里有些什幺。人生在世,唯有一次,我们不妨去感受一下那个地方。我们不妨去感受一下有生命生活其间 的远水水乡山谷,去感受覆盖了半个大陆的亚马逊河流域,去感受那样一种生活在那里, 一如在别的地方那种必定总是琐碎的生活:存各条支流上在临水的村落里,在有着

411、独 特形状的阴凉处吮吸着有白色浆果的独特的番石榴。那里的一切都趣味盎然。纳波河河面宽阔,河水混浊,呈褐黄色,浮沫以及从林里来的木段和树枝翻浮其上。成群的鹦鹉忽而飞进树荫里,忽而飞入阳光里。水下潜伏着南美蟒蛇-据说每年都要吞吃几名村童-还有水蟒、鳄鱼,以及肉质鲜美的鱼类。 水浅的地方露出灰茫茫的狭长沙洲土著人在沙洲上为过夜的渔人搭建了小小的棕榈茅舍。你能见到这些清洁得出奇的人(他们在河里一天沐浴两次,满头直挺的黑发更是刚刚洗 过)在独术舟里紧贴着河岸荡桨。 在本世纪早期,这一地区的一些印第安人常常赤身睡在吊床里。夜晚颇凉。勘测亚马逊河支流的美国探险家戈登麦克里奇曾记述说,他凌晨3点就听见印第安人

412、起身,深感愕然。更令他惊奇的是,夜复一夜,他都听 见他们半睡半醒地缓步走向河边,趟到河里洗起澡来。后来他才弄明白他们是在干什么:他们在取暖。凉意把他们冻醒,他们便到河里暖暖身子,因为河水保持90(华氏)度不变;随后他们再回到吊床上,睡到天亮。 当你离开大河,深入从林,满眼树木高耸入云。一眼望去,成群的蝴蝶穿过丛林小径,有宝蓝的,有条纹的,有纯色翅膀的。在脚下,则有一长列蚂蚁背负着三角形的绿叶碎片。负叶爬行的蚂蚁就像一支规模庞大、扬帆行驶的船队只是它们不会停歇。无论什么方向,都能看到它们在丛林的地面上摇摇摆摆地爬行。丛林中狭长的湖泊上波光闪闪。我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则

413、以竹当篙。有着一半印第安血统的向导前一天已绎辟出了通往湖泊的小路;我们在小路上行走时,看见他砍下作为装饰的蟒蛇头,张开大口,钉在独木舟边尖头枝条上。 湖泊奇妙无比。苍鹭存岸边缓缓地边着步子,翠鸟和杜鹃欢叫着从阳光里飞入树荫,火 鸡模样的大鸟在枯枝间忙碌,鹰在头上盘旋。我们毋庸为时间担忧,可以从容地欣赏周同的一切。 一只乌龟滑入水中。我乘坐的独木舟船头坐着个男孩,他用简陋的弹弓橡皮弹架和皮索发射石弹击打飞鸟。他摆出漂亮的架势瞄准飞鸟,却一次又一次地偏离目标;鸟 总是飞出他的射程。他把弹弓塞回进衬衣内。我移开目光。 湖水与河水都如热带雨林中的树叶那样乳浊;那水是面纱,是窗帘,是画屏。你只能从 表象

414、看事物。我看到近岸的河水在起伏,上面翻腾着一条巨滑舌鱼,那是这一带水域出产的 一种奇大的黑鱼;上一个星期捕获一条,重达430磅。湖里有水虎鱼,还自电鳗。我用手指在水里划着,心想即使被鱼咬一口也值得。 那天夜晚在小村里,我们将吃鸡肉,还有米饭、洋葱和一大堆水果。夕阳会西下,像落幕似地把夜暮降下。黄昏短暂,暮色中,看不见的鸟儿在伤感似地啼鸣,声声动人。两位修女,身穿耀眼的白色道服年轻的修女身材姣好,年长的邶位慈眉善目会在夜色中悄然来到开着门的用藤条茅草搭建的教室里,让孩了们唱歌。孩子们会用西班牙语放声歌唱,歌声又高又纯;他们会用盖丘亚语唱“上帝离你更近”,唱得非常快。孩予们唱着唱着兴奋起来,纷纷从木凳上站起,簇拥在两位修女身旁,又是跳,又是冲着我们笑。人人都在欢笑,穿戴头巾的修女满脸欢笑,声音清脆的孩子们还在歌唱,棕榈叶铺的屋顶也在颤动。 纳波河:那不是荒僻的地方。那是个有人烟的地域,像杯子盛载往里倒的水那样,纳波河接住照射下来的阳光:那是个充满清新空气的低洼地区,一片翠绿的盆地,环境优美的盆地,看来还是个平静的盆地。谢谢大家对我工作的支持和帮助!Thank you very much !欢迎大家观看!



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